Since 1996, PBH has periodically provided its
Provider Feedback Helps Evaluate
high volume individual and group outpatient
few of the issues raised by providers are
providers with objective feedback on key
The ALERT System: Early Results Neurofeedback in the Treatment
Profiling system. In 1999 PacifiCare Behavioral
numbers that are different than the number
Health implemented a completely redesigned
Effective Treatment Planning
profile. This new profile includes nine quality
The Dilemma of Delirium
indicators, plus several descriptive measures,
Preliminary Results for 1999 Member Satisfaction
including a summary of the severity of the
within 90 days of the date of service. Substance Abuse Reporting and
provider’s case-mix. The following are highlights
Treatment Coordination of Care Academy Free Membership Offer
● Profiles were distributed to nearly 1300
Northwest Staff Introduction
individual practitioners and over 80 group
12 or younger with at least one family visit
practices. These providers saw approximately
Celexa® Added to Formulary Meeting Special Needs
indicated they meet with the family of their
younger patients, but do not submit claims
● In the six-month period from October 1998
PBH Management & Staff
met PBH’s target of having a complaint rate
encourages providers to use these codes at
Alan Savitz, M.D.
least once during a treatment episode with
members under the age of 12, when the family
● During this same six-month period, only
Jerome Vaccaro, M.D.
when a patient was receiving psychotropic
The percentage of referred patients not seen
Jeff Meyerhoff, M.D.
within 30 days seems high. Several providers
pointed out that members often choose not
to pursue treatment immediately, and that they
Jack Costello, MS, MBA
cannot control this. PBH recognizes that many
Director, Northwest Regional Operations
members voluntarily choose to delay the initia-
Edward R. Jones, Ph.D.
indicators is challenging, and PBH recognizes
tion of treatment. An internal analysis showed
that the interpretation of any individual indi-
that a typical “no show” rate is about 30%; a
Jack Pauley, LCSW
cator for a given provider can be influenced by
persistently higher rate over time may indicate
many factors. The profiling system is intended
that accessibility is problematic. In light of
Christy Beaudin, Ph.D., LCSW,
to be one tool among many that evaluates the
the concerns raised by providers, PBH will re-
evaluate the appropriateness of this measure
care and service provided to members by PBH
provider partners. To continually improve this
Alice Kuchinskas, MFCC
quality measurement tool, the initial profile
mailings have been accompanied by a question-
plan started with data collection at each
of its Preferred Group Practices and then
PBH has developed a unique system for measuring clinical
outcomes. This new program, ALERT (Algorithms for
Effective Reporting and Treatment), emphasizes the impor- show that PBH is delivering on its
tance of guiding patients and practitioners along the
course of a treatment episode. Unlike other outcomes pro-
grams, the PBH program provides more than a snapshot
of a patient’s change before and after treatment. It is
treatment shows an effect size (statistical
designed to monitor how the patient is changing during an
episode of care, thereby assisting the provider in changing
The ALERT System is based on information provided
directly by the patient. While other outcomes manage-
ment programs tend to rely on data submitted by the
treating practitioner, PBH has developed a system that
relies on patient self-report data. Powerful new tools have
been developed for this purpose in consultation with lead-
ing researchers in the field. The Life Status Questionnaire
(LSQ) and the Youth Life Status Questionnaire (YLSQ)
are patient self-report instruments jointly owned by PBH
and American Professional Consulting Services (APCS).
Drs. Michael Lambert and Gary Burlingame, Professors of
Psychology at Brigham Young University and principals of
APCS, are two of the nation’s leading experts in the field
The ALERT System is an efficient, user-friendly system
ized, controlled clinical trials does not
for collecting, analyzing and reporting clinical informa-
tion. The LSQ and YLSQ are 30-item instruments that
patients/parents complete in 5 minutes or less. They are
administered prior to the first, third and fifth sessions and
faxed to PBH by the treating practitioner. The LSQ and
YLSQ have been developed in a unique software applica-
tion that automatically enters the faxed information into a
clinical database. This same fax-based technology is used
for submitting the provider’s assessment of the patient, the
Provider Assessment Report (PAR). The ALERT System
quickly analyzes the clinical data submitted by both
patient and provider, and generates reports that tell the
clinician which patients are doing well and which patients
are most at risk. The types of risk identified relate to
suicidal behavior, chemical dependency, and premature
dropout from treatment due to poor response.
The ALERT System was implemented in 1999 through-
out California, and PBH plans to roll it out to all of its
regions during the next year. The PBH implementation
one problem statement based on the infor-
for achieving those goals. The goals are the
In the last edition of Networknews the issue of
mation gathered from the assessment. This
“big picture”, while the objectives are the
the “clinical assessment” was addressed. An
may or may not be the patient’s presenting
small, measurable targets that are established
accurate assessment is the cornerstone of a
to help identify whether or not the goals are
clinician’s treatment plan. The treatment plan
salient treatment issue identified. Each issue
is a roadmap that aids the mental health
should be clearly stated and numbered for
have been set the clinician should list the
practitioner in staying focused through the
easier reference. It should contain informa-
treatment episode. Without a solid, clearly
tion about why the patient has entered treat-
defined treatment plan the patient’s care can
ment at this time, what changes in life-role
should include the type, modality and fre-
become aimless and meandering, and in many
symptoms exist that help define the problem.
An effective treatment plan should contain
Next, the practitioner should formulate the
for adjunct treatment and/or possible refer-
the following elements. It should have at least
goals for treatment and set up the objectives
rals, such as medication evaluations, support
ventions are a way for practitioners to frame
patient to learn and do, and approximately
Psychiatric hospitals are adept at treating
interactive process with the patient. Setting
patients with psychiatric conditions, but they
goals with the patient can engage them in
are not the best place for the medically ill.
the treatment process from the initial ses-
However, a number of acute medical problems
inpatient level of care, will such care be
can present with altered mental status as the
should be discussed with the patient so they
have a clear understanding of what to expect
example of this is the clinical picture called
Association’s Guideline on the Treatment
from treatment, as well as the opportunity
delirium in the DSM-IV. Because the behav-
to either agree or disagree with the proposed
ioral problems are so apparent, some harried
emergency physicians give these patients only
the patient’s involvement and understanding
the most cursory of examinations before refer-
ring them to psychiatric units. And because
either make a notation on the plan that it
not all evaluators in psychiatric facilities are
was discussed with the patient, or they can
medically trained, the very thought that what
actually has a brain tumor or the failure
they are seeing isn’t an acute psychiatric disor-
der doesn’t occur to them. The result is the
A treatment plan is dynamic in nature.
mislabeling and inappropriate placement of the
It will likely change as the patient pro-
patient, followed by inadequate medical follow-
gresses, and should be reviewed and updated
can also be cruel places for the medically
up and unnecessary psychiatric treatment.
during the course of treatment. It should
Elderly patients, especially those with a pre-
also be re-evaluated if the patient does not
existing dementia, are particularly at risk.
show progress. Hence, the treatment plan is
patient’s bladder infection is treated with
an essential tool that should continually be
PBH has recently implemented a new policy
referred to during the course of treatment.
to address this problem. When a patient’s his-
tory and clinical presentation strongly suggest a
delirium as opposed to a purely psychiatric dis-
sample treatment planning form, please call
order, PBH is now requiring that he or she first
appropriate, necessary care and recognize
receive a thorough medical evaluation and
appropriate medical treatment on a medical or
with recent inpatient or residential treat-
ment on a quarterly basis using mail sur-
PacifiCare Behavioral Health monitors member satisfac-
tion with the quality of care and service they receive by
the mailed survey in the first six months
conducting telephone surveys throughout the year.
Random samples of members who have recently called
were satisfied with the process of obtain-
PBH to access outpatient services are asked about their
experiences with PBH and the provider to whom they
were referred. Approximately 10% of members who access
services are surveyed. In the first nine months of 1999,
a total of 5124 members participated in the survey.
the overall care (inpatient and outpatient)
The 1999 results so far are generally very positive. The
vast majority of members (85%) were satisfied overall with
the services they received through PBH. Overall member
dissatisfaction with services received has declined from
over 9% in 1998 to less than 8% in the first nine months
of 1999. Other survey highlights include:
● Members are highly satisfied with the degree to which
the PBH customer service staff is caring and courteous.
Ongoing customer service training for PBH staff, a new
telephone system, and increased staffing have helped
PBH reduce the percentage of members reporting that
● Nine out of ten members are satisfied with their PBH
high as 50%. It appears that there may stance abuse disorders to outpatient
provider availability for appointments. How satisfied are you with. On your initial call to PBH.
* Question only asked from October 1998 onward.
Coordination of behavioral health care with
● An article was published in the 1999
primary care physicians and other practi-
edition of Member Outlook, the PBH
tioners is a standard of care endorsed by
member newsletter, to increase members’
PacifiCare Behavioral Health. Not only is it
awareness about the importance of coordi-
less than optimal practice to treat a patient
within a vacuum, but it may also endanger
your patient’s health or introduce unnecessary
● PBH recognizes that coordination of care
barriers to the treatment plan. PBH has the
expectation that (1) care should be routinely
to increase Primary Care Physicians’ aware-
coordinated with the PCP for all patients, and
ness and to provide them with more acces-
(2) care should be coordinated in specific cases
● In an effort directed toward primary care
PBH has implemented several strategies to
Consultation Service, a toll-free, telephonic
make coordination easier for all behavioral
health practitioners involved in a patient’s care:
● The one-page Health Care Coordination
● PCS provides timely access to a behavioral
capture practitioners’ coordination efforts.
health specialist for assistance with behav-
nating care with the PCP in routine cases.
● In cooperation with the National Mental
national organization of health care providers
● PBH’s clinical practice guideline on
announced that it is offering free general
fications by PacifiCare Health Systems for
membership to all MCO panel providers.
use by its affiliated physicians in primary
This offer extends through the first quarter
of 2000. The only cost to providers is the
● PBH has led corporate-wide efforts at
numerous benefits to its members and also
treatment of depression in primary care.
awards Diplomate status to providers with
Interventions have included special reports
compliance by their patients, as well as a
MCOs are beginning to use Diplomate status
program offering education and telephonic
PBH believes that effective coordination of
care among the patient’s practitioners provides
is published by PacifiCare Behavioral Health for its participating providers
a dividend of improved quality of care for the
Eve Lievonen, LCSW Raeleen Marquez
patient. This makes it a goal worth the extra
Bill feels communication with providers is one of the best ways to
We would like to introduce you to Bill Osborne, a member of
maintain the quality of care for patients and he encourages our
the PBH clinical staff in the Northwest office. Bill has been
providers to call when concerns arise. “We are very interested in build-
with PacifiCare Behavioral Health since the Northwest office
ing good relationships with our providers and it is helpful to clear up
opened in October 1996. He is a licensed social worker in the
misunderstandings and answer questions as they come up. Often having
state of Oregon. Many of you have spoken with Bill on the
a discussion early on can prevent problems down the road,” says Bill. ■
phone, especially if you work with our Secure Horizons popula-
tion. Because of his lengthy experience working with the elderly,
Bill serves as the primary inpatient case manager and point per-
son for Secure Horizons case management.
Bill graduated from Rutgers University with a Masters degree
in Social Work, specializing in medical social work. He moved to
Prescription Solutions reviews its prescription formulary on a regular
the Northwest and began working with the Area Agency on
basis. Sheela Andrews, Pharm.D., Director, Pharmacy Services for
Aging, doing outreach and crisis work with the elderly. Bill went
Prescription Solutions notes that there is a recent addition to the
on to work with a Home Health and Hospice agency in the state
of Washington, doing counseling, crisis intervention, and
● Celexa® is indicated for treatment of depression.
bereavement treatment with physically ill patients and their
● Efficacy has been shown to be similar between Prozac®, Zoloft®,
families. After logging over 60,000 miles on his car in three
years, Bill left this job to assume a supervisory position with a
geriatric day hospital program. In that position, Bill ran groups
● No clinically significant drug interactions are associated with
and did assessment and discharge planning. He also spoke to
Celexa®, as it is not a potent inhibitor of P450 isoenzymes.
various organizations about identifying depression in the elderly
● Side effects with Celexa® (dry mouth, nausea, somnolence,
and differentiating between dementia and depression. After that
increased sweating, and tremor) tend to be less frequent and
Bill is pleased with PacifiCare’s commitment to stand behind
● Celexa® is available as a scored tablet. ■
its goal of continuous improvement. “I think that we are always
looking for better ways to assist people. It’s a constantly changing
field that tends to ask a lot from the people that work within it.
The people I work with are constantly looking at and sharing
new research regarding better ways to treat people.”
In order to better meet the needs of our membership, especially in the
He states that one of the key factors for patient health is the
Portland area, PacifiCare Behavioral Health would like to ask your
coordination of care. “An important part of our job is ensuring
assistance. If you know of licensed practitioners who are bilingual or
that there is appropriate follow-up when a member is discharged
bilingual-bicultural, especially with respect to Asian or Hispanic popul-
from the hospital. This can be a challenge because members
ations, please encourage them to call us at the Lake Oswego office in
often do not take the initiative to make a follow-up appointment
regard to joining the PBH network. We all know that there are cases in
in a timely manner.” Bill says the burden often falls on the
which cultural or language barriers can impede progress in therapy or
providers to notify PBH when a patient has been released from
discourage a patient from participating in treatment. Increasing the
a hospital. That communication is important to ensure that
number of therapists in our network with different cultural backgrounds
members get the follow-up care they need.
can help us to reduce these barriers. ■
The 83rd Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society 30th March to 1st April 2009 Labour Management for Profit and Welfare in Extensive Sheep Farming Kirwan, Susanne , Thomson, K.J. , Edwards, I.E. and Stott, A.W.1 Copyright 2009 by SAC All rights reserved. Readers may make verbatim copies of this document for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that t
El cerebro y el pensamiento Seguramente cada uno de nosotros se jacta de pensar y a muchos les gustaría saber cómo es que piensan como piensan. Pero parece claro que la cuestión ha cesado de ser puramente teórica. Pues creemos comprender que cada vez más poderes están interesados por nuestro poder de pensar. Luego, si intentamos saber cómo sucede que pensamos como pensamos, es para d