Charlotte strandkvist, curriculum vitae: curriculum vitae

Currently - 2014 University College London. Studying for an MRes and PhD in Biophysics at CoMPLEX
(Centre for Mathematics and Physics in the Life Sciences and Experimental Biology) 2008 - 2010 University of Cambridge (Pembroke College, Cambridge, UK) M.Sci. and BA in Natural Sci-
ences. Finished with 1st Class Honours. Specialised in Experimental and Theoretical Physics.
2007 - 2008 University of Cambridge (Pembroke College, Cambridge, UK) Status of ‘Visiting Student’, one
year of studies counting towards a BS at the University of Southern Denmark.
2005 - 2008 University of Southern Denmark (Odense, Denmark) Completed the first two years worth of
coursework for a BS in Denmark and obtained credit for coursework done during a year as a visitingstudent in Cambridge. The degree requirement included a bachelor thesis. The research for this wascarried out at Cambridge under the supervision of Professor Herbert Hubbert, but with Professor NielsKjær Nielsen of the University of Southern Denmark as a pro forma supervisor. Graduated with a BSand GPA of 11.6 in September 2008.
2010 Part III project on computational electronic structure searching under the supervision of Professor
Richard Needs. I used ’ab initio random structure searching’ to study the novel electronic structuresin elements under extreme pressure.
Summer 2009 Research with Professor Gil Lonzarich, head of the Quantum Matter group at the Cavendish,
in designing an experiment to study the excitonic insulator phase in small band gap semiconductorsusing pressure to tune the band gap. I used density functional theory calculation to study the Fermisurface and bandstructure of candidate materials.
Spring 2009 Literature review under the supervision of Professor Gil Lonzarich on claims of experimental
observations of the excitonic insulator phase. The literature review received the highest mark of theyear.
Summer 2008 Research, part of which made up my bachelor thesis for my BS from the University of South-
ern Denmark, under the supervision of Professor Herbert Huppert at DAMTP. The research consistedof gathering experimental data on fluid flow in stratified porous media and modelling the flow compu-tationally (MATLAB) to assess the validity of certain mathematical models. The research was motivatedby the problem of carbon sequestration.
2006-2007 Research project at the Center of Biomembrane Physics (MEMPHYS) under the supervision of
Professor Ole G. Mouritsen. I used differential scanning calorimentry and monolayer techniques tostudy how the addition of ketone bodies effected certain properties of membranes. Research wasmotivated by the fact that diabetic coma may be linked to an increased concentration of ketone bodiesin nerve cell membranes.
2004 Research project on a novel method of synthesizing N-methyl Fluoxetine, a precursor for the anti-
depressant Fluoxetine, during my final year of high school. The main part of the project was carriedout in the school chemistry lab using various methods of chemical synthesis. Analysis of the finalproduct was done at the University of Southern Denmark using IR and MS spectroscopy.
2006 -2007 Employed by the University of Southern Denmark to teach the example classes and labs for the
first year physics courses; amounting to 137 hours of teaching.
2005 - 2007 Employed by the University of Southern Denmark and ad hoc by various high schools and
science festivals to carry out physics outreach activities as part of the ‘Physics Show’ 2010 Was awarded a Pembroke College Foundation Scholarship.
2008 (September) Was invited to the European Contest for Young Scientists held in Copenhagen to deliver
the dinner speech at the 20th Anniversary celebratory dinner.
2008 (March) Presented a project at the Beijing Youth Science Creation Competition.
2008 (February) As part of the editorial board for the journal ‘The Triple Helix’, I attended the AAAS annual
meeting in Boston and presented a poster on science in society.
2007 Was awarded a Pembroke College Merit Award.
2007 (April) Was awarded first prize at the Danish Contest for Young Scientists and received an invitation
and travel grant for the Beijing Youth Science Creation Competition.
2005 (July) Participated in the London International Youth Science Forum.
2005 My research on improving the method for synthesizing Fluoxetine was featured in the Danish language
chemistry journal ‘Dansk Kemi’, issue 1 2005 2004 (December) Participated in the Stockholm International Youth Science Seminar, which included at-
tending the Nobel Prize lectures and ceremony.
2004 (September) Was awarded first prize at the European Contest for Young Scientists and received the
jury’s honorary prize of representing the EUCYS at the Stockholm International Youth Science Seminarin 2004.
2004 (April) Was awarded first prize in the Danish Contest for Young Scientists and received the honour
of representing Denmark at the European Contest for Young Scientists in 2004 and at the LondonInternational Youth Science Forum in 2005.


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