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HT 201 – PHARMACOLOGY FOR ALLIED HEALTH Course Instructor: Erik Bailey, Pharm.D. An Important Note To All Students: It is your responsibility to read and comply with all regulations outlined below. Any questions regarding these regulations should be addressed to: Department of Health Information Technology Office Hours: HIT/CIM Office Hours will be held through email communication in class and by appointment only. While the monthly Professional Development sessions will be held in the Pipeline Chat, no weekly office hours will be held. Announcements regarding the monthly Professional Development sessions will be posted in class The Health Information Technology Program is an Associate in Science degree program. You will be expected to complete the distance learning courses within the regular semester period. There are no required meetings where attendance is taken. Attendance consists of study group discussion participation that is required. There are weekly assignments or quizzes to enhance learning. Assignments are submitted through the Homework area on the course bulletin board unless you are instructed to the contrary. Students are required to keep a copy of all submitted assignments. Students must take each quiz during the period scheduled unless prior arrangements are made and approved by the course instructor. Assignments must be submitted in the proper sequence; assignments received out of sequence cause delays in processing. Students are required to include their name and course number on each page of submitted assignments. Computer will administer all examinations over the Internet. They will be closed book and timed. As in the submission of assignments and quizzes, students are expected to take their own exams. Honesty and integrity is expected of all students. Just as in a traditional class, it is the student’s responsibility to complete the quizzes, assignments and exams as posted in the Course Calendar. Time management in planning weekly activities, including business or personal travel, vacation, jury duty, family visits, work obligations, elective or planned medical procedures, holidays, etc. is critical to successful completion of this course. The Santa Barbara City College HIT/CIM policy for assignments (i.e., homework, quizzes, projects, exams) after the second week of the semester is as follows: Due dates for all course deliverables are posted for each course in the course calendar. All students are responsible for monitoring and adhering to the Course Calendar as posted unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor. The course instructor will handle student emergencies on an “as needed” With the exception of module, midterm and final examinations, weekly assignments will be accepted up to one week after the due date for reduced credit. o Assignments will not be accepted for grade credit beyond one week o Scores on late assignments will be reduced by one-half of total points earned. For example, if a student earns 18 out of 20 points on a late assignment, the score will be recorded as 9. o Assignments due at the conclusion of the last instructional week of the semester will be not be accepted beyond the due date for the final exam. Computer problems do occur so if it is your habit to work up until an assignment or exam deadline, do so at your own risk. All students should have a “back-up” computer plan in the event of hardware, software or technical difficulties unrelated to the SBCC system that can be invoked in a timely manner. The “back up” computer may be through another reliable source )e.g., workplace, public library, friends, etc.). Otherwise the student will run the risk of submitting a late assignment resulting in a reduction in grade as stated above or missing an important exam. Quizzes and Examinations: All examination will be administered online in this WebCT course. They are closed book and timed exams. The availability dates for exams are specified in the Course Calendar. Students will take each exam during the availability dates specified unless prior arrangements are made and approved by the course instructor. As in the submission of assignments, students are expected to take their own quizzes and exams. Honesty and integrity is expected of all students. The instructor expects and trusts each student to maintain high standards of honesty and ethical behavior. All assignments submitted in fulfillment of the course requirements must be the students’ own work. All assignments except those designated as "group" are meant to be individual efforts. Group efforts are meant to be equal efforts of all group members. Quizzes are also individual student efforts. It is assumed that students will perform professionally in preparing work for this class. Students are asked to evaluate each lesson in order to provide feedback to the instructor that can be used to revise or enhance the course. Please check the bulletin board under announcements for instructions on completing the lesson evaluations. Grades are assigned for distance-learning courses as in the courses provided on campus and will be figured into the student's grade point average (GPA). Final grades will be posted in WebCT under "My Grades" and will be accessible only by each individual student. All HIT and Health Technology faculty hold online office hours. Hours are posted on the course bulletin board. You may contact instructors by telephone, email and regular mail. Erik Bailey has been in the field of pharmacy and pharmacology in various respects for nineteen years. He received his Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 1993 from Idaho State University and upon completion of his Doctorate program, passed the licensing examinations for the states of Idaho, California, and Colorado. He has performed clinical rotations in the areas of internal coagulation, psychiatry, geriatrics, substance abuse, and hospital pharmacy and specializes in the fields of psychiatric medicine and substance abuse. Erik has worked as a clinical pharmacist at various hospitals in Idaho, Colorado, and California and has helped start and develop programs in pharmacokinetics, including aminoglycoside dosing, heparin dosing, and TPN administration and monitoring. Erik has established and maintained Clozaril registries and has worked as a consultant for nursing homes, helping them maintain licensure by making sure they adhere to OBRA guidelines established for medication administration. In addition to teaching, Erik also works as a Clinical Services Coordinator with board and care facilities and skilled nursing facilities. He works with physicians and nurses to ensure effective and safe medical regimens for patients disabled by mental illness and substance abuse issues (dual diagnosis patients). This includes monitoring patients for the effectiveness and adverse effects of drug therapy as well as making sure the appropriate laboratory studies are being performed. The American Pharmaceutical Association also certifies Erik in asthma and geriatric care and Erik has been an active member of the American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists and the American Pharmaceutical Association since 1993. Introduction to pharmacology, basic pharmacological terminology and concepts, drug categories and their uses, mechanisms of drug action, dosage forms, routes of administration, and common generic and trade name medications. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to demonstrate
competencies in the following areas at the appropriate skill and knowledge level:

Describe the principles of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics. Identify dosages forms in which drugs are manufactured and delivered. Identify and describe the therapeutic action of commonly prescribed drug categories. Identify units of measure for drug dosages. Given a drug name, identify its drug category. Given a drug category, identify several common drugs within that category. Given a drug name, identify the diseases or conditions that it is used to treat or prevent. Given a common disease, identify several drugs used to treat it. Demonstrate techniques of obtaining accurate drug information from drug references in a timely manner. Apply knowledge of drugs to the analysis of health care records. Medications that affect the autonomic nervous system. General and local anesthetics, analgesics, antipyretics and narcotic agents. Anticonvulsants, anti-Parkinson drugs, and skeletal muscle relaxants. Diuretics, antihypertensive drugs, and drugs affecting the blood. Intravenous fluids and total parenteral nutrition. 10. Drugs affecting the respiratory system. 12. Drugs affecting the gastrointestinal system. 13. Hormones and synthetic substitutes. 14. Antihistamine, antineoplastic drugs, and vitamins. Lecture using Moodle, online chat room, bulletin board, Internet, case studies, and discussion groups. Completion of homework assignments, quizzes, individual and group projects. Essentials of Pharmacology for Health Occupations, 5th or 6thEdition, Woodrow Assignments: 13 Lessons/Quizzes at 10 points each = 130 Points + Study Group Discussion Participation = 50 Points Grades will be calculated by placing the total points earned over the total points available. After conversion to a percentage, a letter grade will be determined based on the grading scale. The minimum grade acceptable for this course is a C. Welcome to HT 201, Pharmacology for Allied Heath, one of the courses required for the Santa Barbara City College Health Information Technology Associate Degree, and the Medical Coding Specialist Certificate Program. I hope you enjoy both the course and this highly individualized method of study. You will find taking a course in this way places much more responsibility on you to learn independently, develop your own time schedule, and study plan than would the same course taught in a classroom setting. You will also find that you have the opportunity to interact with the instructor and the other students in a very different way, since you will be meeting in student study groups and communicating with your instructor in the way in which works best for you including online, E-mail, and telephone. I recommend that you take time to develop a realistic written schedule of when you will study. It is important to you that you complete your assignments on time and submitted by the due dates. Have fun with your course; this is a fascinating subject and learning can be fun. You will be introduced to many ideas and material that will be useful to you as you work towards a career as a health information management professional. I am available to help you, as needed. Students with disabilities who are requesting accommodations should use the following SBCC procedure: contact the DSPS office in SS160 (X2364), present documentation of disability for review by a disabilities specialist, discuss options for support through DSPS, and present a signed DSPS authorization for accommodation to your instructor. Adjunct Professor, Department of Health Information Technology


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