Akta Agrosia Vol. 13 No.1 hlm 77 - 81 Jan - Jun 2010
Nitrogen Dosage and Application Time of Cytokinin on Artemisia annua L., a Traditional Antimalaria Herbal Dosis Nitrogen dan Waktu Pemberian Sitokinin pada Tanaman ArtemisiaUsman Siswanto1, Yuli Widiyastuti2 dan Ruri Kustia1 1Department of Agroecotechnology University of BengkuluJln. Raya Kandang Limun Bengkulu 38371A2Medicinal Plant and Traditional Medicine Research and Development Office (B2P2TO2T)ABSTRACT
Vegetative growth and artemisinin constituent may be stimulated by the application of nitrogen and
cytokinin. This study aimed to determine the response of nitrogen fertilizer dosage and time of cytokinin applicationon growth and yield of Artemisia annua L. The research was undertaken at Kelobak Village, Kepahiang Regency,Bengkulu, from April to September 2009. The experiment used a Randomized Complete Block Design arrangedfactorially. The first factor was nitrogen fertilizer dosage, consisting of 0, 50, and 100 kg ha-1; and the second onewas time of cytokinin application, comprising 3, 6, 9 week after planting. Each treatment combination wasreplicated three times. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance and means were separated by orthogonalpolynomial. Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) was employed to trace artemisinin content of leaf. The resultsindicated that there was an interaction between nitrogen fertilizer dosage and time of cytokinin application onplant height and stem diameter. Nitrogen fertilizer dosage influenced both fresh weight and dry weight of upperplant part. Time of cytokinin application did not affect all observed variables. Nitrogen fertilization 60.27 and62.49 kg ha-1 together with cytokinin application time 3 week after planting yielded both the highest plant height(102.23 cm) and the biggetst stem diameter (22.21 mm). Nitrogen fertilizer dosage 100 kg ha-1 resulted in heaviestfresh and dry weight of upper plant part, namely 421.23 g and 39.25 g, consecutively. Artemisinin was detectedin leaf. Key words: artemisinin, cytokinin, plant height, stem diameter, fresh weight
Peningkatan pertumbuhan vegetatif dan kandungan senyawa artemisinin dapat dipacu dengan pemberian
nitrogen dan sitokinin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan dosis pupuk nitrogen dan waktu pemberiansitokinin terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil Artemisia annua L. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Kelobak, KabupatenKepahiang, Provinsi Bengkulu mulai bulan April sampai bulan September 2009. Percobaan menggunakanRancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap yang disusun secara faktorial. Faktor pertama adalah dosis pupuk nitrogenyang terdiri dari 0, 50, dan 100 kg ha-1; dan faktor kedua adalah waktu pemberian sitokinin yang terdiri dari 3, 6,dan 9 minggu setelah tanam. Setiap kombinasi perlakuan diulang sebanyak tiga kali. Data dianalisis dengananalisis sidik ragam dan rata-rata dipisahkan dengan orthogonal polinomial. Untuk melacak keberadaan senyawaartemisinin digunakan Kromatografi Lapis Tipis (KLT). Hasil menunjukkan terdapat interaksi antara dosis pupuknitrogen dengan waktu pemberian sitokinin terhadap tinggi tanaman dan diameter batang. Pupuk nitrogenberpengaruh terhadap bobot segar dan bobot kering bagian atas tanaman. Waktu pemberian sitokinin tidakmemengaruhi semua parameter yang diamati. Pupuk nitrogen masing-masing 60,27 dan 62,49 kg ha-1 denganpemberian sitokinin tiga minggu setelah tanam berturut-turut menghasilkan tanaman tertinggi (102,23 cm) dandiameter batang terbesar (22,21 mm). Dosis pupuk nitrogen 100 kg ha-1 menghasilkan bobot segar dan bobotkering bagian atas tanaman, masing-masing 421,23 g dan 39,25 g. Artemisinin terdeteksi dalam daun tanamanArtemisia. Kata kunci: artemisinin, sitokinin, tinggi tanaman, diameter batang, bobot segar
Usman Siswanto, Y. Widiyastuti dan R. Kustia : Nitrogen dosage and application cytokinin time
antimalarial and anti-cancer activity. Completechemical (de novo) synthesis of artemisinin was
Malaria is a global health issue that will
achieved by several research groups (Avery et
continue to spread with the increase in mosquito
al., 1992). The procedures require several steps,
and can start from different raw materials. A
temperatures. Malaria is a major health problem
comprehensive review on the chemistry, synthesis
in many parts of the world, especially Africa, South
and semisynthesis of artemisinin has been
America and Southeast Asia. Between 300 and
conducted. However, low yield, complexity and
500 million people are currently infected with
high cost indicate that the isolation of artemisinin
malaria, with more than two billion at risk for
from the plant is the most economically feasible
infection. Experts project a continued increase in
method for its production at present (Zipper et
these numbers. Two million people die annually
from malaria, including one million children. In
Artemisinin is the raw material needed to
Indonesia, 56.3 million people out of 70.0 million
population living in endemic areas are at high risk
dihydroartemisinin, arteether, artemether and
of malaria. In 2003, malaria spread out in 30
artesunate. The flowering stimulus appears to be
Provinces covering 6,053 villages in which the
perceived at the apical meristem, and that
highest mortality rate went to under five-year
flowering could be somewhat delayed by pinching
children (Depkes, 2007; Gunawan 2000). Latest
the apical meristems and providing nitrogen
report indicated that there are 424 regencies as
fertilization. Very little published work exists on
malarial endemic regions. Malaria is an infectious
the vegetative growth responses of A. annua to
the specific macronutrients nitrogen, phosphorus
predicament due to ineffective medication against
resistant strain of Plasmodium parasite. Cerebral
malaria, caused by Plasmodium falciparum, is
compounds (Ferreira and Janick, 1995).
the most deadly form of malaria, is particularly
Significant increase of total plant and leaf
difficult to treat and results in high mortality. The
dry matter (1–3 ton ha-1) was obtained in
available drug, however, is slow acting, and
Mississippi, USA, where a complete fertilizer
resistance to chloroquine and other currently used
mixture containing 100 kg N, 100 kg P and 100 kg
antimalarial drugs is widespread and increasing.
K ha-1 was broadcast and worked uniformly
Artemisinin, derived from Artemisia
through the soil. Similarly in Tasmania, Australia,
annua (family Asteraceae), which is used as an
dry leaf yields of 6–12 ton ha-1 were obtained in
antimalarial in traditional Chinese medicine, has
experiments with a mixed fertilizer containing 60
been found effective as an antimalarial drug
kg N, 60 kg P and 50 kg K ha-1 pre-drilled in bands
150 mm apart and about 50mm below seed and
In the intact A. annua plant, artemisinin
75mm below transplants (Laughlin et al., 2002).
is synthesized from the mevalonate-terpenoid
pathway in the glandular trichomes of the leaves,
around the time of flowering, although in some
and artemisinin levels are highest in the shoots
cases this may be just before flowering, and in
during the flowering stage One study investigating
other cases during full flowering(Ferreira dan
the distribution of artemisinin in five-week old A.
Janick, 1995; Laughlin et al., 2002). Field
annua plants found that the highest artemisinin
production of A. annua is presently the only
content was found in the leaves of the upper parts
commercially viable method to produce artemisinin
of the plant (Shukla et al., 1992).
because the synthesis of the complex molecule is
uneconomic. Currently used selections reach the
sesquiterpene lactone of the cadinane series. In
peak in artemisinin before flowering and at the
addition to a lactone group, artemisinin contains
end of vegetative growth, allowing maximal
an endoperoxide bridge, which is rarely found in
biomass accumulation of artemisinin before
secondary metabolites, and is responsible for the
Akta Agrosia Vol. 13 No. 1 hlm 77 - 81 Jan - Jun 2010
Table 1. Summary of Fisher’s-Test at Pd”0.05 for the effect of nitrogen fertilizer dosage and cytokinin application
time on plant height (cm), stem diameter (mm), number of bud, chlorophyll content, leaf fresh weight (g),root fresh weight (g), leaf dry weight (g), root dry weight (g).
Components of growth and yield Nitrogen (N) Cytokinin (T) N x TPlant height (cm)
Note : *significant; nsnon significant. MATERIALS AND METHODS
opment is working in partnership with the WHOto increase artemisia cultivation, especially in Af-
rica, and there is a pressing need to optimize
village, Kepahiang regency, Bengkulu province,
artemisinin production per cultivated area, which
from April to September 2009. The experiment
will help meet the world demand of artemisinin-
based combination therapies (ACTs) without in-
arranged factorially. The first factor was nitrogen
truding into areas originally cultivated with sub-
fertilizer dosage consisting of 0, 50, 100 kg ha-1;
sistence crops used to sustain a minimal nutritional
level in African countries afflicted by malaria.
application comprising 3, 6, 9 week after planting.
However, there is little published information on
Each treatment combination was replicated three
individual nutrient requirements for growth and
times. Data were analyzed by analysis of variance
increased artemisinin production (Ferreira et al.,
polynomial. Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC)
Cytokinins are an important class of plant
was employed to trace artemisinin content of leaf.
growth regulators, defined by their ability to pro-mote cell division in tissue culture in the presence
of auxins. Virtually all naturally occurring cytoki-nins identified to date are adenine species substi-
tuted at N6 with an isoprenoid or aromatic side
in A. annua has been a goal for many research
chain. Cytokinins refer solely to the isoprenoid
groups. The low yield of artemisinin within the A.
cytokinin bases and their sugar conjugates. Cyto-
annua plant is a serious constraint on the mass
kinins affect many plant developmental processes
production of artemisinin-based drugs. Artemisinin
including cell division, cell differentiation, chloro-
can also be chemically synthesized; however, its
phyll senescence, and apical dominance (Astot et
production is complicated and unfavorable due to
al., 2000). Although exogenous application of cy-
very poor yields and extremely high costs.
tokinins is mainly known for induction of sponta-
Therefore, increasing yield in intact plants is a
neous shoot formation in hairy root cultures, they
more cost-effective production method compared
can also impact growth and secondary metabolite
to commercial synthesis. The following table is
accumulation. Indeed, low cytokinin to auxin lev-
summarizing the result of Fisher’s test indicating
els have been shown to induce rapid disorganiza-
the effect of nitrogen and cytokinin application on
tion in hairy root cultures of C. intybus as well as
A. annua growth. In the intact A. annua plant,
decrease root growth and the ability of root cul-
artemisinin is synthesized from the mevalonate-
tures of C. intybus to produce secondary prod-
terpenoid pathway in the glandular trichomes of
ucts (Bais et al., 2001; Weather et al., 2005).
the leaves, and artemisinin levels are highest in
Therefore, the objective of this study was to de-
the shoots during the flowering stage. One study
termine the response of nitrogen fertilizer and time
investigating the distribution of artemisinin in five-
of cytokinin application on growth and yield of Ar-
week old A. annua plants found that the highest
Usman Siswanto, Y. Widiyastuti dan R. Kustia : Nitrogen dosage and application cytokinin time
artemisinin content was found in the leaves of the
(ipt) gene should elevate cytokinin levels in plants
upper parts of the plant (Shukla et al., 1992; Jaziri
thereby yielding more shooty tissue and possibly
artemisinin. Constitutive expression of the ipt genein A. annua was tested to gain a better
understanding of the relationship between
chlorophyll and cytokinins, and cytokinin function
in growth, development, and production of
artemisinin. This work suggested a direct
correlation between shoot growth (chlorophyll
content), cytokinins, and artemisinin (Sa et al.,
2001; Pamela et al., 2006). The increase in plant
growth with the addition of cytokinin canbe
explained by the hormone’s ability to trigger
growth factors and activate the defense pathway
within the plant. Because of this, one of the
Results indicated there was an interaction
immediate effects of cytokinin treatment on A.
between nitrogen fertilizer dosage and time of
annua is an increase in shoot growth and height.
cytokinin application on plant height and stemdiameter. Nitrogen fertilizer dosage influenced
both fresh weight and dry weight of upper plantpart. Time of cytokinin application did not affect
Both the highest plant height (102.23 cm)
and the biggest stem diameter (22.21 mm) were
There is some work on the response of A.
acquired by nitrogen fertilization 60.27 and 62.49
annua to nitrogen under field conditions, and
kg ha-1 combined with cytokinin application 3 week
phosphorus and potassium in tissue culture. This
after planting. Nitrogen fertilizer at 100 kg ha-1
technique, if applied early enough, will cause plants
resulted in heaviest fresh and dry weight of upper
to branch out and potentially increase leaf biomass
if the season is 4–5 months long (Ferreira dan
consecutively. Qualitatively, artemisinin was
Janick, 1992). Increasing N application did not
significantly affect artemisinin content or yield. InMadagascar, a field crop with three plants m-2 that
received 97 kg ha-1 of N increased dry leafproduction from 2420 (control) to 4690 kg ha-1,
while the concentration of artemisinin dropped
from 1.11 to 0.87%. Also, a mean 4.7 ton ha-1
proceed. This research has been supported by
increase (19%) in total fresh plant biomass,
the Office of Research and Development for
cultivated in densities varying from 27.8 to 111.1
thousand plants/ha, was reported with the addition
of 67 kg ha-1 N, but the artemisinin concentrationwas not reported, and the total fresh plant biomass
was reduced from 750 (at the lower density) to275 g plant-1 (at the higher density) (Ayanoglu et
Åstot, C, D. Karel, N. Anders, W. Qun, K. Tim,
al., 2002; Simon et al., 1990).
One of the responses of plants to cytokinins
is stimulation of shoot growth. Considering that
biosynthesis pathway, Proc. Natl. Acad.
this enzyme may be a rate-limiting step in cytokinin
Avery, MA, W.K.M Chong and C. Jenning-White.
overexpression of the isopentenyl transferase gene
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Eine wirkungsvolle punktuelle Schmerz-Therapie Aus der Praxisarbeit mit SANUM-Präparaten veröffentlicht in SANUM-Post Nr. 9/1989, Seite 12 - 16SCHMERZEN, jeder von uns kennt Die Bedeutung der Medikamen- A. Eingriffe am schmerzleitenden Schmerzen aus eigener und ganz tenschäden persönlicher Erfahrung, akute, chro- Wir kennen Schmerzpatienten, de-nische und rezidivierende Schmer-