
Scientists with Multiple Hot Papers
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1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net The Red2Hot Research Papers of 2008
Y. Kamihara ,et al . , Iro n2based superconductor wit h La[ O1 - x Fx ] FeAs ( x = 0. 05 J . A m. Chem. S oc. ,130 (11) :3296 - 7 ,19 March 2008.
I. H. Park ,et al . , Rep rogramming of human so matic cells to pluripotency wit h defined facto rs , N at u re ,451 (7175) :141 - 6 ,10 J anuary 2008.
F. M. Brunkho rst ,et al . , Intensive insulin t herap y and pentastarch resuscitatio n in severe sep sis , N ew En g l . J . M e d. ,358 (2) :125 - 39 ,10 J anuary 2008.
M. Nakagawa , et al . , Generatio n of induced pluripotent stem cells wit ho ut Myc f ro m mo use and N at u re B iotech . ,26 (1) :101 - 6 ,J anuary 2008.
X. H. Chen ,et al . , Superco nductivit y at 43 K in SmFeA sO1 - x Fx , N at u re ,453 (7196) : 761 - 2 ,5 C. de la Cruz , et al . , Magnetic o rder clo se to superco nductivit y in t he iro n2based layered LaO1 - x N at u re ,453 (7197) :899 - 902 ,12 J une 2008.
Z. A . Ren ,et al . , Superco nductivit y at 55 K in iro n2based F2doped layered quaternary compound Sm Chi nese Phys . L et t. ,25 (6) :2215 - 6 ,J une 2008.
S. Yusuf ,et al . , Telmisartan , ramip ril ,o r bot h in patient s at high risk fo r vascular event s , En gl . J . Me d. ,358 (15) :1547 - 59 ,10 Ap ril 2008.
J . Bagger ,N . Lambert , Gauge symmet ry and supersymmet ry of multiple M22branes , D ,77 (6) : no . 065008 ,7 March 2008.
E. H. Turner ,et al . , Selective p ublicatio n of antidep ressant t rials and it s influence o n apparent effi2 N ew En gl . J . M e d. ,358 (3) :252 - 60 ,17 J anuary 2008.
Superco nductivit y at 43 K in an iro n2based layered compound LaO1 - x N at u re ,453 (7193) :376 - 8 ,15 Ap ril 2008.
J . Bagger , N . Lambert , Co mment s o n multiple M2 branes , J . H i g h Ene r g y Ph ys . , 2 : no . 105 , J . K. Adelman2McCart hy ,et al . , The Sixt h Data Release of t he Sloan Digital Sky Survey , A st ro2 p h ys. J . S u p p l. S e r. ,175 (2) :297 - 313 ,Ap ril 2008.
J . J . P. Kastelein , et al . , Simvastatin wit h o r wit ho ut ezetimibe in familial hypercholesterolemia , N ew En g l . J . M e d. ,358 (14) :1431 - 3 ,3 Ap ril 2008.
H. C. Gerstein , et al . , Effect s of intensive gluco se lowering in t ype 2 diabetes , M e d. ,358 (24) :2545 - 59 ,12 J une 2008.
P. Gaede ,et al . , Effect of a multifacto rial interventio n o n mo rtalit y in t ype 2 diabetes , g l . J . M e d. ,358 (6) :580 - 91 ,7 February 2008.
C. L . Sp rung ,et al . , Hydroco rtiso ne t herap y fo r patient s wit h septic shock , 358 (2) :111 - 24 ,10 J anuary 2008.
A . Lievre ,et al . , KRA S mutatio ns as an independent p rogno stic facto r in patient s wit h advanced colo rectal cancer t reated wit h cet uximab , J . Cl i n. Oncol. ,26 (3) :374 - 9 ,20 J anuary 2008.
A . Patel ,et al . , Intensive bloo d gluco se co nt rol and vascular o utco mes in patient s wit h t ype 2 dia2 N ew En gl . J . M e d. ,358 (24) :2560 - 72 ,12 J une 2008.
J . Do ng ,et al . , Co mpeting o rders and spin2density2wave instability in La (O1 - x Fx ) FeAs , Eu rop hys . L ett. ,83 (2) : no . 27006 ,J uly 2008.
X. L . Li , et al . , Chemically derived , ult rasmoot h grap hene nano ribbo n semico nducto rs , 319 (5867) :1229 - 32 ,29 February 2008.
S. L . Hauser ,et al . , B2cell depletion wit h rit uximab in relap sing2remitting multiple sclero sis , N ew En g l. J . Me d. ,358 (7) :676 - 88 ,14 February 2008.
1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net Citations
A . I. Hochbaum , et al . , Enhanced t hermoelect ric perfo rmance of ro ugh silico n nanowires , t u re ,451 (7175) :163 - 7 ,10 J anuary 2008.
E. Zeggini ,et al . , Meta2analysis of genome2wide association data and large2scale replication identi2 fies additio nal suscep tibilit y loci fo r t ype 2 diabetes , N at u re Genetics ,40 (5) :638 - 45 ,May 2008.
S. Kat hiresan ,et al . , Six new loci associated wit h bloo d low2density lipoprotein cholesterol , high2 densit y lipop rotein cholesterol o r t riglycerides in humans , N at u re Genetics ,40 (2) :189297 ,Febru2 C. J . Willer ,et al . , Newly identified loci t hat influence lipid co ncent ratio ns and risk of co ro nary ar2 N at u re Genet ics ,40 (2) :161 - 9 , February 2008.
S. Mallal ,et al . , HL A - B 3 5701 screening for hypersensitivity to abacavir , N . S. Beckett ,et al . , Treat ment of hypertensio n in patient s 80 years of age o r older , J . M e d. ,358 (18) :1887 - 98 ,1 May 2008.
J . Distler ,et al . , M2 - branes o n M - folds , J . H i g h Ene r g y Ph ys . ,5 : no . 38 ,May 2008.
T. E. Tho rgeirsso n ,et al . , A variant associated wit h nicotine dependence ,lung cancer and perip her2 N at u re ,452 (7187) :638 - 42 ,3 Ap ril 2008.
S. F. Tavazoie , et al . , Endo geno us human micro RNA s t hat supp ress breast cancer metastasis , N at u re ,451 (7175) :147 - 52 ,10 J anuary 2008.
Z. A . Ren , et al . , Superco nductivit y and p hase diagram in iro n2based arsenic2oxides ReFeAsO1 - d ( Re = rare2earth metal) without fluorine doping , E PL2 Europ hys. L ett. , 83 (1) : no 17002 ,J uly I. Kirsch ,et al . , Initial severit y and antidep ressant benefit s : A meta2analysis of data submitted to PloS Me d . ,5 (2) :260 - 8 , February 2008.
M. Van Raamsdo nk , Co mment s o n t he Bagger2Lambert t heory and multiple M2 - branes , H i g h Ener g y Ph ys . ,5 : no . 105 ,May 2008.
A . Gustavsso n , Self dual st rings and loop space Nahm equatio ns , J . H i g h Ene r g y Phys . ,4 : no .
R. J . Hung ,et al . , A suscep tibilit y locus fo r lung cancer map s to nicotinic acet ylcholine recepto r N at u re ,452 (7187) :633 - 7 ,3 Ap ril 2008.
J . Angle ,et al. , First result s f ro m t he XENON10 dark matter experiment at t he Gran Sasso Na2 Ph ys. Rev. L ett. ,100 (2) : no . 021303 ,18 J anuary 2008.
T. Walsh ,et al. , Rare st ruct ural variant s disrup t multiple genes in neurodevelop mental pat hways in S cience ,320 (5875) :539 - 43 ,25 Ap ril 2008.
S. V . Mo rozov ,et al . , Giant int rinsic carrier mo bilities in grap hene and it s bilayer , L ett. ,100 (1) : no . 016602 ,11 J anuary 2008.
P. M. Ho , M2 to D2 revisited , J . H i g h Ener g y Phys . ,7 : no . 003 ,J uly 2008.
L . A . Weiss , et al . , A ssociatio n between micro deletio n and micro duplicatio n at 16p11. 2 and au2 N ew En gl . J . Me d. ,358 (7) :667 - 75 ,14 February 2008.
X. X. O. Yang ,et al . , T helper 17 lineage differentiatio n is p rogrammed by o rp han nuclear recep2 to rs RO Ra and RO R ?, I m m unit y ,28 (1) :29 - 39 ,J anuary 2008.
1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net

Source: http://rccse.whu.edu.cn/upload/newstxt/2009-8-29/200982915405640452.pdf

Microsoft word - empfehlung zur mrsa sanierung

Empfehlung zur MRSA Sanierung für den Hausarzt angelehnt an die Empfehlungen des RKI und des MRSA-Euregio Projektes Öffnungszeiten: Montag, Mittwoch, Freitag Bei der Entlassung eines MRSA-Patienten aus dem Krankenhaus ist die frühzeitige Weitergabe der Information über einen MRSA-Trägerstatus und über evtl. begonnene Sanierungsmaßnahmen entscheidend. Eine im Krankenhaus begonnen

Microsoft word - umbral_francisco_bibliografia.doc

Amado siglo XX. Barcelona: Planeta, 2007 Balada de gamberros. Palencia: Menoscuarto, 2009 Balada de gamberros. Valladolid: Editora de Medios de Castilla y León, 2008 Capital del dolor. Barcelona: Planeta, 1997 Capital del dolor. Barcelona: Círculo de Lectores, 1996 Carta a mi mujer. Barcelona: Planeta, 2008 Carta abierta a una chica progre. Madrid: Ediciones Irrever

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