THE JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE Volume 10, Supplement 1, 2004, pp. S-103–S-112 Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
Placebo Research: The Evidence Base for Harnessing
Placebo effects are often considered irrelevant at best and a nuisance at worst for determining what is valu-
able in medicine. In this paper, we argue that research that involves placebo provides critical information forhow the mind, body, and culture heal. Following a newly proposed definition of placebo as a therapeutic mean-ing response, empirical evidence is reviewed that emphasizes the importance of these effects for developing ascience of healing. It is likely that the effects resulting from the individual meaning of an intervention are animportant factor of any therapeutic approach. It would be therapeutically desirable to maximize these factorsand have good evidence on which to base healing interventions. We show how this could be achieved. INTRODUCTION
normally neglected. We argue in this review that this bodyof literature teaches how we could maximize healing by har-
Until recently, many authors dealing with placebo effects nessing these factors in any therapeutic context.
were not interested in the placebo effect as such, nor
in conceptual clarity. Rather, they combined a number ofpossible confounding factors such as spontaneous remission,measurement artifacts, and regression to the mean, all un-
der the heading of “placebo.”1–4 This has fueled a debate
and obscured the real issue, namely, whether psychologicprocesses and social contexts that facilitate hope, expecta-
The term “placebo” derives from the Latin psalm verse,
tion, positive feelings, relief of anxiety and anticipation of
“placebo Domino in regione vivorum” (Psalm 116:6 mod-
improvement are able to truly affect physiologic processes,
ern counting): I shall please the Lord in the land of the liv-
and contribute to healing over and above pharmacologically
ing.7,8 This psalm was part of the prayers offered at the
deathbed in the Middle Ages. At later times, it was cus-
It is necessary to distinguish between the true placebo ef-
tomary to pay others to sing the rites. Hence the connota-
fect and artifacts.5 Placebo-controlled clinical trials nor-
tion of “placebo” emerged as a fraudulent replacement of
mally cannot distinguish between a true therapeutic response
the real. Placebos were popular in the era of medicine when
and other confounding factors.6 Hence, it is not helpful to
effective pharmacologic interventions were scarce and of-
average improvement rates of placebo arms of clinical tri-
ten fraught with side effects. The emergence of randomized
als to find out about the magnitude of the placebo effect.
controlled trials (RCT) tagged the placebo as all those “un-
However, evidence from the psychologic literature, and
real” effects that were not the result of pharmacologic in-
from experiments especially targeting the question of mech-
terventions.9 Today, “placebos” normally mean inert sub-
anisms of placebo effects, are beginning to clarify the mes-
stances that are given to subjects, mostly in the context of
sage that behind the facade of what we normally call placebo
a scientific study, to control for psychologic and social or
effects are the self-healing capacities of the person, a fact
1Department of Environmental Medicine and Hospital Epidemiology, Samueli Institute for Information Biology, University of
2Samueli Institute for Information Biology, Alexandria, VA. WALACH AND JONAS
The many attempts at a definition of placebo effects all
The study, while methodologically sound, can be criti-
have one thing in common.10 They all define placebo ef-
cized on three grounds: (1) by restricting the analysis only
fects as something negative. As either the psychologic (side)
to randomized studies, many intriguing results from earlier
effect of an intervention, as unintended effects, as nonspe-
studies that were not randomized were discarded. Many of
cific effects or even as effects caused by a pharmacologi-
those studies show clear and impressive results.15 Also, treat-
cally inert substance. A more useful definition has been pre-
ments that were not pharmacologic were dismissed, thereby
sented recently by Moerman and Jonas,11 based on similar
not including the effects of many healing interventions such
and earlier work by Brody12: Placebo response is defined as
as psychotherapy. A more narrative and qualitative approach
the effect that is due to the meaning of a therapeutic inter-
shows that the evidence is in favor of effects of placebo in-
vention for a particular patient and context. This new defi-
terventions compared to no treatment.10 (2) A recent review14
did not consider what type of placebo intervention had beenadministered. For instance, a study had been included that
1. It is a semiotic definition in that it acknowledges that hu-
compared the administration of an analgesic in still uncon-
mans are not deterministic machines reacting to me-
scious patients after surgery to placebo and no treatment.16
chanical causes (e.g., pharmacologic agents). Rather,
It is hardly surprising no placebo effect was observed. (3)
they are responding to signs and the meaning those signs
No attempt was made to differentiate between studies that
generate in a highly complex, often self-determined and
used measures to maximize the placebo effect and those that
sometimes unpredictable fashion.13 The meaning is
tried to minimize it or did not pay attention to it.17 If the 23
something that is not fully determined by the external
studies that used placebo as a control procedure are analyzed
stimuli themselves, but arises from the interaction be-
separately and compared with 14 studies that tried to maxi-
tween the external environment and the internal condi-
mize meaning responses through suggestions, there is a clear
tions of persons, their history, their social circumstances,
and significant difference between those two sets of effect
their individual predilections and their expectations.
sizes. Studies that did not attempt to maximize meaning re-
2. The meaning response definition allows the context fac-
sponses showed an effect size of d ϭ 0.15 of placebo against
tors of an intervention to enter the stage. This definition
no treatment, and studies that tried to enhance meaning re-
underlines the individual differences in response to oth-
sponses had an effect size of d ϭ 0.95, which is both signif-
erwise similar conditions, and brings into focus the im-
icantly different and clinically important.
portance of individuality in therapy. This makes plausi-
An indirect attempt at quantifying placebo effects against
ble why one and the same situation, for instance surgery,
no treatment controls was made by Kirsch and Sapirstein.18
may arouse hope in one patient and induce fright in an-
In a meta-analysis of 19 antidepressant medication trials,
other with completely different physiologic reactions and
they looked at improvement rates with antidepressants and
placebos. Additionally, they compared the improvementrates obtained in the placebo groups of the antidepressanttrials with those of the effects of psychotherapy trials that
had included waiting list control groups. Thus, their com-
parison with no-treatment controls was indirect and weaker,
although the populations in the two sets of studies were com-
parable. They found a medium effect of d ϭ 0.39 for thecomparison between pharmacologic intervention and place-
Two-armed clinical trials with one placebo group do not
bos, and an effect of d ϭ 1.6 for the comparison between
tell us much about the placebo effect, because both groups
psychotherapy and no treatment. By indirect comparison,
control for many different factors affecting treatment apart
the authors estimate the placebo effect against no treatment
from the real intervention. Therefore, reviews of three-
to be d ϭ 0.79, which is sizeable, but less than the one re-
armed trials are preferred. A meta-analysis of 130 three-
armed trials that included only randomized studies compared
These results show that there is a beneficial effect of
the placebo arms of those studies against the untreated con-
placebo administration in the context of clinical trials over
trols.14 It yielded equivocal results: those studies with bi-
and above natural history, spontaneous remission, and re-
nary outcomes showed a small effect of a relative risk ϭ
0.95 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.88 to 1.02). Studieswith continuous outcomes, mostly visual analogue scale(VAS) measures of pain, showed a small, but significant ef-
fect of d ϭ Ϫ0.28 (95% CI: Ϫ0.38 to Ϫ0.19). These resultssuggest that in those trials, true placebo effects compared to
The meaning model of the placebo effect suggests that
natural history are therapeutically not very important, be-
the context within which a treatment is offered changes its
cause effect sizes are rather small.
meaning and hence its effects. This has been supported by
a systematic review19 that included studies that offered a
compared interventions of acid blockers in ulcers. Earlier
treatment and the corresponding placebo under different
drugs had to be taken four times per day, while the newer
conditions. This review concluded that neither interventions
drugs had to be taken only twice a day. They compared the
nor placebos are indifferent to meaning and context factors.
placebo response rates in 51 studies with a regimen of four
Treatments can be more effective than their placebos or vice
times per day dosage with 28 studies with a twice daily dose.
versa depending on those context factors. An example is the
Although the difference in the response rate of the placebo
study by Bergman et al.20 in which the same trial was con-
groups is only 6% to 8%, the effect is significant with a
ducted twice. Patients with cancer who regularly received
number needed to treat of 14. This suggests that the more
naproxen as a routine analgesic were either given their nor-
frequent application of a drug raises different expectations
mal bedside medication or a placebo. Some knew they were
than an application twice daily to the point of needing to
part of a trial, and some were informed about the trial and
treat 14 more patients with a twice per day regimen to ob-
knew that they would be randomized to either naproxen or
tain the same effect as a four times per day regiment.
placebo. Informed patients who received the active medica-
Perhaps one of the most direct proofs for the power of
tion had the greatest pain relief, followed by their placebo
expectation is a recent experimental study on irritable bowel
counterparts. Patients who had received placebo in the for-
syndrome.28 Thirteen (13) patients received an experimen-
mal trial had greater pain relief than the patients who had
tal rectal distention and heat stimulus as a pain stimulant to
received the normal naproxen medication without knowing
test different analgesic interventions. Apart from the natural
history of the pain, each patient received in randomized or-
Thus, expectation of potential effects is important. An-
der all of the following interventions: rectal lidocaine, oral
other example is a study of the effects of analgesics in post-
lidocaine, rectal placebo (a lubricant) with the suggestion of
partum pain in two separate trials, one with paracetamol
improvement, and rectal placebo with the suggestion of po-
against placebo, and one with paracetamol against naproxen.
tential aggravation (i.e., a nocebo intervention). Desire for
Patients were informed in one study they would be receiv-
pain control and expectation of pain reduction were also
ing placebo with a chance of 50%, and in the other study
measured. There was a highly significant effect for the
one of two active medications. The difference in effective-
placebo intervention, the oral and the rectal lidocaine com-
ness of paracetamol was 20 mm on a 100-mm VAS between
pared to natural history. While neither the rectal nor the oral
the trials with all other variables including researchers, set-
lidocaine were distinguishable from the placebo, the nocebo
ting, time, and patient population being the same.21–23
intervention produced a nonsignificant increase in pain per-
Another trial illustrates how expectancy is a factor me-
ception. The effect size of placebo-pain reduction versus nat-
diating a meaning response. In a study comparing the ex-
ural history was d ϭ 2.0, and versus nocebo was d ϭ 2.27.
perimental drug to sumatriptane, an established drug and
Desire and expectation of pain control could explain 77%
placebo, the ethics committee decreed that the randomiza-
of the variance in pain ratings in a regression model for
tion ratio to placebo should be 16:1, because it is known
placebo and 81% for lidocaine. Thus, expectation was the
that triptanes are effective and hence as few patients as pos-
most important factor in this study, even for the effective-
sible should be exposed to the risk of placebo. This study
ness of the pharmaceutically active agent. The authors un-
was unable to show superiority of any of the two active drugs
derline that it was probably important that the same physi-
against placebo.24,25 The active medication showed an ef-
cian who treated the patients in a normal context was
fect in 42% of the cases, and the placebo an effect in 38%.
responsible for the experimental interventions, and thus
Because patients in the placebo group knew the randomiza-
these effects might depend on a good relationship between
tion ratio, they had a strong hope and expectation of actu-
ally receiving active treatment, and it was this expectation
The same conclusions can be drawn from a recent clini-
that contributed to the strong effect. A meta-analysis of all
cal trial of massage, acupuncture, and self-education in 262
triptane studies26 shows that those studies that had a ran-
patients with chronic low-back pain. This trial showed mas-
domization ratio to placebo different from 1:1, and hence
sage and self-education were superior to acupuncture after
provided a greater likelihood for patients to expect real treat-
a year.29 This trial also assessed general and specific ex-
ment, yielded higher placebo response rates than studies
pectation of patients and reanalyzed the data according to
with symmetrical randomization. The authors conclude that
expectations.30 Those patients who had the largest expecta-
ethical requirements threaten scientific progress if they re-
tion of change for a specific treatment had the largest ther-
quire unsymmetrical randomization ratios, which in turn
apeutic benefit. When all other factors were controlled sta-
drive patients’ expectations, which again inflate placebo re-
tistically, specific expectation alone showed a significant
sponse rates due to these expectations.
odds ratio (OR) of 5.3, meaning that patients with high ex-
Supportive evidence of the importance of such expecta-
pectation had a fivefold chance of benefiting from the treat-
tions resulting from the context comes from a meta-analy-
ment, all other things being equal. The authors underline
sis that studied the question whether more frequent ap-
that this effect of expectation was larger than the treatment
plication of placebos yields larger effects.27 The authors
effect in comparable low-back pain trials. WALACH AND JONAS
Taken together, these data show that expectation is prob-
on top) and expectancy manipulations, and then view stim-
ably the most important meaning factor of a treatment, and
ulating visual material. Here, expectancy of receiving alco-
can be as powerful as a specific pharmacologic intervention.
hol produces strong effects, independent of the substance
It is plausible, then, to suppose that the meaning response
actually ingested. Measures in these studies were objective
is nourished to a large extent by the expectation a specific
measures of sexual arousal, such as penile erection or vagi-
nal blood flow, that address social desirability.2
A quantitative meta-analysis of 34 studies on alcohol and
alcohol expectancy has found small but significant effects
of expectancy.40 Across all studies, the effect of alcohol issignificantly different from zero, g ϭ 0.18 (effect size mea-
Expectations may be indirectly altered or manipulated di-
sure Hedge’s g, similar to the normally used Cohen’s d).
rectly by suggestion. The power of suggestion historically
The effect of expectation is smaller, but also significantly
was brought to the attention of the scientific community by
different from zero, g ϭ 0.08. What is more important is the
the investigation of Mesmerism in Paris 1784.9 These stud-
fact that expectancy effects can be quite sizeable and even
ies showed that the claims made by the followers of Mes-
larger than those of alcohol in situations, whereas the social
mer, at least in formal studies, were largely the result of sug-
setting, but not necessarily the pharmacology of alcohol,
gestions, as the effects could only be seen when therapist
suggests alcohol should have an effect such as settings of
and subject had visible contact, allowing subtle communi-
antisocial behavior (g ϭ 0.4), sexual arousal (g ϭ 0.3), or
cation.31,32 The interest in suggestion waned with the rise
craving (g ϭ 0.5). When interpreting these data, it is im-
of behaviorism and later cognitive therapy. Interest in sug-
portant to recognize that the amount of alcohol used in these
gestion now is increasing,33 as the neurosciences are able to
studies was small, normally equivalent to one drink (a can
measure and better understand the intricate complexities of
of beer, a glass of wine). In addition, experimental models
subconscious and preattentive processes.34,35
are only proxies for clinical situations in which patients are
Suggestion and the subconscious processes it triggers
differently motivated by their desire to get healthy again.
may be the link between the meaning of an external situa-
Recent studies have been published supporting the results
tion and physiologic responses. In many ways placebo ef-
fects are akin to therapeutic hypnosis,15,36 with the differ-ence being that in hypnosis a patient actively and willinglyagrees to the procedure. The clarifying psychological liter-
ature is vast and has been reviewed elsewhere.15 However,
there are relevant aspects that highlight the mechanisms of
healing. In a convincing piece of evidence for the physio-logic effectiveness of suggestions, Butler and Steptoe37 gave
a water aerosol as an inhalant to 12 subjects with asthmausing a balanced, crossover experimental study. While ini-
When Levine et al.47–52 published findings on the rever-
tially subjects were told the aerosol was a bronchodilator,
sal of placebo analgesia by the administration of naloxone,
in later sessions it was described as a powerful broncho-
they thought they had solved the placebo puzzle. In these
constrictor. The placebo, given with the suggestion of bron-
studies, patients suffering from either postoperative or ex-
chodilation, was able to reverse the suggested bronchocon-
perimental pain, received either a placebo infusion without
strictive effect, both compared to the control situation and
their knowledge through a covered indwelling line, or nalox-
one, an opiate antagonist. With their knowledge, they then
Psychologic research has studied several pharmacologi-
received another placebo injection that was claimed to be
cally active substances, such as caffeine, alcohol, or cannabis,
either a potent analgesic or a control substance. Levine and
comparing their pharmacologic to psychological properties
colleagues observed that the opiate antagonist reversed or
in balanced placebo design.38 This design balances substance
attenuated a placebo analgesia produced by the suggestion
and expectation in a 2-by-2 factorial design, with one factor
of administering an alleged painkiller. They concluded that
being the substance versus placebo. The other factor ma-
the substances responsible for this effect must be endoge-
nipulates meaning by giving either correct or misleading in-
nous opiates, which mediate centrally modulated pain and
formation. This design allows for a separation of pharma-
analgesia.53,54 Later studies,55,56 with added new controls or
cological and psychological effects of substances,39 and the
more sophisticated procedures,57,58 basically replicated the
demonstration of the effects of suggestion. The first review38
initial findings of Levine and colleagues. A paper review-
showed that strong effects of expectancy can be observed
ing this evidence concludes that the effects are real and me-
and vary by the setting. For instance, in studies on sexual
arousal, subjects either receive alcohol or an appropriate
The same conclusion was reached indirectly by Lichtig-
placebo (normally tonic with a few drops of vodka sprinkled
feld and Gillman,60 with the addition of the central role of
nitric oxide to the placebo response. These researchers con-
those that are affected by naloxone.58 These opiate depen-
ducted studies on the effects of nitric oxide in postwith-
dent effects can be targeted toward specific body parts,80 a
drawal depression of alcoholics. When titrated and admin-
finding that supports the expectancy hypothesis. There are
istered in low doses such that patients remain conscious,
also objective effects (i.e., depression of lung function).
nitric oxide, normally a potent narcotic, relieves withdrawal
Such objective opiate-dependent effects cannot be explained
depression quickly and effectively.61–64 This psychotropic
by expectancy, and likely are conditioned.81 There seem to
analgesic nitric oxide (PAN) is superior to placebo (air)61
be two systems active, both of which are mediated by en-
even though the response rate to this placebo can be as high
dogenous opiates. One operates via expectancies, and the
as 50% of cases. Because PAN is effective in alleviating
other operates via conditioning. Additionally, there seem to
95% of the cases of postwithdrawal depression, the authors
be conditioned effects which are not dependent on opiates.79
conclude that the endogeneous opiate system must be in-
Response expectancies are also effective in clinically rele-
volved. Because medical air and oxygen have the same ef-
vant settings such as postoperative pain.78 The effect of ex-
fect in many cases, this effect must be the result of activa-
pectancy was determined by open (unblinded) or hidden
tion of the endogenous opiate system. This is also suggested
(blinded) administration of analgesics to patients, postopera-
by Stefano et al.65 who imply that endogenous nitric oxide
tively or experimentally, without administering placebo. Open
is the hub around which both the immunologic and the af-
administration involved an arousal of expectancies and pro-
duced significantly stronger effects.77 Similar findings werefound with patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease,76who had had subthalamic electrodes implanted to stimulate
dopaminergic neurons. In one condition, they were told about
Is this system activated by expectancy or by condition-
the actual stimulation levels and their reduction. In another
ing, or both? That autonomous processes can be subject to
condition, they expected the stimulation to be active but it was
conditioning has been uncontested since Ader’s ground-
in fact reduced. After 30 minutes, significantly different ef-
breaking studies on conditioning immune responses in
fects in motor tasks were seen, indicating that endogenic
rats.66,67 These studies make plausible that autonomous
processes were activated by the expectation. The most recent
processes, such as the activation of the immune system or
study75 has shown a clear effect of expectation in a pain model
a neurotransmitter system, could be reinforced by operant
while heart rate variability measures were also taken. Given
conditioning or by a keying stimulus as in classic condi-
as an alleged analgesic, placebo reduced pain and the low-fre-
tioning. Thus, placebo effects could be conceived of as con-
quency power spectrum component of heart rate variability
ditioned reactions.68 On the other hand, social cognitive the-
caused by sympathetic activation. This effect was antagonized
orists suggest that the placebo effect is controlled by
by naloxone, again supporting evidence that endogenous opi-
response expectancies69: if a response is expected by an or-
oids are responsible for the mediation of this expectancy ef-
ganism, it is more likely to happen. There are studies sup-
fect. It remains to be seen which class of opioids influencing
porting a conditioning model,70–72 as well as studies sup-
the parasympathetic system is responsible for these effects.
porting expectancy models. Current evidence suggests that
There seem to be several processes that mediate mean-
the conditioning effect is mediated by expectancies.73,74
ing responses, depending on the paradigm and the context.
Benedetti and colleagues58,75–84 have presented evidence
It is reasonable to assume that neurotransmitters such as the
both for the reality and clinical relevance of placebo effects
endogenous opioids have a role. It is also likely other sys-
and their mechanisms through different neurotransmitter
tems like dopaminergic pathways85 mediate these effects.
systems. There are some pertinent points relevant to heal-
If central neurotransmitter systems are active in mobilizing
ing effects in these complex experiments. First, natural his-
expectation effects, it is also plausible that many other ef-
tory control groups were run, showing that the effects in the
fects in addition to pain alleviation or antidepressant re-
placebo groups are clearly different from the effects in no-
sponses85,86 are mediated by those systems. It is well-known,
treatment control groups. Thus, the effects of placebo are
for example, that practically every neurotransmitter,87 in-
not merely artifacts. Second, these studies show both that
cluding endogenous opioids88,89 and serotonin,90–92 have
not only are endogenous opiate systems involved in placebo
analgesia, but specific information and meaning given to apatient can modulate specific receptor families involved in
producing analgesia and direct those effects to certain areasof the body. For instance, cholecystokinine (CCK) antago-
There are two primary opiate networks in the brain, one
nizes morphine effects that operate via opiate receptors.
in the brainstem, and one in the cortex, involving the ros-
Proglumide is an antidote to CCK, and therefore acts syn-
tral anterior cingulate cortex, (rACC) and the ventromedial
ergistically with opiates. It was shown that proglumide not
prefrontal cortex, respectively. In an experimental, counter-
only potentiates placebo-mediated analgesia,84 but also op-
balanced, within-subject design, nine subjects received heat
erates via different receptor systems independently from
or warmth, followed by opiate or placebo, while their re-
gional cerebral blood flow was monitored.93 It could be
1. Meaning and healing effects are real and can be quite
demonstrated that in placebo responders, the same areas are
active during placebo analgesia as with opiates, namely the
2. If conceived as an individual response to the meaning of
nuclei in the rACC. Nuclei in the pons covaried with the ac-
an intervention, many paradoxes inherent in traditional
tivities of the rACC. Notably, the activation of the rACC
usages of the concept of placebo disappear.
was only seen in placebo responders.
3. This latter usage of the concept can also contribute to a
Another part of the puzzle has been illuminated by a
broader understanding of healing responses, which seem
positron emission tomography (PET) imaging study of the
to be triggered by central processes, either through ex-
effects of apomorphin and placebo on dopamine release in
pectation, or through conditioning, or both, and can in-
patients with Parkinson’s disease.94 The study utilized the
volve multiple central mechanisms and neurotransmitter
competition of radioactively marked raclopride (RAC) and
endogenous dopamine. The authors observed a 17% and 19%
4. Placebo analgesia is mediated by endogenous opiate sys-
diminuation of RAC by placebo administration in the nu-
tems which are similar to those activated by exogenous
cleus caudatus and the putamen, respectively. Both areas con-
tain many dopamine producing neurons. This finding sug-
5. Other systems besides the endogenous opiate system are
gests that patients expecting dopaminergic pharmacological
involved, such as the dopaminergic system.
effects will produce dopamine. Dopamine is an importantneurotransmitter which activates the reward system,95 and is
It is time to change our perspective on placebo and mean-
important in learning.86,96,97 Thus, this finding illustrates
ing effects in research and medicine. Rather than viewing
how placebo may produce effects beyond pain relief and in-
the placebo effect as an enemy that hampers clinical trials,
fluence areas such as affect, learning and motivation.
it should be seen as a ubiquitous healing response mediated
An imaging study of placebo effects in an antidepression
by expectations and conditioning. Thus, it can be utilized to
study using the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)
enhance or interfere with healing in many clinical settings.
fluoxetine showed a clear overlap of areas activated in
By understanding the meaning response, we might under-
placebo responders and drug treatment responders.98 While
stand how optimal healing can be fostered.
activation of the thalamus was reduced in both groups and
Complementary and alternative medical (CAM) therapies
activation of prefrontal areas enhanced, fluoxetine showed
may be elegant, efficient and comparatively harmless ways
enhanced activity in the pons and reduced activity in the hip-
to harness healing processes.100 We should view that possi-
pocampus and striatum. These findings were not seen with
bility as a virtue rather than a vice. But CAM is not the pro-
placebo. Fluoxetine effects were generally more pronounced
prietor of all meaning responses. These responses are
overall, but activation of the right prefrontal cortex was more
ubiquitous and occur in every healing context. Table 1 lists
ways to enhance healing with any therapy derived from the
This finding is qualified by another recent antidepressant
research literature on placebo effects.
imaging study99 that used high-resolution quantitative elec-
In addition, evidence points to the following suggestions
trocardiogram (EEG) to locate areas of higher or lower elec-
on how to harness these optimal healing processes:
trical activity. In this study, it was found that placebo re-sponders, drug responders, and nonresponders had distinctive
1. Always work with and not against patients’ expectations.
activation patterns. While placebo responders showed in-
If patients expect an intervention to be harmful, danger-
creased activity in the prefrontal cortex, drug responders
ous, fraught with side-effects, and not curative, they are
showed decreased activity, and nonresponders showed no
likely to experience just that. Thus, it should be manda-
change. This seems to show that meaning produced specific
tory for every physician and therapist to find out about
areas of altered brain metabolism and activity.
those expectations and move them in a positive direction.
These findings are the first of their kind and replications
If multiple treatment choices are available, use the one
are called for to help confirm and clarify our understanding
which is most conforming to patients’ expectations for
of the mechanisms of meaning effects. They have already
improvement. For instance, if a patient expects to get bet-
dispersed doubt about the reality of meaning response ef-
ter from a “natural product” rather than from a chemical
one, it is likely that this preference has clinically impor-tant influences.
2. If patients’ expectations are unhealthy or harmful, work
to change them first before jumping from intervention to
intervention. Although modern day patients are some-times surprisingly educated, they also sometimes cling to
Although this review is not exhaustive, and has high-
either outdated or faddish beliefs. It is likely that inter-
lighted a selective list of findings, it has illustrated a num-
ventions are unsuccessful or less effective if patients’ ex-
ber of issues about healing and its mechanisms:
pectations are not fulfilled. In addition, it is likely that
medicine, made the effects produced by the general
ambience of treatment the most important of therapeutic
1. Use more frequent dosing rather than less frequent
4. One of the greatest skills of a doctor, and a topic often
2. Apply therapies in “therapeutic” settings such as hospitals
left out of the debate around evidence-based medicine, is
individualization. It is in the subtle changes to therapy
3. Match the appearance, such as size and color, to the desired
and how they are delivered by a skilled healer that the
4. Attend to the route of administration.a
meaning response is harnessed to its fullest. It is expected
5. Deliver therapies in a warm and caring way.c
that any therapist who individualizes his treatment will
6. Deliver therapies with confidence and in a credible way.d
have better results, because he can harness the meaning
7. Determine what treatment your patient believes in or
5. Raising hope and alleviating anxiety in a credible way is
8. Be sure you as a therapist believe in the treatment and find
one of the most therapeutic acts in general. It has been
9. Align all beliefs congruently: patient, doctor, family,
shown empirically that a simple act, such as giving a clear
diagnosis and prognosis, improves outcome.105 If patients
10. Deliver a benign but frequent conditioned stimulus along
receive clear and positive communications conveyed with
trust, credibility, and confidence, healing is more likely.
11. Use the newest and most prominent treatment available.h,i
12. Use a well known name brand identified with success.j
This must be mastered in a world in which knowledge is
13. Cut or stick the skin or poke into an orifice whenever it is
transitory, and changes quickly and frequently contra-
dicts previous knowledge. Truth and integrity are inte-
14. Inform the patient what they can expect.20,21
gral components of a trusting relationship; however, the
15. Use a light, laser, or electronic device to deliver and track
patient should not be made the primary target for trans-
16. Incorporate reassurance, relaxation, suggestion, and anxiety
reduction methods into the delivery.28,33,65
6. A frequent assumption is that only specific causal effects
17. Listen and provide empathy and understanding.12,c
count, like those produced by drugs or surgery. This re-
view makes it plausible that other effects also count. Be-
lieving that one has a potent therapeutic agent at one’s
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The effect of diets high in protein or carbohydrate oninflammatory markers in overweight subjectsA. Due,1 S. Toubro,1 S. Stender,2 A. R. Skov1 and A. Astrup11Department of Human Nutrition, Centre for Advanced Food Studies, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University,Rolighedsvej, Frederiksberg C, Denmark2Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Gentofte Hospital, Copenhagen University Hospital,
CANADIAN PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Newmarket, Ontario Volume 14, Issue 4, December 15th, 2009 A support group that provides understanding, hope and information to prostate cancer patients and their families Make sure you come to our Christmas Meeting on December 10th, 2009 (note date change, it's the second Thursday this year). At the Newmarket Seniors Meeting Place,