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Cv for a. westfall
NAME: Andrew O. Westfall, M.S. PREPARED: December 15, 2010
BIRTHDATE: July xx, 1969 BIRTHPLACE: Charleston, West Virginia
EDUCATION: University of Florida
Gainesville, Florida University of Florida
MEMBERSHIPS IN PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: American Statistical Association ASA Alabama Chapter CURRICULUM VITAE Andrew O. Westfall M.S. Page 2 POSITIONS HELD: October 19, 2010 – Current
Database Analyst III, Center for AIDS Research, Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham Alabama.
August 1, 2008 – October 18, 2010
Database Analyst III, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of International Women’s Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham, CIDRZ (Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia), Lusaka Zambia.
Lead Statistician, Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham Alabama.
February 1, 2002 – February 28, 2003
Statistician, Department of Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham Alabama.
Statistician, Biostatistics Unit, Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham Alabama.
February 1, 1996 – November 9, 1997
Statistician/Programmer, CARDIA Coordinating Center, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham Alabama.
Statistician/Programmer, Civitan International Research Center, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham Alabama.
Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Florida, Gainesville Florida.
Fall 2005, Introduction to Data Management and Reporting Using the SAS System (Instructor) Fall 2004, Introduction to Data Management and Reporting Using the SAS System (Instructor) Fall 2003, Introduction to Data Management and Reporting Using the SAS System (Instructor) Fall 2002, Introduction to Data Management and Reporting Using the SAS System (Co-Instructor) Spring 1994, Introduction to Statistics (Teaching Assistant) Fall 1993, Introduction to Statistics (Teaching Assistant) Summer 1993, Statistical Methods in Social Research (Teaching Assistant) Spring 1993, Introduction to Statistics (Teaching Assistant) Fall 1992, Introduction to Statistics (Teaching Assistant) CURRICULUM VITAE Andrew O. Westfall M.S. Page 4 BIBLIOGRAPHY MANUSCRIPTS PUBLISHED:
1. Tanriover B, Carlton D, Saddekni S, Hamrick K, Oser R, Westfall AO, Allon M. Bacteremia Associated with Tunneled Dialysis Catheters: Comparison of Two Treatment Strategies. Kidney Int 2000 May;57(5):2151-5.
2. Childs HA III, Cole T, Falkenberg E, Smith JT, Alonso JE, Stannard JP, Spencer SA, Fiveash J,
Raben D, Bonner JA, Westfall AO, Kim RY. A Prospective Evaluation of the Timing of Postoperative Radiotherapy for Preventing Heterotopic Ossification Following Traumatic Acetabular Fractures.Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2000 Jul 15;47(5):1347-52.
3. Call SA, Klapow J, Stewart KE, Westfall AO, Mallinger AP, DeMasi RA, Centor R, Saag MS.
Health-related Quality of Life and Virologic Outcomes in an HIV Clinic.Qual Life Res 2000;9(9):977-85.
4. Call SA, Saag MS, Westfall AO, Raper JL, Pham SV, Tolson JM, Hellmann NS, Cloud GA,
Johnson VA. Phenotypic Drug Susceptibility Testing Predicts Long-Term Virologic Suppression Better than Treatment History in Patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection.J Infect Dis 2001 Feb 1;183(3):401-8.
5. Lilly RZ, Carlton D, Barker J, Saddekni S, Hamrick K, Oser R, Westfall AO, Allon M.
Predictors of Arteriovenous Graft Patency After Radiologic Intervention in Hemodialysis Patients.Am J Kidney Dis 2001 May;37(5):945-53.
6. Bild DE, Folsom AR, Lowe LP, Sidney S, Kiefe C, Westfall AO, Zheng ZJ, Rumberger J.
Prevalence and Correlates of Coronary Calcification in Black and White Young Adults: The Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study.Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2001 May;21(5):852-7.
7. Chen RY, Westfall AO, Raper JL, Cloud GA, Chatham AK, Acosta EP, Pham SV, Tolson JM,
Heudebert GR, Saag MS. Immunologic and Virologic Consequences of Temporary Antiretroviral Treatment Interruption in Clinical Practice. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2002 Sep 1;18(13):909-16.
8. Ferguson TF, Stewart KE, Funkhouser E, Tolson J, Westfall AO, Saag MS. Patient-Perceived Barriers to Antiretroviral Adherence: Associations with Race. AIDS Care 2002 Oct;14(5):607-17.
9. Vaughan WP, Carey D, Perry S, Westfall AO, Salzman DE. A Limited Sampling Strategy for Pharmacokinetic Directed Therapy with Intravenous Busulfan.Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2002;8: 619-624. CURRICULUM VITAE Andrew O. Westfall M.S. Page 5
10. Fontaine KR, Redden DT, Wang C, Westfall AO, Allison DB. Years of Life Lost Due to Obesity.JAMA 2003;289:187-193.
11. Jordan WD, Alcocer F, Wirthlin DJ, Westfall AO, Whitley D. Abdominal aortic aneurysms in "High-Risk" surgical patients: comparison of open and endovascular repair.Ann Surg. 2003 May;237(5):623-30.
12. Chen RY, Westfall AO, Mugavero MJ, Cloud GA, Raper JL, Chatham AG, Acosta EP, Taylor
KH, Carter J, Saag MS. Duration of highly active antiretroviral therapy regimens.Clin Infect Dis. 2003 Sep 1;37(5):714-22.
13. Canon CL, Smith JK, Morgan DE, Jones BC, Fell SC, Kenney PJ, Ferrante D, Lockhart ME,
Westfall AO, Koehler RE. Double reading of barium enemas: is it necessary?AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2003 Dec;181(6):1607-10.
14. Dorak MT, Tang J, Penman-Aguilar A, Westfall AO, Zulu I, Lobashevsky ES, Kancheya NG,
Schaen MM, Allen SA, Kaslow RA. Transmission of HIV-1 and HLA-B allele-sharing within serodiscordant heterosexual Zambian couples.Lancet. 2004 Jun 26;363(9427):2137- 9.
15. Pamboukian SV, Costanzo MR, Dunlap S, Rayburn B, Westfall AO, You ZY, Hung E, McLeod
M, Heroux A. Relationship between bridging with ventricular assist device on rejection after heart transplantation.J Heart Lung Transplant. 2005 Mar;24(3):310-5.
16. LeCroy CJ, Patterson MA, Taylor SM, Westfall AO, Jordan WD. Effect of Warfarin Anticoagulation on Below-Knee Polytetrafluoroethylene Graft Patency.Ann Vasc Surg. 2005 Mar;19(2):192-8.
17. Curtis JR, Westfall AO, Allison JJ, Becker A, Casebeer L, Freeman A, Spettell CM, Weissman
NW, Wilke S, Saag KG. Longitudinal patterns in the prevention of osteoporosis in glucocorticoid-treated patients.Arthritis Rheum. 2005 Aug;52(8):2485-94.
18. Mikuls TR, Saag KG, Curtis J, Bridges SL Jr, Alarcon GS, Westfall AO, Lim SS, Smith EA,
Jonas BL, Moreland LW. Prevalence of osteoporosis and osteopenia among African Americans with early rheumatoid arthritis: the impact of ethnic-specific normative data.J Natl Med Assn. 2005 Aug;97(8):1155-60.
19. Bedimo R, Chen RY, Westfall AO, Raper JL, Allison JJ, Saag MS. Sustained HIV Viral Suppression following Treatment Interruption: An Observational Study.AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2006 Jan;22(1):40-4.
20. Curtis JR, Westfall AO, Allison J, Freeman A, Kovac SH, Saag KG. Agreement and validity of pharmacy data versus self-report for use of osteoporosis medications among chronic glucocorticoid users.Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2006 Oct;15(10):710-8. CURRICULUM VITAE Andrew O. Westfall M.S. Page 6
21. Chen RY, Accortt NA, Westfall AO, Mugavero MJ, Raper JL, Cloud GA, Stone BK, Carter J,
Call S, Pisu M, Allison J, Saag MS. Distribution of Health Care Expenditures for HIV- Infected Patients.Clin Infect Dis. 2006 Apr 1;42(7):1003-10.
22. Curtis JR, Westfall AO, Allison JJ, Freeman A, Saag KG. Channeling and adherence with alendronate and risedronate among chronic glucocorticoid users.Osteoporos Int. 2006;17(8):1268-74.
23. Curtis JR, Westfall AO, Allison J, Bijlsma JW, Freeman A, George V, Kovac SH, Spettell CM,
Saag KG. Population-based assessment of adverse events associated with long-term glucocorticoid use.Arthritis Rheum. 2006 Jun 15;55(3):420-6.
24. Keith SW, Redden DT, Katzmarzyk PT, Boggiano MM, Hanlon EC, Benca RM, Ruden D,
Pietrobelli A, Barger JL, Fontaine KR, Wang C, Aronne LJ, Wright SM, Baskin M, Dhurandhar NV, Lijoi MC, Grilo CM, Deluca M, Westfall AO, Allison DB. Putative contributors to the secular increase in obesity: exploring the roads less traveled. Int J Obes (Lond). 2006 Nov;30(11):1585-94.
25. Fabres J, Wehrli G, Marques MB, Phillips V, Dimmitt RA, Westfall AO, Schelonka RL.
Estimating blood needs for very-low-birth-weight infants.Transfusion. 2006 Nov;46(11):1915-20.
26. Bagchi S, Kempf MC, Westfall AO, Maherya A, Willig J, Saag MS. Can routine clinical markers be used longitudinally to monitor antiretroviral therapy success in resource- limited settings?Clin Infect Dis. 2007 Jan 1;44(1):135-8.
27. Chen RY, Westfall AO, Hardin JM, Miller-Hardwick C, Stringer JS, Raper JL, Vermund SH,
Gotuzzo E, Allison J, Saag MS. Complete Blood Cell Count as a Surrogate CD4 Cell Marker for HIV Monitoring in Resource-Limited Settings.J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2007 Apr 15;44(5):525-30.
28. Curtis JR, Westfall AO, Allison J, Becker A, Melton ME, Freeman A, Kiefe CI, MacArthur M,
Ockershausen T, Stewart E, Weissman N, Saag KG. Challenges in improving the quality of osteoporosis care for long-term glucocorticoid users: a prospective randomized trial.Arch Intern Med. 2007 Mar 26;167(6):591-6.
29. Shikany JM, Barash J, Redden DT, Westfall AO, Heimburger DC, Henson CS, Allison DB.
Divergence in popular diets relative to diets consumed by Americans, and implications for diet selection.MedGenMed. 2007 Jul 9;9(3):8.
30. Willig JH, Westfall AO, Allison J, Wagoner NV, Chang PW, Raper J, Saag MS, Mugavero MJ.
Nucleoside Reverse-Transcriptase Inhibitor Dosing Errors in an Outpatient HIV Clinic in the Electronic Medical Record Era.Clin Infect Dis. 2007 Sep 1;45(5):658-61. CURRICULUM VITAE Andrew O. Westfall M.S. Page 7
31. Mark KE, Meinzen-Derr J, Stephenson R, Haworth A, Ahmed Y, Duncan D, Westfall A, Allen
S. Contraception among HIV Concordant and Discordant Couples in Zambia: A Randomized Controlled Trial.J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2007 Oct;16(8):1200-10.
32. Mikuls TR, Hughes LB, Westfall AO, Holers VM, Parrish L, van der Heijde D, van Everdingen
M, Alarcon GS, Conn DL, Jonas B, Callahan LF, Smith EA, Gilkeson G, Howard G, Moreland LW, Bridges SL Jr. Cigarette smoking, disease severity, and autoantibody expression in African Americans with recent-onset rheumatoid arthritis.Ann Rheum Dis. 2008 Nov;67(11):1529-34.
33. Hughes LB, Morrison D, Kelley JM, Padilla MA, Vaughan LK, Westfall AO, Dwivedi H,
Mikuls TR, Holers VM, Parrish LA, Alarcón GS, Conn DL, Jonas BL, Callahan LF, Smith EA, Gilkeson GS, Howard G, Moreland LW, Patterson N, Reich D, Bridges SL Jr. The HLA-DRB1 shared epitope is associated with susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis in African Americans through European genetic admixture.Arthritis Rheum. 2008 Jan 31;58(2):349- 358.
34. Tan R, Westfall AO, Willig JH, Mugavero MJ, Saag MS, Kaslow RA, Kempf MC. Clinical Outcome of HIV-Infected Antiretroviral-Naive Patients With Discordant Immunologic and Virologic Responses to Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy.J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2008 Apr 15;47(5):553-558.
35. Curtis JR, Westfall AO, Cheng H, Lyles K, Saag KG, Delzell E. The Benefit of Adherence with Bisphosphonates Depends on Age and Fracture Type: Results From an Analysis of 101,038 New Bisphosphonate Users. J Bone Miner Res. 2008 Sep;23(9):1435-41.
36. Willig JH, Jackson DA, Westfall AO, Allison J, Chang PW, Raper J, Saag MS, Mugavero MJ.
Clinical Inertia in the Management of Low-Density Lipoprotein Abnormalities in an HIV Clinic.Clin Infect Dis. 2008 Apr 15;46(8):1315-8.
37. Curtis JR, Westfall AO, Cheng H, Delzell E, Saag KG. Risk of hip fracture after bisphosphonate discontinuation: implications for a drug holiday.Osteoporos Int. 2008 Nov;19(11):1613-20.
38. Thomas O, Thabane L, Douketis J, Chu R, Westfall AO, Allison DB. Industry funding and the reporting quality of large long-term weight loss trials.Int J Obes (Lond). 2008 Oct;32(10):1531-6.
39. Willig JH, Abroms S, Westfall AO, Routman J, Adusumilli S, Varshney M, Allison J, Chatham
A, Raper JL, Kaslow RA, Saag MS, Mugavero MJ. Increased regimen durability in the era of once-daily fixed-dose combination antiretroviral therapy.AIDS. 2008 Oct 1;22(15):1951- 1960.
40. Curtis JR, Westfall AO, Cheng H, Saag KG, Delzell E. RisedronatE and ALendronate Intervention over Three Years (REALITY): minimal differences in fracture risk reduction. Osteoporos Int. 2009 Jun;20(6):973-8. CURRICULUM VITAE Andrew O. Westfall M.S. Page 8
41. Robison LS, Westfall AO, Mugavero MJ, Kempf MC, Cole SR, Allison JJ, Willig JH, Raper JL,
Wilcox CM, Saag MS. Short-term Discontinuation of HAART Regimens More Common in Vulnerable Patient Populations.AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. 2008;24:1347-55.
42. Mugavero MJ, Lin HY, Willig JH, Westfall AO, Ulett KB, Routman JS, Abroms S, Raper JL,
Saag MS, Allison JJ. Missed Visits and Mortality among Patients Establishing Initial Outpatient HIV Treatment.Clin Infect Dis. 2009 Jan 15;48(2):248-56.
43. Curtis JR, Xi J, Westfall AO, Cheng H, Lyles K, Saag KG, Delzell E. Improving the Prediction of Medication Compliance: The Example of Bisphosphonates for Osteoporosis. Med Care. 2009 Mar;47(3):334-41.
44. Kelley JM, Hughes LB, Faggard JD, Danila MI, Crawford MH, Edberg Y, Padilla MA, Tiwari
HK, Westfall AO, Alarcón GS, Conn DL, Jonas BL, Callahan LF, Smith EA, Brasington RD, Allison DB, Kimberly RP, Moreland LW, Edberg JC, Bridges SL. An African Ancestry- Specific Allele of CTLA4 Confers Protection against Rheumatoid Arthritis in African Americans.PLoS Genet. 2009 Mar;5(3):e1000424.
45. Tucker JA, Roth DL, Vignolo MJ, Westfall AO. A behavioral economic reward index predicts drinking resolutions: moderation revisited and compared with other outcomes. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2009 Apr;77(2):219-28.
46. Curtis JR, Arora T, Xi J, Silver A, Allison JJ, Chen L, Saag KG, Schenck A, Westfall AO,
Colón-Emeric C. Do physicians within the same practice setting manage osteoporosis patients similarly? Implications for implementation research.Osteoporos Int. 2009 Nov;20(11):1921-7.
47. Kempf MC, Pisu M, Dumcheva A, Westfall AO, Kilby JM, Saag MS. Gender Differences in Discontinuation of Antiretroviral Treatment Regimens.J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2009 Nov 1;52(3):336-41.
48. Willig JH, Echevarria J, Westfall AO, Iglesias D, Henostroza G, Seas C, Mugavero MJ, Allison
J, Paz J 3rd, Hernandez F, Tomatis C, Saag MS, Gotuzzo E. Durability of Initial Antiretroviral Therapy in a Resource Constrained Setting and the Potential Need for Zidovudine Weight- Based Dosing.J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2010 Feb 1;53(2):215-21.
49. McKinnell JA, Willig JH, Westfall AO, Nevin C, Allison JJ, Raper JL, Mugavero MJ, Saag MS.
Antiretroviral Prescribing Patterns in Treatment-Naïve Patients in the United States.AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2010 Feb;24(2):79-85.
50. Routman JS, Willig JH, Westfall AO, Abroms SR, Varshney M, Adusumilli S, Allison JJ,
Savage KG, Saag MS, Mugavero MJ. Comparative Efficacy versus Effectiveness of Initial Antiretroviral Therapy in Clinical Trials versus Routine Care.Clin Infect Dis. 2010 Feb 15;50(4):574-84. CURRICULUM VITAE Andrew O. Westfall M.S. Page 9
51. Bedimo R, Westfall AO, Mugavero M, Drechsler H, Khanna N, Saag M. Hepatitis C virus coinfection and the risk of cardiovascular disease among HIV-infected patients.HIV Med. 2010 Aug;11(7):462-8.
52. Chi BH, Cantrell RA, Mwango A, Westfall AO, Mutale W, Limbada M, Mulenga LB, Vermund
SH, Stringer JS. An Empirical Approach to Defining Loss to Follow-up Among Patients Enrolled in Antiretroviral Treatment Programs.Am J Epidemiol. 2010 Apr 15;171(8):924- 31.
53. Koethe JR, Westfall AO, Luhanga DK, Clark GM, Goldman JD, Mulenga PL, Cantrell RA, Chi
BH, Zulu I, Saag MS, Stringer JS. A Cluster Randomized Trial of Routine HIV-1 Viral Load Monitoring in Zambia: Study Design, Implementation, and Baseline Cohort Characteristics.PLoS One. 2010 Mar 12;5(3):e9680.
54. Bridges SL Jr, Causey ZL, Burgos PI, Huynh BQ, Hughes LB, Danila MI, van Everdingen A,
Ledbetter S, Conn DL, Tamhane A, Westfall AO, Jonas BL, Callahan LF, Smith EA, Brasington R, Moreland LW, Alarcón GS, van der Heijde DM. Radiographic severity of rheumatoid arthritis in African Americans: results from a multicenter observational study.Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2010 May;62(5):624-31.
55. Hughes LB, Reynolds RJ, Brown EE, Kelley JM, Thomson B, Conn DL, Jonas BL, Westfall
AO, Padilla MA, Callahan LF, Smith EA, Brasington RD Jr, Edberg JC, Kimberly RP, Moreland LW, Plenge RM, Bridges SL Jr. Most common single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with rheumatoid arthritis in subjects of European ancestry confer risk of rheumatoid arthritis in African-Americans.Arthritis Rheum. 2010 Dec;62(12):3547-53. doi: 10.1002/art.27732.
56. Parham GP, Mwanahamuntu MH, Sahasrabuddhe VV, Westfall AO, King KE, Chibwesha C,
Pfaendler KS, Mkumba G, Mudenda V, Kapambwe S, Vermund SH, Hicks ML, Stringer JSA, Chi BH. Implementation of cervical cancer prevention services for HIV-infected women in Zambia: measuring program effectiveness.HIV Therapy. November 2010, Vol. 4, No. 6, Pages 713-722. doi: 10.2217/hiv.10.52.
1. Allison DB, Wang C, Redden DT, Westfall AO, Fontaine KR. Obesity and Years of Life Lost—Reply. JAMA 2003;289:1777-b-1778-b. 2. Allison DB, Wang C, Redden DT, Westfall AO, Fontaine KR. Methods of Estimating Years of Life Lost Due to Obesity—Reply. JAMA 2003;289:2491-a-2492-a.
1. Roseman JM, Hilner JE, Cornwell PE, Westfall AO, Bild DE, Schreiner PJ. Homocysteine (HCY) Level, Its 7-Year Change, and Possible Determinants in a Biracial Sample of Young Adults: The CARDIA Study. Paper presented at The 4th International Conference on Preventive Cardiology, Montreal, June 1997.
2. Bild DE, Folsom A, Westfall AO, Lowe LP, Sidney S, Kiefe C, Zheng Z, Rumberger J.
Coronary Calcification in Black and White Young Adults: The CARDIA Study. Paper presented at The 4th International Conference on Preventive Cardiology, Montreal, June 1997.
3. Stewart KE, Greene PG, Call SA, Westfall AO, Chatwood A, Saag MS. Patterns of Self- reported Adherence to ART in a Prospective Clinical Cohort. Oral Abstract Presentation, 38th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, September 1998.
4. Saag MS, Raper JL, Chatham A, Westfall AO, Cloud GA, Call SA. Optimal Design of Salvage Protocols: Lessons from a Clinical Cohort. Oral Abstract Presentation, Second International Workshop on Salvage Therapy for HIV Infection, Toronto, Canada, May 1999.
5. Call SA, Westfall AO, Cloud GA, Saag MS. Predictive Value of HIV Phenotypic Susceptibility Testing in a Clinical Cohort. Late Breaker Presentation, 39th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, September 1999.
6. Childs HA, Cole T, Falkenberg E, Smith JT, Alonso JE, Stannard JP, Spencer SA, Fiveash J,
Raben D, Bonner JA, Westfall AO, Kim RY. A Prospective Evaluation of the Timing of Post- Operative Radiotherapy for Heterotopic Ossification Following Traumatic Acetabular Fractures. Oral presentation at the 41st annual ASTRO Meeting, November 1999.
7. Johnson VA, Call SA, Westfall AO, Cloud GA, Acosta EP, Tolson JM, Larder BA, Saag MS. A Comparison of Predictive Value of Phenotypic vs. Genotypic Susceptibility Testing (both Expert Interpretation and Virtual Phenotype) on Long-term Virologic Suppression in an ART Experienced Cohort. Oral presentation at the 4th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases Meeting, Marbella, Spain, March 2000.
8. Call SA, Johnson VA, Westfall AO, Acosta EP, Cloud GA, Ross LL, Larder BA, Saag MS.
Degree of Agreement Among Interpretations of Genotypic Resistance Testing Results in a Cohort of ART-Experienced Individuals. 40th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, September 2000.
9. Saag MS, Chen RY, Westfall AO, Cloud GA, Raper JL, Chatham A, Call SA, Acosta EP,
Heudebert G. Immunologic and Virologic Consequences of Antiretroviral Treatment Interruption (TI) in Clinical Practice. Late Breaker 40th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, September 2000. CURRICULUM VITAE Andrew O. Westfall M.S. Page 11
10. Chen RY, Westfall AO, Cloud GA, Call SA, Johnson VA, Raper JL, Stewart K, Acosta EP,
Chatham A, Taylor K, Saag MS. Immunologic and Virologic Consequences of Antiretroviral Treatment Interruption (TI) in Clinical Practice. Presentation at Strategic Treatment Interruption Workshop, Chicago, Illinois, October 2000.
11. Chen RY, Westfall AO, Raper JL, Chatham A, Taylor K, Acosta EP, Stewart KE, Carter J,
Heudebert G, Cloud GC, Saag MS. Defining Virologic Failure: Getting into the GAPS. Abstract presentation, 5th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases Meeting, Monte Carlo, Monaco, April 2001.
12. Baker CH, Newsome J, Westfall AO, Belser WB, Baum S, Shuster JL. Feasibility Study of Multidimensional Clinical Assessment in Palliative Care. American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine.
13. Saag MS, Chen RY, Call SA, Raper JL, Westfall AO, Accortt NA, Cloud GC, Allison J.
Current Controversies in Antiretroviral Therapy. Plenary Session, The XIV International AIDS Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2002 (July 7-12).
14. Jordan WD, Alcocer F, Wirthlin DJ, Westfall AO, Whitley D. Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms for “High Risk” Surgical Patients. Southern Surgical Association, Palm Beach, FL, December 2, 2002.
15. Chen RY, Westfall AO, Hardin M, Vermund SH, Saag MS. Complete Blood Count (CBC) as a Surrogate Marker for HIV Monitoring in Resource-Limited Settings [abstract G2-9]. 10th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, MA, 2003 (Feb 10-14).
16. Chen RY, Westfall AO, Hardin M, Saag MS. Red Alert: Identifying Predictors of Mortality in HIV-Infected Individuals. 7th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases, Fiuggi, Italy, March 2003.
17. Bedimo RJ, Westfall AO, Chen RY, Saag MS. Sustained HIV Viral Suppression Following Treatment Interruption: An Observational Study. 41st Annual Meeting of IDSA, San Diego, CA, 2003 (Oct 9-12).
18. Callahan LF, Jonas B, Westfall AO, Gilkeson G, Conn D, Gala P, Howard G, Bridges SL Jr.,
Moreland LW. Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use in African Americans with Early Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). ACR/ARHP Annual Scientific Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2003 (Oct 23-28).
19. Callahan LF, Jonas B, Westfall AO, Gilkeson G, Conn D, Oliver E, Howard G, Bridges SL Jr.,
Moreland LW. Health-Related Quality of Life in African Americans with Early Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). ACR/ARHP Annual Scientific Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2003 (Oct 23-28). CURRICULUM VITAE Andrew O. Westfall M.S. Page 12
20. Fabres J, Wehrli G, Marques M, Phillips V, Dimmitt R, Westfall AO, Shelonka R. Analysis of Risk Factors for Red Blood Cell Transfusions in VLBW Infants. 28th Southeastern Conference on Perinatal Research, Hawk's Cay Resort, Duck Key, FL, 2004 (Feb).
21. LeCroy C, Taylor S, Patterson M, Westfall AO, Jordan WD. The Effect of Warfarin Anticoagulation on below-knee PTFE Graft Patency. Peripheral Vascular Surgery Society, Anaheim, CA, 2004 (Jun 4-5).
22. Curtis JR, Westfall AO, Allison JJ, Freeman A, Kovac SH, Spettell CM, Saag KG. Agreement and Validation of Self-report and Pharmacy data for Use of Anti-Osteoporosis Medications. International Society of Pharmacoepidemiology, Nashville, TN, August 2005.
23. Kempf MC, Pisu MA, Maherya A, Westfall AO, Cloud G, Saag MS. Racial Differences in Discontinuation of Efavirenz Treatment. 23rd International Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology & Therapeutic Risk Management, Québec City, Canada, August 19-22, 2007.
24. Willig J, Kumar M, Gupta S, Westfall A, Saag M, Raper J, Mugavero M. Provider Documentation Accuracy Rates: A Continuous Quality Improvement Initiative at the 1917 Clinic. TEPR, Dallas, TX, 2007 (May 19-23).
25. Bedimo RJ, Westfall AO, Mugavero MJ, Drechsler H, Khanna N, Saag MS. HCV Co-Infection and Risk of Acute Myocardial and Cerebrovascular Disease Among HIV-Infected Patients in the Pre-HAART and HAART Eras. The XVII International AIDS Conference, Mexico City, Mexico, 2008 (August 3-8).
26. Bedimo RJ, Westfall AO, Tebas P, Drechsler H. Abacavir Use and Risk of Acute Myocardial Infarction and Cerebrovascular Disease in the HAART era. The 5th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention, Cape Town 19-22 July 2009. Abstract MOAB202.
1. Call SA, Westfall AO, Pham S, Chatwood A, Cloud G, Raper J, Saag MS. Patterns of Antiretroviral Therapy Use from 1988-1998 in a Cohort of HIV-Infected Individuals. The 12th World AIDS Conference, Geneva, July 1998.
2. Saag MS, Cloud G, Raper J, Tolson J, McKinnon S, Chatham A, Call SA, Westfall AO.
Predictors of Failure of Antiretroviral Therapy in a Prospective Clinic Cohort. The 12th World AIDS Conference, Geneva, July 1998.
3. Stewart KE, Call SA, Cloud GA, Westfall AO, McKinnon SL, Chatham AG, Saag MS.
Prospective Prediction of ARV Adherence: The Role of Patient-Perceived Barriers. 39th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, September 1999. CURRICULUM VITAE Andrew O. Westfall M.S. Page 13
4. Call SA, Raper JL, Westfall AO, Chatham A, McKinnon S, Saag MS. HIV-Related Health Care Utilization Costs by Disease Status in the Era of HAART. 39th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, September 1999.
5. Johnson VA, Call SA, Westfall AO, Cloud GA, Acosta EP, Tolson JM, Larder BA, Saag MS.
Predictive Value of Genotypic Resistance Testing as Interpreted by Experts and a Virtual Phenotype. 40th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, September 2000.
6. Chen RY, Westfall AO, Cloud GC, Chatham A, Acosta EP, Raper JL, Heudebert G, Saag MS.
Long-term Survival After Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy. 8th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, February 2001.
7. Smith T, Greene P, Smith-West D, Gore S, Westfall AO. High Risk Behavior in Women at Risk for Cervical Cancer. University of Alabama at Birmingham Comprehensive Cancer Center 2001 Annual Research Retreat, October 2001.
8. Chen RY, Mugavero MJ, Westfall AO, Cloud GA, Raper JL, Chatham A, Acosta EP, Taylor K,
Saag MS. Durability of HAART Regimens Over Time. 41st Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Chicago, IL, December 16-19, 2001.
9. Chen RY, Mugavero MJ, Accortt NA, Westfall AO, Raper JL, Cloud GA, Stone BK, Carter J,
Pisu M, Allison J, Saag MS. HIV Healthcare Costs Driven by CD4 Count and Medications, Not Physician Fees. 42nd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, San Diego, CA, September 27 - 30, 2002.
10. Dorak MT, Tang J, Westfall AO, Zulu IS, Lobashevsky ES, Leakeas CL, Schaen MM, Kancheya
NG, Allen SA, Kaslow RA. HLA class I effects on transmission of HIV-1c in heterosexual Zambian couples: Risk of concordant HLA-B alleles. The XIV International AIDS Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2002 (July 7-12).
11. Mugavero MJ, Chen RY, Westfall AO, Cloud GA, Raper JL, Taylor KH, Carter J, Pisu M,
Allison J, Saag MS. Increased Cost of Lipodystrophy (LD) in HIV Patients due to Higher Clinic, Laboratory, and Medication Costs. 10th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, MA, 2003 (Feb 10-14).
12. Mikuls TR, Saag KG, Westfall AO, Howard G, Lim SS, Smith EA, Jonas B, Bridges SL Jr.,
Moreland LW. High Prevalence of Osteopenia/Osteoporosis among African Americans with Early Rheumatoid Arthritis. ACR/ARHP Annual Scientific Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2003 (Oct 23-28).
13. Alarcón GS, Westfall AO, Gilkeson G, Jonas B, Conn D, Bridges SL Jr., Howard G, Moreland
LW. Radiographic Abnormalities in African Americans with Early Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). ACR/ARHP Annual Scientific Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2003 (Oct 23-28). CURRICULUM VITAE Andrew O. Westfall M.S. Page 14
14. Curtis JR, Allison J, Becker A, Casebeer L, George V, Kovac S, Spettell C, Westfall AO,
Weissman N, Wilkie S, Saag KG. Screening and Treatment of Glucocorticoid Induced Osteoporosis by 799 Physicians. International Society of Clinical Densitometry Annual Scientific Meeting 2004, Miami, FL.
15. Fabres J, Wehrli G, Marques M, Phillips V, Dimmitt R, Westfall AO, Shelonka R. Analysis of Risk Factors for Red Blood Cell Transfusions in VLBW Infants. 2004 Pediatric Academic Societies' Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2004 (May).
16. Curtis JR, Stewart E, Becker A, Allison JJ, Casebeer L, Elkins M, George V, Kiefe C,
Panjamapiron A, Santhanakrishnan R, Spettell C, Weissman N, Westfall AO, Saag KG. Recruiting Physicians to an Internet-based Quality Improvement Project: Effectiveness of a Targeted, Multi-Phase, Incentive-Based Strategy. International Society of Pharmacoepidemiology, Nashville, TN, August 2005.
17. Mikuls TR, Hughes LB, Westfall AO, Saag KG, Curtis J, Alarcon GS, Conn DL, Jonas BL,
Callahan L, Smith EA, Gilkeson G, Howard G, Moreland LW, Bridges SL Jr. Association of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene with bone mineral density (BMD) in African Americans with early rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum 2005; 52 (suppl): s118.
18. Kempf MC, Pisu M, Maherya A, Westfall AO, Saag MS. Gender Differences in Discontinuation / Change in HIV Treatment. 6th Annual North American Cohorts Meeting, Washington, DC, November 9-10 2005.
19. Morrison D, Hughes LB, Zhu Y, Westfall AO, Saag KG, Howard G, Alarcón GS, Moreland LW,
Bridges SL Jr. Association Between Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in the BTNL2 Gene and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) in African Americans. 22nd Annual DOM Trainee Research Symposium, University of Alabama at Birmingham, March 1, 2006.
20. Dechanuwong P, Hughes LB, Morrison D, Zhu Y, Westfall AO, Howard G, Alarcón GS,
Moreland LW, Bridges SL Jr. The Role of Autoantibodies and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in the Osteoprotegerin Gene (OPG) in Radiographic Severity of Early Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) in African Americans: Results from the CLEAR Registry. 22nd Annual DOM Trainee Research Symposium, University of Alabama at Birmingham, March 1, 2006.
21. Van Wagoner N, Westfall AO, Chang PW, Krishnasami Z, Saag MS, Willig JH. Dosing Errors in NRTI Prescriptions Based on Creatinine Clearance at the 1917 HIV Primary Care Clinic and a Proposed Corrective Computerized Medical Record Intervention. 22nd Annual DOM Trainee Research Symposium, University of Alabama at Birmingham, March 1, 2006.
22. Willig JH, Chen RY, Westfall AO, Cloud GA, Chang PW, Saag MS, Raper JL. Initial CD4 count in general versus pregnant population and its impact on policy. Should our testing strategies change? 22nd Annual DOM Trainee Research Symposium, University of Alabama at Birmingham, March 1, 2006. CURRICULUM VITAE Andrew O. Westfall M.S. Page 15
23. Kempf MC, Maherya A, Westfall AO, Cloud GA, Saag MS. Racial Differences in Discontinuation of Efavirenz Treatment. 10th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases, Madrid, Spain, March 23-26 2006.
24. Kempf MC, Pisu M, Maherya A, Westfall AO, Saag, MS. Gender Differences in Discontinuation / Change of HIV Treatment. 2nd North American Congress of Epidemiology. Seattle, WA, June 21-24, 2006.
25. Shikany J, Barash J, Heimburger D, Henson S, Redden D, Westfall A, Allison D. Even the experts can't agree: divergence in published recommended diets relative to diets consumed by Americans, and possible implications for individualized diet selection. NAASO Annual Scientific Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, October 20-24, 2006.
26. Jackson D, Willig J, Westfall A, Saag M, Chang P, Allison J, Raper J, Mugavero M.
Management of hyperlipidemia in an HIV cohort: Clinical inertia and failure to meet LDL cholesterol goals. 11th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases, 23-24 March 2007, Monte Carlo, Monaco, abstract 10C819.
27. Willig J, Westfall A, Saag M, Chang P, Raper J, Mugavero M. NRTI Prescription Errors in an Outpatient HIV Clinic. 11th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases, 23- 24 March 2007, Monte Carlo, Monaco, abstract 10C829.
28. Robison L, Westfall AO, Mugavero M, Colette-Kempf M, Cole S, Allison J, Willig J, Wilcox M,
Saag M. Factors associated with short-term discontinuation of HAART regimens due to GI toxicity. 45th Annual Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, 4-7 October 2007, San Diego, CA, abstract 891.
29. Routman JS, Willig JH, Westfall AO, Saag MS, Mugavero MJ. Efficacy versus effectiveness in HIV care: The HAART of the matter. 2007 Medical Student Research Day, University of Alabama at Birmingham, October 9, 2007.
30. Routman J, Willig J, Westfall A, Abroms S, Varshney M, Adusumilli S, Allison J, Savage K,
Saag M, Mugavero M. Similar Responses Observed in ARV-naïve Patients Treated through Clinical Trials vs. Clinical Practice. 15th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, MA, February 3-6 2008.
31. Bedimo RJ, Westfall A, Mugavero M, Khanna N, Saag M. HCV is an Independent Risk Factor for Acute Myocardial Infarction among HIV-Infected Veterans. 15th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, MA, February 3-6 2008.
32. Ulett KB, Willig JH, Westfall AO, Routman J, Abroms S, Allison JJ, Chatham A, Raper JL,
Saag MS, Mugavero MJ. Factors associated with retention in care among an HIV cohort following an initial outpatient visit. 3rd International Conference on HIV Treatment Adherence, Jersey City, NJ, March 17-18 2008. CURRICULUM VITAE Andrew O. Westfall M.S. Page 16
33. Ulett KB, Willig JH, Westfall AO, Routman J, Abroms S, Allison JJ, Chatham A, Raper JL,
Saag MS, Mugavero MJ. Appointment non-adherence is associated with delayed HAART initiation in patients establishing HIV care. 3rd International Conference on HIV Treatment Adherence, Jersey City, NJ, March 17-18 2008.
34. Reynolds NC, Roth DL, Lanier J, Westfall AO, Black BC, Tucker JA. Predictors of IVR Self- Monitoring following Natural Problem Drinking Resolutions. 116th American Psychological Association Convention, Boston, MA, August 14-17 2008.
35. Willig JH, Abroms S, Westfall AO, Routman J, Adusumilli S, Varshney M, Allison J, Raper JL,
Saag MS, Mugavero MJ. Increased regimen longevity in the era of once daily fixed-dose combination HAART. 12th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases, 27-30 March 2008, Malaga, Spain, abstract 12C1083.
36. Westfall AO, Willig JH, Mugavero M, Varshney M, Adusumilli S, Allison J, Raper J, Saag MS.
Information integrity: A pernicious menace to clinical cohort research. 12th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases, 27-30 March 2008, Malaga, Spain, abstract 12C1089.
37. Westfall AO, Adusumilli S, Raper JL, Willig JH, Allison J, Kumar M, Varshney M, Chang PW,
Saag MS, Mugavero M. Symptom based versus routine screening strategy for anal Papanicolau screening among MSM in an HIV infected cohort. 12th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases, 27-30 March 2008, Malaga, Spain, abstract 12C1086.
38. Kelley JM, Hughes LB, Faggard JD, Edberg JC, Danila MI, Crawford MH, Edberg Y, Padilla
MA, Westfall AO, Alarcón GS, Conn DL, Jonas BL, Callahan LF, Smith EA, Brasington RD, Kimberly RP, Moreland LW, Bridges SL Jr. An African Ancestry-Specific SNP Allele in Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Associated Protein 4 (CTLA4) Confers Protection Against Rheumatoid Arthritis in African-Americans. ACR/ARHP Annual Scientific Meeting, San Francisco, CA, October 24-29 2008.
39. McKinnell JA, Willig JH, Westfall AO, Allison JJ, Raper JL, Saag MS, Mugavero MJ.
Contemporary Antiretroviral Therapy: Is it Time for the Generalist to Return? 48th ICAAC/IDSA 46th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, October 25-28, 2008.
40. King KE, Mwanahamuntu MH, Westfall AO, Hallock JL, Chisele S, Stringer JS, Parham G.
The Association between HIV Status and Cervical Neoplasia as Detected in a Screen-and- Treat Program in Lusaka, Zambia. 16th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Montreal, Canada, February 8-11 2009.
41. Hallock JL, Mwanahamuntu MH, Westfall AO, King KE, Chisele S, Stringer JS, Parham G.
Development of a Rule to Predict HIV+ Status in a Cervical Cancer Prevention Program. 16th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Montreal, Canada, February 8-11 2009. CURRICULUM VITAE Andrew O. Westfall M.S. Page 17
42. Koethe JR, Westfall AO, Chi BH, Zulu I, Stringer JSA, Saag MS. A Randomized Trial of Routine HIV-1 Viral Load Monitoring of Antiretroviral Therapy in Zambia: Implementation, Baseline Cohort, and Early Findings. 47th Annual Meeting of IDSA, Philadelphia, PA, October 29 – November 1 2009.
43. Cantrell R, Chi BH, Mwango A, Westfall AO, Mutale W, Limbada M, Mulenga LB,
Vermund SH, Stringer JSA. An Empirical Approach to Defining Loss to Follow-up among Patients Enrolled in Antiretroviral Treatment Programs. 17th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, San Francisco, CA, February 16-19 2010.
44. King KE, Mwanahamuntu MH, Westfall AO, Hallock J, Chisele S, Chi B, Stringer JSA, Parham
G. The Association Between HIV Status and Cervical Neoplasia as Detected in a See-and- Treat Program in Lusaka, Zambia. Scientific Session of the Fogarty International Clinical Research Scholars Program Interview and Selection Meeting, Bethesda, MD, February 28 – March 2, 2010.
45. Schöni-Affolter F, Keiser O, Chi B, Ledergerber B, Westfall A, Mulenga L, Egger M, Stringer J.
Loss to follow-up: Comparative study of HIV infected patients in Zambia and Switzerland. 14th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases, 25–27 March 2010, Sitges, Spain.
46. Chi BH, Westfall AO, Fox M, Mulenga LB, Boulle A, Egger M, Stringer JSA. Empirically defining lost to follow-up for ART programs in southern Africa. 14th International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases, 25–27 March 2010, Sitges, Spain.
47. Chi BH, Westfall AO, Fox M, Mulenga LB, Boulle A, Egger M, Stringer JSA. Empirically defining lost to follow-up for antiretroviral therapy programs in southern Africa. The XVIII International AIDS Conference, 18-23 July 2010, Vienna, Austria.
48. King KE, Mwanahamuntu MH, Westfall AO, Sahasrabuddhe VV, Mudenda V, Hallock J, Chi
BH, Vermund SH, Stringer JSA, Parham G. The Association Between HIV Status, HAART and Cervical Neoplasia as Detected in a See-and-Treat Program in Lusaka, Zambia. 2010 Global Health Clinical Research Alumni Symposium, September 24-26 2010, Washington DC.
49. Abroms A, Westfall A, Harris J, Turnbull E, Kancheya N, Reid S, Henostroza G. Tuberculosis screening practices in HIV-infected adult patients enrolled at Chawama, Kanyama, and Matero Reference ART clinics in Lusaka, Zambia. 2010 Medical Student Research Day, University of Alabama at Birmingham, October 26, 2010.
50. Trollip S, Abroms S, Westfall A, Harris J, Turnbull E, Kancheya N, Mwaba P, Reid S,
Henostroza G. Tuberculosis screening practices among patients enrolled into HIV Care in Lusaka, Zambia. 41st Union World Conference on Lung Health, 11-15 November 2010, Berlin, Germany. CURRICULUM VITAE Andrew O. Westfall M.S. Page 18
51. Keiser O, Chi B, Gsponer T, Boulle A, Orrell C, Phiri S, Westfall A, Maskew M, Prozesky H,
Egger M. Immunological Response and Mortality in ART Programmes with and without Routine Viral Load Monitoring in Southern Africa. 18th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, MA, February 27-March 2 2011. Abstract # Z-112.
52. Schöni-Affolter F, Keiser O, Chi B, Ledergerber B, Westfall A, Mulenga L, Egger M, Stringer J.
Competing Risks: Loss to Follow-up and Mortality in HIV Cohort Studies in Zambia and Switzerland. 18th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, MA, February 27-March 2 2011. Abstract # Z-136.
1. Kohler C, Greene P, West D, Siegfried N, Gilliland J, Westfall AO. Targeting High Risk Individuals for Prevention Trials. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 23, S082 (2001).
2. Greene P, West D, Partridge E, Davies S, Donovan K, Westfall AO. Tobacco Risk Reduction and Cervical Cancer Prevention. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 23, S082 (2001).
3. Kohler C, Greene P, Smith-West D, Partridge E, Davies S, Gore S, Siegfried N, Westfall AO.
Brief Risk Communication in a Medical Setting Influences Tobacco Use and Readiness to Quit. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 24, S167 (2002).
4. Gore S, Greene P, Smith-West D, Partridge E, Davies S, Kohler C, Siegfried N, Westfall AO.
Changing Smoking Habits in Women at Risk for Cervical Cancer. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 24, S166 (2002).
5. Alarcón GS, Westfall AO, Gilkerson G, Callahan L, Conn D, Bridges SL Jr., Howard G,
Moreland LW. Joint damage occurs early in African-Americans with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Arthritis Rheum 48:S109 (2003).
6. Callahan LF, Jonas B, Westfall AO, Smith EA, Conn D, Oliver E, Howard G, Bridges SL Jr.,
Moreland LW. Health-related quality of life in African-Americans with early rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum 48:S249 (2003).
7. Callahan LF, Jonas B, Westfall AO, Gilkerson G, Conn D, Gala P, Howard G, Bridges SL Jr.,
Moreland LW. Complementary and alternative medicine use in African-Americans with early rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Arthritis Rheum 48:S250 (2003).
8. Mikuls TR, Saag KG, Westfall AO, Howard G, Lim SS, Smith EA, Jonas BL, Bridges SL Jr.,
Moreland LW. High prevalence of osteopenia/osteoporosis among African-Americans with early rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum 48:S299 (2003). CURRICULUM VITAE Andrew O. Westfall M.S. Page 19
9. Curtis, JR, Allison J, Becker A, Bijlsma JWJ, Casebeer, L, George V, Kovac S, Spettell C,
Westfall AO, Weissman N, Wilkie S, Saag KG. Adverse Events associated with Chronic Glucocorticoid Use among 2446 Adults. Arthritis and Rheumatism; 50 (S9): S301 (2004).
10. Curtis, JR, Allison J, Becker A, Bijlsma JWJ, Casebeer, L, George V, Kovac S, Spettell C,
Westfall AO, Weissman N, Wilkie S, Saag KG. Screening and Treatment of Glucocorticoid Induced Osteoporosis among 6517 Adults. Arthritis and Rheumatism; 50(S9): S314 (2004).
11. Curtis, JR, Allison J, Becker A, Bijlsma JWJ, Casebeer, L, George V, Kovac S, Spettell C,
Westfall AO, Weissman N, Wilkie S, Saag KG. Screening and Treatment of Glucocorticoid Induced Osteoporosis among 6517 Adults. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research; 19(S1): S30 (2004).
12. Curtis JR, Westfall AO, Allison JJ, Freeman A, Kiefe CI, Saag KG. Persistence and adherence to alendronate and risedronate among chronic glucocorticoid users. Arthritis Rheum 52(9 Suppl):S734-S735 (2005).
13. Curtis JR, Becker A, Allison JJ, Casebeer L, Elkins M, George V, Kiefe C, Panjamapiron A,
Santhanakrishnan R, Spettell C, Weissman N, Westfall AO, Saag KG. Recruiting Physicians to an Internet-based Quality Improvement Project: Effectiveness of a Targeted, Multi-Phase, Incentive-Based Strategy. Pharmacoepudemiol Drug Saf 14:S95-S96 (2005)
14. Curtis JR, Westfall AO, Allison JJ, Freeman A, Kiefe CI, Saag KG. Persistence and Adherence to Alendronate And Risedronate Among Chronic Glucocorticoid Users. J Bone Min Res 20 (Suppl 1):S279 (2005).
15. Curtis JR, Allison JJ, Westfall AO, Sampsel S, Kovac SH, Saag KG. Agreement and validation of self-report and pharmacy data for use of anti-osteoporotic medications. Pharmacoepidemol Drug Saf 14:S194-S195 (2005).
16. Curtis JR, Westfall AO, Allison JJ, Freeman A, Saag KG. A comparison of self-report and pharmacy data for current use of anti-osteoporotic medications. J Bone Min Res 20 (Suppl 1):S403 (2005).
17. Curtis JR, Westfall A, Cheng H, Delzell E, Lyles K, Saag KG. Bisphosphonates Adherence and Fracture Risk: Time-Dependent Relationships form 103,038 Bisphosphonate Users in the U.S. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2007; 22(1):S130.
18. Curtis JR, Westfall A, Cheng H, Delzell E, Lyles K, Saag KG. Longitudinal Patterns of Adherence with Bisphosphonates. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2007; 22(1):S214.
19. Curtis JR, Westfall A, Cheng H, Delzell E, Saag KG. How Quickly Do Oral Bisphosphonates Work, and Are There Differences Between Them? Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2007; 22(1):S326. CURRICULUM VITAE Andrew O. Westfall M.S. Page 20 TECHNICAL REPORTS (incomplete):
1. Contributor to the Proposed Reports and Statistical Models to Address: The Reorganized
Operational Questions for National Study, Washington, D.C. 3/26/95.
2. Contributor to the Information Systems Report for the Evaluation of the Head Start/Public
School Early Childhood Transition Demonstration Project, Washington, D.C. 6/20/95.
3. Contributor to the CREST Data and Safety Monitoring Report, Washington, D.C. 5/31/02.
4. Contributor to the SPS3 Data and Safety Monitoring Report, San Diego, CA. 2/4/04.
5. Koethe J, Luhanga D, Westfall AO. Effectiveness of HIV Viral Load Monitoring on Patient
Outcomes in Resource-Poor Settings First Data and Safety Monitoring Report. 3/10/09.
6. Westfall AO. Effectiveness of HIV Viral Load Monitoring on Patient Outcomes in Resource-
Poor Settings Second Data and Safety Monitoring Report. 3/10/10.
Séminaire ICARE : L’innovation est-elle source de progrès : à quel prix ? Vendredi 16 décembre 2005 à Paris LES PARADOXES DU PROGRÈS Sur le lit de mort de madame Bovary,durant la veillée funèbre,deux ennemisirréconciliables s’affrontent :l’abbé Bournisien,ignare et sectaire et le pharmacienHomais,libre penseur,héritier des Lumières qui vomit la superstition et les ténèbr
Review Article Psychological characteristics associated with tobacco smoking behavior* Regina de Cássia Rondina1, Ricardo Gorayeb2, Clóvis Botelho3 Abstract This article is a literature review of the psychological aspects of smoking behavior, highlighting personality characteristics of the smoker as an obstacle to smoking cessation. It describes the relationship between smoking behav