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Sustainability in Research: Biology Researcher Respective Activities
The overarching objective of this project is to provide science-based new tools for designing restoration strategies,
conservation and sustainable management of coastal habitats. Planting of native species has proven to be the most
evolutionary history of sea oats (Uniola
effective and sustainable practice to rebuilt coastal sand dunes that are (after beaches) second in line of defense in
paniculata) Poaceae, and adaptations to local
protecting the land from the sea. This research will identify the most suitable sources of propagules for long-term
and sustainable sand dune restoration that will reflect both evolutionary history of species, and adaptations to local environmental conditions. I am currently expanding the research to address questions related to climate change.
Reconstruction of phylogeographic history and American ginseng, Panax quinquefolius L. is one of the most heavily traded native medicinal plants in North identification of wild populations of American America. The species is listed in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of ginseng, Panax quinquefolius, (Araliaceae).
Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Formulating an appropriate conservation strategy requires knowledge of species life history characteristics as well as genetic structure and diversity, since preservation of the evolutionary potential of species should be one of the long-term goals of the conservation strategy. The explicit goal of this research is to use genetic markers to reconstruct intra-specific phylogeographic history of P. quinquefolius, and to differentiate between wild/native and cultivated/introduced ginseng populations. The results of the investigation will be used by the USFWS (who provides funding for the study) to regulate sustainable ginseng harvest.
Urban forests perform important ecosystem services, such as sequestering carbon and reducing energy use, both of which have significant economic value. Estimating the economic value of these ecosystem services will assist the university in making long-term decisions regarding sustainable development.
Our research employs remote sensing to understand the large-scale consequences of forest genetic diversity. Genetic diversity has importance consequences for ecosystem services, such as carbon sequestration. Sustainable forestry ensures the long-term supply of forest products and maintenance of essential ecosystem services.
Bioinformatics: digitization of natural history We are working with the natural history collections in the Southeast USA to digitize/database collections and collections at a regional scale
make this information available through various portals. This information can be used to examine invasives, rare taxa, or linkages among taxa from multiple domains/clades. These data can also be used by decision-makers at various scales to identify areas in need of conservation efforts, along with areas for potential corridors or buffers associated with these natural areas. This information can be used by land managers, educators and the general public to learn more about natural resources in the region. Ultimately, as we develop this specimen-based inventory of biodiversity, we can use this information to assist in the analysis of the ecosystem services that these natural resources provide to society.
Ozone is the most phytotoxic gaseous air pollutant of concern and is regulated by the U.S. EPA. My research concerns the impacts of this pollutant on native wildflowers in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Knowledge of these impacts will help regulators decide on acceptable standards for ozone that limit or prevent deleterious effects on our natural ecosystems.
Research is being conducted on land currently under development in Watauga and Caldwell Counties to document
forest community composition and develop a predictive, topographically-based model for mapping the locations and extent of each forest community. In addition, sampling for a common invasive plant species (Japanese stiltgrass) is being conducted to also develop a predictive model for the distribution of this species. The resulting maps of forest communities and potential invasive species habitat will be used in conjunction with development plans to document development impacts on forest community diversity and potential to enhance the spread of this invasive species.
Algae for Wastewater Purification, Carbon
My group if focusing on a variety of benefits afforded by algaculture. Algae are the fastest growing plants on
Earth. They are very efficient at removing waste nutrients and toxins from municipal, livestock and industrial wastewater. Algae excel at sequestering CO2 from sources ranging from breweries, to landfills, to coal burning. They are able to generate oil and sugar feedstocks for biodiesel, ethanol and other biofuels as well as fertilizer and animal feed. We and others are finding better ways to harness the potential of these wonders of nature.
Ecologists recognize the importance of ecosystem structure in maintaining biodiversity. With respect to plants and the dominant terrestrial life form that utilizes them (insects), there is much to be learned about what factors structure communities in order to provide a basis for developing strategies for sustaining ecosystem health. My laboratory is conducting experiments to investigate the role of plant genetic diversity in shaping insect communities. Our data will contribute to a larger body of work that will increase predictability on how human influences affect biodiversity.
No Estudo de Proteção do Coração - Heart Protection Study (HPS), sinvastatina os efeitos do tratamento com sinvastatina durante um período de acompanhamento de 5,3 anos, em média, foram avaliados em Medicamento genérico 20.536 pacientes com ou sem hiperlipidemia e alto risco de even- Lei nº 9.787, de 1999 tos coronarianos, em decorrência de diabetes, antecedentes de acide