CoMeD President [Rev. Lisa K. Sykes (Richmond, VA) 804-364-8426]
CoMeD Sci. Advisor [Dr. King (Lake Hiawatha, NJ) 973-263-4843]
WASHINGTON, DC – In April of 2008, the American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG), an AMA-recognized board, issued clinical practice guidelines that clinical geneticists should follow in determining the etiology for those with an autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis and in treating patients with this diagnosis. This study, “Autism spectrum disorder-associated biomarkers for case evaluation and management by clinical geneticists” in Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics,[ 1 ]confirms that there are now well-established, routine, clinically available, identified biomarkers to help clinical geneticists medically evaluate and treat individuals diagnosed with an ASD and briefly outlines some recognized biomarkers. Depending on the cause of the ASD, these researchers have found that “associated medical risks may be identified, which may lead to screening and potential morbidity prevention in patients and other family members.” The non-profit CoMeD, Inc., and, through a grant from the Brenen Hornstein Autism Research & Education (BHARE) Foundation, the non-profit Institute of Chronic Illnesses, Inc. funded this research study. The important clinical tools identified for medical evaluation and treatment response monitoring included:
Pophyrin biomarkers– to help determine if mercury toxicity is present, and, when it is
found, to monitor changes in mercury-burden during detoxification therapies.
Trans-Sulfuration biomarkers– to help determine if mercury biochemical susceptibility
is present and, when it is found, to monitor patient response during supplementation with nutritional therapies such as methylcobalamin (the methyl form of vitamin B12), folinic acid, and pyroxidine (vitamin B6).
Oxidative Stress/Inflammation biomarkers – to help determine if there are excessive by-
products of metabolic pathways, and, when they are found, to monitor patient progress during supplementation with anti-inflammatory drugs such as Aldactone® (spironolactone).
Hormonal biomarkers – to help determine if hormonal abnormalities are present and,
when they are found, to monitor patient progress during the indicated treatment with hormonal regulation drugs such as Lupron® (leuprolide acetate) and Yaz® (drospirenone/ethynyl estradiol).
Mitochondrial Dysfunction biomarkers – to help determine if there are disruptions in the
energy production pathways, and, when they are found, to monitor patient progress during supplementation with drugs such as Carnitor® (L-carnitine).
Genetic biomarkers – to help determine if there are genetic causal or susceptibility factors
present, and, when they are found, to provide insights into behavior modification to help reduce the impact of such genetic factors.
[1] Geier Da, Geier MR. Expert. Rev. Mol. Diagn. 2008; 8(6): 671-674.
Today, any parent, physician, or healthcare provider can easily engage the services of a clinical geneticist who is following the ACMG practice guidelines to help evaluate and treat those diagnosed with an ASD by contacting ASD Clinics, LLC, a national outreach clinic helping to provide clinical genetic services through the Genetic Centers of America. For information about scheduling a consultation, please call (301) 989-0548.
West Coast - Genetic Consultants of Washington State (Seattle, WA) Central – Genetic Consultants of Indiana (Indianapolis, IN) East Coast – Genetic Consultants of Maryland (Washington, DC)
Your generous tax-free donations will help us to fund additional research, similar to the present study, to examine the biomedical basis and treatments for patients diagnosed with an ASD.
To support the ongoing efforts of CoMeD, Inc. with your tax-deductible contributions, please use
the PayPal link on CoMeD’s Internet website, CoMeD, Inc. is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation that is actively engaged in legal, educational and scientific efforts to stop all use of mercury in medicine, and to ban the use of all mercury-containing
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