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St Augustine’s Coatbridge Sunday Bulletin: Good Shepherd Sunday The Fourth Sunday of Easter Year B: 3 May 2009: Web Site: Charity Number: SCO 11041 FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Sundays 10th and 17th May First Holy Communion will be celebrated at the 10 AM and 12 Noon Masses on the above Sundays of May. The children and families concerned have already been given notice of the details and are asked to be present in the sacristy about 15 minutes before Mass. The families are invited to refreshments in the Hall after Mass. Sunday 10 May at 10 AM Mass Sunday Five pupils from Drumpark School will make their First Holy Communion in St Augustine’s on Saturday 16 May at the 10 AM Mass and their families are also invited to join them in the Hall after Mass for refreshments. AWARENESS OF VOCATIONS An Enquirer’s Event: 29-30 May: If you have ever considered life as a priest in Scotland you may be interested in a Retreat which has been arranged in Dundee Pastoral Centre for Friday and Saturday 29-30 May. The purpose of this overnight experience is to bring like-minded individuals together for prayer, reflection and relaxation. There is no cost and no obligation. Simply come and see. If interested please contact Priests for Scotland 0141 554 6936 to arrange accommodation. Further details may be seen on the poster in the porch of the church. Please continue to pray for vocations to our own diocesan clergy. Those interested in learning more should contact the Diocesan Vocations Director Father Charles Dornan 01236 420585 or view the Priests for Scotland website Enquiries on the Permanent Diaconate should be addressed to Father Tom Millar or Jim Aitken at Carfin 01698 263308. This Sunday is designated World Day of Prayer for Vocations. We will have a second collection at all Masses to support the promotion of vocations in Scotland. MAY DEVOTIONS There will be Rosary and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament on the Mondays of the month of May at 7.30 PM in the Church.
MASS FOR THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK Wednesday 6 May at 7.00 pm. Mass will be celebrated on Wednesday 6 May at 7.00 pm during which the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will be administered. Tea will be served in the hall after Mass that evening. Parishioners who require transport are asked to contact members of St Augustine’s SVDP Conference in advance. MEMORIAL MASS FOR SISTER PATRICK Thursday 7 May at 7.30 pm Sister Patrick (Mary Dolan) died recently in Ireland where her Requiem Mass was celebrated in her community of the Sisters of Mercy. She was baptised in St Augustine’s by Father Francis Hamilton on 21 November 1937 and received the other sacraments here and attended school in St Augustine’s. A Memorial Mass will be celebrated in St Augustine’s on Thursday 7 May at 7.00 pm followed by tea in the Hall. A warm invitation is extended to our parishioners and family relatives and friends to be present. THE WOMEN’S GROUP Monday 11 May at 7.30 PM The next meeting of the Women’s Group will take place on Monday 11 May at 7.30 PM and will take the form of a business meeting to make arrangements for the annual Coffee Morning and for the outing to Peebles. The Coffee Morning will take place this year on Saturday 23 May in the Church Hall from 10.30 till 12.30 PM. Tickets may be had from any member of the Women’s Group at the hall door on that morning. This year’s proceeds will go to the Church in Need. All the usual stalls will be there and we hope for a good attendance at this event. TEA IN THE PAROCHIAL HALL Tea and coffee are available in the Hall each morning after the 10 am Mass from Monday to Thursday. CHURCH RENOVATIONS The renovation of the leaded windows in the church and the provision of protective metal grills continue. Families still have the opportunity to pay for the renovation of a window costing £150. A further option is available for those who would like to make a donation towards a window by leaving spare change in the box provided in the Hall by the Tea Ladies for this purpose. It is surprising just how quickly this can mount up. Died recently: Betty Hazard (St Mary’s Whifflet). Anniversaries: Michael Kerr, John McKenna, William Roden, Cathie Wilkie, Christie & Alex Dick, Ann & Hugh O’Rourke, Delia & Martin McCabe, Rosina, John, Veronica, Delia, Lawrence, Rosaleen & Katie Boyce, Tommy & Margaret Craven, Tommy Riley, Peter Barron, Paul Callaghan, Carlo Parodi, John & Lititia Carracher. Months Minds: William, Peter, Charles & Kakeio McKenna, James Slowey, Ella McAleese, Daniel, Bridget, James, Anne, Danny, George, Mary & Peter Dick, Arthur & Grace Hanlon, Esther Campbell, Hugh & Bessie O’Rourke, John Reid, Robert Toal, Francis & Jessie McDermott, Andy & Mamie Riley, Jimmy, Annie & Andrew Boyle, Aidan O’Neill.


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LHCS News A weekly publication of the Lake Harriet Community School PTA TWENTY-SEVENTH ISSUE FOR ’12-’13 Letter from the Nurse's Office Dear Parents, Now that spring is officially here, (though it doesn’t feel like it yet…), the health office would like to take this opportunity to remind you of some very important issues. This article is loaded with a lot of critical informati

Codigo de etica

CODIGO DE ETICA PREÁMBULO E INTRODUCCIÓN El propósito de este Código es enunciar los principios que orientan la actitud y la conducta de los traductores y de los intérpretes en su correcto desempeño específico y dotar a los miembros asociados a AGIT con las normas de la ética profesional. Estas normas éticas no excluyen otras no enunciadas expresamente, pero que surgen del digno y

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