shrivelled skin, sunken eyes and dim vision, painful
urination, numb skin, muscle spasms & delirium.
There is no question that proper hydration (fluid and
Intravenous therapy may be required.
electrolyte balance) is a pre-requisite for optimal sports
Risks of overhydration
performance. Research has shown that athletes who do
Overhydration and hyponatraemia may occur in ultra-
not drink anything during exercise will perform less well
endurance events lasting longer than 4 hours as a result of
than they would if they drank ad libitum. However this
3.During exercise start drinking early and
the over-consumption of fluid diluting the body’s sodium
must not be interpreted as drinking as much as possible –
levels (exact mechanisms still under investigation).
as this has not been shown to further improve
replace 80% of sweat losses). This will maintain
Specialized sports nutrition strategies are essential for
performance and may in fact be fatal (see over-hydration).
gastric volume and increase fluid absorption
these types of events and may include the addition of
sodium as well as careful regulation and monitoring of fluid
Water and electrolyte balance are critical for the function
of all organs. Water provides the medium for biochemical
4.After exercise be aggressive in replacing all
reactions within cell tissues and is essential for maintaining
sweat losses (i.e. after exercise/training
Signs: unconscious or severely confused especially when
blood volume and thus the optimal function of the
replace1.5 x remaining weight loss). This is very
blood glucose concentrations are normal, vacant stare,
cardiovascular system. Physical exercise and heat stress
important when competing in later events on
cause both fluid and electrolyte imbalances that need to be
the same day or the next day. Recovery of
corrected to avoid the effects of dehydration. These effects
significant fluid loss after exercise is assisted by
Strategies to replace fluid before, during and
will vary according to the type and intensity of exercise,
after exercise
the simultaneous replacement of electrolytes
body size, environmental conditions including the climatic
Generally athletes dehydrate during exercise because of a
conditions (temperature and humidity) and clothing.
mismatch between thirst and fluid requirements. They mayalso fear weight gain or the need to urinate during the
Risks of dehydration
event, or they may not have easy access to fluids during
Make the most of opportunities to drink within
Increases core body temperature and the body
the confines of the sport (e.g. stoppages, injury
1.Begin exercise in a well-hydrated condition.
Increases the strain on the heart, as the heart
Use all opportunities to drink before even
Individually labelled bottles should be readily
rate increases for a given workload.
exercising (e.g. meal- and snack times, in
available, not in a tog bag left in the change
Perceived effort is greatly increased and
transit, at work or at school). Athletes can learn
concentration, skills and mental functioning is
to tolerate up to 5ml fluid/kg body weight in the
Fluid should be served in containers that allow
adequate volumes to be ingested with ease and
Rehydration is much more difficult to achieve
because of the subsequent gastro-intestinal
2.Don’t rely on thirst. In general thirst is not
Coaches, trainers, parents must encourage full
perceived until an athlete has already lost 2%
of body weight. A fluid replacement plan should
Fluid intakes of children, the elderly, pregnant
Early signs of dehydration typically experienced
requirements and needs to be practised in
headache, fatigue, loss of appetite, flushed skin, heat
intolerance, light-headedness, dry mouth and eyes, dark
Advanced signs of dehydration require urgent medical
attention such as difficulty in swallowing, clumsiness,
500 mg of caffeine is consumed within a short period
(although this may vary between individuals). Always
1. Carbohydrate: Type and amount –
check labels of drinks for any other substances, some of
which may be counter productive or even banned.
The addition of carbohydrate to the ingested fluid willenhance performance even further than water on its own. 4. Palatability
Preference should be given to drinks containing glucose or
This includes flavour, taste, mouth-feel and temperature
glucose polymers, rather than fructose since fructose
and may have a large impact on voluntary fluid intake.
during exercise delays gastric emptying and so decreases
Drinks should be cool (15-22C) and palatable for the
the rate of fluid absorption. Furthermore excessive
individual – note taste does change during exercise and if
fructose may increase the risk of diarrhoea and fruit juices
a drink is unacceptably sweet during or even after
are therefore not recommended during exercise.
exercise, experiment with other drinks or consider a lowerconcentration adding unflavoured glucose polymer
The amount of carbohydrate in the drink (concentration)
can be varied according to individual needs andenvironmental and climatic conditions. When carbohydrateneeds are more important, a higher carbohydrateconcentration not exceeding 10% (greater concentrations
delay gastric emptying and may cause diarrhoea and
stomach cramps) or 60g carbohydrate/hour will be of
benefit. In extremely hot conditions when fluid needs take
priority, a more dilute solution of 4% carbohydrate
2. Electrolyte composition and concentration
Sodium and potassium, the main electrolytes lost through
sweat are found in limited amounts in most commercial
sports drinks. Too much sodium affects the taste of the
drink and so the amount of sodium in drinks (10-30
mmol/l) only partially replaces sodium lost in sweat(ranging from 10-90mmol/l). Foods and snacks with a high
salt content are therefore recommended to make up
3. Other active ingredients
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in
Sports drinks generally don’t need to have added vitamins
a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic,
as losses via sweat are low. However optimal intakes of
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission
vitamins and minerals should still be met. Caffeine and
of the South African Sports Commission.
caffeine-like substances may be present in some drinksand these drinks should be discouraged particularly in the
post exercise recovery period since caffeine has a diuretic
Printed in South Africa by SILOWA PRINTERS
effect. Note that a urinary caffeine concentration above >
Design and layout by JOY DESIGNEditing by SASC accredited dieticians
12µg/ml-1 is considered as doping and may be achieved if
IASSA Newsletter Northern Notes Fall-Winter 2006-2007: Arctic Social Indicators (ASI): A Follow-up to the Arctic Human Development Report The Arctic Social Indicators (ASI) project is a follow-up to the Arctic Human Development Report (AHDR) and was launched in January 2006. The ASI project seeks to devise indicators to facilitate the tracking and monitoring of human development in the Arctic
State Council on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse STATE COUNCIL ON ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUG ABUSE MEETING MINUTES June 11, 2010 9:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. American Family Insurance Conference Center 6000 American Parkway Madison, WI 53783 Room A3141 Members Present: Mark Seidl, Douglas Englebert, John Easterday, Joyce O’Donnell, Representative John Townsend and J