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 Question Paper Name: Assistant Prof. General Surgery - 2012  Creation Date: 2012-06-28 12:19:42.0  Cut Off: 0  Duration: 120  Status: Sealed Section 1
Question id : 147163 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following is the ideal treatment of Alkaline Reflux Gastritis after Billroth II gastrectomy 1. Conversion of Billroth II to Billroth I 2. Roux en Y Gastrojejunostomy 3. Total gastrectomy 4. Conservative management Question id : 147164 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
The Surgical Treatment of bleeding in Type I Gastric Ulcer is
1. Wedge resection of the gastric ulcer
2. Oversewing the vessel at the ulcer base
3. Distal Gastrectomy
4. Truncal Vagotomy
Question id : 147165 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following statements is not true about Helicobacter Pylori infection
1. Basal and stimulated gastric levels are normal
2. Person to person transmission is common
3. It is seen in populations with low socio economic status
4. H. Pylori is a gram negative microaerophilic bacteria
Question id : 147166 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following hormones are not released in the Duodenum
1. Gastrin
2. Motilin
3. Somatostatin
4. Pancreatic YY
Question id : 147167 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following statements is not relevant to Duodenal Diverticulum
1. Diverticulectomy is the treatment of choice
2. The incidence in autopsy series varies from 15-20%
3. Majority are asymptomatic
4. Majority are located in periampullary region
Question id : 147168 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Risk of Malignancy in Adenomatous Polyp is related to all of the following except
1. Size of the polyp
2. Number of the polyp
3. Histologtical appearance
4. Genetic pedisposition
Question id : 147169 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following is not an indication for resectional surgery in adenomatos polyp
1. Lymphovascular invasion
2. Poor differentiation
3. Flat or ulcerated lesion
4. Haggett's Level I, II, III polyps
Question id : 147170 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Gardner's syndrome includes following tumors except
1. Colonic polyp
2. Epidermal inclusion cyst
3. Osteomas
4. Breast tumors
Question id : 147171 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following is not true for HNPCC
1. It is associated with MLH-1 gene
2. It is associated with MMR gene mutation
3. It is associated with MSH-2 gene
4. The gene associated is autosomal recessive
Question id : 147172 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
The potential carcinogens in carcinoma colon include all of the following except
1. Oleic acid
2. Bile acids
3. Polyunsaturated fats
4. Food preservatives
Question id : 147173 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Following factors are responsible for ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence following BCT except
1. Genetic predisposition as an established risk factor
2. Breast tumor size >5 cm
3. Age between 35-40 years
4. Presence of extensive intraductal component (EIC)
Question id : 147174 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Patient has Non Pitting Lymphoedema with Trophic changes in the skin. According to International Society of Lymphology staging system the lymphoedema will be staged as
1. Early stage II
2. Late stage II
3. Stage III
4. Stage IV
Question id : 147175 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following is not true regarding BRCA mutations in breast cancer?
1. BRCA 1 tumors are high grade as compared to BRCA 2
2. BRCA 1 breast cancer are hormone receptor positive
3. BRCA 1 breast tumor are aneuploid
4. BRCA 1 breast cancer have an increased S phase fraction
Question id : 147176 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
The criteria for discontinuation of Ventilatory Support includes all of the following except
1. PaO2 > 8kPa
2. FiO2 > 0.5
3. Negative Inspiratory Force > 25 cm H2O
4. PEEP/CPAP < 5 mmHg
Question id : 147177 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following is a correct site for performing Tracheostomy
1. Between 1st - 4th Tracheal ring
2. Between 1st - 3rd Tracheal ring
3. Between 2nd - 4th Tracheal ring
4. Between 1st - 2nd Tracheal ring
Question id : 147178 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Activated Partial thromboplastin time (APTT) measures the following except
1. Integrity of Intrinsic factors
2. Deficiencies of all Extrinsic factors
3. Deficiency of all Extrinsic factors except factor VII and XIII
4. Lupus anticoagulant
Question id : 147179 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following is correct statement for insertion of a central line
1. 21 G needle is inserted 1 cm below the clavicle at the junction of medial 2/3rd and lateral 1/3rd
2. 21 G needle is inserted 1 cm below the clavicle at the junction of medial 1/3rd and lateral 2/3rd
3. 21 G needle is inserted 1 cm below the clavicle at its centre
4. 18 G needle is inserted 1 cm below the clavicle at the junction of lateral 2/3rd and medial 1/3rd
Question id : 147180 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
All of the following are the criteria for pulmonary artery Catheterisation during fuild challange therapy except
1. Persistent cool peripheries
2. Oliguria
3. Metabolic acidosis
4. Equivocal CVP response
Question id : 147181 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
The inotrope of choice in a patient with low cardiac output in cardiogenic shock is
1. Nor adrenaline
2. Dobutamine
3. Dopamine
4. Adrenaline
Question id : 147182 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
The normal content of water in intracellular compartment accounts for
1. 20% of body weight
2. 30% of body weight
3. 40% of body weight
4. 50% of body weight
Question id : 147183 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following conditions is Not associated with Hypercalcaemia
1. Paget's disease of bone
2. Sarcoidosis
3. Thyrotoxicosis
4. Hypoproteinaemia
Question id : 147184 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following score categorizes severely malnourished according to Nutrition Risk Index
1. 83.5 or less
2. 83.6 - 90.0
3. 90.1 - 97.5
4. > 97.5
Question id : 147185 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following parameters does not account for calculating Nutrition Risk Index
1. Height
2. Current weight
3. Usual weight
4. Serum Albumin
Question id : 147186 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
The functional anatomy of the liver was first described by
1. McLane Tiffany
2. Couinaud
3. Cantlie
4. Raven
Question id : 147187 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
The right liver is divided by the right portal vein into
1. Segment 5 & 6
2. Segment 5 & 7
3. Segment 6 & 8
4. Segnemtn 5 & 8
Question id : 147188 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following investigations best delineates the operative line of the transaction of the liver
1. Triphasic Helical CT
2. 3D reconstruction CT Angiography
3. MRangiography
4. Conventional Angiography
Question id : 147189 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following segments of the liver are removed in Extended Right Hepatectomy
2. IV, V, VI, VII
4. III, IV, V, VI, VII
Question id : 147190 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following conditions is a contraindication of the Pancreatic Transplantation
1. Total pancreatectomy following pancreatic malignancy
2. Severe metabolic complications
3. Clinical and emotional problems with exogenous insulin therapy
4. Consistent failure of Insulin based management to prevent acute complications
Question id : 147191 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following is the gold standard investigation for the evaluation of Pancreatic duct in pancreatic injury
3. MRI
Question id : 147192 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
The description of Bager's procedure in the treatment of Chronic Pancreatitis is
1. Drainage and resection of pancreatic tail
2. Limited excision of Pancreatic head
3. Duodenum preserving resection of Pancreatic Head
4. Pylorus preserving Partial Duodenopancreatectomy
Question id : 147193 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following is the correct sequence of occurrence according to type of choledochal cyst
1. I, IV, III, II & V
2. I, III, IV, II & V
3. I, II, IV, III & V
4. I, II, III, IV & V
Question id : 147194 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Hepaticojejunostomy as reconstruction following excision of Choledochal Cyst is Not the treatment of choice for
1. Type I
2. Type II
3. Type III
4. Type IV
Question id : 147195 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Following principles are involved in the treatment of bile duct injury except
1. Immediate repair if detected intraoperatively
2. Percutaneous tube drain in delayed presentation
3. Elective repair after the control of sepsis
4. Repair can be undertaken at any stage of presentation
Question id : 147196 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following criteria defines the Grade III Pancreatic injury according to OIS-AAST system
1. Major contusion without ductal injury or tissue loss
2. Major laceration without ductal injury or tissue loss
3. Distal transaction or parenchymal injury with duct injury
4. Proximal transaction or parenchymal injury with duct injury
Question id : 147197 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
In Carcinoma Gall bladder transmural liver invasion > 2 cm is classified as
1. T2NoMo
2. T3NoMo
3. T4NoMo
4. TxNoMo
Question id : 147198 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following agents is not an immunosuppressive agent for potentional use in renal transplantation
1. Total lymphoid irradiation
2. FK 506
3. Mycophenolate mofetil
4. Cyclosporin F
Question id : 147199 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following is not a constituent of the University of Wisconsin organ perfusion solution
1. Glucose
2. Allopurinol
3. Adenosine
4. Verapamil
Question id : 147200 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
The percentage of prostatic glandular tissue in the peripheral zone is
1. 0.3
2. 0.5
3. 0.7
4. 0.9
Question id : 147201 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Haemorrhagic cystitis in cyclophosphamide toxicity is due to
1. Myelosuppression
2. Secondary infection
3. Metaplasia
4. Acrolein
Question id : 147202 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Following are the features of post TURP syndrome except
1. Muscle paralysis
2. Mental disorientation
3. Hyponatremia
4. Hypotension
Question id : 147203 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
The blood supply of the adrenal gland is derived from
1. Aorta, Renal and Lumbar arteries
2. Aorta, Renal and Musculophrenic arteries
3. Aorta, Renal and Superior phrenic arteries
4. Aorta, Renal and Inferior phrenic arteries
Question id : 147204 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following is Not associated with Renal Agenesis
1. Pulmonary hypoplasia
2. Potters facies
3. Adrenal agenesis
4. Low set ears
Question id : 147205 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
All of the following statements are true regarding renal oncocytoma except
1. It is thought to arise form the intercalated cells of the collecting tubules
2. Majority are discovered incidentally
3. CECT scan reveals typical spoke-wheel pattern in arterial phase
4. It is associated with loss of chromosomes
Question id : 147206 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
All of the following are pure antiandrogen except
1. Flutamide
2. Megastrol Acetate
3. Casodex
4. Nilutamide
Question id : 147207 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Cobra head' appearance on cystogram denotes which one of the following conditions
1. Urachal diverticulum
2. Posterior urethral valve
3. Simple ureterocoel
4. Ectopic ureterocoel
Question id : 147208 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Christmas or Pine tree appearance of the urinary bladder, with vesicoureteric reflux, in a retrograde cystogram is diagnostic of
1. Schistosomiasis
2. Neurogenic bladder
3. Chronic cystitis
4. Malakoplakia
Question id : 147209 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Autonephrectomy and Putty kidney, over excretory urography are associated with which one of the following diseases
1. AIDS nephropathy
2. Emphysematous pyelonephritis
3. Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
4. Renal Tuberculosis
Question id : 147210 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
In the evaluation of acute abdomen, which one of the following imaging is likely to be most informative
1. Supine and erect scouts films
2. Ultrasound examination of abdomen
3. Non-contrast spiral computed tomogram
4. Contrast enhanced computed tomogram
Question id : 147211 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
60 years old man on cardiac pace maker and serum creatinine of 3.0mg% admitted with a diagnosis of left sided pyonephrosis: The appropriate imaging for further evaluation would be
1. Magnetic Resonance Imaging
2. Non Contrast Comput6ed Tomogram
3. Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomogram
4. Nuclear Isotope Scan
Question id : 147212 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following investigations would be helpful to diagnose extra-peritoneal bladder rupture following blunt trauma
1. Carefully performed ultrasonography
2. Retrograde urethrography
3. Intravenous pyelography
4. Cystogram with post drainage film
Question id : 147213 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)

1. Medullary thyroid cancer
2. Gallbladder cancer
3. Oesophagus cancer
4. Urinary bladder cancer
Question id : 147214 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Lapatinib is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor is approved in treatment of
1. Colorectal cancer progressed on 5FU + Leucovorin based therapy
2. Bronchogenic cancer progressed on Erolitinib therapy
3. Metastatic breast cancer progressed on trastuzumab therapy
4. Colorectal cancer progressed on cetuximab therapy
Question id : 147215 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
The term Standardized uptake value (SUV) number is used in
1. CT Scan
2. MRI Scan
3. PET Scan
4. High resolution ultrasonography
Question id : 147216 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Rituximab and Cetuximab are classified as
1. Chimeric monoclonal antibody
2. Humanzied monoclonal antibody
3. Murinemonoclonal antibody
4. Xeno mouse monoclonal antibody
Question id : 147217 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
The TNM system forthe classification of malignant tumours was described by
1. William Halsted
2. Bob Fischer
3. Pierre Denoix
4. LH Sobin
Question id : 147218 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following mandibularresection procedures needs primary reconstruction
1. Anterior arch of mandible
2. Angle of mandible
3. Segment of horizontal ramus of mandible
4. Segment of vertical ramus of mandible
Question id : 147219 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)

1. Pancreatic cancer
2. HIV associated NHL
3. Cholangiocarcinoma
4. Bronchoalveolar carcinoma
Question id : 147220 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)

1. Carcinoma larynx
2. Carcinoma maxilla
3. Esthesioneuroblastoma
4. Parotid cancer
Question id : 147221 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Small blue round cell' tumors of childhoot do not include
1. Ewing's sarcoma
2. Retinoblastoma
3. Rhabdomyosarcoma
4. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
Question id : 147222 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)

1. Perforating branches of Internal Mammary Artery
2. Pectoral branch of Acromiothoracic Artery
3. Thoracodorsal Artery
4. Lateral Thoracic Artery
Question id : 147223 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)

1. Midline
2. Paramedian anterior to Mental foramen
3. Paramedian posterior to Mental foramen
4. Angle of Mandible
Question id : 147224 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)

1. Neuroblastoma
2. Thymoma
3. Ewing's Sarcoma
4. Bronchogenic cancer
Question id : 147225 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Mammaprint assay in breast cancer uses microarray technology to analyse prognostic profile from
1. 35-gene expression
2. 70-gene expression
3. 105-gene expression
4. 140-gene expression
Question id : 147226 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
The current concept to treat anal cancer is
1. Multimodality approach with anal function preservation
2. Abdominoperineal resection
3. Radiotherapy
4. Chemotherapy
Question id : 147227 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one ofthe following statements is true regarding inferior thyroid artery during total thyroidectomy
1. It should be ligated as far away from the gland as possible
2. It should be ligated as close to the gland as possible
3. It should be ligated close or far depending on the size of the gland
4. Only the capsular branches rather than the trunk should be ligated
Question id : 147228 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Japanese have classified thelymph nodal distribution in Carcinoma stomach into
1. 16 stations
2. 12 stations
3. 14 stations
4. 18 stations
Question id : 147229 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Preferredsite for harvesting a split cranial bone graft is
1. Frontal bone
2. Temporal bone
3. Parietal bone
4. Occipital bone
Question id : 147230 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
The scalp has five distinct anatomical layers. A tissue expander should be ideally placed deep to
1. Skin
2. Subcutaneous tissue
3. Aponeurosis
4. Loose areolar tissue
Question id : 147231 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Nerve grafting is indicated when a nerve gap exceeds
1. 1.0 cm
2. 2.5 cm
3. 5.0 cm
4. 7.5 cm
Question id : 147232 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
The blood supply ofthe latissimus dorsi muscle flap is based on
1. Suprascapular artery
2. Thoracoacromial artery
3. Thoracodorsal artery
4. Circumflex scapular artery
Question id : 147233 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following features is characteristic of fracture zygoma
1. Mydriasis
2. Restriction of globe during lateral gaze
3. Malocclusion
4. Infraorbital anaesthesia
Question id : 147234 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
In Head and neck cancer, lymph node status designated as N2 a, signifies
1. Mobile ipsilateral node of 3-6 cm
2. Mobile node less than 3 cm
3. Mobile bilateral nodes
4. Fixed nodes
Question id : 147235 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
The swage of an atraumatic suture referes to
1. Length of needle
2. Cutting edge of needle
3. Needle thread interphase
4. Needle diameter
Question id : 147236 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
The usual plane in degloving injuries of the palm is between
1. Skin and palmar aponeurosis
2. Palmar aponeurosis and flexor tendons
3. Flexor tendons and lumbircals
4. Lumbricals and interossei muscles
Question id : 147237 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)

1. Palatal process
2. Lateral Nasal process
3. Median Nasal process
4. Mandibular processes
Question id : 147238 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Recurrence of bed sore can be best prevented by
1. Skin grafting the bed sore
2. Using a local flap
3. Using a musclulo cutaneous flap
4. Using a sensate skin flap
Question id : 147239 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Technique, which can enzymatically amplify a segment of DNA to be a billionfold and used to detect micro-organisms in clinical practice is known as
1. PCR
2. Recombinant DNA
3. DNA sequencing
4. DNA cloning
Question id : 147240 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Cryoprecipitate is useful in all of the following conditions except
1. Thrombocytopenia
2. Haemophilia A
3. von Willebrand's disease
4. Hypofibrinogenemia
Question id : 147241 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
The study which indentifies subjects with and without the outcome of interest, then look back in time to find factors that might predict the difference in outcome is known as
1. Case series
2. Case control study
3. Cohort study
4. Randomized control study
Question id : 147242 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
In a patient with trauma to neck, sensory loss at dorsum of thum indicates injury to the nerve root
1. C4
2. C5
3. C6
4. C7
Question id : 147243 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
In a patient with multiple fracture ribs, the pain control is best achieved by
1. Intravenous Opioids
2. Injectable NSAIDs
3. Intercostal blocks
4. Thoracic Epidural Analgesia
Question id : 147244 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
The active blade of Harmonic scalpel usually vibrates at the frequency of
1. 10000 per second
2. 55000 per second
3. 100000 per second
4. 550000 per second
Question id : 147245 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
The following drug, used in the management of stage IV carcinoma colon, is an Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor inhibitor
1. Leucovorin
2. Oxaliplatin
3. Cetuximab
4. Bevacizumab
Question id : 147246 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following tracer is most frequently used for Positron Emission Tomography
1. 2-[18F]-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose
2. [18F]-fluorouracil
3. [15O]-water
4. [11C]-thymidine
Question id : 147247 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
The following vessel is encountered in the dissection undertaken to expose the trunk of facial nerve during superficial parotidectomy
1. Posterior auricular artery
2. Occipital artery
3. External maxillary artery
4. Transverse facial artery
Question id : 147248 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
In Digital substraction Angiogram, the findings of prolonged vascular stain and sunburst pattern indicate towards
1. Vein of Galen aneurysm
2. Carotico-Cavernous fistula
3. Meningioma
4. Haemangioblastoma
Question id : 147249 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following statements on Spina bifida is NOT true
1. Periconception folate supplementation has preventive effect of occurrence of spina bifida
2. Open tube defects can be detected by amniocentesis
3. The abnormality manifests between 3-4 weeks of gestation
4. Even with Amniocentesis and Ultrasound 90% ofMyelomenigoceles can be missed
Question id : 147250 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
A 22 year old male had a head injury due to a ball hitting his temple while playing cricket and he lost consciousness for sometime transiently. He got back to play and within a few hours become unconscious. On examination he has a dilated pupil on the right side with limb weakness on theleft. He most likely has a
1. Left sided extradural haematoma
2. Left sided acute subdural haematoma
3. Right sided extradural haematoma
4. Right sided acute subdural haematoma
Question id : 147251 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
An adult suffered a road traffic accident and had bleeding thorough the nose. CT showed some areas of pneumocephalus and specks of basal frontal contusions. After about a week he develops drowsiness with fever and pain on flexing his neck to touch the chest with his chin. His clinical diagnosis is most likely
1. Delayed cerebral contusion
2. Sub arachnoid haemorrage
3. Pyogenic meningitis
4. Cervical spine injury
Question id : 147252 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)

1. Hemifacial spasm
2. Trigeminal Neuralgia
3. Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia
4. PostHerpetic Neuralgia
Question id : 147253 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
A patient who presents with features of spinal cord compression on imaging is found to have a intradural mass with widening of the neural foramina at the same level. The most possible diagnosis is
1. Meningioma
2. Neurofibroma
3. Spinal osteoma
4. Spinal metastasis
Question id : 147254 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which is the most common Posterior fossa tumour in children
1. Astrocytoma
2. Ependymoma
3. Medulloblastoma
4. Brain Stem Glioma
Question id : 147255 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)

1. Ascending vulvo vaginitis
2. Otitis media
3. Nephrotic syndrome
4. Tonsillitis
Question id : 147256 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Serial transverse enteroplasty (STEP) procedure is done for management of
1. Adhesive intestinal obstruction
2. Short bowel syndrome
3. Multiple Jejunal atresia
4. Recurrent volvulus of Ileum
Question id : 147257 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Presence of seat-belt sign on physical examination of abdomen after high speed automobile crach is usually associated with
1. Abdominal wall contusion, fracture of lumbar spine and isolated jejunal perforation
2. Abdominal wall contusion, fracture oflumbar spine and liver tear
3. Abdominal wall contusion, bladder rupture and liver tear
4. Fracture of pelvis, bladder rupture and liver tear
Question id : 147258 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
The first Hepatoportoenterostomy for biliary atresia was preformed by
1. Kasai in 1955
2. Denis Brown in 1952
3. Herbert Coc in 1947
4. William Osler in 1931
Question id : 147259 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)

1. Psychological non neuropathic bladder
2. Psychological neuropathic bladder
3. Pathological non neuropathic bladder
4. Pathological neuropathic bladder
Question id : 147260 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
The commonest site for iatrogenic perforation encountered while performing pyloromyotomy is
1. On the duodenal side
2. On the pyloric side
3. At the junction of antrum and pyloric canal
4. In the stomach
Question id : 147261 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
In autosomal dominant triat the risk of affected sibling is
1. 0.25
2. 0.5
3. 0.75
4. 1
Question id : 147262 (Correct + 1.0 , Wrong - 0.33)
Which one of the following should be avoided in anaesthetic management of Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia? 1. Nasogastric tube 2. Mask ventilation 3. Intubation in post-operative period 4. Low pressure ventilation


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