Chapter 12 RIOT CONTROL AGENTS INTRODUCTION CS ( o-CHLOROBENZYLIDENE MALONONITRILE) Physical Characteristics Clinical Effects CN (1-CHLOROACETOPHENONE) Physical Characteristics Clinical Effects SEVERE MEDICAL COMPLICATIONS FROM THE USE OF CS AND CN OTHER RIOT CONTROL COMPOUNDS DM (Diphenylaminearsine) CR (Dibenz(b,f) -1:4-oxazepine) CA (Bromobenzylcyanide) MEDICAL CARE Decontamination Skin Eye Respiratory Tract Cardiovascular System FUTURE USE
*Formerly, Chief, Chemical Casualty Care Office, and Director, Medical Management of Chemical Casualties Course, U.S. Army MedicalResearch Institute of Chemical Defense, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010-5425; currently, Chemical Casualty Consultant, 14Brooks Road, Bel Air, Maryland 21014Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological WarfareINTRODUCTION
Riot control agents are compounds that cause
organs affected. The eyes, nose, and respiratory tract
temporary incapacitation by irritation of the eyes
are the primary organs affected, although the skin
(tearing and blepharospasm), causing them to close,
is also often involved. The compounds produce
and irritation of the upper respiratory tract. They
temporary disability because the extreme eye irri-
are often called irritants, irritating agents, and ha-
tation and blepharospasm cause the eyes to close
rassing agents; the general public usually calls them
temporarily, and the irritation of the airways causes
tear gas. Like most of the other chemical agents dis-
coughing, shortness of breath, and sometimes retch-
cussed in this textbook, riot control agents are
ing or vomiting. One of these compounds, DM, is
known by two-initial designators that are neither
noted for also causing vomiting and malaise.
abbreviations nor acronyms of their chemical names
The United States does not recognize riot con-
but are most akin to code names. Hence an expla-
trol agents as chemical warfare agents as defined
nation of the derivations of the names is usually
in the Geneva Convention of 1925. The Geneva Gas
Protocol of 1925 was ratified by the United States
Three types of riot control agents are recognized:
on 22 January 1975. At that time, the United States
lacrimators, which primarily cause lacrimation and
interpreted the protocol as prohibiting the first use
eye irritation; sternutators, which mainly cause
of lethal chemicals, but not of nonlethal ones such
sneezing and irritation of the upper respiratory
as riot control agents or herbicides.
tract; and vomiting agents, which additionally
During the Vietnam War, before the protocol rati-
cause vomiting. Because these compounds—CS,
fication, the United States had used the riot control
CN, DM, CR, and CA—have a number of charac-
agent CS (o-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile) exten-
teristics in common, they are grouped together as
sively. On 8 April 1975, President Ford signed Ex-
riot control agents in this chapter. The small dis-
ecutive Order 11850, which unilaterally renounced
tinctions among them are noted in the discussion
first use of riot control agents in armed conflict, with
of each agent. Table 12-1 lists the chemical, physi-
specified exceptions. These exceptions include first
cal, environmental, and biological properties of the
use for riot control in areas under direct U.S. mili-
three major agents: CS, CN, and DM. Characteris-
tary control (including control of rioting prisoners
tics common to all compounds in this category are
of war), use in rescue operations, use in situationsin which civilians screen or mask attacks, and use
• a rapid time of onset of effects (seconds to
in rear echelons to protect convoys from terrorists
or similar groups. Presidential approval is required
• a relatively brief duration of effects (15–30
in advance for either first or retaliatory use of riot
min) once the victim has escaped the con-
Of all the compounds discussed in this book, riot
control agents are perhaps the most scrutinized by
the public. In civilian life, law enforcement agen-
• a high safety ratio (the ratio of the lethal
cies use riot control agents in civil disturbances,
dose [estimated] to the effective dose).
riots, or to avoid using deadly force. The militarycommonly uses them in training. The symptoms
Riot control agents all produce effects by sensory
described below, therefore, will be familiar to most
irritation, causing extreme discomfort or pain in the
Irritant compounds were allegedly used by
Modern use probably began in the 1910–1914 pe-
Marcus Fulvius against the Ambracians in the sec-
riod, when ethylbromoacetate was employed against
ond century BC. The Byzantines apparently knew
criminals by French police. At the beginning of World
of the efficacy of using irritant substances to harass
War I, some of these former policemen, who were then
the enemy. Plutarch described a Roman general who
in the French army, began to use some of these muni-
used an irritant agent cloud in Spain to drive the
tions on the battlefield with some degree of success.
enemy out of concealment in caves,1 a use similar to
Although the German use of chlorine at Ypres, Bel-
that of the United States in Vietnam 2,000 years later.
gium, on 22 April 1915 is generally heralded as the
TABLE 12-1 CHEMICAL, PHYSICAL, ENVIRONMENTAL, AND BIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF CS, CN, AND DM Properties o-Chlorobenzylidene 1-Chloroacetophenone Diphenylaminearsine Malononitrile (CS)
0.0041 mm Hg at approx 20°C 4.5 x 10-11 mm Hg at 25°C
Fragrant (like apple blossoms) Yellow-green, odorless,
*Compared with the density of airLCt50: the concentration • time (Ct) that is lethal to 50% of the population exposed
ICt50: the Ct that incapacitates 50% of the population exposed
beginning of chemical warfare on the modern battle-
a riot control agent was widely used in the Vietnam War.
field, irritating substances had already been in use for
Riot control agents gained some notoriety when
about a year. During World War I, approximately 30
they were used in civil disturbances in Paris, France,
different compounds were tried for their irritant ef-
in 1968; in Londonderry, Northern Ireland, in
fects, usually without much success.2 As noted above,
1969; in several protest demonstrations in the
Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfare
United States in the late 1960s; and in prison riots.
many years and is commercially available in devices
More recently, riot control agents were used in an
for self-protection under its proprietary name, Mace
unsuccessful attempt to drive the Branch Davidians
(the chemical, not the devices, is manufactured by
from their compound near Waco, Texas, in Febru-
General Ordnance Equipment Corp., Pittsburgh,
Pa.). CS is the compound that is used by the mili-
Probably the best known of these compounds is
tary in most countries and almost exclusively by
CN (1-chloroacetophenone); it has been used for
law enforcement agencies throughout the world. CS (o-CHLOROBENZYLIDENE MALONONITRILE)
ing the mid 1960s, hydrophobic formulations of CS,
CS1 and CS2, were developed. The former is a mi-
cronized powder with 5% hydrophobic silica aero-
gel; the latter is a siliconized, microencapsulated
form of CS1. CS1 and CS2 last for several weeksand are a persistent hazard during military opera-
tions. Because of their persistence, they have notbeen used for civil disturbances.
The riot control agent known as CS (o-chloro-
Clinical Effects
benzylidene malononitrile) was first synthesized in1928 by Corson and Stoughton (hence its code
Clinical effects common to all of these riot con-
name). It replaced CN as the standard riot control
trol agents are listed in Exhibit 12-1. In the eye, an
or irritant agent in the U.S. Army in 1959. In the
initial burning feeling or irritation progresses to
late 1950s, CS was also adopted by most U.S. law
pain accompanied by blepharospasm, lacrimation,
enforcement agencies and by the military and law
and conjunctival injection. The intense blepharo-
enforcement agencies of other countries, because CS
spasm causes the eyes to close. Photophobia is of-
is more effective than CN (it causes effects at lower
ten present and may linger for an hour. The mu-
doses) and is less toxic (ie, its LCt50, the vapor or
cous membranes of the mouth, including the tongue
aerosol exposure [concentration • time] that is le-
and palate, have a sensation of discomfort or burn-
thal to 50% of the exposed population, is higher).
ing, with excess salivation. Rhinorrhea is accompa-
nied by pain inside the nose and perhaps around
Physical Characteristics
the external nares. When inhaled, these compoundscause a burning sensation or a feeling of tightness
CS is a white, crystalline solid with a low vapor
in the chest, with coughing, sneezing, and increased
pressure. It is almost insoluble in water and only
secretions. On unprotected skin, especially if the air
slightly soluble in ethyl alcohol and carbon tetra-
is warm and moist (see skin effects of CS), these
chloride. Because of these physical characteristics,
agents cause tingling or burning; within a few min-
decontaminating buildings, furniture, and other
utes, erythema may develop at the exposed sites.
material after CS use in urban riots is difficult. Dis-semination of CS can be by explosive dispersion of
Tolerance to Exposure
a powder or solution, by dispersion of the powderin a fine state, by spraying a solution, or by releas-
Typically, effects appear within seconds of expo-
ing as smoke from a pyrotechnic mixture.3 The
sure to an aerosolized compound and worsen as
method of dissemination may influence the sever-
long as one remains in the cloud. Most effects slowly
ity of the injury (see eye injury for CN). The Mate-
dissipate, starting within a few minutes after one
rial Safety Data Sheet, which the manufacturer in-
leaves the contaminated area. By 30 minutes, most
cludes in each package, assigns it a flammability
effects have completely abated, although the usu-
rating of 4 (on a scale of 0 to 4). The agent was a
ally mild erythema may persist for 1 to 2 hours. If
large contributor in the conflagration that burned
one does not leave shortly after the onset of irrita-
the Branch Davidian compound and its inhabitants
tion, the effects might become more severe, with
marked coughing, gagging, retching, and vomiting.
CS tends to agglomerate when used and resists
Most individuals note marked harassment at a
weathering poorly (losing its effectiveness). Dur-
concentration of 3 to 5 mg/m3 and leave the area
ing, but voluntarily returned for the remainder of
the period). Individuals did not develop toleranceto the compound after ten exposures of 1 to 13 mg/
Duration of tolerance was reduced in exercising
individuals, presumably because of deeper breath-
ing and deeper penetration of the particles into thelung, and chest symptoms were more pronounced
than when the subjects were exposed while resting.
An increase in tolerance was noted when the tem-
perature was low (–18°C; 0°F); a slight decrease in
tolerance occurred in a hot environment (36°C). Skin
symptoms (such as a burning sensation) were more
prominent at the hot temperature than at moderate
One might expect that personality and mental set
could determine tolerance to CS; a dedicated hijacker,
for example, might be able to resist its effects. To
test for a correlation between personality and tol-
Gastrointestinal Tract
erance to an irritant compound, a group of men
were exposed to CS, then tested on the Minnesota
Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI).6 Those
individuals with less tolerance to CS were charac-
terized by the MMPI by greater use of denial, re-
pression, and somatic complaints than the moretolerant group. Furthermore, the more tolerantgroup had a higher mean general intelligence score(127 compared with 100 for the less tolerant group).
as soon as possible.4 Tolerance develops, however,
In a similar study,7 subjects with high scores clas-
in those who have been in close contact with CS for
sified as abnormal on certain MMPI scales tolerated
a period of time, such as production or laboratory
less CS than did subjects with normal scores. After
workers. Those who have developed tolerance can
the administration of diazepam, the tolerance to CS
stay in their accustomed concentration of CS and
was significantly increased in the group with ab-
the discomfort does not increase, and, in fact, may
normal scores, but not in the group with normal
decrease. Those who work in a CS environment and
scores. This result suggests that anxiety, which was
get CS on their clothing often become so accus-
reduced more by diazepam in the group with ab-
tomed to its effects that they wear the clothing out
normal scores, plays a role in tolerance.
of the area without remembering, only to have oth-ers complain. Respiratory Tract Effects
Tolerance was examined experimentally in an
early study5 in which men were placed in a concen-
Inasmuch as CS is usually disseminated as an
tration of 0.43 mg/m3; the concentration was slowly
aerosol (powder or in solution), the most common
increased to 2.0 mg/m3 over 60 minutes. If the men
route of absorption is by inhalation. In an LCt50
were able to withstand the initial effects, they could
study,8 four species (rat, rabbit, guinea pig, and
remain at the higher concentration. During this time,
mouse) were exposed to aerosolized CS powder for
some subjects played cards and two attempted to read.
5 to 60 minutes. The LCt50 values (based on mor-
In a similar study,4 when four subjects were ex-
tality within 14 d) ranged from 50,010 mg•min/m3
posed to a low concentration that was increased to
(in the mouse) to 88,480 mg•min/m3 (in the rat).
6 mg/m3 over 10 minutes, three subjects left before
No animal died during exposure; most of those that
the time was up. In contrast, when the same sub-
died afterwards did so within 2 days. The lungs of
jects were exposed to the same low concentration
those dying were congested and edematous, and
that was slowly increased to 6 mg/m3 over a 30-
many had hemorrhages. The trachea was congested
minute period, three remained for 30 more minutes
with moderate amounts of mucus. On microscopi-
(the fourth subject left after 2 min because of cough-
cal examination, moderate to marked congestion of
Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfare
alveolar capillaries and intrapulmonary veins, in-
48 animals) within 48 hours in the 750-mg/m 3
ter- and intraalveolar hemorrhages, and excess se-
group, and only two deaths (in 240 animals) oc-
cretions in the smaller airways were seen. Animals
curred in the 150-mg/m3 group. In these animals
that died after 48 hours also had evidence of early
and in those sacrificed at 24 hours and onward,
bronchopneumonia. Those that survived for 14 days
had normal lungs on gross and microscopic exami-
In a continuation of this study,9 rats were exposed
to CS at 1,000 to 2,000 mg/m3 for 5 minutes per day
Pyrotechnically dispersed smoke from a CS gre-
for 5 days. None of the rats died. Minimal patho-
nade was used in a similar study design with the
logical changes were found on sacrifice of the ani-
same four species.9 At high concentrations and ex-
mals, but 5 of 56 had bronchopneumonia. A group
posure times of 5 to 20 minutes, the LCt50 values
of 50 rats was exposed to a concentration of 12 to
(based on mortality within 14 days) ranged from
15 mg/m3 for 80 minutes daily for 9 days.9 Five rats
35,000 mg•min/m3 (in the guinea pig) to 76,000
died from bronchopneumonia and on sacrifice, 5 of
mg•min/m3 (in the mouse). No animal died dur-
the remaining 45 rats were found to have broncho-
ing exposure, and only two died within 12 hours of
removal from the chamber. With concentrations
In a long-term study,10 mice were exposed to 3 or
ranging from 31.9 to 56.4 mg/m3 and a 5-hour per
30 mg/m3 of CS for 60 minutes per day for 55 ex-
day exposure for 1 to 7 days, the LCt50 values (14-
posures and then observed for 6 months longer. A
day mortality) were from 25,000 mg•min/m3 (rat)
daily exposure of 192 mg/m3 for 60 minutes per
day was stopped after three exposures because of
The lungs of animals that died before 14 days
deaths. Rats and mice were also exposed to these
were edematous and congested, with areas of hem-
doses daily for 120 days; daily exposure at 236 mg/
orrhage and excessive amounts of mucus in the tra-
m3 was stopped after 5 days. At the two low con-
chea and bronchi. The alveolar capillaries and in-
centrations (3 and 30 mg/m3), the number of deaths
trapulmonary veins were congested, with areas of
over the year of study did not exceed the number
alveolar hemorrhages and hemorrhagic atelectasis.
of deaths in control groups, which were exposed to
A few had edema, but no inflammatory cell infil-
air in the exposure chamber daily. After a year, mice
tration was noted. In addition, most animals had evi-
receiving 30 mg/m3 had a statistically significant
dence of circulatory failure, with dilated right ven-
increase in chronic laryngitis and tracheitis, but oth-
tricles and enlarged livers, kidneys, and spleens.9
erwise the pathological findings for these animals
Animals that survived 14 days had no abnormali-
were not different from those of the control group.
ties on pathological examination. The investigators
In particular, no relationship was found between
pointed out that the presence of pulmonary edema
specific tumors and the total dose of CS.
and hemorrhages in the absence of inflammatorycell infiltration suggests that the smoke caused di-
Dermatological Effects
rect injury to the pulmonary capillary endotheliumand that the main cause of death was pulmonary
CS is a primary irritant to the skin. In addition,
damage. They also commented that, because of the
individuals may develop allergic contact dermati-
agglomeration of the smoke particles and subse-
tis after an initial, uneventful exposure to it.
quent precipitation of the compound, concentra-
Typically, several minutes after an acute expo-
tions as high as those used could not be maintained
sure to a low concentration of CS, a prickly feeling
or burning is felt in exposed areas of skin. This sen-
Two hundred sixty-four rats and 250 hamsters
sation is more noticeable if the skin is wet or freshly
were exposed to CS concentrations of 750, 480, or
abraded (eg, after shaving). The sensation may be
150 mg/m3 for 30, 60, or 120 minutes, respectively
accompanied or followed by erythema, which usu-
(the calculated Ct values were 22,500, 28,800, and
ally persists for an hour or less. Under certain cir-
18,000 mg•min/m3, respectively). Only one animal
cumstances—involving the amount of CS, the tem-
died in the first 6 hours after exposure; 33 died
perature, and the humidity—a more intense
within 48 hours, and 31 of these were in the 480-
erythema may follow about 2 hours later. If the
mg/m3 (60-min) group. Those dying within 48
amount of CS, the temperature, and the humidity
hours had moderately severe congestion in the
are all high, the erythema becomes even more se-
lungs, with alveolar hemorrhage and edema in
vere, and edema and vesication appear hours later.
some. Acute tubular necrosis was present in some
The time course is the same as that for the skin dam-
of the animals. In contrast, no deaths occurred (in
To test the effects of CS on human skin, the arms
tive humidity), all four subjects had minimal de-
of volunteers were exposed to high concentrations
layed erythema at Ct values of 26,025 or 30,240
of CS thermally generated from an M7 grenade.11
mg•min/m3. In contrast, at the tropical conditions,
The exposure was at a temperature of 36°C and
the effective Ct for producing delayed erythema
humidity of 100%; the average concentration was
300 mg/m3, and exposure times ranged from 15 to
The authors of the study pointed out that many
60 minutes. All subjects noted stinging about 5 min-
variables make it difficult to predict which indi-
utes after onset of exposure. After being withdrawn
viduals might be more sensitive than others. Among
from the apparatus, the arms were rinsed with cold,
these variables are skin pigmentation, eye color,
running water to remove the powder that clung to
complexion, and susceptibility to sunburn.12
hairs; this procedure caused the stinging to increase.
Although the conditions of these studies were
Ct values of 4,440 and 9,480 mg•min/m3 caused
severe, serious skin reactions can occur under
an immediate skin response: a patchy, vascular
milder, more common conditions. First- and second-
erythema, which subsided after 30 minutes with no
U.S. Army Chemical Corps officers on a field exer-
Ct values of 14,040 and 17,700 mg•min/m 3
cise.13 Temperature and humidity were high, it had
caused a more severe initial dermal response, which
been raining heavily, and their uniforms were
required 3 hours to disappear. After 12 to 24 hours,
soaked through. The officers, who were wearing
a delayed reaction, consisting of first- and second-
fatigues, ponchos, and M17 protective masks, were
degree burns, appeared. Blistering occurred in four
hit with a cloud of micropulverized CS1 from a dis-
of the eight subjects (Figure 12-1). With treatment
perser; soon afterwards, they noted burning of their
(discussed below), these lesions resolved in 10 to
unprotected skin. About 2 hours later, some of the
14 days; by 6 weeks later, a small amount of post-
men hosed off and some changed clothes, but most
did neither. About 14 to 16 hours after exposure,
By means of a sleeve with removable patches,
blistering began, and all of the men who had not
arms of volunteers in another study12 were exposed
hosed off or changed clothes eventually developed
to CS thermally generated from an M7 grenade. The
patches were removed at appropriate times to give
Firemen in Washington, D. C., were frequently
Ct exposures of 1,550 to 33,120 mg•min/m3 at tropi-
exposed to CS during the riots of April 1968; in ad-
cal conditions (37°C; 98% relative humidity) or at
dition, they were exposed to CS as they entered
one of three temperate conditions (14°C and 41%
buildings in which CS had been disseminated. The
relative humidity; 20°C and 95% relative humidity;
CS on floors or furniture was reaerosolized both by
22°C and 72% relative humidity). No subjects at
their movement and by the force of water from their
14°C or 22°C had the delayed erythema at Ct val-
hoses. They later developed erythema and edema
ues of up to 25,560 mg•min/m3. At 20°C (95% rela-
of periorbital skin and other exposed areas.14
Fig. 12-1. (a) Erythema 25 hours after exposure to a high Ct (the product of concentration of vapor or aerosol • time of exposure; in this instance, 14,040 mg•min/m3) of CS at 97°F and 100% humidity. (b) The same skin lesions at 45 hours, with vesication. Reprinted from Hellreich A, Goldman RH, Bottiglieri NG, Weimer JT. The Effects of Thermally- Generated CS Aerosols on Human Skin. Edgewood Arsenal, Md: Medical Research Laboratories; 1967: 19. Technical Report 4075. Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfare
Earlier investigators reported vesication after CS
with the solution and least severe with the smoke.
patch testing.4 They also mixed CS with sodium
After exposure to the smoke, the eyes had a tran-
hypochlorite (household bleach) and found that in
sient, slight excess of lacrimation and congestion
all subjects tested, the product caused a reaction that
of conjunctival vessels lasting 24 hours; the tissues
was much more severe than that produced by CS
were normal when examined 7 days later.
alone. For that reason, hypochlorite is not recom-
The solid (0.5–5.0 mg) caused lacrimation at all
mended for decontamination of CS on skin. (A hypo-
doses, blepharitis that increased with dose and
chlorite is successfully used as a decontaminant for
lasted up to a week, and chemosis at 5 mg, which
was mild and lasted 3 days. Minimal iritis and
CS is a primary irritant and causes contact der-
keratitis, of 24 hours’ duration, were seen in two of
matitis, typically in workers in CS-manufacturing
five animals receiving 5 mg. At concentrations of
or -packing plants. A reaction is more common in
1% and higher, CS in solution caused conjunctivitis
warm weather and high humidity or in sweating
and iritis, chemosis, keratitis, and corneal vascu-
subjects. The lesion begins some hours after expo-
larization; the lesion was more severe and lasted
sure as an erythema, with burning and stinging; the
longer with the higher doses. Histological examina-
area becomes edematous at about 24 hours, then
tion indicated patchy denudation of corneal epithe-
vesicles or bullae may appear. Common sites are
lium and a neutrophilic infiltration of the cornea.17
those of partial occlusion, such as the areas under
Reports of severe eye injuries from riot control
the cuff or glove and under the shirt collar.
agents have involved the agent CN. They are dis-
CS is also a sensitizer and can cause allergic con-
tact dermatitis, which is the result of a delayed hy-persensitivity reaction. An initial exposure may not
Gastrointestinal Tract Disturbances
cause a reaction, but a later exposure to even a smallamount produces an often severe dermatitis, with
A handful of instances in which an individual
erythema, edema, vesication, and, in severe in-
ate CS are known. In all but two cases, children were
the victims. Typically, they were playing in an old
Differentiation of the two reactions—primary
impact area on a military installation and came
irritant dermatitis and allergic contact dermatitis—
across some shells containing a powdery substance,
is often difficult clinically and usually requires
which they ate. One adult ingestion was an attempt
at suicide by an otherwise healthy young man; theother was an individual who ate a CS pellet (820
Ophthalmological Effects
mg) after a friend told him it was a vitamin pill.18
The oral LD50 (dose that is lethal to 50% of the
The eye is a sensitive target organ of riot control
exposed population) of CS was found to be 143 mg/
agents. In studies14,15 on humans, CS (0.1% or 0.25%
kg in the female rabbit, the most sensitive of three
CS in water; 1.0% CS in trioctyl phosphate), when
species studied (the rat, about 1,300 mg/kg; the
placed or sprayed into the eyes, caused inability to
guinea pig, 212 mg/kg; and the male rabbit, 231
open the eyes for 10 to 135 seconds. A transient con-
mg/kg).8 The animals that died had multiple, ex-
junctivitis but no corneal damage as assessed by
tensive hemorrhagic erosions of the gastric mucosa,
with perforation of the wall, and a few had in-
In another study,16 subjects were exposed to CS2
creased peritoneal fluid. In those surviving for sev-
(powder dispersal) or CS powder (thermally dis-
eral days, intraabdominal adhesions were found.
seminated) at 0.1 to 6.7 mg•min/m3 for 20 seconds
After male rats and female guinea pigs received 0.5
to 10 minutes. Their visual acuity was tested at in-
LD50 of CS by stomach tube, and male rabbits re-
tervals during and after the exposure. Subjects who
ceived 0.3 LD50 by this route, the incidence of wet
could keep their eyes open during the exposure to
or runny stools was no greater than that for the con-
read the chart had minimally impaired visual acu-
trol vehicle, polyethylene glycol 300 (PEG300).19 The
ity, and no appreciable change in acuity from
investigators concluded that diarrhea is not an
effect of ingested CS. They also suggested that riot-
In an investigation of the ophthalmic toxicity of
ers would not have diarrhea from CS exposure,
CS,17 rabbit eyes were contaminated with CS in so-
since they would be unlikely to swallow this much,
lution (0.5%–10% in polyethylene glycol), as a solid,
but that an intensely emotional experience such as
and as a pyrotechnically generated smoke (15 min-
being in a riot may itself be a cause of disturbed
utes at 6,000 mg/m3). The effects were most severe
bowel function. In another study,20 the oral LD50
varied widely in rats (178–358 mg/kg), depending
than the lethal Ct do not die during exposure or
on the solvent used. After death, moderate to severe
immediately afterwards, but many die hours later,
gastroenteritis was noted on gross examination.
in contrast to the usually rapid death caused by cya-
No deaths or severe complications in humans
nide. Moreover, the lung damage found on patho-
from ingestion of CS are known. The young man
logical examination is adequate to explain death.8,9
mentioned above who had attempted suicide by CS
In addressing this issue, a British report3 suggests
ingestion was given large amounts of what were
that whereas cyanide might be a causative factor in
described as “saline cathartics” and over the next
the rapid deaths occurring after intravenous admin-
24 hours had repeated episodes of severe abdomi-
istration, it is not a factor in death after aerosol ad-
nal cramps and diarrhea; whether these symptoms
ministration. If one were to absorb completely all
were due to the illness or the treatment is unknown.
the CS during a 1-minute exposure at 10 mg/m3,
A surgical team examined the patient early and
and if both cyanides on the molecule were liberated—
stood by during the acute phase. The patient recov-
and evidence suggests that only one is liberated—the
ered uneventfully. The adult who ate a CS pellet
total amount of cyanide received would be equiva-
was given liquid antiacid and viscous lidocaine
lent to that received from two puffs of a cigarette.
orally and droperidol intravenously. He vomitedtwice, had six voluminous watery bowel move-
Other Physiological Responses
ments without blood, and otherwise recovered un-eventfully. Blood cyanide was less than 1 µg/dL 18
When subjects were exposed to CS concentra-
hours after ingestion (see section on metabolism).18
tions of 1 to 13 mg/m3 daily for 10 days, their air-way resistances, measured 2 to 4 minutes after the
Metabolic Effects
fourth and tenth exposures, were unchanged fromthe preexposure values.4 Tidal volume, vital capac-
Both in vivo and, in water, in vitro, CS ( o-
ity, and peak flow in 36 subjects also were un-
chlorobenzylidene malononitrile) is hydrolyzed to
changed when they were measured immediately
2-chlorobenzaldehyde and malononitrile. Malono-
nitrile contains two cyanide moieties, and it is
Heart rates of subjects were lower immediately
thought that at least one of these is liberated and
after exposure compared with preexposure values.4
attaches to sulfur via the enzyme rhodanese to form
Subjects entered a chamber of CS with masks on;
thiocyanate, which is excreted in the urine.
immediately on removing their masks, their mean
Some authors have suggested that cyanide con-
blood pressure increased by 20 mm Hg systolic and
tributes to mortality in CS-caused deaths.21,22 In dogs
11 mm Hg diastolic. After they had remained in the
given CS by the aerosol or intravenous routes, the
CS for 20 minutes, however, their blood pressures
plasma concentrations of thiocyanate increased over
were comparable to the preexposure values.4 The
the following 24 to 48 hours, presumably because of
blood pressures of subjects drenched with dilute
transformation of the liberated cyanide to thiocyan-
solutions of CS were transiently elevated to about
ate by combination with endogenous sulfur.21 Af-
ter CS was given intraperitoneally, the mortality
After daily exposures to CS for 10 days, seven
was markedly decreased by the intravenous admin-
subjects had no alterations in blood sodium, potas-
istration of thiosulfate, which may have provided
sium, alkaline phosphatase, or bromsulfophthalein;
additional sulfur for the transformation of cyanide to
one of the seven had an increase in thymol turbid-
thiocyanate.21 Also, after intravenous administration
ity. No chest radiograph or urinary changes were
of CS or malononitrile, the signs and the times to death
seen. 4 In another study, 5 although significant
were similar (15–60 min), suggesting that both caused
changes were seen in some blood chemistries after
effects by the same mechanism.22 In this report, the
exposure, all values were within the normal range.
authors also noted the similarities of signs and times
Pregnant rats and rabbits were exposed to CS
of death for these two compounds, compared with
aerosols at concentrations of 6, 20, or 60 mg/m3 for
5 minutes on days 6 to 15 and 6 to 18 of gestation,
One author of the latter report, however, clearly
respectively. In addition, rats were given CS (20
notes in a later communication23 that the mode and
mg/kg) intraperitoneally on days 6, 8, 10, 12, and
time of death differ depending on whether CS is
14 of gestation. No embryolethality or teratogenic-
administered by the intravenous route or by aero-
sol. As noted earlier in the discussion of respira-
CS and some of its metabolites were found not
tory effects for CS, animals exposed to far greater
to have mutagenic effects in the Ames SalmonellaMedical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfaretyphimurium assay with microsome supplement-
row erythrocytes of mice exposed to CS. 27 The
ation.26 In addition, no mutagenic effects were
authors of another study28 of rats and Salmonella
found in assays for reverse mutations in S typhim-
concluded that CS did not induce point mutations
urium after exposure to CS, in assays for sex-linked,
or carcinogenic processes mediated by DNA bind-
recessive lethal mutations in sperm cells after Dro-
ing. However, CS did give a positive response in the
sophila were fed CS, or in chromosomes of bone mar-
forward mutation assay in mouse lymphoma cells.29
trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles; and more evi-dence of early bronchopneumonia. Dermatological Effects
A textbook published in 1925 states that CN in
Physical Characteristics
field concentrations does not damage human skin;however, the powder might produce burning:
Like CS, the riot control agent known as CN (1-
“slight rubefaction, and sometimes small vesicles
chloroacetophenone) is a solid or powder and can
appear.” 31(p171) Early cases of CN dermatitis—one of
be disseminated as a smoke generated from a gre-
primary irritant dermatitis in a soldier and three in
nade or other device, or in powder or liquid for-
civilian employees who probably had allergic der-
mulations. Under the trade name Mace, it is in most
matitis from working around CN for years—were
devices sold for self-protection, although today it
is commonly mixed with or is being replaced by
A severe allergic reaction to CN developed after
a 43-year-old military recruit went through the
CN was first synthesized by Graebe in 1871 and
CN training chamber routine (ie, an individual
was used in World War I. Before the late 1950s, it
spends 5 min in the chamber masked, then re-
was the standard tear gas used by the military and
moves the mask and exits the chamber). Within 5
minutes after exiting, the patient complained of
The harassing concentration for CN is about 10
generalized itching, which became progressively
mg/m3, compared with about 4 mg/m3 for CS. It is
worse over the following hours. Four hours after
more toxic than CS, and the human LCt
exiting, he had a diffuse and intense erythema over
lethal Ct) has been estimated to be 7,000 mg•min/
his entire body except his feet and the portion of
m3 for pure aerosol and 14,000 mg•min/m3 for a
his face covered by the mask. His temperature was
38.9°C (102°F) and rose to 39.4°C (103°F) the nextday. By 48 hours after exposure, he had vesication
Clinical Effects
and later developed severe subcutaneous edemathat “strikingly altered the appearance of the
In general, the clinical effects caused by CN are
face”33(p1879) and severe generalized itching. Over the
the same as those caused by CS. The harassing dose
next 4 days, the signs subsided, and desquamation,
is higher and CN is more toxic and more likely to
which was profuse at day 6, gradually decreased.
cause serious effects, particularly in skin and eyes
The patient had developed itching during a tear gas
(see below). Most effects from exposures to a low
exercise 17 years previously but had not been ex-
concentration will disappear within 20 to 30 minutes.
A police officer received an initial exposure to
Respiratory Tract Effects
CN and 5 years later, on repeated exposure, devel-oped recurrent attacks of what was probably aller-
In studies parallel to those described above for
gic contact dermatitis. The source of the repeated
CS, CN was found to be 3- to 10-fold more toxic
exposures was unrecognized until he realized that
he had been using outdated CN bombs for eradica-
50) than CS in rats, rabbits, guinea pigs,
and mice.8 In addition, the pathological findings in
the lungs were more severe, with more edema;
CN (0.5 mg), when left in place for 60 minutes,
patchy acute inflammatory cell infiltration of the
caused irritation and erythema on the skin of all
humans tested in one study,35 whereas CS caused
weapon from close range with intent to injure the
no effects in amounts less than 20 mg. When the
patient. In some instances, particles of agglomer-
CN was moist, 0.5 mg caused vesication in most
ated agent were driven into the eye tissues by the
subjects, whereas vesication was not seen after ex-
force of the blast; the authors of the study suggested
that a chemical reaction caused damage over
In addition to being a more potent primary irri-
months or years. In other instances, the injury was
tant on the skin than CS, CN is also a more potent
probably caused by the blast or other foreign par-
skin sensitizer.36 Several people developed allergic
ticles rather than by CN. The authors carefully
contact sensitivity to CN after patch testing.37 Be-
pointed out that features of the weapon, such as the
cause of the high incidence of sensitization in test
blast force, the propellant charge, the wadding, and
subjects, CN should be considered a potent allergic
the age of the cartridge (in older cartridges, the
sensitizer, and those who are frequently exposed
powder agglomerates and forms larger particles)
should be aware of the high likelihood of develop-
should be considered in evaluating eye damage due
The author of another review41 came to the same
Ophthalmological Effects
conclusion: the traumatic effect of the blast is a con-siderable factor, and one cannot always be sure that
The irritation caused by CN in the eye signals
CN per se is the cause of permanent injury.
avoidance and, by causing lacrimation and bleph-
In a study20 comparing the effects of CN and CS
arospasm, initiates a defense mechanism. High con-
in the eyes of rabbits, CN at a concentration of 10%
centrations of CN sprayed into the eyes from a dis-
(wt/vol) caused iritis and conjunctivitis lasting
tance have caused edema of the corneal epithelium
longer than 7 days and corneal opacity lasting
and conjunctiva and many minute epithelial defects
longer than 55 days. In contrast, CS, at the same
in the cornea.39 Healing was rapid, however.
concentration, caused moderate conjunctivitis but
More lasting or permanent effects may occur
no iritis or corneal opacities; all eyes were normal
when CN is released at close range (within a
at 7 days. Other evidence30 indicates that when CN
few meters), particularly if it is from a forceful
is applied directly to the eye in powder form or is
blast from a cartridge, bomb, pistol, or spray. One
sprayed at close range, a more severe reaction than
study 40 based on case records from the files of the
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washing-
Although permanent eye damage has been re-
ton, D. C., reviewed eye injuries from tear gas; un-
ported from the use of CN weapons at close range,
fortunately, many of the histories were incomplete.
separating the effects of the weapon from those of
In about half the cases, the injuries were self-
the compound is difficult. There is no evidence that
inflicted and accidental; in the other half, the
CN at harassing or normal field concentrations
injuries were caused by a second person firing a
The indiscriminate use of large amounts of CN
he had an episode of cyanosis, which cleared with
in confined spaces has caused injuries requiring
suctioning. On examination, he was in respiratory
medical attention and death. An incident of injury
distress with suprasternal retraction, wheezes, and
to an infant from CS has also been reported.
rales bilaterally. The chest radiograph was clear.
A 4-month-old infant was in a house into which
Antibiotics, high-dose steroids, and positive-pres-
police fired CS tear gas canisters for 2 to 3 hours to
sure breathing were started. He slowly improved
subdue a disturbed adult. Immediately on being
until the seventh hospital day, when his tempera-
removed from the house, the infant was taken to a
ture rose to 40.4°C (104.4°F) and coughing in-
hospital, where he was observed to have copious
creased. An infiltrate was noted on the chest radio-
secretions of the nose and mouth and frequent
graph. Physical findings were unremarkable except
sneezing and coughing. He required frequent
for coarse breath sounds throughout the lungs. He
suctioning to relieve upper airway obstruction.
improved with further antibiotic and ventilatory
Physical examination was unremarkable except for
therapy and was discharged on day 12, only to be
the secretions, slight conjunctival injection, and
readmitted on day 13 with an increasing cough and
rapid heart rate and respirations. On the second day,
a progression of the infiltrate. With more antibiot-
Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfare
ics and other therapy, he gradually recovered and
grees of illness, and at least three received medical
was discharged after 28 days in the hospital.42
treatment (the authors carefully pointed out that
In a prison incident, 44 inmates were in a cell
block sprayed with CN; 28 inmates later sought
A prisoner was found dead under his bunk 46
medical attention, and 8 were hospitalized. All eight
hours later. Other prisoners reported that he had
complained of malaise, lethargy, and anorexia. Five
had “red eyes,” had vomited “bloody” material, and
had pharyngitis, three of whom developed pseudo-
had sought medical attention on several occasions.
membranous exudates several days later. Three also
On autopsy, he was noted to have rigor mortis, cy-
developed tracheobronchitis with purulent sputum,
anosis of the face and head, and no evidence of
but no infiltrates on chest radiograph. Four patients
physical injury. His lungs had subpleural petechiae,
had facial burns, and three had bullae on the legs;
hyperemia, mild edema, and patchy areas of con-
the most severely affected had first- and second-
solidation; microscopic examination showed bron-
degree burns over 25% of his body. One patient was
chopneumonia clustered around exudate-filled
admitted 5 days after the incident with a papuloves-
bronchioles. His larynx and tracheobronchial tree
icular rash of his face, scalp, and trunk, which had
were lined with an exudative pseudomembrane;
appeared 2 days earlier. Ten prisoners were treated
microscopic examination showed this was a fibrin-
as outpatients for first- and second-degree burns,
rich exudate containing polymorphonuclear leuko-
and six had localized papulovesicular rashes. Ten
cytes and their degenerating forms. There was no
had conjunctivitis with edema of the conjunctiva,
evidence of gastrointestinal hemorrhage; other or-
and in some the eyelids were closed by the swell-
ing, but no patient had corneal injuries or perma-
Another individual had an altercation with the
nent eye damage. The patients with laryngotracheo-
police and locked himself into a room in his house.
bronchitis were given bronchodilators, postural
A single CN grenade (128 g) was thrown into the
drainage, and positive-pressure exercises. Two were
room (approximately 27 m3), where the patient re-
given short-term, high-dose steroids, but none re-
mained for 30 more minutes (128,000 mg • 30 min
ceived antibiotics. One required bronchodilator
÷ 27 m3 provides an estimated Ct of about 142,500
therapy 3 months later, but the others made prompt
mg•min/m3, or an exposure 10-fold higher than the
The skin lesions were treated with debridement
On admission to the hospital, his respirations were
and applications of silver sulfadiazine and, in some
24 per minute, his conjunctiva were suffused, his pu-
cases, with topical steroids and antihistamines. Skin
pils were small and unreactive, mucoid discharge
color was almost normal 3 months later. Topical ste-
from his nose and mouth was abundant, his lungs
roids caused the conjunctival edema to begin to re-
were clear, and an occasional premature ventricular
solve in 48 hours. The only estimate of the amount
contraction was evident on the electrocardiogram. He
of CN used was obtained from the prisoners, each
remained “in a semicomatose condition for approxi-
of whom claimed to have been sprayed multiple
mately 12 hours and then suddenly developed pul-
times. Although the first- and third-floor windows
monary edema and died.”45(p375) Relevant findings on
were open, the exhaust system was off during the
autopsy included cyanosis, frothy fluid in the mouth
and nose, acute necrosis of the mucosa of the respira-
In another prison incident, the windows and
tory tree with pseudomembrane formation, desqua-
doors were closed and ventilation was off during
mation of the lining of the bronchioles with edema
what was described as a “prolonged gassing” of
and inflammation of the walls, and a protein-rich fluid
inmates confined to individual cells. It was later
in most of the alveolar spaces. Foci of early broncho-
estimated that the incident lasted 110 minutes.
Among the dispensers used were at least six ther-
Information on three other cases of death from
mal grenades of CN, fourteen 100-g projectiles of
CN, which the authors obtained from other medi-
CN, and more than 500 mL of an 8% CS solution.
cal examiners, are summarized in the same report.45
Using only the amount in the CN projectiles, the
Details were scanty, but the autopsy findings were
authors of the report calculated that the prisoners
similar; in each case, the individual was confined
were exposed to a Ct of 41,000 mg•min/m3. The
in a relatively small space. Exposure was for 10
total number of prisoners exposed was not noted.
minutes in one instance and for hours in the others
Afterward, some had coughing with varying de-
which last for several hours after exposure. DM andrelated compounds are known as vomiting agents,but the incidence of vomiting and the amount of
compound necessary to cause it are not known with
certainty. In studies dating from 1922 to 1958,46 hu-mans were exposed to Cts ranging from 4.6 to 144mg•min/m3; nausea was noted in fewer than 10%
of the subjects. Because of the lack of data, the Ctnecessary to cause nausea and vomiting has not
been established,46 but has been estimated to beabout 370 mg•min/m3.24
The riot control agent known as DM (diphenyl-
One death has been reported46 from DM inhala-
aminearsine) is one of a group of compounds that
tion (the information on this fatality is incomplete).
are known as vomiting agents. The others, which
A DM generator was operated in a barrack, expos-
are of much less military importance, are the agents
ing 22 sleeping men. The estimated concentration
DA (diphenylchlorarsine) and DC (diphenylcyano-
was 1,130 to 2,260 mg/m3, and the duration of ex-
arsine). DM was first synthesized by the German
posure was estimated to be 5 minutes (by one
chemist Wieland in 1915 and, independently, by the
source) or 30 minutes (by a second source). For a 5-
U.S. chemist Adams in 1918. DM is also known as
minute exposure, the estimated Ct would be 5,650 to
11,300 mg•min/m3; for a 30-minute exposure, 33,900
DM is a yellow-green, odorless, crystalline sub-
to 67,800 mg•min/m3. One individual died; the post-
stance that is not very volatile. It is insoluble in
mortem findings were severe airway and lung dam-
water and relatively insoluble in organic solvents.
age, similar to those seen after death from CN.
Its primary action is on the upper respiratory tract,
Another source47 reported severe pulmonary injury
causing irritation of the nasal mucosa and nasal si-
and death after accidental exposure to high concen-
nuses, burning in the throat, tightness and pain in
trations of DM in confined spaces, but no details
the chest, and uncontrollable coughing and sneez-
ing. It also causes eye irritation and burning, how-ever, with tearing, blepharospasm, and injected con-
CR (Dibenz(b,f) -1:4-oxazepine)
DM is more toxic than other riot control agents;
11,000 mg•min/m3.46 The amount that is intoler-able for humans has been estimated by some to be
22 mg•min/m3 and by others to be 150 mg•min/
m3.46 The threshold for irritation in humans is about
1 mg/m3, but men have tolerated Ct exposures of100 to 150 mg•min/m3.
Two characteristics make this class of compounds
The riot control agent known as CR (dibenz(b,f)-
unique among the riot control agents. The first is
1:4-oxazepine) is a relatively new compound, first
that the effects do not appear immediately on ex-
synthesized in 1962 by Higginbottom and Suschitzkey.
posure or seconds afterwards, but several minutes
CR is more potent and less toxic than CS. Because
later. In the absence of symptoms, a soldier will not
of the low vapor pressure of CR solution, no respi-
mask immediately; by the time he masks, he will
ratory tract effects are anticipated from its use. The
have absorbed a significant amount. The effects may
LCt50 for animals exposed to grenade-generated
smokes was found to be 167,500 mg•min/m3. The
The second characteristic of these compounds is
estimated LCt50 for humans is probably higher than
that there may be more prolonged systemic effects,
such as headache, mental depression, chills, nau-
CR is sparingly soluble in water, and a cosolvent
sea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea,
(PEG300 is frequently used) is necessary when it is
Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfare
dispersed in solution. Since CR does not degrade
to cause effects—and it appears to be much safer,
in water, it resists weathering and persists in the
as judged from the higher LCt50 and the lack of
In humans, the effects caused by CR are qualita-
tively similar to those caused by CS, but there is an
CA (Bromobenzylcyanide)
approximately 5-fold difference in potency. A splashof a solution in the range of 0.01% to 0.1% causesimmediate eye pain, blepharospasm, and lacrima-
tion, which persist for 15 to 30 minutes, and con-
junctival injection and minimal edema of lid mar-
gins, which last for 3 to 6 hours. A solution splashedin the mouth causes burning of the tongue and pal-
ate and salivation for 5 to 10 minutes. If a splashenters the nose, it causes irritation and rhinorrhea.
The riot control agent known as CA (bromo-
Skin exposure causes burning within a few minutes,
benzylcyanide) was the last irritating agent intro-
which persists for 15 to 30 minutes, and an erythema
duced by the Allies in World War I, and it was the
lasting for 1 to 2 hours. A blood pressure increase
most potent. It corrodes iron and steel, is not chemi-
may accompany the subjective discomfort; this is
cally stable in storage, and is sensitive to heat, all
thought to be caused by the stress of the irritation,
characteristics that made it unsuitable for storage
since the amount of CR that could be absorbed is
much too small to cause a pharmacological effect.24
CA irritates the eyes and causes lacrimation at
A transient erythema (1–2 h) occurs, but CR does
concentrations of 0.15 and 0.3 mg/m3; the LCt50
not induce inflammatory cell infiltration, vesication,
was estimated to be 27,000 mg•min/m3.50 More
or contact sensitization, and it does not delay the
recent studies indicate that the estimated LCt50 for
healing of skin injuries.24,48 The potential for eye
humans is 11,000 mg•min/m3,51 indicating that it
damage is also significantly less than it is from CS
is among the more toxic riot control agents. The
or CN.24 CR was neither teratogenic nor embryo-
health effects caused by CA are very similar to those
lethal in one study49 when given as an aerosol or
CA is rarely used and is a relatively unimpor-
Compared with other riot control agents, CR is
tant agent of this class. The compound is included
relatively new; no data from its use exist. Experi-
here primarily because it is discussed in Treatment
mental studies indicate that its effects are similar
of Chemical Agent Casualties and Conventional Mili-
to those of CS except that it causes almost no ef-
tary Chemical Casualties,52–54 field manuals published
fects in the lower airways and lungs. It is much more
by the Department of Defense for use by the U.S.
potent than CS—a smaller concentration is needed
The effects from riot control agents are usually
to bring prompt relief of symptoms and to hydro-
self-limiting, and medical attention is usually not
lyze the agent.13 No form of hypochlorite should be
required. Exiting the contaminated area should
bring some measure of relief in 15 to 30 minutes orsooner. In rare circumstances, complications may
occur on the skin, in the eyes, or in the airways.
For dermatitis, a topical steroid preparation (eg,
triamcinolone acetonide, fluocinolone acetonide,flurandrenolone, or betamethasone-17-valerate) is
The use of water on the skin may result in tran-
the principal therapeutic agent. Oozing lesions
sient worsening of the burning sensation. Soap and
should be treated with wet dressings (moistened
water may be more effective but may also cause
with fluids such as 1:40 Burow’s solution). Appro-
a momentary increase in the symptoms. CS rapid-
priate antibiotics should be given for secondary
ly hydrolyzes in an alkaline solution; a solution
infection, and oral antihistamines for itching.13 Vesi-
containing 6% sodium bicarbonate, 3% sodium car-
cating lesions have been successfully treated with
bonate, and 1% benzalkonium chloride was found
compresses of a cold silver nitrate solution (1:1,000)
for 1 hour, applied six times daily.11 One person with
tory effects may not become manifest until 12 to 24
severe lesions and marked discomfort was given a
hours after exposure. An individual who has pro-
short course of an oral steroid. An antibiotic oint-
longed dyspnea or objective signs should be hospi-
ment was applied locally, but systemic antibiotics
talized under careful observation. Further care
should be as described in Chapter 9, Toxic Inhala-tional Injury. Although people with chronic bron-
chitis have been exposed to riot control agents with-out untoward effects, any underlying lung disease
A local anesthetic might be applied once for se-
(eg, asthma, which affects one person in six in the
vere pain, but continued use should be restricted.
general, or the military, population) might be exac-
The eye should be thoroughly flushed to remove
any particles of the agent. If the lesion is severe,the patient should be sent to an ophthalmologist. Cardiovascular System Respiratory Tract
Transient hypertension has been noted after ex-
posure to riot control agents, primarily because of
Usually, the cough, chest discomfort, and mild
the anxiety or pain of exposure rather than a phar-
dyspnea are gone 30 minutes after exposure to clean
macological effect of the compound. Whatever the
air. However, both the animal data (detailed in the
cause, adverse effects may be seen in individuals
section on CS) and the clinical experience with the
with hypertension, cardiovascular disease, or an an-
infant exposed to CS suggest that severe respira-
More research is needed to illuminate the full
areas and under the circumstances in which the use
health consequences of riot control agents, as one
of CS or CN has apparently been abused (eg, the
report55 has suggested. Information gaps in this
West Bank and the Gaza Strip in the Middle East,
chapter indicate areas that might fruitfully be ex-
and Seoul, South Korea). Public opinion and the
plored, although funding for such research is prob-
Geneva Protocol did not dissuade Iraq from using
lematic. The limited resources of the military pro-
several types of chemical weapons in the conflict
gram in chemical defense are probably more wisely
with Iran, or prevent Libya from constructing a
spent on investigating better defense against and
large manufacturing facility at Rabta, apparently for
medical care for victims of agents that cause more
the manufacture of chemical weapons. Despite the
severe consequences and are more likely to be used
concern about the loss of innocent lives and injury
on a battlefield. Law enforcement agencies gener-
among innocent bystanders, there is serious doubt
ally have few funds for these purposes. Manufac-
that a prohibition of the use of riot control agents
turers probably do not have a large interest in this
topic; it is unlikely that their profits from these com-
While it is true that in some instances dialogue
pounds are large enough to support such an effort.
and negotiation should precede the use of riot con-
Federal medical funding is generally concerned
trol agents, one wonders how this suggestion might
with more serious diseases affecting larger seg-
have been received by the desperate refugees. Al-
though CS allegedly caused injury, the amount of
Other concerns discussed in the report55 were the
injury was probably small compared to what might
“pattern of use” of these compounds. Are there cir-
have been inflicted if CS had not been available and
cumstances in which the use of riot control agents
more extreme measures had been used. Possibly, the
can, or cannot, be condoned? The “pattern of use”
use of CS is sometimes the most benign solution in
might be difficult to regulate, particularly in the
Riot control agents are intended to harass or to
Much evidence suggests that riot control agents
cause temporary incapacitation. Their intended tar-
are safe if they are used as intended and if the re-
get might be the foe in an armed conflict—with the limi-
sponse is as intended. When they are not used as
tations outlined above—or rioters in a civil disturbance.
intended, and the response is not as intended, how-
Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfare
ever, there may be devastating consequences (eg,
the deaths of the Branch Davidians at Waco, Tex.).
Indiscriminate or uncontrolled use of CS, or any
Almost all of the reported adverse effects have re-
riot control compound, is obviously not desired, nor
sulted from indiscriminate use of weapons contain-
is it necessary in circumstances in which a better,
ing riot control agents or from resistance to the ef-
less drastic solution is possible. But the use of CS
fects of the compounds, which increases the amount
or CN might be more benign than the use of more
of exposure. Sometimes injury results from the ef-
deadly alternatives in desperate circumstances. As
fects of the delivery system of the weapon rather
the data clearly suggest, CS is a relatively safe com-
than from the compound; these two sources of in-
1. Robinson JP. Problem of Chemical and Biological Warfare: A Study of Historical, Technical, Military, Legal, and Politi-cal Aspects of CBW. Vol 1. The Rise of CB Weapons. New York, NY: SIPRI/Humanities Press; 1971.
2. Bestwick FW. Chemical agents used in riot control and warfare. Hum Toxicol. 1983;2:247–256.
3. Great Britain Home Office. Report of the Enquiry into the Medical and Toxicological Aspects of CS(orthochlorobenzylidene malononitrile). London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. 1971. Cmnd. 4775.
4. Punte CL, Owens EJ, Gutentag PJ. Exposures to ortho-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile. Arch Environ Health.
5. Bestwick FW, Holland P, Kemp KH. Acute effects of exposure to orthochlorobenzylidene malononitrile (CS)
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6. Klapper JA, McColloch MA, Merkey RP. The Relationship of Personality to Tolerance of an Irritant Compound.
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7. Klapper JA, McColloch MA. The Effect of Diazepam on Tolerance of a Mucous Membrane Irritant. Edgewood Arse-
nal, Md: Medical Research Laboratories; 1971. Technical Report 4581.
8. Ballantyne B, Swanston DW. The comparative acute mammalian toxicity of 1-chloroacetophenone (CN) and 2-
chlorobenzylidene malononitrile (CS). Arch Toxicol. 1978;40:75–95.
9. Ballantyne B, Callaway S. Inhalation toxicology and pathology of animals exposed to o-chlorobenzylidene
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10. Marrs TC, Colgrave HF, Cross NL, Gazzard MF, Brown RFR. A repeated dose study of the toxicity of inhaled 2-
chlorobenzylidene malononitrile (CS) aerosol in three species of laboratory animal. Arch Toxicol. 1983;52:183–198.
11. Hellreich A, Goldman RH, Bottiglieri NG, Weimer JT. The Effects of Thermally-Generated CS Aerosols on HumanSkin. Edgewood Arsenal, Md: Medical Research Laboratories; 1967. Technical Report 4075.
12. Hellreich A, Mershon MM, Weimer JT, Kysor KP, Bottiglieri NG. An Evaluation of the Irritant Potential of CSAerosols on Human Skin Under Tropical Climatic Conditions. Edgewood Arsenal, Md: Medical Research Laborato-ries; 1969. Technical Report 4252.
13. Weigand DA. Cutaneous reaction to the riot control agent CS. Milit Med. 1969;134:437–440.
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Rebel with a Prescription: Eminem, or America on Drugs Eminem, like millions of Americans, just strolls down to his local pharmacist. Thus at a time when the country is questioning its future state of health, the inspired artist exposes the hidden panacea of American society and throws a glaring spotlight on the issue of drug addiction in America today. A few months ago, Emi
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