CE: Namrta; HJH/203053; Total nos of Pages: 7;
Eligibility for percutaneous renal denervation:the importance of a systematic screening
Willemien L. VerloopÃ, Eva E. Ã, Michiel Evert-jan Maarten B. RookmaakerMichiel L. BotsPieter A. , Peter J. , andWilko Spiering
Objective: Percutaneous renal denervation (pRDN) is anew and promising therapy for resistant hypertension. Among patients suspected of having resistant
G lobally,34%oftheadultpopulationhashyperten-
sion, and this prevalence is still rising Hyper-
hypertension, the actual presence of this condition needs
tension is listed in the top three of modifiable
to be well established; pseudoresistant hypertension and
factors that impact the occurrence of disease burden glob-
significant white-coat effect (WCE) should be excluded.
ally It is well established that lowering blood pressure
This analysis presents the results of a standardized
(BP) reduces cardiovascular risk Despite a broad avail-
screening programme for patients referred for
ability of effective pharmaceutical agents, only 32% of
treated men and 37% of treated women reach treatment
Methods: All patients referred to our centre for pRDN
underwent a standardized stepwise screening and were
Increased activation of the sympathetic nervous system
subsequently discussed in a multidisciplinary team. The
(SNS) is identified as an important factor in the develop-
screening included a 24-h ambulatory blood pressure
ment and progression of hypertension In this context, a
measurement (ABPM), collection of plasma, urine and
percutaneous, catheter-based approach has been devel-
saliva, and finally imaging of the renal arteries.
oped to disrupt the renal sympathetic nerves, using radio-frequency energy The first clinical studies in a relatively
Results: From August 2010 till October 2012, 181
small number of patients showed that this catheter-based
patients were referred for pRDN. Mean blood pressure (BP)
technique is efficacious. Office SBP/DBP values after bilat-
was 182/100 mmHg, and median use was three
eral percutaneous renal denervation (pRDN) were reduced
antihypertensives. Ultimately, 121 patients (67%) were
by À14/À10 to À27/À17 mmHg from 1 to 12 months of
excluded from pRDN. Main reasons for exclusion were
follow-up. Furthermore, the approach seems safe
BP-related. Twenty-three patients (19%) had an office SBP
According to the recently published European Society of
less than 160 mmHg and 26 patients (22%) showed a
Hypertension (ESH) position paper, pRDN is currently only
WCE. Fourteen patients (12%) had a so far undetected
indicated for patients with resistant hypertension In
underlying cause of hypertension, the majority being
2008, the American Heart Association defined resistant
primary aldosteronism (n ¼ 11). Nine patients had an
hypertension as a BP that remains above treatment goals
despite the concurrent use of medication from three differ-
Conclusion: A high percentage of patients were excluded
ent antihypertensive classes, one ideally being a diuretic,
from treatment with pRDN due to secondary causes of
with all agents prescribed at doses that provide optimal
hypertension, WCE or a BP below the currently advised
benefit Several reports provided insight into this
thresholds. Treatment of these excluded patients would
prevalence; however, numbers vary from 1.9 to 30% of
lead to inappropriate use of pRDN, leading most likely tolittle benefit for the patients and a burden to healthcare. Therefore, it is recommended to use a standardizedscreening before treatment with pRDN.
Journal of Hypertension 2013, 31:000–000aDepartment of Cardiology, bDepartment of Nephrology, cDepartment of Radiology,
Keywords: ambulatory blood pressure measurement,
dJulius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care and eDepartment of Vascular
blood pressure, renal denervation, resistant hypertension,
Medicine, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
screening, secondary cause, white-coat effect
Correspondence to Wilko Spiering, Department of Vascular Medicine, UniversityMedical Center Utrecht, F02.126, P.O. Box 85500, 3508 GA Utrecht, The Nether-
Abbreviations: ABPM, ambulatory blood pressure
lands. Tel: +31 88 755 5555; fax: +31 88 755 5488; e-mail:
measurement; BP, blood pressure; CTa, computed
ÃBoth Willemien L. Verloop and Eva E. Vink contributed equally to the writing of this
tomography angiography; eGFR, estimated glomerular
filtration rate; MRa, magnetic resonance angiography;
Received 5 December 2012 Revised 21 February 2013 Accepted 10 April 2013
pRDN, percutaneous renal denervation; UMC, University
J Hypertens 31:000–000 ß 2013 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams &
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
CE: Namrta; HJH/203053; Total nos of Pages: 7;
all patients who use at least three medications for hyper-
treatment criteria. The standardized work-up consisted of
a stepwise programme for every patient and the
The potential success of pRDN as an adequate treatment
option for hypertension depends on the ability to select
patients were advised to reduce salt intake and to reduce
patients most likely to benefit. Among patients suspected
of having resistant hypertension, the actual presence of
Subsequently after completion of the work-up, patients
this condition needs to be well established. Individuals
were discussed for the second time in the multidisciplinary
with white-coat hypertension, with a BP that may still be
meeting. Additional tests, for example to exclude secondary
manageable with improved standard care and those with
causes of hypertension, were performed whenever this was
secondary forms of hypertension need to be excluded.
deemed necessary. The final decision whether pRDN was
Prevalence estimates of secondary causes in hypertensive
indicated was unanimously made by the multidisciplinary
patients ranging from 10 to 15% have been described
team. This team consists of two hypertension specialists
Secondary forms of hypertension are more preva-
(vascular internist and nephrologist), an interventional
lent in patients suspected of having resistant hypertension
cardiologist and an interventional radiologist. Every
meeting, all departments were represented.
In the current analysis, the results of our standardized
stepwise screening of all patients referred to our tertiary
centre for treatment with pRDN are evaluated.
Results are expressed as means with standard deviations oras absolute numbers and percentages unless otherwise
stated. All analyses were performed with the SPSS statisticalpackage version 20 (IBM SPSS Data Collection, Chicago,
Between August 2010 and October 2012, all patientsreferred to the University Medical Center (UMC) Utrecht
ESH Excellence Center for treatment with pRDN werescreened using a standardized protocol. Primarily, patients
From August 2010 till October 2012, 181 patients were
with resistant hypertension were considered eligible for
referred to the UMC Utrecht for pRDN. The majority of
pRDN. This condition was defined as an office SBP of at
patients were referred by a cardiologist (39%) or hyperten-
least 160 mmHg, despite the use of at least three antihy-
sion specialist (33%). shows the characteristics of
pertensive drugs, preferably including a diuretic. Patients
the patients. The majority (52%) of the patients was female;
fulfilling the same BP criteria, but without optimal pharma-
mean age of the screened patients was 60 Æ 12 years. At
cological treatment due to recorded intolerance for anti-
the first visit to the outpatient clinic, mean SBP was
hypertensive drugs, were accepted. Major contraindications
182 Æ 30 mmHg and mean DBP was 100 Æ 15 mmHg.
for pRDN were an estimated glomerular filtration rate
Patients used a median number of three (range: 0–8) BP-
(eGFR) of less than 30 ml/min per 1.73 m2, known secon-
lowering drugs. Twenty-four percent of patients used an
dary causes of hypertension, a history of renal artery
aldosterone antagonist at the moment of referral. A sub-
stenting and severe comorbidity (defined as any serious
stantial group had used aldosterone antagonists in the
medical condition, which, in the opinion of the physician,
past, but stopped due to side effects (i.e. hyperkalemia
may adversely affect the safety of the patient or the effec-
Of all the referred patients, 121 (67%) were excluded
from treatment with pRDN. They were slightly older and
had a lower office BP than the patients judged eligible for
The departments of Nephrology, Cardiology, Vascular
pRDN. In addition, comorbidity was more prevalent in the
Medicine and Radiology collaborated closely and devel-
group considered not eligible. In some patients, reason for
oped a standardized stepwise protocol. The aims of this
exclusion was multicausal. However, only the primary
work-up were to confirm the diagnosis of resistant hyper-
reasons are summarized in For example, a patient
tension; to exclude secondary forms of hypertension
with a WCE and comorbidity is formally excluded because
(including sleep apnoea); to exclude significant white-coat
of WCE. Out of the 121, 23 patients (19%) were excluded
effect (WCE, defined as a difference between office BP and
because of an office SBP of less than 160 mmHg. Twenty-six
daytime ambulatory BP >20 mmHg SBP and/or >10 mmHg
patients (22%) were excluded on the basis of an ABPM
DBP leading to an ambulatory SBP <140 mmHg); and
during antihypertensive treatment less than 140 mmHg or
finally to determine whether the anatomy of the renal
ABPM less than 150 mmHg during the medication-free
interval. This last category of patients did have a clear
All referral letters were checked before invitation to the
WCE. Part of the patients appeared to be normotensive
outpatient clinic. Patients with a renal artery stent were
by ABPM, and the majority of the excluded patients
excluded on forehand. After the first visit at the outpatient
had white-coat resistant hypertension (ambulatory SBP
department, all patients were discussed in a multidiscipli-
130–140 mmHg). The patients who did not meet the BP
nary meeting to decide whether a patient was a potential
criteria were excluded in this early phase from the remaining
candidate for pRDN, and whether the patient can undergo
the screening. A patient could be excluded from further
One hundred patients (55%) continued with the full
work-up due to comorbidity or an office BP below
stepwise protocol after the first screening phase. After
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
CE: Namrta; HJH/203053; Total nos of Pages: 7;
Reasons for exclusion from renal denervation
Exclusion of:- eGFR < 30 ml/min per 1.73 m2
- Known secondary hypertension- History of renal art. stenting- White-coat hypertension- Severe co-morbidity.
Potassium suppletion in case ofhypokalaemia
• Exclusion of secondary hypertension: e.g. hypercortisolism, hyperparathyroidism, hyperaldosteronism, thyroid dysfunctions, pheochromocytoma• Exclusion of WCE• Non-invasive imaging of the renal arteries
FIGURE 1 Flow chart of the stepwise screening protocol. ABPM, ambulatory blood pressure measurement; HTN, hypertension; WCE, white-coat effect.
completing the programme in these patients, 14 cases (12%)
In total, 60 patients did meet the inclusion criteria for
were diagnosed with secondary hypertension, the majority
treatment with pRDN, and all were treated. Twenty (33%) of
being primary aldosteronism (11 patients, 9%). Antihyper-
them had additional renal arteries: 17 patients (28%)
tensive treatment was successfully adjusted in 15 patients
had additional arteries at one side, and three patients
(i.e. BP <160 mmHg). Therefore, these patients were
(5%) had dual arteries at both sides.
excluded from further screening. If a patient was not usinga diuretic, this was added, leading to an improved regula-
tion in seven patients. In two patients, a fixed combinationdrug was prescribed with good result. Other adjustments
Out of all 181 patients referred to the UMC Utrecht, only
were addition of an alpha-blocker, renin inhibitor or an
33% were eligible to undergo pRDN. The main reasons for
increase of prescribed dosage. Ten patients were excluded
exclusion were an office SBP of less than 160 mmHg,
from treatment with pRDN because of severe comorbidity.
pseudoresistant hypertension due to a WCE and a secon-
For example, presence of a malignancy, vascular dementia
or severe heart failure were reasons to discontinue the
The developed screening programme has three aims.
First aim of the programme is to confirm the diagnosis of
In some cases (n ¼ 8), the multidisciplinary team
hypertension. More specifically, the office SBP has to be
decided to exclude patients, as they had proven either
at least 160 mmHg under at least three antihypertensives
not to be compliant to prescribed medication or repeatedly
(or confirmed intolerance to medication) to be treated
did not show up for their visits to the outpatient clinic.
with pRDN. In addition, a 24-h ABPM was performed, as
Because the current programme involves an extensive
one-third of patients with suspected resistant hyperten-
work-up and follow-up, full expected compliance of
sion in fact had a WCE An ABPM offers a large
patients is required. Finally, although referred, not all
number of BP measurements, during both daytime and
patients (n ¼ 12) or referring doctors (n ¼ 1) in the end
night-time. This results in a more precise assessment of
BP than can be obtained from single measurements
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CE: Namrta; HJH/203053; Total nos of Pages: 7;
TABLE 1. Characteristics of referred patients
Current use of an aldosteron-receptor blocker
Continuous variables are displayed as a mean (SD), except the number of antihypertensives, which is displayed as median (range). Categorical variables are displayed as a number(percentage). CAD, coronary artery disease; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; PAD, peripheral arterial disease; pRDN, percutaneous renal denervation; TIA, transient ischaemicattack.
aCalculated on the basis of Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study criteria.
ABPM is also recommended in the work-up before pRDN
The second aim of the screening is to exclude secondary
in the ESH position paper on pRDN This simple,
forms of hypertension. In particular, among patients sus-
inexpensive test excludes a considerable number of
pected of resistant hypertension, secondary forms have
patients from further, more expensive, screening. This
shown to be more prevalent Various forms of
may increase the cost-effectiveness of the screening
secondary hypertension are unlikely to respond to pRDN.
For example, hypertension due to primary aldosteronism is
TABLE 2. Reasons for excluding patients (n ¼ 121) from treatment with percutaneous renal denervation
Mean 24-h ambulatory SBP <150 mmHg without antihypertensive treatment or SBP <140 mmHg during antihypertensive treatment
Renal artery anatomy is ineligible for treatment with pRDN
Options for pharmaceutical treatment of hypertension
Patient did not want to be treated with pRDN
Referring physician did not want his patient to be treated
Adequate regulation of BP after lifestyle adjustments
Results are displayed as number (percentage). BP, blood pressure; pRDN, percutaneous renal denervation.
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
CE: Namrta; HJH/203053; Total nos of Pages: 7;
Reasons for exclusion from renal denervation
volume dependent and is characterized by a decreased
radiation and contrast agent exposure, but is also an accu-
sympathetic activity On the basis of the working
rate noninvasive imaging technique . Doppler Duplex
mechanism of pRDN, it is unlikely that these patients will
ultrasonography is another alternative that provides func-
tional, as well as some anatomical, information. This tech-
The current screening is a stepwise work-up that allows
nique is relatively inexpensive, but it is time-consuming
exclusion of a patient from further screening in an early
and operator dependent, especially in obese patients
phase. This resulted in a fully completed screening in only
93 patients. In these 93 patients, 14 patients were diagnosed
We are among the first to provide an overview of
with a secondary form of hypertension. Thirty-four percent
screening results of patients referred for pRDN in clinical
of this preselected population was diagnosed with resistant
practice. Savard et al. performed a retrospective
hypertension. This is in line with previous studies
analysis. They applied the inclusion and exclusion criteria
The majority of patients with an identified secondary
of the ESH position paper to a cohort of hypertensive
cause had been diagnosed with primary aldosteronism
patients referred to their tertiary care hypertension depart-
(77% of all secondary causes). It is remarkable that all
ment and concluded that only 1.5% of this population
referred patients had an extensive history of hypertension
would be fully eligible for treatment with pRDN This
and the majority had already been screened in some way for
is clearly in contrast with our results, but is explained by the
secondary causes before referral. The guidelines of the
different patient population. Our population comprised
Endocrine Society recommend screening for primary aldos-
patients specifically referred for treatment with pRDN.
teronism in particular in all patients with resistant hyper-
The discrepancy between prevalence of secondary causes
tension The aldosterone-renin ratio is currently the
for hypertension in our population compared with the
most reliable manner to screen for primary aldosteronism
population of Savard et al. may be explained by our
Washout of all interfering medication is preferred
selected population. Most of our patients were previously
and patients should have an unrestricted dietary salt intake
screened by their referring physician. Although exclusion
before testing Temporary treatment with antihyper-
rates between the population of Azizi and our population
tensives, for example diltiazem or doxazosin, with neutral
may differ, the overall conclusion is comparable; a sub-
effects on plasma renin and aldosterone levels can be used
stantial number of patients are excluded from treatment.
in severe hypertension. The standardized scheme of treat-
Furthermore, the number of excluded patients in the
ment tapering is given in the online supplement 2,
Symplicity HTN-2-trial is comparable with our current
clinical data, although we did not exclude patients with
The prevalence of pheochromocytoma is about 0.2% of
additional renal arteries. Surprisingly in the HTN-2 trial
patients with hypertension In the screened patient
no patients were excluded due to a secondary form
cohort, pheochromocytoma was not diagnosed. During
the screening, four false-positive cases with elevated
One of the aims of this article is to give some
metanephrines levels in 24-h urine were obtained.
recommendations for screening and selection of patients
However, all patients had normal levels at repeated
candidate for pRDN. Multiple additional articles with recom-
investigation. As the majority of the patients diagnosed
mendations for proper patient selection were published
with a secondary cause of hypertension were diagnosed
However, these articles only give general recom-
with primary aldosteronism in our cohort, it is open for
mendations and are not based on actual patient data. In
debate whether patients should only be screened for this
contrast to the ESH position paper, a slightly different
secondary cause of hypertension. More extensive screen-
patient selection and modified exclusion criteria were
ing for rare causes, for example pheochromocytoma,
applied by us. The position paper states that pRDN is
might be performed only in patients suspected for such
currently only indicated for patients with resistant essential
hypertension . However, we decided to treat some
According to the ESH position paper, it is recommended
patients (n ¼ 10) with documented intolerance for antihy-
to obtain renal artery imaging to assess renal artery
pertensive drugs. Most of these patients experienced serious
anatomy before treatment with pRDN As stated,
side effects such as angioedema from angiotensin-convert-
this is the third aim of the screening programme. Three
ing-enzyme (ACE)-inhibitors, gout from diuretics or asthma
out of 181 referred patients did have a history of renal
from beta-blockers. These patients often pose dilemmas to
artery stenting and were therefore not suitable for treat-
the treating physician, and especially for these patients,
ment and were excluded on the basis of the referral
pRDN can be of potential benefit. This approach is partly
letter. Six patients were not eligible due to a significant
supported by the German Consensus Document, arguing
renal artery stenosis, as shown by magnetic resonance
patients intolerant for the combination of three antihyper-
tensive drugs are also eligible for treatment The Swiss
Multiple noninvasive techniques are available to obtain
Consensus Document is more conservative and states that
imaging of the renal arteries. In the current work-up, MRa
patients should at least use four different antihypertensive
was chosen because of excellent vascular imaging without
drugs and that both a diuretic and a mineralocorticoid
radiation exposure. In addition, MRa uses a gadolinium-like
receptor antagonist should have been tried The French
contrast agent, which can be applied safely in patients with
Consensus Document gives a more general approach for
kidney failure (eGFR >30 ml/min per 1.73 m2) . When
patients suspected of resistant hypertension without discus-
MRa was contraindicated, computed tomography angiog-
sing specific details on inclusion and exclusion criteria for
raphy (CTa) was performed. CTa not only has both
pRDN. Authors advice addition of aldosterone antagonist
Copyright Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
CE: Namrta; HJH/203053; Total nos of Pages: 7;
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Chemie-Arbeitsblatt _ _ Klasse _ _ _ Name:__________________________ Datum:_ _._ _._ _ Herstellung von Acetylsalicylsäure HAS (I) Verfahren I: In einen 100-ml-Erlenmeyerkolben werden 10 g Salicylsäure* , 10 ml Essigsäureanhydrid* und 2 Tropfen konzentrierte Schwefelsäure* gegeben. Das Gemisch wird auf dem Magnetrührer unter Umrühren im Wasserbad ca. 15 min auf 60 °C erwärm
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