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Genesis Boutique Travel
64 HaMechanechet St. Jerusalem 93844
Tel 02-6765868 Mobile 0522-862650 Fax 02-6450097
The following are suggested tours for SSVM Conference
June 2011 Ein Gedi:

Option 1 Petra:

June 2nd – Thursday
Pick up in the afternoon around 4:00 pm.

Transfer to Eilat the most southern city in Israel (driving
distance is around 2 hours).

Overnight in Eilat 4 stars hotel possible with dinner.
June 3rd- Friday

7;30 – pick up from hotel in Eilat and transfer to Arava
border (located 15 minutes drive)
Cross over to Jordan. Once you cross over our Jordanian

guide and vehicle will be waiting to assist you.
Drive to Petra. After ending all border-formalities we drive

up to the "Desert Highway"
And then to the "Rose Red City" - Petra. We enter the

ancient city through the
famous "Siq" - a narrow natural gorge that made the
secret entrance to Petra
At once the valley of Petra opens in front of us, and we

see the famous "Khazane" ("Treasury")
We visit the most famous monuments, carved in the red

Sandstone and eat lunch nearby.
Return to Arava Border and return to Eilat where our

driver will wait for you for pick and transfer you to Eilat
Possible to fly to Tel Aviv from Eilat (45 minutes flight).

Overnight Tel Aviv.
June 4th – Saturday
Possible to enjoy a full day tour of Tel Aviv and Old Jaffa

Or Possible to enjoy a full day tour of Old Jerusalem and
return to Tel Aviv.

Option 2 Christian Oriented Tour:

June 2nd – Thursday
Pick up in the afternoon around 4:00 pm from Ein Gedi

and transfer to Jerusalem.
Possible to enjoy dinner in Jerusalem.

Overnight Jerusalem
June 3rd – Friday
Old Jerusalem and Bethlehem:

After breakfast, we drive to the Chapel of the
Ascension (1:9-12), on top of the Mount of Olives,
where we will enjoy a beautiful panoramic view of the

Old City of Jerusalem and the Kidron Valley. We will
then stroll down Palm Sunday Route, stopping at the

tear shaped chapel of Dominus Flevit. This chapel
marks the traditional site where Jesus wept viewing

the city of Jerusalem. We continue walking down the
Mount of Olives to the Garden of Gethsemane, where

we visit the Church of All Nations. From the Garden of
Gethsemane, we proceed to the Tomb of the Virgin

Mary, the site where the blessed Virgin died. (If
security permits) We then drive to Bethlehem, where

we will spend the afternoon
visiting the Church of The Nativity. Walk through the

Bethlehem streets to the Milk Gate, Manger Square,
Shepeherd's Fileds in Beit Sahour.
Overnight Jerusalem
June 4th – Saturday

Tour the Old City of Jerusalem:
enter the Old City via the Dung Gate, see the holiest site in

Jerusalem - the Western (Wailing) Wall. Convent of Zion
Sisters, called Antonia Fortress, see the huge cistern

Lithostrotos (pavement), View the Temple Mount to view
the third holiest shrine of Islam the golden Dome of the

Rock from where Mohammed ascended to heaven, and the
Al Aksa mosque. Follow Via Dolorosa (Way of Sorrows),

tracing footsteps of Jesus after he was condemned to
death and taken for execution, we reaching the Church of

the Holy Sepulchure, where many Christians believe Jesus
was crucified, buried and resurrected.

Drive to Mt Zion and see St. Peter in Gallicantu built over
the palace of the High Priest Caiphas. Stop at the

traditional Tomb of the King David and room of the Jesus
Last Supper.

13:00 We will enjoy oriental lunch in the old city such as
falafel, shwarma, humus, pita bread etc.

Overnight Jerusalem.
June 5th – Sunday
Nazareth and Sea of Galillee.

Drive to Nazareth, the boyhood home of Jesus. Here we
will visit the Grotto of the Annunciation and the Church of

St. Joseph. These churches are located over the traditional
site where Mary and Joseph lived. We will also visit the

site of the Synagogue of Nazareth where Jesus preached
his first sermon, and stop at the ancient City Well where it
is believed, the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary.

On the Sea of Galilee to Capernaum, the center of Jesus'
Galilean ministry and the site of many of His miracles

(Mark 2:4; Matt. 8:5; 14-17; 9:1-7; 17:18). We will see the
remains of Peter's house and the synagogue site where

Jesus taught and worshiped (Mark 1:21; Luke 4:31).
Continue to Tabgha, the site of the multiplication of the

loaves and the fishes (John 6:1-14) and the Mount of
Beatitudes where Jesus delivered what is perhaps the

most famous sermon ever preached - "The Sermon On The
Mount" (Matt. 5).

Option 3 – Jewish Oriented Tour:

June 3rd – Friday –
Jerusalem: We
will begin the day at Hass promenade to
view the entire city of Jerusalem from the south east. The
promenade is located next to the U.N headquarters in the
Middle East right on the border line between Israel and

Jordan up to 1967 war. We will continue to Mt. Zion
visiting King David's tomb. We will enter the Old City via

Zion gate into Jewish quarter. We walk through the Cardo,
the Roman Byzantine shopping mall, and see the ruins of

the Hurba synagogue and if possible also visit Ramban
synagogue. These two are among the oldest synagogues

in the old city. On to the Burnt House to see the audio
visual program on life of the High Priest right before the

destruction of the Second Temple. Continue to the
Herodian quarter with the ruins of the houses of the High

Priests in the area called the "the Upper City" today in the
Jewish quarter. Descend the steps to the Western Wall.

Visit the Western Wall Tunnels which were only recently
Overnight Jerusalem.

June 4th – Saturday –
Tel Aviv and area:

In the morning visit the Ayalon institute. The place was a
hidden underground ammunition factory of the "hagana"

–the Israeli underground; camouflaged as regular farming
kibbutz .The British never uncovered this activity. Tour

Tel Aviv, the business and the cultural center of Israel.
Continue to famous Dizengoff St., visit Independence Hall

where the State of Israel was declared, visit "Hacarmel"
market –the open air shuk for the fresh fruit and

vegetable of Tel Aviv. Visit Old Jaffa port that was the
most important port at the ancient times. Through this
port the ciders from Lebanon were imported in order to

build Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. Visit the artist
colony and the galleries of old Jaffa overnight Jerusalem.

June 5th – Sunday – Modern Jerusalem –

We will begin our tour at Yad Vashem - The Holocaust
Memorial. Then to Mount Herzel, the burial place of Golda

Meir, Yitzhak Rabin and other leaders of the nation and
Israel Military cemetery. Visit the Israel museum and

Holyland model (miniature model of Jerusalem as existed
right before the destruction of the temple). Pass by the

Supreme Court and and the Knesset - Israel's Parliament.
Drive to the famous market of Jerusalem "Mahne

Yehuda". If time permits drive by the orthodox
neighborhood of Jerusalem "Meah Sharim".
Rates: depends on the number of people that will sign up
for the tours.

Best Regards

Sharona Itzhaki


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