Ordered, immediately called back and the same day delivered the order.Very pleased with the work. Thank you for prompt and accurate work https://africarx.co.za/ great prices, delivered on the day of the order. Pleasant managers consult by phone.
IIPC offers fundamental continuing educational classes for licensed professionals in thehealth and beauty industry seeking to enhance their existing skills and knowledge.
Students must complete 70 + hours of education before you s tart your hands-oneducation at IIPC. This will consist of studying , tests, Questions and Answers of:
IPC educational manual “The Ultimate Guide”.
You will find that as an educator, I will give you, the student, 100% of my knowledge andtime.
Please do not make plans for the evenings during your educational c lasses. You willhave approximately 3 hours of homework nightly, which must be handed in at the start ofthe next class day.
You will find our ethics at IIPC are the highest in the industry. Please do not discussproblems that you have had with other edu cators, classes, products, companies orstudents during class. We realize that many of you that have taken other classes still feeluneducated and want to vent your frustration. If you have a concern please voice it toyour previous educator or product c ompany directly. You chose IIPC because of ourexcellent reputation. We will do our best to ensure that you have the knowledge that willmake you the most excellent technician possible! Each educator will have differentmethods of application, ways of e ducation and so on. You may ask our opinion, but wewill not degrade or directly discuss any other company or products. Please do not ask usto compromise our ethics!
We have an ‘unlimited open door policy’. You may return to any beginning class in the following year and bring your own models for us to critique your permanent make -up application. You must have the appropriate paper work completed (model releases) and bring your own supplies and equipment. (A R200-00 chair charge will apply for each procedure application). We will critique your permanent make -up application and correct any bad habits you may have picked up.
Students like to return to IIPC after they have finished their beginners class to either workon models or just to reinforce what t hey have learned in their beginners class (especiallyabout colour). We encourage this!
I will be in the classroom at all times. You will not be left unattended during yourprocedure application unless I feel that you are ready and able to complete the pr ocedureapplication successfully.
You will be required to have your own models for 3 eyeliner, eyebrow and lipapplications. One model may choose to have all three procedures or you may havedifferent models for each procedure. You’re models should come into the clinic on the3rd, 4th and 5th day of you beginners class. Models may expect to be in the clinic for atleast 2+ hours per procedure. It is not our policy to find models for any of our students. If
you are attending class and are from out of st ate or another country, we will try to providemodels for you to work on. However, we cannot be responsible for any models that donot show up for their appointments. All lip clients must be on Zovirax, Zelitrex or AdcoAcyclovir at least 3 days prior to procedure if they are prone to fever blisters.
You will be required to take a written exam with a passing grade of 80%. Your practicalexam will consist of a hands -on exam and oral questions.
You will be required to sign and date and evaluation each day. This will consist of alleducational information you have learned on that particular day.
Sometimes students want to add an extra day of education. This may be arranged on aneed to need basis. Fees will vary and should be discussed with the educator.
Cancellation policy includes: a R10 000 non-refundable deposit. All classes must bepaid for in their entirety 3 weeks prior to class instruction. At this time all educationalmaterials will also be sent to the paid students.
We interview all potential students just as you should interview us at IIPC. We have theright to refuse any application from any person per our discretion. We insist on perfectionfrom all our students. If these guidelines are too strict for you, please choose anothereducational facility and do not attend the International Institute of Permanent Cosmetics.
Models will not be permitted in the treatment room until they are receiving a procedure.
Class time is 9:30am to approximately 5:00pm. 2x 10 minute breaks – one am and onepm and 1 hour for lunch.
I have read and understand all policies set forth by IIPC and will abide by them. Thispolicy must be signed, dated and returned to IIPC before instruction in permanentcosmetic make-up has begun.
2009 H1N1 Who is at greatest risk of infection z Wash your hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub. 2009 H1N1 flu (sometimes cal ed “swine flu”) is a new with this new virus? z Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Germs influenza virus that is spreading worldwide among people. So far, younger people have been more
“Due ore ad Acireale” Discendevamo (comitiva allegra di pittori), dalle falde dell’Etna, verso Acitrezza e Catania. Segnavo nel mio taccuino, frasi,. Voci di poesia. Lo spettacolo del vulcano “bitorzoluto” sempre fumante era stato, infatti, imponente: lo spettacolo della madre Terra che, lassù vagisce ancora come nei primi tempi della Creazione. Discendevamo, ripeto in comitiva di