Endodontic Topics 2002, 3, 41–51Copyright C Blackwell MunksgaardPrinted in Denmark. All rights reservedENDODONTIC TOPICS 2002 Consideration of steroids for endodontic pain J. GORDON MARSHALL
Up to 80% of endodontic patients who report with preoperative pain continue to experience some level of painfollowing the endodontic procedure. Since endodontic pain is often associated with chronic inflammation, thepresence of bacterial by-products, influx of primed immune cells and activation of the cytokine network andother inflammatory mediators, pain may be reduced by administration of glucocorticoid steroids. This reviewwill include the pharmacology, pharmacodynamics and purported mechanisms of actions of steroids as well astheir indications for endodontics, contraindications, dosages and side-effects.
Endodontic post-treatment pain continues to be a
cacy of a wide variety of analgesics for their ability to
significant problem facing the dental profession (1,
ameliorate dental pain (8, 9, 11, 16–18). Most of
2). For those patients presenting with preoperative
these studies have used an oral surgical third molar
pain, it has been reported that up to 80% of this
extraction model that evaluated pain of an acute in-
population will continue to report pain after endo-
flammatory nature. In contrast, endodontic pain is
dontic treatment, with pain levels ranging from mild
often associated with chronic inflammation, the pres-
to severe (3–5). Many studies (3–13) have demon-
ence of bacterial by-products, influx of primed im-
strated that endodontic treatment either in the form
mune cells and activation of the cytokine network and
of pulpotomy or pulpectomy is efficacious in reducingpost-treatment pain (for details, see article by P. Ro-senberg in this issue of Endodontic Topics). As can beseen (Fig. 1) the pain relief afforded by endodontictreatment is effective but rarely immediate and com-plete. Post-treatment pain is usually mild in naturerarely lasts longer than 72 h and is usually well man-aged with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents(NSAID) or acetaminophen.
However, some patients will continue to have pain
at moderate to severe levels that persists for severaldays even after appropriate endodontic treatment. For example, in patients who present for treatmentwith a diagnosis of a symptomatic necrotic tooth, 47–60% may expect moderate to severe pain in the first24 h post treatment and 16–24% of patients at 72 h
Fig. 1. Effect of pulpotomy on pulpectomy procedures on
postoperatively (14, 15). From these studies, it is
reducing post-treatment endodontic pain (100% Ω pre-oper- ative level of pain). From: Hargreaves KM & Baumgartner
evident that post-treatment analgesic intervention is
JC. Endodontic Therapeutics. In: Walton R, Torabinejad
required in a variable percentage of endodontic cases. M, eds. Principles and practice of endodontics. Philadelphia:
Numerous clinical studies have evaluated the effi-
WB Saunders, pp 530–544, 2002 (20).
other inflammatory mediators (19). The chronicity of
albumin and corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG
pulpal and periapical inflammation may permit
or transcortin), account for most of these steroid
sprouting of nociceptor terminals and thus change
binding sites. Only the unbound portion of cortico-
the peripheral anatomy of the pain system (21). It is
steroid is free to enter cells and mediate effects; thus,
possible that the efficacy of analgesics differs when
90% of total plasma concentration of steroids is not
comparing the pain associated with acute postopera-
pharmacologically active. Cortisol has a biologic half-
tive inflammation due to oral surgery, with pain as-
sociated with the more persistent inflammatory pro-
Chemical modifications of the cortisol molecule
cess observed in endodontic pain patients.
have produced a number of synthetic glucocorticoids
Various classes of drugs have been studied for the
with greater biologic half-lives, greater anti-inflamma-
management of post-treatment endodontic pain (3,
tory properties and less mineral corticoid activity
4, 9, 11, 13, 14). These include non-narcotic anal-
(Table 1). The adrenal cortex produces approximately
gesics comprising NSAID’s and acetaminophen,
10 mg/day of cortisol in the non-stressed adult (22).
opioids and steroids. The purpose of this article is to
Under severe stress, this level may be increased more
consider the use of steroids specifically glucocortico-
than 10 fold. The metabolism of steroids takes place
ids in the management of endodontic pain. This re-
in hepatic and extrahepatic sites and involves sequen-
view will focus on the pharmacology, purported
tial additions of oxygen or hydrogen molecules fol-
mechanisms of actions of steroids, as well as their in-
lowed by conjugation to form water-soluble deriva-
dications for endodontics, contraindications, dosages
tives that are excreted in urine. Little biliary or fecal
and side-effects. The history of steroid use in endo-
excretion of steroids is seen in human beings.
dontics will be covered as well as a critical evaluation
Glucocorticoids inhibit the production by multiple
of the research done to date on the effects of gluco-
cells or factors that are important in producing the
corticoids on endodontic post-treatment pain.
inflammatory response. This inhibition is a result of
The adrenal cortex synthesizes fat-soluble cortico-
the effect of glucocorticoids on gene transcription
steroids from cholesterol. These steroids contain 21
that produces a decrease in the release of vasoactive
carbon atoms in a four membered hydrocarbon ring
and chemoattractive factors, decreased secretion of
system. Corticosteroids comprise glucocorticoids and
lipolytic and proteolytic enzymes, decreased extrava-
mineral corticoids. This review focuses on the gluco-
sation of leukocytes to areas of tissue injury, and ulti-
corticoids since they act at multiple sites to inhibit im-
mately decreased fibrosis (22). Glucocorticoids also
mune and inflammatory reactions. In humans, cortisol
produce profound effects on the immune response by
is the primary glucocorticoid that is continuously syn-
inhibition of cytokine production, specifically inter-
thesized and secreted from the adrenal cortex. This
feron g, granulocyte/monocyte colony stimulating
process is under the control of the hypothalamus and
factor (GM-CSF), interleukins 1, 2, 3, 6 (IL-1, IL-2,
anterior pituitary. Along with the adrenal cortex, they
IL-3, IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor a (TNF a)
make up the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA)
(Table 2). Thus, the pharmacological effects of gluco-
axis, a system that regulates glucocorticoid levels (22).
corticoids oppose many of the inflammatory pro-
The hypothalamus produces corticotropin-releasing
cesses that are known to occur during periapical in-
hormone (CRH), which travels to the anterior pitu-
flammation. Indeed, the ability of glucocorticoids to
itary via the hypothalamic-hypohyseal portal system
decrease periapical inflammation after endodontic
and stimulates the release of adrenocorticotrophic hor-
treatment has been demonstrated in a dog model by
mone (ACTH) by pituitary corticotropes. ACTH, a
both Holland (23), and Smith et al. (24). Glucocort-
peptide of 39 amino acids, is the main regulator of cor-
icoids bind non-covalently with specific receptor pro-
tisol secretion. In turn, glucocorticoids inhibit ACTH
teins in target tissues to regulate the expression of
secretion via direct and indirect actions inhibiting
corticosteroid–responsive genes. These receptors
(CRH) neurons resulting in decreased CRH release,
have high specificity and affinity for natural or syn-
and via direct effects on corticotropes.
thetic glucocorticoids. Once formed, the cytoplasmic
Cortisol and synthetic glucocorticoids circulate in
hormone-receptor complex becomes activated and
the blood with 90% or more reversibly bound to
enters the cell nucleus where it directs the transcrip-
plasma proteins. Two circulating plasma proteins.
tion of specific mRNA. The newly formed mRNA is
processed within the nucleus and then translocates to
served in the saline group at 1 day, but this difference
the ribosomes to serve as a template for newly syn-
was not statistically significant. Thus, steroid treat-
thesized proteins that are responsible for the biologic
ment to endodontic patients results in significant re-
effects (25). Examples of steroid-induced protein syn-
ductions in pulpal concentrations of PGE2, with a
thesis include lipocortin 1, a 37-kDa protein that has
trend towards a reduction in cytokine levels.
antiphospholipase A2 activity (26). Lipocortins pre-
Glucocorticoids also induce synthesis of kinase II
vent the synthesis of arachadonic acid and thereby re-
or angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), which can
duce the biosynthesis of both cyclo-oxygenase and
lead to a reduction of bradykinin. Bradykinin has four
leukotrienes and thromboxane related substances
dilation, increased vascular permeability, leukocyte
(25). From this perspective, lipocortins represent one
chemoattraction, and nociceptor activation (28).
of the body’s natural ‘NSAID-like’ proteins. Gluco-
Bradykinin activates sensory nociceptors and elicits
corticoids also inhibit the induction of the gene cod-
release of substance P, neurokinin A, and calcitonin
gene-related peptide (CGRP) via receptors B1 and
Reductions in pulpal levels of both PGE2 and IL-8
B2. The pain of acute inflammation appears to be me-
in cases of untreated irreversible pulpitis have been
diated by B2 receptors, whereas the pain of chronic
demonstrated after the administration of the gluco-
inflammation appears to involve an increased number
corticoid Depo-Medrol (27). Forty patients with a di-
of B1 receptors (29). Reduction of bradykinin levels
agnosis of irreversible pulpitis randomly received, in a
and postoperative pain by the administration of gluc-
double blind fashion, an intraosseous injection (IO)
ocorticoids has been demonstrated by Hargreaves &
of either 40 mg of methylprednisolone or sterile sa-
Costello (30) using microdialysis probes in the oral
line. No endodontic treatment was performed, the
teeth were extracted at either 1 or 3 days after IO in-
Glucocorticoids have also been shown to produce
jection and pulp tissue was removed. Enzyme
a protein termed ‘vasocortin’, which has the ability to
immunoassay of the pulp tissue demonstrated a sig-
suppress edema that is not suppressed by NSAIDs
nificantly lower concentration of PGE2 at 1 day post
(22). Nitric oxide synthase is inducible by pro-inflam-
steroid injection. Mean pulpal concentrations of IL-8
matory cytokines resulting in increased nitric oxide
in the steroid group were only 17% that of levels ob-
production. Nitric oxide may increase blood flow and
Table 1. Pharmacokinetics and relative potencies of corticosteroids
* Dosages are approximate and apply to oral or intravenous administration, as glucocorticoid potencies may vary greatly
following intramuscular administration.
** This agent is not used for glucocorticoid effects. Table 2. Effects of glucocorticoids on components of inflammatory/immune responses (adapted from Schimmer and Parker (22), and Barnes (26))
Glucocorticoid effect ongene transcription
Inhibition via glucocorticoid induction of lipocortin
that inhibits phospholipase A2(macrophages, monocytes, fibroblasts)
Anti-inflammatory cytokine secreted by macrophagesinhibits transcription of many pro-inflammatorycytokines, chemokines and inflammatory enzymes
Cytokines exert multiple pro-inflammatory effects
production and release blocked by glucocorticoids
(macrophages, monocytes, lymphocytes, endothelialcells)
Cytokine that block the binding of IL-1 to itsreceptors, glucocorticoids increase synthesis
Chemokines attract inflammatory cells to site of
inflammation, synthesis inhibited by glucocorticoids
Nitric Oxide synthase may increase blood flow and
plasma exudation and amplify inflammatoryresponse, potently inhibited by glucocorticoids
Glucocorticoids inhibit the induction of the genecoding for COX-2 in monocytes and macrophages
inflammation by decreasing tachykinins which may
of tachykininreceptors, increasedexpression of neutralendopeptidase whichdegrades tachykinins
Glucocorticoids suppress bradykinin levels by
increased degradation of bradykinin via induction
vasodilation, increased vascular permeability,nociceptor activation, and leukocyte attraction
plasma exudation, thus amplifying the inflammatory
cyclo-oxygenase, which converts arachadonic acid to
response. Glucocorticoids produce a potent inhi-
prostaglandin endoperoxides. Glucocorticoids could
bition of nitric oxide synthase, leading to a decrease in
therefore be presumed to have greater anti-inflamma-
inflammation (26). Glucocorticoids may also inhibit
tory and possibly greater analgesic properties than the
neurogenic inflammation by inhibition of the release
NSAIDs in pain conditions where multiple inflamma-
tory mediators are present and contribute to the de-
In contrast to the multiple sites of action and
multiple anti-inflammatory effects of glucocorticoids,
Several studies have reported that glucocorticoids
the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of
suppress postoperative edema in oral surgery patients
NSAID’s are much more selective. NSAIDs are be-
(18, 31–33). It may be conjectured that in an endo-
lieved to act primarily via inhibition of the enzyme
dontic pain model a reduction in periapical edema in
a relatively non-compliant area might lead to a reduc-
therefore prevents manifestations of adrenal insuf-
ficiency. NSAIDs should not be used with steroids
Most of the effects mediated by glucocorticoids are
due to increased GI adverse effects.
not immediate since time is required for changes in
The anti-inflammatory properties of glucocortico-
gene expression and protein synthesis to occur; thus,
ids were first appreciated and utilized as an adjunct to
steroid actions many only be apparent after several
endodontic therapy almost half a century ago (39–
hours or even days after administration. This delayed
41). Glucocorticoids have been used as a pulp-cap-
onset of action has been shown in a study by Nobu-
ping agent (42), as an intracanal medicament either
hara et al. (34), where administration of systemic
alone or in combination with antibiotics/antihistam-
dexamethasone significantly reduced the numbers of
ines (13, 39, 40, 43, 44), and systemically (3, 4, 9,
PMN’s in periapical tissue after endodontic over-in-
14, 41, 45–50) as a means to decrease pain and in-
strumentation but not until 48 h postoperatively.
flammation in endodontic patients. The following
Glucocorticoids have been used in endodontics for
section will critically evaluate this research and then
their potent anti-inflammatory effects. They may have
make recommendations for the use of glucocorticoids
widespread effects on many organ systems but these
in endodontics; these recommendations will include,
effects are typically only seen at supraphysiological
indications, contraindications, case selection, agent,
doses given over a long-term period, usually more
dosage, and route of administration.
than 2 weeks. It has been stated that ‘A single dose of
Several studies have evaluated the intracanal admin-
glucocorticoid, even a large one, is virtually without
istration of steroids in endodontic patients. Wolfsohn
harmful effects, and a short course of therapy up to
(39) in 1954 first reported on the use of a steroid
1 week) in the absence of specific contraindications, is
as an intracanal medicament. His uncontrolled report
unlikely to be harmful’ (22). This has been demon-
included 79 cases of either acute serous or acute sup-
strated in an in vivo study by Czerwinski et al. (35)
parative pulpitis. After instrumentation, 0.5 mL of
who concluded that single large doses (2 mg/kg) of
hydrocortisone was placed into the canal(s) followed
dexamethasone were essentially without harmful side-
by a temporary filling. Patients reported their pain at
effects. This dosage is 10–25 times the amount advo-
24, 48 and 72 h. The author concluded that the use
cated for endodontic pain attenuation.
of hydrocortisone resulted in the reduction and elim-
Glucocorticoids are contraindicated in patients with
ination of severe secondary inflammatory reactions in
systemic fungal infection and known hypersensitivity
the periodontal membrane following treatment.
to the drug. Steroids should be used with caution in
Blitzer (40) recommended the use of TACT (terra-
patients with ulcerative colitis, pyogenic infection, di-
mycin, antihistamine, cortril (25 mg/cc hydrocorti-
verticulitis, peptic ulcer, renal insufficiency, hyperten-
sone) and tetracyn) as an intracanal medicament in
sion, osteoporosis, pregnancy, diabetes mellitus, ocu-
cases where polyantibiotic therapy had failed. He re-
lar herpes, acute psychosis and history of tuberculosis
ported on 51 cases, of which only two were failures,
(36). Psychological disturbances can occur during
and concluded that hydrocortisone aids materially in
glucocorticoid therapy. These reactions are reversible
reducing inflammation in the periapical tissues.
and range in severity from mild (euphoria, insomnia,
Ehrmann (43) reported on the use of Ledermix
or nervousness) to pronounced (manic-depressive or
(triamcinolone and dimethylchlorotetracycline in a
schizophrenic psychosis). The frequency and severity
water soluble cream) for pulp capping, exposures, and
of adverse effects are correlated to the dose and dur-
as an intracanal medicament in cases with pericemen-
ation of therapy (37). Drug interactions associated
titis. He concluded that Ledermix stopped the pain
with the corticosteroids appear to be minimal. Cer-
associated with pericementitis. Langeland et al. (44)
tain drugs decrease blood levels of the steroid via in-
used Ledermix as an intracanal medicament in cases
creased metabolic clearance; these include phenobar-
of continued postoperative pain after pulpal extir-
bital, phenytoin, rifampin, and ephedrine. Short-term
pation or canal instrumentation. They reported pain
steroid use can produce a reversible suppression of
relief in these cases within minutes to a few hours
endogenous cortisol production. Williamson et al.
after the placement of Ledermix. In a double-blind
(38) have shown that this suppression is compensated
clinical study of 50 consecutive patients with vital
for by adequate amounts of synthetic steroid and
pulps, another study compared the use of 0.1 cc/ca-
nal of dexamethasone (4 mg/cc) to sterile saline 0.1
patients with interappointment pain were included in
cc/canal as an intracanal analgesic (51). After com-
this study. Previously instrumented teeth were re-
plete instrumentation, the intracanal medicament was
opened without anesthesia, and medicated with either
placed in the canal(s) followed by a temporary filling.
Patients recorded their preoperative pain levels as well
2.5 mg/g, gramicidin 0.25 mg/g, triamcinolone 1.0
as post treatment pain at 24, 48 and 72 h. The
mg/g in aqueous cream base) or placebo (aqueous
authors reported that the dexamethasone group had
cream) and coronally sealed with Cavit. Patients re-
significantly less pain at 24 h when compared to pla-
corded pain as none, mild, moderate and severe at 1, 2,
cebo (P Ͻ 0.05). No postoperative infections were
4, 8, 12, and 24 h post medication. Results showed that
the intracanal use of corticosteroid-antibiotic medi-
Chance et al. (52) in a double-blind study com-
cation significantly reduced the mean pain score at all
pared the effect of intracanal meticortelone (pred-
time periods when compared to placebo (P Ͻ 0.001).
nisolone acetate 2.5%) vs. saline on post treatment
Several other studies have evaluated the effects of
pain in 280 patients. The preoperative pulpal and
systemically administered steroids for treating endo-
periapical diagnosis was recorded for each patient;
dontic pain patients. The systemic administration of a
however, pretreatment pain levels were not noted.
corticosteroid to alleviate pain and inflammation in
After complete instrumentation, the intracanal solu-
endodontic patients was first reported by Stewart &
tion was placed in the canal via three applications of
Chilton (41) in 1958. The authors reported on 107
a saturated paper point followed by a cotton pellet
patients who presented for endodontic treatment
and temporary filling. Patients reported their pain at
with severe infection and swelling or had a postopera-
24 h post treatment. The results indicate that the
tive ‘flare-up’ (see article by R. Walton in this issue of
corticosteroid was effective in significantly reducing
Endodontic Topics for more information on flare-ups).
the incidence of pain in vital teeth when compared
After canal instrumentation and temporization, the
to saline (P Ͻ 0.05). There was no difference in pain
patients received a combination of corticosteroid, an-
incidence in necrotic teeth when comparing the two
tihistamine, and antibiotic to be taken orally. This
combination included metreton (2.5 mg prednisone,
Rogers et al. (13) compared the pain-reducing effi-
2 mg chlorophenpyridamine) 1 tablet TID for 2 days
cacy of dexamethasone and ketorolac when used as
and penicillin 250 mg TID for 3 days. Conclusions
an intracanal medication, with oral ibuprofen and a
were that the use of corticosteroid-antihistamine-anti-
placebo. Forty-eight patients were included in the
biotic therapy before or after conservative endodontic
study. Following instrumentation of the vital pulps,
therapy appeared to be very helpful in reducing acute
two groups received either 0.1 mL dexamethasone
(4 mg/mL) or 0.1 mL ketoralac tromethamine (30
Stewart (54) evaluated the effect of oral dexametha-
mg/mL) as an intracanal medicament. The other two
sone either alone or in combination with oral penicil-
groups received no intracanal medication and either
lin on endodontic post treatment inflammation.
ibuprofen (600 mg) or an oral placebo. Patients re-
Teeth with vital or necrotic pulps were included. After
corded their pain pretreatment and post treatment at
endodontic instrumentation and temporization, pa-
6, 12, 24 and 48 h after therapy initiation on a visual
tients were divided into four groups; a control group
analog scale. At the 12-h period, both dexamethasone
that received no medication, an antibiotic group that
and ketoralac provided statistically better pain relief
received phenethicillin 250 mg TID for 3 days, a ster-
than placebo (P Ͻ 0.05). At the 24-h period, only ke-
oid group that received dexamethasone 0.75 mg BID
toralac had better pain relief than placebo. There
for 2 days, and an antibiotic/steroid group that re-
were no differences at 6 and 48 h. No differences
ceived both phenethicillin and dexamethasone. In his
were seen between groups in the amount of post-
summary, the author stated that ‘dexamethasone is
capable of minimizing postoperative inflammation
Negm (53) in a randomized, double-blind study
and consequent edema and pain thus substantially re-
determined the effect of a corticosteroid-antibiotic
combination compared to placebo for the treatment
In a randomized, prospective, double-blind, pla-
of post treatment pain in vital teeth. A total of 480
cebo controlled study by Marshall & Walton (3), the
effect of intramuscular injection of dexamethasone on
effect of four different doses of dexamethasone on
post treatment endodontic pain was compared to pla-
post treatment endodontic pain. All 106 patients in-
cebo. After endodontic instrumentation and/or ob-
cluded in the study presented with pretreatment pain.
turation, patients received an IM injection of 1.0 mL
Endodontic instrumentation and/or obturation were
of dexamethasone (4 mg/mL) or 1.0 mL of sterile sa-
performed after which patients received a randomized
line. Pain levels were recorded preoperatively and at
intraoral intramuscular injection of placebo (1 mL
4, 24 and 48 h post treatment. Results indicated that
sterile saline), or one of four doses of dexamethasone
dexamethasone significantly reduced pain incidence
(2 mg/mL, 4 mg/mL, 6 mg/mL, 8 mg/mL). The in-
and severity at 4 h post treatment. At 24 h post treat-
jection was given into either the masseter, internal
ment, patients who received the corticosteroid
ptyergoid, or buccinator muscle. Preference was given
showed a trend towards less pain. Teeth with vital and
to intraoral muscles anesthetized for treatment. Pa-
necrotic pulps were included as well as retreatment
tients recorded their pretreatment pain levels on a 0–
cases. No antibiotics were taken by any patients and
9 scale and post treatment pain levels at 4, 8, 24, 48
there were no post treatment infections reported. The
and 72 h. Type and amounts of pain medication taken
amount of postoperative pain medication required
was also recorded. No antibiotics were given at any
time during this study and both vital and necrotic
Krasner & Jackson (45), in a double-blind study,
teeth were included for treatment. Results showed
evaluated the effect of oral dexamethasone on post
patients receiving dexamethasone had significantly
treatment endodontic pain. Fifty patients presenting
less severe pain at 4 and 8 h postoperatively (P Ͻ
for endodontic treatment were included in this study.
0.05), and took significantly less pain medication
Retreatment cases and patients presenting with puru-
(P Ͻ 0.05) compared to placebo (mean of 1.98 tablets
lent drainage or cellulitis were excluded. Teeth were
for dexamethasone vs. mean of 4.64 tablets for pla-
instrumented and closed with no intracanal medic-
cebo). When evaluated on a mg/kg dosage basis, it
ament. Pre-treatment and 8 and 24 h post treatment
was found that patients who received 0.07–0.09 mg/
pain levels were recorded on a 0 to 100 scale. Patients
kg of dexamethasone IM had significantly less pain at
randomly received dexamethasone (0.75 mg/tablet)
8 h and took significantly fewer pain medications
or placebo with instructions to take 3 tablets immedi-
ately and then 1 tablet every 3 h until bedtime for a
Kaufman et al. (47) were the first to evaluate the ef-
total of 7 tablets. Results showed that patients re-
fect of an intraligamentary delivery of corticosteroid
ceiving oral dexamethasone had significantly less pain
on endodontic post treatment pain. Forty-five patients
at 8 and 24 h when compared to those receiving pla-
presenting for endodontic treatment were randomLy
assigned to one of three experimental groups. Endo-
Glassman et al. (46) also evaluated the efficacy of
dontic treatment was completed in one appointment
oral dexamethasone on endodontic interappointment
on both vital and necrotic pulps, with and without peri-
pain but with a much higher dosage of the cortico-
apical radiolucencies. After anesthesia was achieved but
steroid. Forty patients with asymptomatic vital in-
prior to endodontic treatment, patients in group 1 re-
flamed pulps were included in this study. After endo-
ceived 4–8 mg of Depo-medrol (slow-release methyl-
dontic instrumentation and temporization, alternate
prednisolone) via intraligamentary syringe. Single-
patients were given either dexamethasone(4 mg/tab-
rooted teeth received 4 mg, and multirooted teeth 8
let) or placebo. Instructions were to take 1 tablet im-
mg. Group 2 received PDL injection of mepivacaine
mediately and then 1 tablet at 4 and then 8 h post
3% in a similar fashion to group 1. Group 3 received no
treatment for a total oral dose of 12 mg in the dexa-
PDL injection. Pretreatment pain levels were not re-
methasone group. Patients were given a questionnaire
ported. The patients were telephoned at 24 h and re-
to record pain on a visual analog pain scale at 8, 24,
ported pain intensity on a 1–10 scale. The results
and 48 h post treatment. Results showed that patients
showed a significant decrease in postoperative pain in
receiving dexamethasone had a statistically significant
the methylprednisolone group (P Ͻ 0.05) compared to
reduction in pain at all post treatment time periods.
the active and passive placebo groups. In another pros-
Liesinger et al. (4) in a double-blind, randomized,
pective, randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled
prospective, placebo controlled study evaluated the
study that contained 588 consecutive patients.
Torabinejad et al. (9), evaluated the effectiveness of
endodontic treatment (complete debridement) pa-
various medications on postoperative pain following
tients in a double-blind fashion randomLy received
complete instrumentation. The preoperative pulpal
an intraosseous injection of either 1 mL methyl-
and periapical diagnosis was recorded as well as pre-
prednisolone (Depo-Medrol 40 mg/mL) or 1 mL of
operative pain levels on a 0–9 scale. After instrumen-
sterile saline placebo. All subjects received ibuprofen
tation, patients were given one of 10 different medi-
and Tylenol .3 and recorded their pain levels and
cations or combination of medications. These in-
any pain medications taken for 7 days postoperatively.
cluded non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, antibiotics,
The results showed that the steroid group had signifi-
acetaminophen, steroid and a narcotic analgesic. One
cantly less postoperative pain and took significantly
of these combinations was methylprednisolone 2 mg
less pain medication over 7 days (P Ͻ 0.05). No anti-
and penicillin 500 mg. Patients took one dose im-
biotics were taken by patients at any time during the
mediately then one dose every 6 h for the next 66 h
for a total dose of 24 mg of methylprednisolone and
In a follow-up study, Claffey et al. (49) evaluated
6 g of penicillin. Post treatment pain levels were re-
pain reduction in symptomatic teeth with necrotic
corded every 6 h for 72 h. Amongst their many find-
pulps using an oral dose regimen of methylprednis-
ings, the authors reported that those patients who
olone. The materials and methods were nearly identi-
presented for treatment with moderate–severe pain
cal to Bramy et al. except that no patient had clinical
and who received the steroid/antibiotic combination
swelling and after the canal debridement, patients
had significantly less pain at 6, 18 and 24 h when
randomly received in a double-blind fashion either
compared to the placebo group (P Ͻ 0.05). They
oral methylprednisolone (48 mg/day for 3 days) or a
found no significant post treatment pain differences
placebo control (lactose 48 mg/day for 3 days). All
between any of the test medications when compared
patients received ibuprofen and Tylenol .3 (tm) and
to placebo in patients with no or mild pretreatment
a diary to record pain, percussion pain, swelling and
number and type of pain medications taken. Clinical
In a very elegant study, Gallatin et al. (48) evalu-
success was defined as any patient who experienced
ated pain reduction for untreated irreversible pulpitis
only mild to no pain, mild to no percussion pain, mild
using an intraosseous injection of methylprednis-
to no swelling and did not take any Tylenol .3.
olone. Forty patients with a clinical diagnosis of irre-
Again, no antibiotics were prescribed or taken during
versible pulpitis actively associated with moderate–se-
this study. The results showed that patients receiving
vere pain participated in this prospective double-blind
oral methylprednisolone had significantly higher clin-
study. The involved tooth was anesthetized followed
ical success for the first 3 days after endodontic treat-
by an intraosseous injection of 1 mL methylprednis-
olone (Depo-Medrol 40 mg/mL) or 1 mL of saline.
In critically evaluating the preceding studies for
The blinded solutions were administered using the
validity, it must be kept in mind that the most power-
Stabident system (Fairfax Dental, Inc., Miami, FL,
ful conclusions are those generated from studies that
USA). No endodontic treatment was performed. Pa-
are prospective, randomized, double-blind and pla-
tients were given a 7-day pain diary as well as anal-
cebo controlled. None of the endodontic reports on
gesic medication. Over the 7-day observation period,
the use of corticosteroids published prior to 1984
subjects receiving Depo-Medrol reported significant-
meets these criteria and therefore the results should
ly less pain (P Ͻ 0.05) compared to placebo while tak-
be considered anecdotal. Results from studies that
ing significantly fewer analgesic medications (P Ͻ
used corticosteroids in combination with other agents
such as an antibiotic and/or an antihistamine are dif-
Bramy et al. (14) evaluated the intraosseous admin-
ficult to interpret, as results ascribed to one of the
istration of corticosteroid for pain reduction of symp-
agents may be the result of the combination. Equally
tomatic teeth necrotic teeth. Thirty-eight patients
difficult to interpret are results from studies using in-
with a clinical diagnosis of pulpal necrosis with associ-
tracanal steroid as the means of delivery (13, 52, 53).
ated periapical radiolucency participated in the study.
The methodology in these studies doesn’t account for
All patients experienced moderate/severe pain at time
how much and over what time period the intracanal
of presentation with mild or no clinical swelling. After
medicament reaches the site of action, the periapical
tissues. Very small concentrations of the agent are
ministration. This is probably not the case, as seen
placed into the canal(s) and assuming apical patency
in Table 1 dexamethasone is approximately 5 times as
of variable size must pass through the apical foramen
potent as methylprednisolone and the 6–8 mg intra-
via a concentration gradient against a potential back
muscular doses used by Liesinger et al. (4) would be
pressure from periapical transudate or exudate. This
equivalent to 30–40 mg of methylprednisolone with
would seem to leave those studies that administered
40 mg of intraosseous methylprednisolone being the
corticosteroids in a systemic manner (intramuscular,
dose used by Bramy et al. (14). It is possible to specu-
intraosseous, oral) in a known dose without any other
late that these differences therefore might be more
agents as the critical ones in evaluating the efficacy of
related to the preoperative pulpal and periapical diag-
steroids in the ability to decrease endodontic pain.
nosis. All of the patients in the studies by Bramy et al.
Prior to interpreting these studies (3, 4, 13, 45–49) it
and Claffey et al. (14, 49) presented with necrotic
is important to remember that endodontic treatment
pulps, associated periapical radiolucencies, and either
itself has a major effect on reducing post treatment
mild or no swelling. The majority of patients in the
pain regardless of analgesic intervention (Fig. 1). As
study by Liesinger et al. (4) presented with a diag-
stated by Hargreaves (19) ‘This reduction in post
nosis of irreversible pulpitis and acute apical peri-
treatment pain, combined with variable levels of pre-
odontitis and those patients with necrotic pulps had
operative pain, reduces the statistical power of endo-
no associated periapical radiolucencies. It seems
dontic clinical trials for detecting active analgesics
plausible that corticosteroids may be more efficacious
over time in all patient groups (the so-called floor ef-
in attenuating pain associated with pulpal necrosis
fect). This limitation is a problem in interpreting clin-
and associated radiolucencies compared to pain as-
ical studies in general and may explain why some en-
sociated with irreversible pulpitis since these con-
dodontic clinical trials fail to detect analgesic treat-
ditions are associated with more complex chronic in-
ment or only detect it in those patients with
flammatory processes. Thus, the efficacy of steroids
moderate/severe pain.’ This has been shown by Tora-
in endodontic pain patients could be related to vari-
binejad et al. (9) and Rogers et al. (13) where various
ations in the periapical immunological/inflammatory
agents including corticosteroid significantly decreased
dynamics of teeth with irreversibly inflamed vs. ne-
post treatment pain but only in those patients who
presented with at least moderate/severe pretreatment
Based on the work of Bramy et al. and Claffey et al.
pain. It would therefore seem that systemic adminis-
(14, 49), it also seems plausible that corticosteroids
tration of corticosteroid as a method to decrease en-
would have efficacy in those cases of endodontic flare-
dodontic post treatment pain might be appropriate
up that result after treatment of previously asympto-
only for those patients who present with moderate/
matic necrotic teeth with or without associated peri-
severe pain. Three independent studies (4, 14, 49)
apical radiolucencies. This premise has not been in-
meet the criteria of being prospective, randomized,
vestigated and, with the low incidence of this type of
double-blind placebo controlled with no drug combi-
flare-up (1), would require a multicenter study over
nations and including only patients who presented
a period of years to gather an adequate sample size.
with the required level of pretreatment pain. Import-
Collectively, it appears from the studies reported (4,
antly, these studies showed that systemic administra-
14, 49) that the route of systemic administration of
tion of corticosteroid not only significantly reduced
glucocorticoids is not a determinant in their efficacy
post treatment pain at various times but also signifi-
and that when given in equivalent dosages, agents
cantly reduced the amount of additional pain medi-
such as dexamethasone and methylprednisolone are
interchangeable. It would seem that if a systemic ster-
Interestingly, the reports by Bramy et al. (14) and
oid is to be administered, an intraoral IM injection or
Claffey et al. (49) show significant pain relief for up
an intraosseous injection would be preferable over an
to 7 days with the use of steroid, in contrast to Lies-
extraoral IM injection as the practitioner is familiar
inger et al. (4) who found significant differences in
with intraoral and intraosseous injections and the site
pain reduction only in the first 8 h. It is possible these
of injection is already anesthetized. Intraoral injection
differences could be due to differences in doses of
of steroid would be preferable to a prescription for
different corticosteroids or by different routes of ad-
glucocorticoid as no assumption about patient com-
pliance is required. A dose of 6–8 mg of dexametha-
4. Liesinger A, Marshall FJ, Marshall JG. Effect of variable
doses of dexamethasone on post treatment endodontic
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5. Marshall JG, Liesinger AW. Factors associated with endo-
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