Managing Generation Rx …From Toddlers to Retirees July 2009 Solutions Cholesterol is NOT the Cause of Heart Disease
Did you know that there are important facts you haven't
Cholesterol; Wrongly Accused?
been told about cholesterol, heart disease and commonly prescribed cholesterol-reducing drugs?
Cholesterol is not the major culprit in heart disease or any disease. If it becomes oxidized it can irritate/inflame tis-
Facts that — if you only knew them — could make all
sues in which it is lodged in, such as the endothelium
the difference between a long life with an active and vig-
(lining of the arteries). This would be one of numerous
orous lifestyle . . . and a remaining lifetime of debilitating
causes of chronic inflammation that can injure the lining
of arteries. However, many good fats are easily oxidized such as omega-3 fatty acids, but it does not mean that you
FACT: Yes, it's true that heart disease is the number one
killer in the United States. And men over 40 are particu-larly vulnerable. But, who else will tell you that 50% of
Common sense would indicate that we should avoid the
all strokes and heart attacks have absolutely nothing to do
oxidation (rancidity) of cholesterol and fatty acids and
not get rid of important life-giving molecules. Using the same conventional medical thinking that is being used for
Certainly not the big drug companies. And probably not
cholesterol would lead one to believe that doctors should
even your own doctor . . . So why are cholesterol-
reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease by taking out eve-
reducing drugs (or statins, as they're called) becoming as
common as aspirin, with commercials running non-stop on primetime TV?
In fact, cholesterol is being transported to tissues as part of an inflammatory response that is there to repair dam-
FACT: Drugs like Lipitor, Zocor, Pravachol, Crestor and
Mevacor carry serious health risks — destruction
The fixation on cholesterol as a major cause of heart dis-
ease defies the last 15 years of science and deflects from
real causes such as the damage (via glycation) that sugars
such as glucose and fructose inflict on tissues, including
the lining of arteries, causing chronic inflammation and
Before we can begin to talk about the real cause and ef-
ins like Baycol had to be pulled from the market due to
fective treatment for heart and blood vessel disease, we
must first look at what is known, or should I say what we
How many of the 12 million Americans now taking these
think we know. The first thing that comes to mind when
drugs for their heart health understand that they are (often
one hears about heart disease is almost always choles-
dangerously) treating the symptoms and not the cause of
terol. Cholesterol and heart disease has been almost syn-
onymous for the last half-century. Cholesterol has been portrayed as the Darth Vader to our arteries and our heart.
Ginger Campbell, Pharmacy Benefit Consultant
Managing Generation Rx …From Toddlers to Retirees
The latest recommendation given by a so-called panel of
Statin Drugs Actually Increase Heart Disease
"experts" recommends that a person's cholesterol be as
Indeed, low cholesterol levels have been shown to
worsen patients with congestive heart failure, a life-
larly the so-called "statins" need to be
serious side effects is that they work by inhibiting a vital
many children. The fact that this might add to the $26
enzyme that manufactures cholesterol in the liver. How-
billion in sales of statin drugs last year I'm sure played no
ever, the same enzyme is used to manufacture coenzyme
Q10, which is a biochemical needed to transfer energy from food to our cells to be used for the work of staying
Expert Conflict of Interests
Statin drugs are known to inhibit our very important pro-duction of coenzyme Q10. Importantly, while many car-
Major consumer groups think so. They found out that
diologists insist that lowering cholesterol is correlated
eight of the nine "experts" that made the recommenda-
with a reduction in the risk of heart attacks; few can say
tions were on the payroll of pharmaceutical companies
that there is a reduction in the risk of mortality (death).
that manufacture those drugs. Major scientific organiza-
That has been much harder to show. In other words it has
tions have chastised medical journals for allowing the
never been conclusively shown that lowering cholesterol
pharmaceutical industry to publish misleading results and
saves lives. In fact, several large studies have shown that
half-truths. There is a major push under way to force the
lowering cholesterol into the range currently recom-
pharmaceutical industry (and others) to publish results of
mended is correlated with an increased risk of dying, es-
all of their studies, and not just the ones that appear posi-
tive. The studies that showed negative results would be forced to be published also.
No Such Thing as Good and Bad Cholesterol
It could be that lowering cholesterol might not be as
Because the correlation of total cholesterol with heart
healthy as we are being told. More and more studies are
disease is so weak, many years ago a stronger correlation
was sought. It was found that there is so-called "good
cholesterol" called HDL, and that the so-called "bad cho-
lesterol" was LDL. HDL stands for high-density lipopro-
tein, and LDL stands for low-density lipoprotein. Notice
please that LDL and HDL are lipoproteins -- fats com-
bined with proteins. There is only one cholesterol. There
is no such thing as a good or a bad cholesterol. Choles-
terol is just cholesterol. It combines with other fats and
proteins to be carried through the bloodstream, since fat
many patients experience on cholesterol-lowering drugs,
and our watery blood do not mix very well.
however most do not realize that these drugs are to blame.
Fatty substances therefore must be shuttled to and from our tissues and cells using proteins. LDL and HDL are
forms of proteins and are far from being just cholesterol. In fact we now know there are many types of these fat
Ginger Campbell, Pharmacy Benefit Consultant
Managing Generation Rx …From Toddlers to Retirees
LDL particles come in many sizes and large LDL parti-
So Why Take Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs?
cles are not a problem. Only the so-called small dense LDL
The pharmaceutical companies thought that you might
ask that. They went back to the drawing board. They did
more "research" and found (coincidentally) that statin
drugs had anti-inflammatory effects. Therefore we're cur-
rently being told to stay on our cholesterol-lowering
drugs because now they work by reducing inflammation
and perhaps not even by reducing cholesterol, and in fact
perhaps in spite of it. Aspirin reduces inflammation for a
lot less money. So does vitamin E, and fish oil, and die-
tary changes without the dangers of drugs and having
than others. Knowing just your total cholesterol tells you very
Cholesterol Risk Quiz Are you at risk? Test your knowledge! 1. Too much LDL cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein cholesterol—also called the bad cholesterol), can lead Cholesterol is the Hero, not the Villain to plaque buildup on artery walls.
It was determined many years ago that the majority of
cholesterol in your bloodstream comes from what your
liver is manufacturing and distributing. The amount of
2. A total cholesterol level of less than 200mg/dL is desir-
cholesterol that one eats plays little role in determining
your cholesterol levels. It is also known that HDL shut-
tles cholesterol away from tissues, and away from your
arteries, back to your liver. That is why HDL is called the
3. Headaches and weight gain are common symptoms of
"good cholesterol;" because it is supposedly taking cho-
high cholesterol.
lesterol away from your arteries. But let's think about
4. Saturated and trans fats are the most unhealthy fats.
Why does your liver make sure that you have plenty
Why is HDL taking cholesterol back to your liver?
5. High cholesterol is always treated with medication.
Why not take it right to your kidneys, or your intes-
6. Cholesterol is found in foods obtained from animals
It is taking it back to your liver so that your liver can re-
including meat, dairy and eggs.
cycle it; put it back into other particles to be taken to tis-
sues and cells that need it. Your body is trying to make
and conserve the cholesterol for the precise reason that it
7. Fiber helps lower cholesterol.
is so important, indeed vital, for health.
One function of cholesterol is to keep your cell mem-
8. Children don’t get high cholesterol.
branes from falling apart. As such, you might consider
cholesterol your cells "superglue." It is a necessary ingre-
dient in any sort of cellular repair. The coronary disease
associated with heart attacks is now known to be caused
Ginger Campbell, Pharmacy Benefit Consultant
from damage to the lining of those arteries. That damage
causes inflammation. The coronary disease that causes heart attacks is now considered to be caused mostly from chronic inflammation.
PATIENT INSTRUCTION/CONSENT SHEET FOR ALLERGY SKIN TESTING Skin Test: Skin tests are a method of testing for allergic antibodies. A test consists of introducing small amounts of the suspected substance, or allergen, into the skin and noting the development of a positive reaction (which consists of a wheal, or swelling, or flare in the surrounding area of redness). The results are read 15
SYNOPSIS ACTIVITY REPORT - INTEGRATED RISK MANAGEMENT 2010-2011, PERIODS (1-2-3) FROM APRIL 1 TO JUNE 19, 2010 This progress report summarizes the activities and achievements for the period of April 1st, 2010 to June 19th, 2010 pertaining to risk management and the use of restraint and I. RISK MANAGEMENT In total, 406 incidents and accidents1 were reported between April 1st, 20