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5.7_OCT_Training:Layout 1 16/9/08 12:08 Page 46 CONSTIPATION
The management of constipation is a problem in anyhealthcare setting and, if managed incorrectly, can affectquality of life. Sussex Health Care explain their research intothe subject with associated training.
comprised Carol Dilley, Head of Training, learning disabilities, 61 elderly mentally ill, medication appeared to be the first resort users and the General Practitioners (GPs) training. Staff needed further knowledge on Castledine from the University of Central the medications being used and their impact England and his research assistant Michele by home staff, ensuring confidentiality was cases, improved input from the GPs as well.
on constipation the topic was deemed very Education
suitable as it directly affects service users’ reference. The analysis of this information indicated extensive use of aperients.
A representative of European pharmaceutical Lactulose and Senna were the leaders with Undertaking research
discuss using the research and the need for training. Training sessions were impartial quality of life and lifestyle changes that could questionnaire. A second questionnaire for was the preferred method for service users objective method of assessment. A range of staff learnt about their effect on the body.
5.7_OCT_Training:Layout 1 15/9/08 10:17 Page 47 could then discuss use of medication with approach to each individual service user.
their meeting to pass on the information.
were perceived to be able to look after their adapted to SHC service users. It included own needs, were found not to be consuming basis and continues to discuss and monitor Body Mass Index, calculation of individual any new developments in the topic as well that placed the individual at low, medium being used to monitor and flag up risks on a will improve the quality of care of service or high risk. A list was devised of measures daily basis and the risk assessments were to be taken once the risk had been assessed For more information contact
exercise, and regular medication review.
Carol Dilley, Sussex Health Care,
email: carol.dilley@sussexhealthcare.org
The new assessment tool and protocol were web: www.sussexhealthcare.org
implemented and after six months a second questionnaire and baseline data was carried References
out. This showed improved staff knowledge Royal College of Physicians, was revised to and altered use of aperients, with reduced lower incidence of medication use and some Castledine G, Grainger M, Wood N,
Dilley C (2007) Management of
constipation in long-term care
consideration of dignity in its treatments.
settings: research study. Part 1.
Br J Nursing 16(18): 1128-31
held to pass on the information, assessmenttool and protocols to nursing homes and Castledine G, Grainger M, Wood N,
health professionals with an interest in this Dilley C (2007) Management of
constipation in long-term care
topic on a six monthly basis using baseline settings: research study. Part 2.
charts. The team also continues to put on Br J Nursing 16(19): 1212-17
education days for staff to ensure continuity.
Average combined
training budget of

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Source: http://www.sussexhealthcare.org/news-articles/constipation_news.pdf

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