T h e n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l o f m e dic i n e
Anticholinergics for Patients with Asthma?
Current guidelines for treating patients with asth- ondary comparison, which was for noninferior-
ma whose symptoms are not controlled by a low ity, was between adding tiotropium and adding
dose of an inhaled glucocorticoid alone recom- salmeterol.
mend either doubling the glucocorticoid dose or
The addition of tiotropium resulted in a greater
adding a long-acting beta-agonist (LABA).1 How- improvement in PEF and FEV1 and better symp-
ever, inhaled glucocorticoids have a relatively flat tom control than doubling the dose of the in-
dose–response curve, so doubling the dose may haled glucocorticoid. This finding is not totally
result in little or no improvement in individual surprising, since entry into the study required
patients.2 LABAs are generally more effective,1,3 either a bronchodilator response or a positive
but an increased concern about infrequent but life- methacholine challenge, and after the run-in pe-
threatening exacerbations4 has reduced enthusi- riod when patients received an inhaled glucocor-
asm for the use of these drugs. Alternatives to ticoid alone, levels of exhaled nitric oxide and
the addition of LABA therapy include high doses sputum eosinophils were in the normal range.
of inhaled glucocorticoids, leukotriene modifiers, The latter results suggest an antiinflammatory ef-
theophylline, anti-IgE therapy for selected patients, fect of the baseline inhaled glucocorticoid treat-
ment. The unanticipated and quite exciting find-
In this issue of the Journal, Peters and col- ing is that the addition of tiotropium was not
leagues5 describe the results of a study exploring inferior to the addition of salmeterol.
the role of a long-acting anticholinergic agent,
Considering that short-acting inhaled anticho-
tiotropium, as add-on therapy for adults with linergic agents have been available for the treat-
asthma whose disease is not adequately controlled ment of airway disease, including asthma, for
with a low dose of an inhaled glucocorticoid (bec- decades and that the long-acting anticholinergic
lomethasone at a dose of 80 μg twice daily). Us- tiotropium was approved for use in patients with
ing a triple-blind, placebo-controlled, three-way chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in
crossover design, with each treatment period last- the United States in early 2004, why has it taken
ing 14 weeks and a 2-week washout between treat- so long to do a study like this? Early studies of
ments, the investigators compared three regimens: short-acting anticholinergic agents such as ipratro-
adding tiotropium (at a dose of 18 μg once daily) pium in heterogeneous groups of patients with
to the low dose of inhaled glucocorticoid, dou- both asthma and COPD showed that adding such
bling the dose of inhaled glucocorticoid (160 μg drugs to an inhaled beta-agonist alone did not re-
twice daily), or adding the LABA salmeterol (at a sult in significant improvement in lung function
dose of 50 μg twice daily) to the low dose of in- or symptoms.6 Furthermore, the use of such drugs
haled glucocorticoid. The primary outcome varia- was no more effective than inhaled beta-agonists
ble was the morning peak expiratory flow (PEF). in patients with asthma alone.7 Clinically, anti-
Secondary outcomes included the forced expira- cholinergic agents became the treatment of choice
tory volume in 1 second (FEV1), symptoms, quality for patients with COPD and beta-agonists for pa-
of life, and asthma control days. The primary tients with asthma. In addition, the initial large
comparison was between adding tiotropium and clinical trials of tiotropium focused on patients
doubling the inhaled glucocorticoid dose; the sec- with COPD, in whom there was a major unmet
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medical need. However, there is increasing inter- so that we can determine whether tiotropium and
est in using tiotropium for the treatment of asth- possibly other long-acting anticholinergic agents
ma: the study by Peters et al. is only one of several are effective and safe alternatives to LABAs for the
trials, both large and small, that are exploring long-term treatment of asthma.
the drug’s role in asthma therapy (ClinicalTrials
Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
.gov numbers, NCT00546234, NCT00772538, full text of this article at NEJM.org.
From the Department of Medicine, Northwestern University,
Are the risks associated with tiotropium less Chicago.
than those reported with LABA therapy? A recent This article (10.1056/NEJMe1009429) was published on Sep-
report by Singh and colleagues suggested there tember 19, 2010, at NEJM.org.
is an association between tiotropium and car- 1. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Asthma
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same extent as LABAs.11 Nevertheless, this report inhaled corticosteroids plus salmeterol versus higher doses of in-
supports the need for additional studies to explore haled corticosteroids in symptomatic asthma. Thorax 2005;60:
these important outcomes as well as safety issues Copyright 2010 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Downloaded from www.nejm.org on September 22, 2010. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
From the NEJM Archive Copyright 2010 Massachusetts Medical Society.
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