
An appointment has been made for your child to have a food challenge. We hope What happens on the day of the challenge? this information will help you to prepare you and your child for the admission. You will be seen by the specialist nurse and doctor. We will complete some paperwork, check your child’s weight and basic observations, explain the procedure and ask you to sign the consent form. The doctor will check your child is • to check whether a child has outgrown a previously confirmed allergy fit and healthy and take a brief medical history. • to prove that a child is not allergic to a specific food or medicine Rescue mediations are prescribed in case of an allergic reaction. • occasionally to assist in the diagnosis of food allergy Some children have a cannula sited (a thin plastic tube inserted under the skin, Most of the challenges we do in Sheffield Children’s are done to see whether a child usually on the back of the hand) before the challenge begins. If needed the nurse will explain this in detail and local anaesthetic cream will be used beforehand to You will have already been seen in outpatients and had skin prick tests and blood tests (specific IgE). These results, along with information given to the doctor or Usually the challenge begins by rubbing a small amount of the challenge food on nurse, suggest that it is worthwhile performing a food challenge in hospital under the inside of the lower lip, then offering increasing amounts gradually until the controlled conditions. Food challenges are safe as long as they are done in the right required amount has been tolerated. This can take several hours so be prepared c hild must not leave the ward once the challenge has • If the challenge is successful your child will be able to reintroduce that food into The nurse will observe your child closely, making sure that any reaction is • If there are any adverse reactions you will know for certain that the food should recognised quickly. If there is a definite reaction the challenge will be stopped and your child will be treated appropriately. • The challenge is carried out in a controlled, child-friendly environment with full Once the challenge is completed you will need to remain on Research and Medical resuscitation support available if needed. Treatment Lounge for one to two hours prior to discharge home. If there is no
reaction the food should be reintroduced into the diet and you will receive advice There is a risk that your child may have a reaction, but children are carefully selected for challenges so the risk is low. If the risk is higher, this will already have been • Some of the food your child needs for the challenge. Please contact the allergy nurse before appointment. Tel: 0114 226 7872 • Any familiar foods that may be used to disguise/mix with or persuade your We will ask you to sign a consent form for the challenge to go ahead. If you have child to eat the challenge food if reluctant (e.g. yoghurt, banana, formula milk, any questions, please ask the doctor or nurse before signing the consent form • For younger child, usual cup or bottle as appropriate • Usual packed lunch of familiar foods for after the challenge All antihistamines MUST be stopped before the challenge.
• Piriton (Chlorphenamine), Phenergan and Vallergan – At least 48 hours before • Cetirizine, Loratidine or Desloratidine – One week before • Your child’s anti-histamine and Adrenaline pen if they have one However if your child has a reaction you should give antihistamine as normal. • Food and drink for yourself as we would like you to stay with your child Please let us know and we will rearrange the appointment. If your child has experienced symptoms of acute asthma, eczema or hayfever in the two weeks prior to the challenge, or has a fever or any infection within 48 hours of the appointment please contact the Allergy nurse, Alyson Barber, to discuss whether On the morning of the challenge your child should have a light breakfast prior to coming to Research and Medical Treatment Lounge.


NOTICE: THIS DECISION DOES NOT CREATE LEGAL PRECEDENT AND MAY NOT BE CITED EXCEPT AS AUTHORIZED BY APPLICABLE RULES. See Ariz. R. Supreme Court 111(c); ARCAP 28(c); Ariz. R. Crim. P. 31.24 APPEAL FROM THE SUPERIOR COURT OF PIMA COUNTY Thomas C. Horne, Arizona Attorney General By Joseph T. Maziarz and David A. Sullivan Isabel G. Garcia, Pima County Legal Defender By Robb P. Holmes Ramon H

EXCMO. AYUNTAMIENTO DE OLVERA. SECRETARÍA GENERAL. ACTA NÚMERO 03/13 DE LA SESIÓN EXTRAORDINARIA CELEBRADA POR EL PLENO DEL AYUNTAMIENTO EL DÍA 28 DE FEBRERO DE 2.013. En el Salón de Sesiones de la Casa Consistorial, siendo las 11'00 horas del martes, día 28 de febrero de 2.013, se reúne el Pleno del Ayuntamiento en sesión pública, extraordinaria, que tiene lugar en primera convo

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