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Co-selection of Mercury and Antibiotic Resistance in Sphagnum Core SamplesDating Back 2000 YearsLeslie H. Wardwell a; Brooke A. Jude a; Jennifer P. Moody a; Aaron I. Olcerst a; Ruth A. Gyure b; Robert E. Nelson c; Frank A. Fekete aa Department of Biology, Colby College, Waterville, ME, United States b Department of Biological andEnvironmental Sciences, Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, CT, United States c Department ofGeology, Colby College, Waterville, ME, United States
To cite this Article Wardwell, Leslie H., Jude, Brooke A., Moody, Jennifer P., Olcerst, Aaron I., Gyure, Ruth A., Nelson, Robert E. andFekete, Frank A.(2009)'Co-selection of Mercury and Antibiotic Resistance in Sphagnum Core Samples Dating Back 2000Years',Geomicrobiology Journal,26:4,238 — 247
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/01490450902891854
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Co-selection of Mercury and Antibiotic Resistance in Sphagnum Core Samples Dating Back 2000 Years Leslie H. Wardwell,1 Brooke A. Jude,1 Jennifer P. Moody,1 Aaron I. Olcerst,1 Ruth A. Gyure,3 Robert E. Nelson,2 and Frank A. Fekete1 1Department of Biology, Colby College, Waterville, ME 04901, United States
2Department of Geology, Colby College, Waterville, ME 04901, United States
3Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Western Connecticut State University, Danbury,CT 06810, United States
of about 20 cm (Moore and Webb 1978), at which time mi-
Metal exposure might induce multiple drug resistance (MDR)
crobial degradation all but ceases. This produces a finely strat-
in bacteria in environments devoid of antibiotics via the process
ified record of vegetational, environmental, geochemical and
of co-selection, but the extent is poorly known. Core samples from
chemical change that pollen records indicate displays no more
two sphagnum peat bogs in central Maine, USA, were analyzed for total Hg content and were radiocarbon dated. Culturable bacteria
than 25–40 years of vertical mixing of the record, well within
isolated from various core depths were assayed for antibiotic- and
the statistical uncertainties of radiocarbon dating techniques
Hg-resistance and the presence of merA (mercuric reductase). Our
(Faegri and Iversen 1975; Moore and Webb 1978; Birks and
results show that sphagnum peat bogs represent natural ecosys- tems that contain ambient levels of Hg that select for indigenous
Species of sphagnum moss are the main constituents of the
bacterial strains that are not only Hg resistant, but also possess the MDR phenotype.
primary mat of ombrotrophic bogs in New England, locally ac-companied by hygrophilous shrubs of the family Ericaceae and
sedges of the genera Carex and Eriophorum (Cyperaceae). An
antibiotic, Co-selection, mercury, resistance, sphagnum
ombrotrophic bog is an isolated body of freshwater, with waterand minerals introduced solely through atmospheric deposition. Until recently, little attention has been given to microbial com-munities of sphagnum bogs. Due to low pH of the substrateand the absence of an adequate nutrient supply, sphagnum moss
has been previously considered inhospitable to bacterial growth
True peatlands, including sphagnum bogs, are comprised of
Downloaded By: [Fekete, Frank A.] At: 01:14 7 May 2009
(Painter 1991). Furthermore, the low buffering capacity in this
strictly autochthonous organic matter, partially decayed remains
acidic environment enhances the toxicity of metals that may be
of plants and other organisms once living at the site, deposited
present in sphagnum bogs. However, recent studies have shown
layer upon layer in waterlogged situations that allow accumu-
that bacterial communities indigenous to sphagnum bogs play
lation to exceed decomposition. In sphagnum bogs, permanent
crucial nutritional roles in this environment (Opelt and Berg
waterlogging occurs once the materials are buried to a depth
2004; Belova et al. 2006; Morales et al. 2006; Opelt et al. 2007).
Because sphagnum does not have xylem and has no contact
Received 30 October 2008; accepted 11 February 2009.
with soil in a bog setting, free-living nitrogen-fixing organisms
C. Kittinger Clark, Bradford Cantor, Samuel Reid, Newton
are essential for the nitrogenous requirements and growth of
Krumdieck and Elizabeth Littlefield assisted with the core sampling
plants (Opelt et al. 2007). High population numbers of dia-
in the field. This project was supported at Colby College in part by
zotrophic Paenibacillus species have been isolated from sphag-
NIH Grant Number P20 RR-016463 from the INBRE Program of the
National Center for Research Resources. Additional support at Colby
num bogs. In addition, Rahnella spp. have been shown to sol-
College came from the Department of Geology (funding for radiocar-
ubilize phosphates in the bog environment (Opelt et al. 2007).
bon dating), Department of Biology Honors Research Program (LHW),
Although the role that bacterial communities play in sphag-
Special Projects Fund, and a Natural Science Division Grant # 01.2303
num mats has been addressed recently, the influence of Hg in
Address correspondence to Frank A. Fekete, Department of Bi-
the sphagnum bog environment on the co-selection of Hg- and
ology, 5729 MH, Colby College, Waterville, ME 04901. E-mail:
antibiotic-resistant strains among the indigenous bacterial pop-
Sphagnum moss has a unique ability to sequester divalent
In contrast to these metal polluted environmental test sites,
cations (Shotyk et al. 2005; Lodenius et al. 1983). Many heavy
sphagnum bogs provide a unique natural biological system for
metals, including mercuric ion, exist in the divalent cationic state
the investigation of Hg and antibiotic resistance co-selection.
in the environment. Water input to the bog system as either rain
Hg in the sphagnum bog environment is present as a natural
or runoff does not cause flushing or leaching of these metals from
element of the earth’s crust, and in the post Industrial Era, it is
the sphagnum substrate; instead they are sequestered tightly by
also deposited atmospherically as a pollutant from precipitation
the sphagnum, creating an environment rich in toxic and non-
(Barkay et al. 2003). Because Hg is held tightly by the sphagnum
substrate (Lodenius et al. 1983; Shotyk et al. 2005), it allows
Although Hg is pervasive environmentally, many bacterial
temporal trends in atmospheric deposition to be observed by
species can adapt to its presence by invoking an efficient Hg-
examination of Hg levels within the column (Steinnes et al.
detoxification system (Barkay et al. 2003). The most common
2005). Total Hg content analyses of bogs throughout northern
bacterial Hg resistance mechanism is reduction of mercuric ion
Maine and Ontario (Norton et al. 1997; Givelet et al. 2003;
[Hg (II)] to the elemental form [Hg (0)] catalyzed by mercuric
Roos-Barraclough et al. 2006) have shown that spikes in Hg
reductase (Barkay et al. 2003). The gene encoding mercuric re-
concentrations in samples from various core depths correspond
ductase, merA, is a part of the mer operon that is often located
to times when anthropogenic Hg emissions were high.
on mobile genetic elements such as transposable elements and
Cores taken from two bogs, Round Pond bog in Franklin
plasmids, and is therefore readily transferred among bacterial
County, and Hamilton Pond bog in Kennebec County, Maine,
species by horizontal gene transfer (HGT) mechanisms (Sum-
USA, have sphagnum mat depths that carbon-date back to ap-
mers 2002; Barkay et al. 2003; McIntosh et al. 2008). The mer
proximately 2000 ybp (years before present). Total Hg anal-
operon is closely linked genetically with antibiotic resistance
yses on these bogs revealed ambient Hg concentrations at all
genes (Wireman et al. 1997). Antibiotic resistance determinants
depths. Bacteria living deep within the core represent popula-
are usually organized in gene cassette systems that contain genes
tions that originated significantly before the era of antimicrobial
conferring resistance to a wide variety of antibiotics (Rowe-
chemotherapy. Any selective pressures for antibiotic resistance
exerted on microbes indigenous to the acidic environment of a
The transfer of antibiotic resistance genes in antibiotic-rich
bog that is 2000 years old, were most likely due to co-selection
environments such as hospitals, aquaculture and land-based
with other non-antibiotic agents such as Hg or other heavy met-
agriculture, is a commonly documented phenomenon (Nester
als. Other studies have been conducted on metal and antibiotic
et al. 1999). However, antibiotic resistance genes are also be-
resistance co-selection within metal contaminated sites. Con-
ing spread throughout bacterial communities in environments
versely, we report here the co-selection of Hg and antibiotic
devoid of antibiotics (Baker-Austin et al. 2006). One proposed
resistance in a natural environment. Furthermore, this environ-
mechanism for the occurrence of antibiotic resistance in such
ment contains sufficient Hg to exert selective pressure on indige-
environments is via co-resistance, which occurs when the genes
nous sphagnum bog bacteria to produce the Hg- and antibiotic-
encoding resistance phenotypes are linked together on the same
mobile genetic element (Baker-Austin et al. 2006). This phys-ical linkage allows for the co-selection of other genes located
Downloaded By: [Fekete, Frank A.] At: 01:14 7 May 2009
on the same genetic element. Associations between heavy metalexposure and specific patterns of antibiotic resistance have been
Sampling Site Description and Core Collection
reported (McArthur and Tuckfield 2000; Stepanauskas et al.
Both Hamilton Pond (44◦27 58 N, 69◦50 15 W) and Round
Pond (44◦31 14 N, 70◦05 22 W) are kettle basins in complex
Linkage between Hg resistance and antibiotic resistance has
glacial esker systems, and originated shortly after deglaciation
been documented in a wide range of bacterial habitats, including
of the region about 14,000 calendar years ago. Round Pond
oral and fecal microbial flora of primates (Wireman et al. 1997),
bog has a small first-order outlet stream at the southern end;
oral microbial flora of patients with amalgam fillings (Summers
outflow of excess water from Hamilton Pond is likely subsur-
et al. 1993), fish gastrointestinal tracts (Akinbowale et al. 2007),
face, through adjoining esker sediments, into adjacent Stuart
mine sediments (Nemergut et al. 2004), and freshwater micro-
Pond, from which an outlet stream carries excess flow. Neither
cosms (Stepanauskas et al. 2006). These bacterial isolates with
Hamilton Pond nor Round Pond have inlet streams.
plasmid-encoded mer operons are often shown to be associated
A 2 m core from Round Pond bog and a 1 m core from
with antibiotic resistance gene cassettes (Mazel et al. 2000).
Hamilton Pond bog were sampled in the fall of 2006 using a
However, all of the above studies on co-selection of metal and
modified Livingstone Piston Corer. One cm slices of core sedi-
antibiotic resistance involve environments either contaminated
ments were removed aseptically using sterile spatulas from each
with toxic metals or were experimental studies in which metal
core at five cm intervals and stored in sealed, sterile polypropy-
exposure is directly manipulated to test for co-selection in bac-
lene tubes. Sample data were recorded and samples numbered
beginning with the oldest (deepest) core samples as the lowest
numbered samples and proceeding sequentially to the top of the
representing the complete range of core depths, checked for
core. Representative samples were selected for evaluation from
purity and maintained on stock culture TSA slants. A total of 29
a range of depths in each core. From Hamilton Pond bog, slice
metabolically active, or readily culturable isolates were stored
numbers 1, 5, 9, 13, 16, and 20, and from Round Pond bog, slice
numbers 1, 8, 17, 25, 31, and 36, were processed and used in
Bog cores collected in October 2007 were used for recov-
this study. Cores were kept wrapped in foil, and both cores and
ery of bacterial isolates that were in the endospore stage of
samples were stored at 4◦C. The two cores collected in 2006
development at the time of sampling. A sample of 0.5 g of
were used for radiocarbon dating and isolation of metabolically
sphagnum sample from appropriate slices was added to 4.5 ml
active bacterial isolates. Both bogs were cored and re-sampled
sterile water. Samples were mixed by vortexing for 5 min and
a second time in fall, 2007. Samples from the most recent cores
placed in a waterbath at 70◦C for 30 min in order to kill all
were analyzed for total Hg concentration and used for isolation
metabolically active and non-sporulating bacterial cells. After
of endospore-forming bacterial isolates.
appropriate dilution, samples were inoculated and spread platedonto TSA. Cultures were incubated at 20◦C for 72 hours. In-
Radiocarbon Dating
dividual colonies were selected from each plate and inoculated
Sphagnum bog environments represent sites of slow but
onto stock culture TSA slants. A total of 25 endospore-forming
continuous surface accumulation of organic matter with neg-
isolates were maintained. All isolates were cryogenically stored
ligible vertical mixing, so radiocarbon dating of thin slices of
at −80◦C in a 50% mixture of glycerol and tryptic soy broth
the organic mat (excluding any identifiable modern roots when
present) is a standard geological technique for determining agesof deposits. Though recent papers have suggested 14C dating
Hg Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations (MICs)
problems with such ombrotrophic peats (e.g., Kilian et al. 1995;
Hg minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) assays were
Shore et al. 1995; Nilsson et al. 2001), Blaauw et al. have been
performed on each isolate according to the method of Wang,
unable to corroborate those findings (Kilian et al. 1995; Shore et
et al. (1989). Isolates were grown for 24–48 h at 20◦C on TSA
al. 1995; Nilsson et al. 2001; Blaauw et al. 2004). In our study,
solid-plating media, and then resuspended a density equivalent
5-mm-thick slices of pure sphagnum peat from approximately
to a 2.0 McFarland standard (Wang et al. 1989). After vortexing
mid-level and the base of each core were oven-dried at 50◦C
each cell suspension thoroughly, 5 µl of each was spotted onto
and submitted for commercial AMS radiocarbon dating (Beta
TSA plates supplemented with 0 µM, 50 µM, 100 µM, and
250 µM HgCl2. Plates were observed every 24 h for 72 hours,and the MIC was recorded as the lowest concentration of HgCl2
Total Mercury Analysis of Cores
Total mercury concentration (total-Hg) was measured by
thermal decomposition, amalgamation and atomic absorption
Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing
spectroscopy using a DMA-80 mercury analyzer (Milestone,
The activity of antimicrobial agents against all 54 isolates
Inc.). Sphagnum samples from Round Pond bog (depths of 1,
was assessed in vitro. Antibiotic MIC values for each iso-
6, 101, and 193 cm below the surface) and Hamilton Pond bog
Downloaded By: [Fekete, Frank A.] At: 01:14 7 May 2009
late were determined on Sensititre R dried susceptibility panels
(depths of 1, 8.5, 50, and 94 cm below the surface) were ana-
GN2F (Gram-negative) and GPN2F (Gram-positive) (Trek Di-
lyzed. All sphagnum core samples were taken from the center of
agnostic Systems, Westlake, OH, USA). Quality control strains
wet cores and dried at 40◦C for at least 24 h (or until dry weight
Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC
stabilized). Six replicate sample aliquots of approximately 0.1g
27853, and Enterococcus faecalis ATCC 29212 were inoculated
(mostly leaf with some stem) were prepared from each core
in parallel to the isolates as suggested by the manufacturer. The
depth and site, and mean total-Hg concentration in µg/kg dry
guidelines set by the National Committee for Clinical Labora-
weight is reported in Table 3. Commercial greenhouse sphag-
tory Standards were followed, with the exception that the MIC
num was used for comparison, and a sample of plant material
panels were incubated for 72 h at 22◦C.
grown in Hg-free soil was also included as a control.
Strains of Rahnella aquatilis, which were not culturable
using the Sensititre R dried susceptibility panel culture sys-
Bacterial Strain Isolation, Culture Conditions,
tem, were assayed using the antimicrobial disk susceptibility
and Stock Maintenance
test method (Sensi-Discs; Becton, Dickinson and Co., Sparks,
First, 1.0 g of sphagnum sample was added to 9.0 ml of sterile
MD, USA) containing sulfisoxazole 2 mg, trimethoprim 5 µg,
phosphate buffer diluent (Hardy Diagnostics, Santa Monica,
piperacillin 100 µg, amikacin 30 µg, tobramycin 30 µg, van-
CA. USA). All samples were shaken for fifteen min, serially
comycin 30 µg, kanamycin 30 µg, novobiocin 30 µg, peni-
diluted and plated onto tryptic soy solid-plating media (TSA,
cillin 10 IU/IE/UI, streptomycin 10 µg, and tetracycline 30 µg.
Difco-BBL, Sparks, MD, USA). Culture plates were incubated
The 24-hour TSA plating cultures were resuspended to a 0.5
at 20◦C for 72 h. Individual colonies were selected from samples
McFarland standard, and were spread by cotton swab evenly
over TSA plates. After the inocula absorbed into the media,
quencing Kit and an ABI Prism 3130 Genetic Analyzer (Applied
Sensi-Discs were deposited aseptically onto the culture plates.
Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA). GenBank database searches
Plates were incubated at 20◦C for 2 d prior to measuring zones
were carried out for all sequences using the National Center for
of inhibition according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Biotechnology Information basic local alignment search tool(BLAST) web server ( Antibiosis Assays
All metabolically active bacterial isolates were tested for
PCR amplification of merA
their ability to produce compounds capable of inhibiting
Degenerate primers (Table 1) (Vetriani et al. 2005; Ni Chad-
growth of 4 test bacterial strains, (Pseudomonas aeruginosa
hain et al. 2006) in 2 sequential PCR experiments were used
ATCC7853, Enterococcus faecium ATCC51559, Bacillus sub-
to probe all isolates for the merA gene. Genomic DNA was
tilis 168 ATCC23857, and Escherichia coli K12 ATCC29425).
extracted as previously described. The first PCR (primers A5
The 24-hour cultures were streaked in 2 parallel straight lines
and A2NF; Table 1) generated an amplicon of approximately
across TSA solid-plating media. Plates were incubated at 22◦C
1200 bp that was not visible on an agarose gel. Cycling condi-
for 3 d. Each of the 4 test strains were resuspended in sterile
tions were as follows: 1 cycle of 95◦C for 5 min, 35 cycles of
water to a 2.0 McFarland standard and streaked perpendicularly
95◦C for 30 sec; 55◦C for 30 sec; 72◦C for 1 min, followed by
from the edge of the plate in the direction of, but not touching,
an extension step of 72◦C for 7 min prior to storage at 4◦C. PCR
the isolate growth. Plates were incubated at 22◦C for 2 d and
using the previous amplicon as a template, and A5 and A1SF
isolates were assessed for antimicrobial activity as visualized
primers (Table 1), resulted in a 288 base-pair product, which
by inhibition of growth of test strains within 5–10 mm of the
was confirmed using agarose gel electrophoresis. Cycling con-
ditions for the second merA PCR were as follows: 1cycle of95◦C for 5 min, 40 cycles of 95◦C for 30 sec; 56◦C for 20 sec;
Bacterial Isolate Identification (16S rRNA Gene
72◦C for 1 min, followed by an extension step of 72◦C for 7 min
Bacterial strains were grown at 20◦C for 1–2 d on TSA. Total
genomic DNA was extracted from all bacterial strains using the
Colony Fast-ScreenTM kit (Epicentre Technologies, Madison,
Radiocarbon age determinations on submitted core samples
WI, USA). A single colony was selected from each plate and sus-
show clearly that both the Hamilton Pond bog and Round Pond
pended in 50 µl of PCR-lyseTM buffer (Colony Fast-ScreenTM
bog cores penetrated to sediment depths predating European
kit, Epicentre Technologies, Madison, WI, USA). The samples
influence (Table 2). The pollen record from our cores also in-
were incubated in an iCycler Thermal Cycler (Bio-Rad Labora-
dicates minimal mixing at most, and is consistent with these
tories, Hercules, CA, USA) at 99◦C for 10 min and were then
radiocarbon age determinations, indicating that the cores ex-
cooled to 4◦C prior to PCR amplification. PCR amplification
tend to well before European contact (Clark CK, Krumdieck
cycles conducted with 27f and 1392r primers (Table 1) (Lane
NW, Littlefield EF, Nelson RE. 2007. Pre- and Post-European
1991) were as follows: 1 cycle of 94◦C for 3 min, 30 cycles of
Forest Composition and Bog Flora Changes Documented by
Downloaded By: [Fekete, Frank A.] At: 01:14 7 May 2009
94◦C for 1 min; 55◦C for 1 min; 72◦C for 2 min, followed by a
Pollen from Maine Sphagnum Cores. Geol Soc Am Abstracts
final extension step of 72◦C for 7.5 min prior to storage at 4◦C.
16S rRNA gene sequencing was performed to confirm the
Round Pond bog sphagnum at 175 cm depth was deposited
identity of all strains after cleaning the PCR products (E.N.Z.A.
between 325 BCE (before the common era) and 125 BCE, while
Cyclepure Kit; Omega Bio-tek, Doraville, GA, USA). A region,
sphagnum at 90 cm depth in Hamilton Pond bog was living on
approximately 1.5 kb, of the 16S rRNA gene was amplified in all
the bog surface about 260 AD. Average sphagnum accumulation
isolates using the 27f and 1392r primers (Table 1). Amplicons
rates were thus 1.2 mm/yr at Round Pond bog and 0.56 mm/year
were sequenced using the Big Dye R Terminator v3.1 Cycle Se-
Radiocarbon dates for core samples from Round Pond and
Antibiosis assay of Hamilton Pond and Round Pond isolates
producing antimicrobial compounds in vitro
325 BCE or 125 BCE Bacillus weihenstephanensis
Hg minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) assays revealed
that all metabolically active isolates were resistant to levels of
Total Hg concentration analysis of samples from both bogs
at least 50 µM HgCl2 (Table 5). Two isolates of Pseudomonas
revealed that detectable levels of total Hg were present at all
putida (RP23 and RP25) collected from the deepest depth of
depths in both Hamilton Pond and Round Pond bogs (Table 3).
the Round Pond bog core showed much higher resistance to
Total Hg levels of Round Pond bog ranged from 8.7 parts per
Hg. P. putida RP23 grew on TSA supplemented with 100 µM
billion (ppb) (at a depth of 193 cm) to 44.9 ppb (at a depth of 6
HgCl2, and P. putida RP25 was resistant to 250 µM HgCl2.
cm). The Hg concentration range was slightly higher at Hamilton
Regarding the endospore-forming isolates that were obtained
Pond bog where total Hg levels were between 13.1 ppb (at the
after sphagnum sample heat treatment, resistance to Hg was not
sphagnum mat surface) and 88 ppb (at a depth of 90 cm).
as high (Table 6). Seventeen of the 25 endospore-forming strains
Of the 29 bacterial isolates assayed for antibiotic producing
were inhibited by a concentration of 50 µM HgCl2. All other
activity, only 3 strains inhibited growth of test bacterial strains
isolates were inhibited by 100 µM HgCl2.
(Table 4). Both Pseudomonas putida HB11, isolated from a
The antibiogram showing only maximal MIC’s for each an-
core depth of 55 cm, and Paenibacillus spp. HB26, isolated
timicrobial compound tested on each isolate is illustrated in
from a core depth of 20 cm, in Hamilton Pond bog core sam-
Tables 5 and 6. Regarding those strains that were immediately
ples, inhibited growth of the test organism B. subtilis 168. The
culturable from the sphagnum samples, termed the metaboli-
Pseudomonas putida HB11 strain also inhibited growth of E.
cally active isolates, multiple drug resistances were observed in
faecium. Bacillus weihenstephanensis RP7, isolated from a core
each sample taken throughout the depth of the core. Bacterial
depth of 30 cm in Round Pond bog inhibited growth of E. fae-
resistance to antimicrobials in the ß-lactam, aminoglycoside,
cium and E. coli K12 (Table 4).
cephem and folate pathway inhibitor families was prevalentin both bog core samples. Overall, the endospore-forming iso-
lates were more susceptible to antibiotics than the metabolically
Downloaded By: [Fekete, Frank A.] At: 01:14 7 May 2009
Total Hg concentration of dry leaf and stem Sphagnum core
active isolates; 26% of the endospore-forming strains were sus-
ceptible to all antibiotics tested, and 21% isolates were maxi-mally resistant to only 1 antibiotic (Table 6).
Fifty-three of 54 bacterial isolates were identified using
NCBI BLASTn, and the results are illustrated in Tables 5 and 6.
Forty-five of the isolates generated BLASTn homologs allow-
ing identification at the species level. Sequencing of 16S rRNA
gene amplicons revealed high species diversity in each bog. Rah-nella, Paenibacillus, Pseudomonas and Bacillus were the most
highly represented genera of the metabolically active isolates.
Eleven of the 29 metabolically active isolates were identified
as Rahnella aquatilis and 7 were identified as Paenibacillus
spp. As expected, all endospore-forming isolates were Gram-
positive. Eleven of the 25 endospore-formers belong to the genus
Paenibacillus; other representative genera capable of sproula-
tion include Bacillus, Lysinibacillus, Cohnella and Sporosarcina
Depths noted represent the distance below surface in which cores
were sampled. For each sample, n = 6. ∗greenhouse Sphagnum;
Amplification of merA using published primer sets produced
‡Hordeum vulgare, barley in non-Hg soil.
the expected product of 288 base pairs (data not shown). Of the
Characterization and antibiogram of metabolically active bacterial strains isolated from Round Pond and Hamilton Pond bogs
Downloaded By: [Fekete, Frank A.] At: 01:14 7 May 2009
Antibiotic MIC values for each isolate were determined on Sensititre R dried susceptibility panels GN2F (Gram-negative) [amikacin (AMI),
ampicillin (AMP), aztreonam (AZT), cefazolin (FAZ), cefepime (FEP), cefotetan Na (TANS), ceftriaxone (AXO), ceftazidime (TAZ), cefoxitin(FOX), cefuroxime (FUR), ciprofloxacin (CIP), gentamicin (GEN), imipenem (IMI), gatifloxacin (GAT), meropenem (MERO), piperacillin(PIP), nitrofurantoin (NIT), piperacillin/tazobactam constant 4 (P/T4) ticarcillin / clavulanic acid constant 2 (TIM2) tobramycin (TOB),trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole (SXT), cefpodoxime (POD), ampicillin/sulbactam 2:1 ratio (A/S2)] and sentititre disks sulfisoxazole (SUL)2 mg, trimethoprim (TMP) 5 µg, piperacillin (PIP) 100 µg, amikacin (AMK) 30 µg, tobramycin (TOB) 30 µg, vancomycin (VAN) 30 µg,kanamycin (KAN) 30 µg, novobiocin (NOV) 30 µg, penicillin (PEN) 10 IU/IE/UI, streptomycin (STR) 10 µg, and tetracycline (TET) 30 µg.
*Core depth in centimeters below surface.
Characterization and antibiogram of endsopore-forming bacterial strains isolated from Round Pond and Hamilton Pond bogs
Antibiotic MIC values for each isolate were determined on Sensititre R dried susceptibility panels GPN2F (Gram-positive) [erythromycin
(ERY), clarithromycin (CLA), vancomycin (VAN), quinupristin/dalfopristin (SYN), clinadamycin (CLI), cefazolin (FAZ), tetracycline (TET),ampicillin (AMP), gentamicin (GEN), levofloxacin (LEVO), linezolid (LZD), ceftriaxone (AXO), streptomycin (STR), penicillin (PEN), ri-fampin (RIF), gatifloxacin (GAT), ciprofloxacin (CIP), trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (SXT), oxacillin + 2% NaCl (OXA+)] (Trek Di-
agnostic Systems, Westlake, OH) or sentititre disks sulfisoxazole (SUL) 2 mg, trimethoprim (TMP) 5 µg, piperacillin (PIP) 100 µg,amikacin (AMK) 30 µg, tobramycin (TOB) 30 µg, vancomycin (VAN) 30 µg, kanamycin (KAN) 30 µg, novobiocin (NOV) 30 µg, peni-
Downloaded By: [Fekete, Frank A.] At: 01:14 7 May 2009
cillin (PEN) 10 IU/IE/UI, streptomycin (STR) 10 µg, and tetracycline (TET) 30 µg. # NMR: no maximal resistance observed. ∗Core depth ismeasured in cm below surface.
29 metabolically active isolates from Round Pond bog, merA
verse indigenous bacterial species (Opelt and Berg 2004; Belova
was detected in 73% of the isolates. The percentage of merA-
et al. 2006; Morales et al. 2006; Opelt et al. 2007). However,
positive isolates found at Hamilton Pond bog was comparable at
this study incorporates both of the above research areas in or-
67% (Table 5). There were markedly fewer endospore-forming
der to investigate the characteristics of the bacterial response
isolates that had detectable merA gene amplicons. The percent-
to sequestered Hg in the sphagnum environment. We show that
age of merA positive endospore-forming isolates was 28% for
sphagnum bogs represent a novel system in which to study the
Round Pond bog and 29% for Hamilton Pond bog. Table 6
co-selection of antibiotic and Hg resistant bacterial strains that
shows that the distribution of detectable merA amplicons in the
sporulating sample set does not correlate with bog depth.
The bacterial species isolated from Round Pond and Hamil-
ton Pond bogs show high diversity. Pseudomonas, Rahnellaand Paenibacillus are the most common genera observed in the
readily culturable or metabolically active strain set (Table 5).
Separate studies have been conducted focusing on sphag-
Previous studies on sphagnum bogs have shown high popula-
num’s sequestration properties for Hg (Lodenius et al. 2003;
tion levels of Rahnella spp., and these species are postulated to
Shotyk et al. 2005) and the characteristics of sphagnum bogs’ di-
play a role in the solubilization of phosphates (Opelt et al. 2007).
As free-living diazotrophs, Paenibaccillus spp. fix atmospheric
lates were able to produce compounds such that growth was
nitrogen that is critical for the growth of the moss and other
inhibitory to the antibiosis test bacterial strains (Table 4). Stud-
plants indigenous to the ombrotrophic sphagnum bog system
ies previously conducted on bacterial communities of sphagnum
bogs have found similar low incidences of antimicrobial produc-
Not unexpectedly, Pseudomonas spp. were prevalent at all
ing bacteria (Opelt et al. 2007). A low incidence of bacteria able
depths of the core samples because Pseudomonas spp. are ubiq-
to produce antibiotics in the bog environments suggests that
uitous environmentally by virtue of their catabolic diversity.
not only is the deep sphagnum substrate free of anthropogenic
Previous studies on microorganisms commonly associated with
antibiotic influence, but it also does not contain high levels of
sphagnum bogs have shown that these species predominantly
natural antibiotics. Accordingly, bacterial isolates from deep
attach to plant surfaces, and as a consequence do not migrate
subsurface sphagnum do not have a functional need for genetic
vertically in sphagnum bog columns (Hasebe et al. 2003). Bacte-
resistances to broad classes of antibiotics because of the appar-
rial communities living in aquatic or water-logged environments
ent absence of selection pressure exerted by antibiotics in this
like sphagnum bogs tend to form biofilms, which enable a more
efficient and protected static mode of cellular growth in com-
Despite the apparent absence of natural and anthropogenic
parison to planktonic cells in these environments (Davey and
antibiotic selective pressures, MDR bacteria were isolated from
all depths of the sphagnum cores in both bogs (Tables 5 and
Mercury analysis in the current study revealed detectable
6). Broad maximal resistances to antibiotics in the ß-lactam,
levels of total Hg at all depths of both sphagnum cores (Table
aminoglycoside, cephem and folate pathway inhibitor families
3). The Hg ranges observed at Round Pond (8.7–44.9 ppb) and
were observed. Pseudomonas spp. demonstrated the greatest
Hamilton Pond (13.1–88 ppb) bogs are consistent with total Hg
antibiotic resistance withP. putida strains RP 4 and RP 5 pos-
concentrations found in other sphagnum bogs located within the
sessing maximal resistance to 13 of the 23 tested antibiotics. Of
same geographic range (Norton et al. 1997; Givelet et al. 2003;
the gram-positive isolates, Paenibacillus sp. RP 16 exhibited the
Roos-Barraclough et al. 2006). Although Hg is currently con-
greatest antibiotic resistance to 11 of the 19 tested antibiotics
sidered a common environmental contaminant, it is also a heavy
(Table 5). Only 3 gram-positive metabolically active isolates
metal that exists as an element in the earth’s crust (Barkay et al.
had resistance to the fluorquinolone, ciprofloxacin (Table 5).
2003). Because Hg is prevalent throughout the bog core sam-
However, endospore-forming isolates possessed ciprofloxacin
ples, and is held tightly in its divalent cationic form by sphagnum
resistance (Table 6). In addition, Paenibacillus spp. RP14 and
substrate (Lodenius et al. 2003; Shotyk et al. 2005), sphagnum
RP 16 show resistance to the macrolides erythromycin and clar-
bogs represent an environment that is relatively high in bio-
ithromycin as well as the glycopeptide vancomycin (Table 5).
logically available Hg. Because of mercury’s inherent toxicity,
When many diverse species of bacteria isolated from the same
bacterial species indigenous to this environment must adapt to
environment have similar multiple drug resistance phenotypes,
the presence of this metal as a means of survival.
resistance genes are commonly found to be encoded on mobile
Round Pond bog and Hamilton Pond bog are both ancient
genetic elements such as plasmids and transposable elements
sphagnum environments. Radiocarbon dating (Table 2) of se-
(Guerra et al. 2001; Rowe-Magnus and Mazel 2002; Tennstedt
lected samples from these two bogs shows average annual
Downloaded By: [Fekete, Frank A.] At: 01:14 7 May 2009
growth of 1.2 mm/yr at Round Pond bog and 0.56 mm/yr at
Also located on plasmids and certain transposable elements
Hamilton Pond bog. Radiocarbon dates suggest that sphagnum
are genes for Hg resistance, including the structural genes lo-
moss deep below the surface of the bog is contained in an ancient
cated in the mer operon (Hobman et al. 2002; Barkay et al.
environment, yet we observed that bacterial strains isolated at
2003). Interestingly, the metabolically active bacterial strains
these depths exhibited multiple drug resistance. Dates for de-
exhibited high levels of Hg resistance, suggesting that ambient
position of sphagnum at the base of cores taken from Round
concentrations of Hg in the sphagnum bogs were at sufficiently
Pond bog and Hamilton Pond bog, 325BCE and 260AD (Table
high levels to function as a selective agent in this environment
2) respectively, are well before the application of antimicrobial
(Table 5). The Hg-resistance genotype, as detected by the pres-
chemotherapy in the 1940s. Therefore, high levels of antibiotic
ence of merA amplicons, was observed in the majority of the
resistance observed in bacterial populations far below the bog
metabolically active bacterial isolates (73% in Round Pond bog
surface are not a result of selection that was influenced anthro-
and 67% in Hamilton Pond bog). Though it is likely the re-
pogenically, since these bacteria have not likely been exposed
maining metabolically active isolates also carry merA based on
to high levels of manufactured antimicrobial compounds.
phenotypic observation of mercury resistance, the high diversity
Many antimicrobial compounds, e.g., antibiotics, although
of merA confounds efforts to design PCR primer sets to univer-
commonly associated with use in the medical and veterinary
sally amplify the gene (Barkay et al. 2003). Bacterial strains
industries, are produced as secondary metabolites by microor-
possessing the mer operon were distributed evenly at all depths
ganisms in the environment. An antibiosis assay was performed
of both cores, which suggests that biologically available Hg
on all readily culturable or metabolically active strains isolated
concentrations throughout the sphagnum cores were sufficient
from Round Pond and Hamilton bogs. Only 10% of these iso-
to influence selection of Hg-resistant bacterial strains.
The observation of the presence of merA amplicons in the
to co-select indigenous bacterial strains possessing Hg- and
majority of the isolates from Round Pond and Hamilton Pond
multiple drug resistance phenotypes.
bogs, both of which are environments with apparently low levelsof antibiotics, provides support for the co-selection hypothesis. In these locations sphagnum-sequestered Hg is selecting forbacterial strains possessing the mer operon (McIntosh et al. REFERENCES
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