Role of Medicinal Plants in the Rural Development Programs of India
Vice President, Product Development and Manufacturing
SciClone Pharmaceuticals, San Mateo, CA 94404, USA
• Conserve and cultivate rare and endogenous
India is clearly known to be the richest source of
• Orient the government organizations and
medicinal plants. One of the estimates indicates that
scientists to devote time and effort on rural
the Andhra Pradesh State in India alone is a habitat
development issues related to medicinal plants.
for more than 1000 varieties of plants that are used in
ayurvedic, unani, sydhi, homeopathic, J.J. Dechane,
As the demand for medicinal plants is increasing, the
or tribal medicine. In a “Weekend Warrior Survey”
population of India is also increasing. The increase
of rural areas, near Visakhapatnam alone yielded 50
in population causes encroachment, conversion of
rural and forestland for living quarters and other uses.
This alarming situation could wipe out some of the medicinal plants unique to this area, (and even
When traditional allopathic treatments fail to cure an
completely from the earth inadvertently) unless man
ailment, western trained MD’s turn to alternative
intervenes to protect them from extinction. This is
medicines. Nowadays, more and more doctors are
turning towards plant derived products to treat their patients. Clearly the demand for plant derived
products has increased all over the world. The
1. Background
demand will continue to grow through the year 2020
according to reliable surveys. This means that
The climatic conditions of the Visakhapatnam district
scientists, doctors and pharmaceutical companies will
support a number of plant species. Several of the
be looking at countries like India, China and Egypt
plant species are routinely used by tribal people for
for their needs. Early recognition of the demand for
treatment of pain, cuts and bruises, etc. In addition,
medicinal plants and being able to utilize the local
some of the plant extracts, fine powers of roots,
and rural resources, such as land and people, to meet
barks, leaves, flower, fruits or seeds are used in
the future demands would benefit the Visakhapatnam
ayurvedic medicine as well as in allopathic medicine
(e.g. “Metamucil” is a brand name for psyllium
husk). “Compound Q” was extracted from bitter
There are untapped resources like unused barren land
melons and used in the treatment of HIV infection,
in the Visakhapatnam district. There is a good
although unsuccessfully. There are a number of
possibility that the government of Andhra Pradesh
reasons why plants used in tribal medicine have not
would provide the land to Rural Development
entered the main stream. These include (a) lack of
Projects that would benefit the local people. A
efficient communication from tribal persons on the
number of projects could be developed to address
use of medicinal plants and (b) lack of basic and
medicinal plant demands of the future. The topics of
applied research on plants known to cure ailments.
consideration for sustaining the medicinal plant
products’ demand for the next 50 years and beyond
The medicinal value of a given plant depends upon
the conditions under which it is grown, the season in
which it is collected and the methods adopted to
• Improve the quality of plant products
harvest it. Farmers in rural/tribal areas can produce
by standardization and ‘bioprospecting’
or collect high quality plant components provided
• Educate the people in harvesting and
they receive appropriate direction, receive attention
and gain knowledge from the experts in various fields
of agriculture science, chemistry, botany and rural
share some of my thoughts on plant species of the
development sciences. In this presentation, I will Visakhapatnam district and opportunities for rural
organization must work towards re-forestation to
development projects. Well designed project plans
provide opportunities to make a good living from re-
and eagerness to participate in executing the plans,
forestation and cottage industries in rural areas.
coupled with proper utilization of natural resources
3. Utilization of Under-
(like land, trees, rivers, ponds, wells etc.) are
developed or Waste Land by
necessary for successful rural development projects. Environment-preserving projects will benefit the
local ecological balance in long term. In addition,
they offer immediate added value to plant products
Waste/surplus/untapped land is available in the
that would benefit the local farmers or girijans.
Visakhapatnam distract. Under “Wasteland
Development Programs,” the government can
Rural development projects will contribute to
consider proposals for utilization of the wasteland for
increasing India’s G.D.P. and prescribed growth of
rural development. Land allocation information for
7% of the Ninth five-year-plan period of 1997-2002.
rural development projects can be obtained from the
These projects would help subsequent five-year plans
Land Bank of India, the Forest Department and the
Land Commissioner. Development of wasteland for
rural projects requires water and irrigation of land for
2. Population and Land
cultivation. This can be achieved by bore-wells,
collection of rainwater into man-made ponds and
The population of India has reached one billion in
preservation. Education of rural/tribal persons in
1999. Survival requires natural resources such as
utilization of water conservation techniques and
food, water, firewood and living quarters. Although
maximum utilization of available water through
the number of people are increasing in India at a rate
of 1.6% per year the available land mass remains the
same. The population of India will surpass China by
Value to the under-developed land can be brought by
the year 2040. According to some statistics, 100 acres
(a) promoting cultivation of existing plants
of tropical forests are cut every minute to support the
(b) providing employment to local people
needs of growing people in the world. In 40 years,
(c) preserving rare plant species of medicinal value
there will be no more tropical forests in India unless
(d) educating farmers in identifying and preserving
the government or non-governmental organizations
(NGOs) make an intensified effort to correct the
NGOs can teach local farmers the methods of
present rate of deforestation. For instance, many of
improving the value of under-developed land. Under
the people of India do not have enough firewood to
“Waste Land Development programs,” the
meet their needs for cooking and heating. According
government can adopt sustainable and substantial
to some estimates, five billion trees must be planted
utilization of land for rural development. Examples
each year until the year 2010 to catch up with the
of available land for development are the
Mudasarlova layout (about 200 acres), lands around
Bhimanna dora palem (about 20 acres), etc.
Seventy percent of the populations of India live in
agricultural and rural areas. These persons should be
4. Standardization of Medicinal
informed of the reasons for plantation and forestation
Plant Products
from a global as well as local viewpoint, through
Rural Development Programs. Many of the rural or
The commercial value of medicinal plant products in
tribal persons are probably unaware of environmental
the global market is very high provided the quality is
issues such as depletion of rain forests and global
maintained at a high level with consistency from
warming. Although India’s ninth five-year plan
harvest-to-harvest and lot-to-lot. The quality control
(1997-2002) emphasizes rural development measures can be achieved by educating rural folk
programs, the results of these programs will not be
with a team of experts on methods of cultivation,
evident for sometime (say, the year 2010).
harvesting techniques and warehousing techniques.
As the demand for medicinal plants is increasing,
the population of India is also increasing. Increase in
Recently, the demand for medicinal plant products
the population causes encroachment, conversion
has increased significantly and it will continue to
(deforestation) of rural and forestland for living
grow in the coming years. Physicians in the western
quarters and other uses. This alarming situation could
world are looking for alternative methods when they
wipe out some of the medicinal plants unique to this
can’t find a cure for ailments for a suffering patient.
area unless man intervenes to protect them from
Herbal drugs are one of the avenues scientists are
extinction. This means NGOs and government
using to look for new treatments. For example,
scientists recently investigated the Phyllanthus amarus plant for anti-viral therapy. In 1998,
In a “Weekend Warrior Survey” of rural areas,
Thygarajan and Blumberg (a Nobel Laureate)
Visakhapatnam alone yielded as many as 50 different
reported that the phyllanthus has shown serum
plant varieties. These can be broadly classified as:
conversion rates for HbeAg and HBV/DNA around
65%. This means, in plain English, the plant has
some clinical effects against hepatitis B virus.
When other laboratories in America, Brazil and
China repeated the studies, the results were confusing
The data obtained is shown in tables 1-3 below.
and did not reproduce the results of Thygarajan and
Each plant in the tables is identified by its Telugu
Blumberg. In the Chinese studies, the serum
name, Sanskrit name, Latin name, and physiological
conversion rate for HbeAg was 15% and for
action, based on practices of doctors of ITM. It
appears that all the plant products are orally
studies showed no effect. One may wonder the
administered to the patients. Some of these plants are
reasons for such a difference in clinical findings for
used of for more than one indication. The varied
this herbal medication. However, the active
physiological functions indicate that the plant
ingredient (AI) of the plant has not yet been isolated.
product’s effects are different in different systems of
Since the AI has not been isolated there is no
standardization (i.e. mg of AI / mg of bulk plant
product). The non-standardization of the drug
Plant products can contain more than one AI in them.
possibly led to the variable clinical results. The
To have a clearer understanding of the physiological
amount of AI in a given plant product can vary
action of each of the AI in a plant preparation,
depending upon the conditions under which it is
additional basic research and clinical research must
grown, the season it is collected, the conditions under
be done. Perhaps NGOs can identify and encourage
which it is stored and the methods by which it is
the research projects of importance and then fund
prepared for clinical use. A variation in any of these
them through private funds or the government.
events can vary the AI in the product. The delivery
of non-standardized herbal medication can thus lead to confusing results. This scenario clearly
6. Information Technology
demonstrates the important role of people at the
grass-roots level in developing quality herbal drugs
Identification of plants and commercial promotion of
plant species can be achieved by utilizing
information technology for database development,
Ayurvedic medicine (AM), unani, sydhi,
new cultivation techniques to improve quality and
homeopathic, J.J. Dechane, or tribal medicines are
cataloging procedures to organize the botanical
collectively referred to, as Indian traditional medicine
species. Further, the same information can be shared
(ITM). ITM has been widely used in the treatment of
with any other interested parties via the Internet.
human ailments. The pharmacological mechanisms
of the treatments await further definition and clarity.
The advent of personal computers with large
For example it is usually not known which organ
memory-storage-systems has brought the computing
system the herb is acting upon or whether multiple
and database maintenance procedures to the desktop
components of the herb are showing effects on
of users. In recent years, the Internet has literally
different organs. Further research is needed in this
tapped into all desktop computers. The "Information
area. There are three major forms of ITM: mixtures
Highway" opened the doors of many remotely
of various herbal plants, extracts or constituents of a
located libraries or other information repositories to
single plant, or mixtures of plants with oxidized
data seekers by simply logging on to a web site.
forms of minerals. Standardization of plant products
for their AI is rarely done. Establishing NGOs can create information repositories on standardization procedures and minimizing batch-to-
medicinal plants. They could develop data base
batch variation improves the quality of plant products
systems including the habitat status of the plants in
that will be available for patient use. High quality
the ecological system. Factors that enter this database
plant products could be obtained from the rural or
include: ideal growing conditions; best time for
tribal areas, through local people, by educating them
harvest; identified chemical compounds of the plant;
in new cultivation techniques, product collection
potency standardization methods; potential research
techniques, storage techniques and interactions with
projects; commercial value of the plant; methods of
commercialization, potential vendors in India;
potential customers; methods of setting uniform price
5. Categorization of Herbs and
for the standardization of medicinal plant products.
This would be a highly valuable information source. Cataloging the data on electronic media and
maintenance of a web site on medicinal plants would
provide the necessary exposure to the world
regarding the plant species of Andhra Pradesh in
The database system can be developed by choosing
R. K. Hotha, “Otha’s Liver and Spleen book”,
one of any number of commercially available
software systems such as EXCEL, ACCESS or
R. Seshagirirao and K. Heymadri, “Medicinal
Plants in Andhra Pradesh" Third Edition,
7. Cottage Industries
Medicinal Botany, Third Edition, Published
Increasing the awareness of the commercial value of
medicinal plant species among the rural farmers and
tribal people will potentially increase their desire to
care for the plant species. The efforts of NGOs will
About the Author
go a long way toward developing the cottage
industries of India, which would benefit the tribes
Dr. Sriram Vemuri is Vice President of Product
and local farmers. Table 4 shows a list of cottage
industries that can be developed by preserving
Pharmaceuticals Inc. in San Mateo, CA, USA. He
received his B. Pharm degree from Andhra University.
He earned his M. S. and Ph.D. degrees from Purdue
8. Recommendations
University and URI in USA. He has published over
30 articles in the peer reviewed journals and wrote
After reviewing the present status of medicinal plant
several book chapters. Prior to joining SciClone he
cultivation in India and their demand in the world
worked at Cooper Biomedical Inc, Cetus Corporation,
now and in the coming years, I am convinced that
Scios Inc., with increasing responsibilities. During his
there is ample room for improvement. These
career, his laboratory developed formulations for a
number of peptides and proteins. They are rAAT,
organizations as well as by NGOs. I recommend four
rIL2, rbFGF, ANP, BNP and Thymosin Alpha 1.
projects for NGOs to work on, to improve the quality
Under his guidance several INDs and NDAs were
prepared and filed with US FDA. He has developed
aseptic process for Liposomes manufacture. He is
Improve the quality of plant products by
interested in working with non-profit organizations to
standardization and ‘bioprospecting’
give back something from his life to the society. He
is a co-founder of Eco Foundation. He is very much
interested in preserving the medicinal plants of India,
Conserve and cultivate rare and endogenous
provide education on population growth rate of India
and its adverse effects on the Environment and quality
scientists to devote time and effort on rural
Table 1: Precious Treasures of Herbs and Plants (Aromatics)
Telugu Name Sanskrit Name Latin Name Physiological Function
Anti-spasmodic, astringent, Carminative, stimulant
Guggilam Guggulu Somnifera rixburghi
Anti-spasmodic, emmenagogue, Stimulant and tonic
Karivepaku Kalasaka Phalugiumtutube rosum
Karpooramu Karppora Camphora officinarum
Stimulant, expectorant, Diuretic, anti-septic, Diaphoretic, aphrodisiac, and sedative and anti-spasmodic
Maredu Bilva Aegale mormelos Astringent,
Nimmagaddi Ghuyabija Andropongon citratis Digestive-aid Pennerugaddalu Aswagandha Withania coaggnlans
Raktachanduram Raktachandana Paterocarpus santalins
Anti-pyretic, astringent, bitter tonic, refringent, antipyretic
Diaphoretic, diuretic, blood- purifier, refringent
Vippa/Ippa Madhuka Madhuka indica
Expectorant, anti-septic, anti- spasmodic, anaesthetic, parasiticide
Tale 2: Treasures of Herbs and Plants (Green-Pesticides) Telugu Name Sanskrit Name Latin Name Physiological Function Gingantic swallowart Anti-spasmodic,
Aloe barbandensis (Aloe vera) Liver stimulant, emmenagogue,
Spinal cord stimulant, respiratory system stimulant, antipyretic
Hepatic stimulant, antipyretic, blood purifier, Anti-periodontosis
Antipyretic, emetic, vermicide, expectorant
Exadiracta indica Anti-periodontosis,
Table 3: Potential for Cottage Industries based on Medicinal Plant Species. Type of cottage Industry
Collection and packing of nuxvomica seeds
Controlled temperature storage facilities for plant derivatieves
Grading and packing units of Semicarpus Anacardium (Nallageedi)
Medicinal plants grading / powder packing / making units
Strychno Potatorium grading and powdering unit
Table 4:Treasures of Herbs and Plants (Medicinal an Nutrients)
Telugu Name
Heart and respiratory disease treatments, digestive-aid
Duradagondi Kapikatchoo Mucuna pruriens
Cause abortion, insecticide, hair growth-aid.
Diuretic, anti dysenteric, remedy for diabetes mellitus
Karakkaya Haritaki Terminalia chebula
A remedy in respiratory and heart diseases, laxative,
Kunkudu Aristaha Sepindus trifoliatus Shampoo Lodduga Chettu
A remedy for hepatitis and nervousness, purgative
Antipyretic, useful in respiratory disorders treatment
Diuretic, blood-purifier, digestive -aid
Tadi/Tani Haritaki Terminalia chebulaVitex nirgundo Anti-periodontosis,
Title: Clinical Trial of Ceftriaxone in Subjects With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Principal Investigator: Merit Cudkowicz, MD, MSc., Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital Contact: Sarah Titus, MPH (617) 726-1398 This trial is currently enrolling patients. Primary Outcome Measures: vital capacity evaluation of multipl