Microsoft word - donor eligibility document.doc

Aultman Blood Center Donor Eligibility
This list is not complete. Medical professionals are available at each blood collection center and details of each donor's health and activities are discussed in a confidential setting prior to blood donation. The final determination of eligibility is made at that time. Some donor eligibility rules are specified by the Food and Drug Administration for every blood bank in the country. Other rules are determined by the particular blood bank and may differ between programs. Donor eligibility rules are intended to protect the health and safety of the donor as well as the patient who will receive the transfusion. The criteria listed below are provided as guidelines to assist you in determining whether you may be eligible to be a blood donor. The guidelines listed below were last revised on 02/2007. There may have been some changes to these criteria since the last revision date. The most up to date eligibility information can be obtained by contacting the Aultman Blood Center at 330-363-5008. 1) Identification:
All people who wish to donate with the Aultman Blood Center will now be REQUIRED to present a State Issued ID or
other acceptable form of identification during registration. Acceptable forms of ID include the following:
Aultman Blood Center Identification Card** **You can obtain an Aultman Blood Center Identification Card by receiving verification of your name, date of birth and address from your group’s assigned mobile chair person. If you are unaware of whom that person is, please contact your school or an Aultman Blood Center staff member the day of the blood drive. 2) Age
You must be between 17-74 years old to donate blood at a mobile location. In the state of Ohio, donors who are 16 years
old may donate with parental consent, however, according to Aultman policy they are restricted to donating at one of the
Aultman Blood Center hospital donor room locations. Donors over 74 years old are also restricted to donor room locations.

3) Weight
You must be at least 110 lbs.
4) Health
You must feel healthy and well along with having a normal temperature, blood pressure, pulse, and hemoglobin level the
day of donation.
5) Nutrition
You must eat a full and balanced meal prior to your blood donation. This will help reduce the likelihood of an reation from your
You MAY be deferred from donating if:
You have taken an antibiotic for an infection within the last 2 weeks
You have had the flu (vomiting, fever) within the last 4 weeks
You are pregnant or have been pregnant in the last 6 weeks
If you have had a vaccination or other shot in the last 8 weeks
You have snorted or used a needle to inject drugs NOT prescribed by a physician
You have significant heart or lung problems, a chronic illness, or have ever had a blood disorder such as
malaria, Chagas’disease, or Babesioisis
You have used clotting factor concentrates or taken any of the medications on the Medication Deferral List
(Proscar, Avodart, Propecia, Accutane, Soriatane, Tegison, Growth Hormone from Human Pituitary
Glands, Insulin from Cows, or Hepatitis B Immune Globulin)

You have donated another blood product in the recent past
You have had cancer including leukemia
You have had a blood transfusion, an organ/tissue/bone transplant, or bone/skin graft in the last 12 months
You have come in contact with someone else’s blood or had an accidental needle stick in the last 12 months
You have had hepatitis since the age of 11 or have had sex with or lived with someone with hepatitis in the
last 12 months
You have had a tattoo or ear/body piercing in the past 12 months
You have been in jail, prison , or juvenile detention for more than 72 hours in the past 12 months
You have tested positive for HIV or you demonstrate certain risk factors for acquiring HIV


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