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Department of Pharmacy
PUBLICATION - INTERNATIONAL/NATIONAL JOURNAL Lepidium Sativum L. seeds Pharmacology 1827- synthesis of some novel 2- Pharmaceutica 6837 A K Sen, Mrs. B Dhanya characterization of NV Shah, SP Chauhan, evaluation of taste yl) methyleneamino]-5- substituted-2-[(4-methylpiperzine-1-yl) methyl]-2H-1, 2, 4-triazole 3(4H)-thiones AK Seth, Ujjwal Sahoo A Review on “Absorbent IJPSRR Mr.G U Sailor, Dr. A K Hepatoprotective effect Mr. N V Shah, Mr. R A A Review on Etiology, Maheshwari, Mr. G U types and treatement of online Mr. Sailor Girish U, Dr. Pharmacognostical and Mr. Ujjwal Sahoo, Dr. Microwave assisted A K Seth, Mr. A K Sen, synthesis of 2-(3-methyl- Journal of naphthyridine moiety as possible antimicrobial agent Hemangi patel, Jitendra Permeability Studies of Dr. A K Seth, Mr. Ujjwal Microwave assisted characterization of certain Pharmaceutical Patel, AK Seth, Ujjwal characterization of certain journal of Yogeshchand yadav, AK Nephropharmacological Int. J. ISOLATION OF MUCILAGE Pharmaceutical 8232 Pharmacological potential JOURNAL FOR 0975 EMBASE, Google Scholar and INDEX Copernicus EMBASE, Google Scholar and Index copernicus EMBASE, Google Scholar and INDEX Copernicus AK Seth, Ujjwal Sahoo Latest Development in AK Seth, Ujjwal Sahoo A Single Drop Micro AK Seth, Ujjwal Sahoo Role of Monolithic Phases International Jitendra Patel, Hemangi Clinical studies of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences ,CASSI,DOAJ,Index,Copernicus,ICAAP, Open-J-Gate Yogeshchand yadav, AK Nephroprotective and Cisplatin induced acute renal failure.
Dr A k Seth (Pharmacy) Screening of lagenaria AK Seth, Ujjwal Sahoo Outline on the Technical Pharma Science 0976- Ujjwal Sahoo, A K Seth, Cosmetic Chemistry php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1304&Itemid=121 A K Seth, Tejas Ghelani, Dendrimer: An overview php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1304&Itemid=121 Patel, Hemangi J Patel, prostrata as m_content&task=view&id=1304&Itemid=121 Antimicrobial Activity Of pharmascience 0976- www.pharmasm.com/pdf_f Published Online Ghelani,Yogesh Chand {4-[(Phenothiazine 10yl- Antimicrobial Activity Of 4- International Carbonyloxy Carbonyl-2- Research in Methyl-4-Oxo-1,2,3,4- Phenyl-Methyl]-Amino}-Benzoic Acid Derivatives.
47 Ghelani,Yogesh Chand Phenothiazine-10-Yl)- Phenyl-Methyl]-Amino}-Benzoic Acid Derivatives http://www.phar http://www.pharmasm.com/p http://www.phar http://www.pharmasm.com/p http://www.glob globalresearchonline.net/journ alresearchonline. alcontents/volume6issue2/Arti A.K. Seth, Sharad Kumar, Spectroscopic Method For http://www.phar http://www.pharmasm.com/p http://www.acad http://scialert.net/qredirect.ph emicjournals.org/ p?doi=rjmp.2011.101.115&link Gajanan J. Deshmukh, A. Formulation and Evaluation K. Seth. Tejas K Ghelani, of Oro Dispersible Tablets of Open- j gate, http://iajpr.com/i http://iajpr.com/images/pdf/pdf/v http://www.phar http://www.pharmasm.com/p http://iajpr.com/i http://iajpr.com/images/pdf/pdf/25 http://iajpr.com/i http://iajpr.com/images/pdf/pdf/23 http://iajpr.com/i http://iajpr.com/images/pdf/pdf/26 http://www.phar http://www.pharmasm.com/pdf In-Vitro Antioxidant Activity Pharmacolog- 1827- Copernicus, http://www.ajbpr http://www.ajbpr.com/issues/ S. Kumar, Y. C. Yadav, A.K. Validation Of Tiotropium Copernicus, http://www.ajbpr http://www.ajbpr.com/issues/ A.K.Seth, Jitendra Patel, Development Of Lamotrigine A. K.Seth, Girish U. Sailor, Formulation And Evaluation Sailor G.U., Chauhan S.P., Therapy Of Diabetes Mel itus http://www.cpro http://www.cpronline.in/PDF1 nline.in/index.ht /CPR%201(2),%202011,%2014 http://www.cpro http://www.cpronline.in/PDF1 A Study on Impurity Profile Current pharma 2230- nline.in/index.ht /CPR%201(2),%202011,%2018 Substituted Schiff Bases And 5-{[(4-Phenyl-5-Pyridine-4-Yl- A.K.Seth, Sharad kumar, Simultaneous Estimation Of Formulation and Evaluation Indo American http://iajpr.com/i http://iajpr.com/images/pdf/pdf/28 Of Sustained Release Matrix Indo American http://iajpr.com/i http://iajpr.com/images/pdf/pdf/pa 83 Kumar Sen, Ujjwal Sahoo, Ornidazole In Tablet Dosage Antimicrobial Screening of Pharmacognosy 0975-

Source: http://sumandeepuniversity.com/pharmacy/images/pdf/Publication.pdf

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