Drug Information Journal; Vol. 34, pp. 129-136,2000
Printed in the USA. All rights reserved.
AstraZeneca Clinical Research Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
The use of pen-based electronic diaries was evaluated in an international clinical trial ofasthma. The study compared bambuterol with salmeterol in nocturnal asthma, and wascarried out in Italy, Norway and UK. Two hundred and sixty-five patients were enrolled,of whom 135 were randomised and 118 completed the eight week study period. Patientscompleted the electronic diary at home each morning and evening throughout the 8week study period. Data could be entered into the diary only within specified time“windows”. No retrospective entry was permitted.Data collection was very satisfactory. Ninety-four percent of patients enrolledcompleted their diaries during the run-in period to the required standard for inclusion inthe study (at least 5 out of the last 7 days of the run-in complete). After randomisation,entries were completed on 86% of scheduled occasions.At the randomisation stage, a review facility was provided for the investigator whichgave a summary of the run-in data to indicate whether the patient met the inclusioncriteria. This saved work for the investigators, and helped to reduce the rate of incorrectrandomisation by comparison with a previous similar study.Data handling was substantially faster than in similar paper-based studies,contributing to locking the database well within schedule. Thus the potential gains seenwith this method in earlier evaluation studies have been realised in a full-scale clinicaltrial.Key Words: Pen-based electronic diaries; Asthma; Clinical trial; Electronic data capture. INTRODUCTION
procedures through the elimination ofmanual data editing and entry (1-4).
are increasingly being used to collect diary
data from patients in clinical trials. Such
benefits of improved data reliability and
devices using a pen for input (e.g. Apple
quality by the time-stamping of entries and
MessagePad®); and custom-built electronic
the prevention of retrospective entries; and
particularly interested in pen-based systemsbecause of the natural interface theyprovide, particularly for patients who may
Reprint address: Dr Brian Tiplady, AstraZeneca Clinical
Research Edinburgh, 10 Logie Mill, Edinburgh, EH7 4HG,
UK. EMail: brian.tiplady@acru.gb.astra.com
Brian Tiplady, Audrey H. Jamieson, and Graham K. Crompton
clinical trials, which have shown that the
method works, that patients like it, and that
there can be a real improvement in dataquality (4). These evaluations were on a
small scale, and designed only to assess the
This was a parallel group design with a two
methodology. The next step was clearly to
week run-in period, and a six week active
use the method in a full-scale clinical trial,
treatment period. The patients visited the
identified by these initial evaluations are
1. At the beginning of the run-in period,
electronic diary in a comparative study of
They filled in the diary at home every day
Norway. The electronic diary was basically
patients had to meet the following criteria
evaluation studies in asthma (4), collecting
symptoms of asthma, as well as peak flow,
was measured on a Vitalograph® peak flow
differences from the previous diaries. Since
patient woke early due to asthma, and the
peak flow values recorded in the diary were
the primary outcome measure in the study. THE DIARY APPLICATION
recorded in the diaries during the two week
run-in period. In particular, the change in
used to enter diary data are shown in Fig 1.
“dragging” the diamond with the pen along
calculated for each night of the run-in.
the screen to the appropriate point on the
scale. They could also tap on the grey scale
presenting the relevant data from the run-
in, for use at the randomisation visit. We
expected that it would be possible to show
highlight. The number of times the relief
FIGURE 1. Data entry screens from the patient diary. Patients used the pen to select the appropriate choice on the touch-sensitive screen of the diary. Entries could be changed until “OK” was tapped after which the entry was fixed. Brian Tiplady, Audrey H. Jamieson, and Graham K. Crompton
the up and down arrows to the right of the
number box. Definitions of the scale points
data transfer, and the checking and setting
with no default choice selection. Patients
had to specifically enter a zero or “None”
patient in any of the questions until
ARTICLE 34 MEDICAL POSITION STATEMENTS OF THE RHODE ISLAND INTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUE The following position statements were developed by the Rhode Island Interscholastic League's Sports Medicine Advisory Committee and approved by the RILL Principals' Committee on Athletics: Section I. CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE IN ATHLETES The Rhode Island Interscholastic League in an attempt
Depression och insomni Milton K. Erman The Scripps Research Institute and the University of California School of Medicine, La Jolla, California, USA Att humörrubbningar och sömnstörningar är nära kopplade till varandra kommer inte som någon överraskning för den som är förtrogen med medicinen, religionen eller litteraturen. Redan 400 år f. Kr. kommenterade Hippokrates i sin Book o