Signature: Med Sci Monit, 2002; 8(10): BR385-390
Fluoxetine differentially suppresses sucrose solution
consumption in free-fed and food-deprived rats– reversal by amantadine
Mark A. Prendergast1,2 abcdefg, David P. Yells1,2 abcde, Scott E. Balogh2 ade,
Stephen R. Paige2 acde, Shelton E. Hendricks1,2 abcdefg
C Statistical AnalysisD Data Interpretation
1 Department of Psychology, University of Nebraska at Omaha, NE, USA 68182
2 Department of Psychiatry, University of Nebraska, NE, USA 68198
Clinical use of fluoxetine and similar medications is often associated with appetite suppressionand weight loss that may warrant drug discontinuation. It is unclear, however, if fluoxetine-induced consummatory suppression may be influenced by factors such as dietary status and ifappetite suppressant effects of fluoxetine may be pharmacologically attenuated.
Fluoxetine (0.5–10 mg/kg, i.p.) was administered to free-fed and 24 hr food-deprived adultmale rats either 30 min or 4 hr prior to presentation of a sucrose solution (10% v/v). Further,amantadine (5–10 mg/kg, i.p.) and fluoxetine (5 mg/kg) were both administered either 30 minor 4 hr prior to sucrose solution presentation and intake of the solution was assessed after 2hours of exposure.
Fluoxetine (2–10 mg/kg) administration significantly reduced sucrose solution intake in bothfree-fed and food-deprived rats. However, a brief treatment-test interval (30 min) resulted ina greater suppression of intake and food-deprived rats were more resistant to the suppressanteffects of fluoxetine than were sated rats. Finally, the suppressant effect of fluoxetine werereversed by acute administration of amantadine (8 mg/kg) prior to sucrose solution presenta-tion, a dose producing no inherent stimulation of consumption.
Acute fluoxetine administration produces a reduction in palatable substance intake that isdecreased in potency with a longer treatment-test interval, an effect likely not related to phar-macokinetic considerations. Further, fluoxetine-induced consummatory suppression isreduced by prior food-deprivation. Evidence that the dopamine agonist amantadine reversedfluoxetine-induced consummatory suppression suggests a role for dopaminergic antagonismin the appetite suppressant effects of fluoxetine.
appetite • serotonin • feeding • food-deprivation
Dr. Mark A. Prendergast, 115 Kastle Hall, Department of Psychology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 40506-0044 USA
Pharmacological manipulations which facilitate central
Experiment 1
or peripheral serotonin (5-HT) activity suppress feedingin humans [1] and rats [2–4]. Systemic [5] or central
[6,7] administration of 5-HT decreases consumption ofstandard lab chow. Similarly, systemic administration of
One-hundred adult-male rats (300–400 g) derived in-
indirect pharmacologic 5-HT agonists such as fluoxetine
house from Sprague-Dawley rats (Sasco, Omaha, NE)
(FLX) and dexfenfluramine has been shown to reduce
were used with five rats in each group. Rats were ho-
intake of a cornstarch diet [8], standard lab chow [9]
used in wire mesh cages with two rats per cage and ma-
and sweetened liquid and solid diets [7,10,11]. In fact,
intained under controlled conditions of light (on at
appetite suppression has been cited as a factor that con-
1900 h and off at 0900 h) and temperature (22–24°C).
tributes to the discontinuation of clinical use of 5-HT
Water and standard lab chow were available ad libitum
agonists such as FLX and similar selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitors in a significant number of depressedpatients [12].
While considerable neurochemical and anatomical
At 1300 h of the day prior to testing (24 h prior to te-
evidence indicates a significant role for 5-HT activity,
sting), lab chow was removed from the cages of one-half
particularly in diencephalic regions, in the suppres-
of the rats. At 0900 h or 1230 h of the day of testing (4
sion of feeding, some confusion exists concerning the
hrs or 30 min prior to testing, respectively) each rat re-
specific nature of this suppression. Several researchers
ceived an injection (ip) of FLX HCl (0.5, 2, 5, or 10
have demonstrated the ability of 5-HT agonists to se-
mg/kg) dissolved in vehicle (distilled H O) or vehicle
lectively suppress consumption of foods which are
alone. All injections were administered in a volume of 2
high in carbohydrate content and low in protein con-
cc/kg. At 1300 h of the day of testing rats were placed
tent [13,14]. Others have demonstrated a selective ro-
individually in wire mesh test cages (15 × 25 × 15 cm).
le for 5-HT agonism in suppressing fat intake [15,16].
They were then given access for 2 hours to a water bot-
Such evidence has been interpreted as suggesting that
tle containing 100 ml of a 10% wt/v sucrose/distilled
5-HT mediation of feeding is based on the availability
H O solution. Weights of the filled water bottles were
of CNS neurotransmitters, their amino acid precur-
recorded prior to and immediately after testing. For
sors, or other dietary nutrients [2,17]. Consistent with
each rat, the difference between pre- and post-test water
this is evidence that, in sated animals, synthesis and
bottle weights was calculated and expressed as a percen-
release of 5-HT are highly sensitive to local brain con-
tage of an individual rat’s pre-test body weight to con-
centrations of tryptophan and are altered rapidly by
trol for potential differences in baseline consumption
dietary restriction [18–20]. This suggests that manipu-
related to differences in body weights.
lations which decrease CNS levels of 5-HT and the 5-HT amino acid precursor tryptophan, such as 24 hrs
Experiment 2
of food-deprivation [21], may alter the influence ofhypophagic agents on feeding. Specifically, Leander
[13] has suggested that food-deprived animals may bemore resistant than sated animals to the hypophagic
Sixty adult-male (300–400 g) derived in-house from
influence of 5-HT agonists, because of this putative
Sprague-Dawley rats (Sasco, Omaha, NE) were used
state of CNS 5-HT deprivation. This suggestion has
with five rats in each group. Rats were housed and ma-
not, however, been empirically examined in signifi-
intained as in Experiment 1 with the exception that fo-
The present studies examined the relationship betwe-
en feeding status and the effects of FLX on sucrosesolution consumption. Patterns of palatable liquid so-
At 0900 on the day of testing (4 hrs prior to testing),
lution consumption closely approximate those of so-
one-half of the rats were injected with either FLX (5
lid foods in rats and are sensitive to alterations in 5-
mg/kg) dissolved in vehicle or vehicle alone. At 1230
HT activity in a similar manner [13]. In addition,
h on the day of testing (30 min prior to testing), these
FLX possesses no inherent ability to suppress intake
rats were injected again with vehicle or AMA (5, 8, 10,
of water, indicating that changes in sucrose solution
or 20 mg/kg). At this same time (1230 h), the remaining
consumption are not associated with hypodypsia [13].
rats received an injection of either vehicle or FLX (5
These studies also examined the extent to which hy-
mg/kg) followed immediately by an injection of either
pophagia induced by FLX administration may be at-
vehicle or AMA (5, 8, 10, or 20 mg/kg). All injections we-
tenuated by amantadine, a compound with significant
re administered as described in Experiment 1. At 1300
dopaminergic agonist properties [18,22], providing
h of the same day, rats were placed individually in wire
data which may be particularly relevant to clinical use
mesh test cages and given access for 2 hrs to 100ml
of fluoxetine and other selective serotonin reuptake
a 10% wt/v sucrose solution. Consumption of the solu-
tion was measured as previously described.
Prendergast MA et al – Fluoxetine differentially suppresses sucrose solution…
Figure 1. Dose-dependent effects of fluoxetine, administered 30 min
prior to testing, on the sucrose solution consumption of free-fed and 24 hr food-deprived rats. Data represent mean %
Figure 3. Effect of FLX (5 mg/kg) alone and in combination with AMA
body weight consumed ± s.e.m. * p<0.01 vs controls;
(5–20 mg/kg) on sucrose solution consumption. Both FLX
and AMA were administered 30 min prior to behavioral test-ing. Data represent mean ± s.e.m. *p<0.05 vs controls
that animals treated with 2, 5, or 10 mg/kg of FLX con-sumed significantly less of the sucrose solution than didrats treated with vehicle (p<0.05). A reduction in con-sumption of greater than 50%, as compared to controls,was observed with each of these doses. In 24 hr food-de-prived rats, pretreatment with only the 5 and 10 mg/kgdoses of FLX produced similar, significant suppressionof consumption (p<0.05).
The dose-dependent effects of FLX administered 4 hrsprior to testing on sucrose solution consumption are il-lustrated in Figure 2. A significant interaction betweenfeeding status and dose of FLX was observed [F(4, 40)= 5.11, p<0.01]. Post hoc analyses indicated that, as
Figure 2. Dose-dependent effects of fluoxetine, administered 4 hrs
when administered 30 min prior to testing, pretreat-
prior to testing, on the sucrose solution consumption of free-
ment with the 2, 5, or 10 mg/kg doses of FLX significan-
fed and 24 hr food-deprived rats. Data represent mean %
tly reduced consumption of the solution by free-fed rats,
body weight consumed ± s.e.m. * p<0.01 vs controls;
compared to consumption by rats which received the
vehicle pretreatment (p<0.05). With the two higher do-ses (5 and 10 mg/kg), consumption was nearly complete-ly suppressed relative to controls, by 80% and 78%, re-
Statistical Analysis
spectively. In food-deprived rats, animals which rece-ived only the highest dose of FLX (10 mg/kg) consumed
Data were analyzed by use of two-way analyses of va-
significantly less solution (16% of controls) than did tho-
riance treating feeding status and treatment as separate
se which received vehicle (p<0.01). The 5 mg/kg dose
factors in Experiment 1 and time of administration and
of FLX, which suppressed consumption when admini-
treatment as separate factors in Experiment 2. Where
stered 30 min prior to testing, failed to significantly al-
appropriate, multiple post hoc analyses were conducted
ter consumption when administered 4 hrs prior to te-
Experiment 2 Experiment 1
Figure 3 illustrates the dose-dependent effects of AMA,administered to free-fed rats 30 min prior to testing, on
The dose-dependent effects of FLX administered 30
hypophagia induced by FLX (5 mg/kg), also administe-
min prior to testing on sucrose solution consumption in
red 30 min prior to testing. A significant effect for drug
food-deprived and free-fed rats are illustrated in Figure
treatment was observed [F(5, 23) = 2.83, p<0.05]. Post
1. A significant interaction between feeding status and
hoc analysis indicated that rats which received vehicle in-
drug treatment was observed [F(4, 40) = 3.71, p<0.05].
jections only 30 min prior to testing consumed significan-
In free-fed rats, multiple post hoc comparisons indicated
tly more solution than did those which received the com-
acutely, dose-dependently suppresses food intake infree-fed and food-deprived rats [8,11,13]. However,a higher minimal dose of FLX was necessary to suppressconsumption in deprived rats than in sated rats. Thissupports the suggestion that the influence of FLX onconsumption of palatable foods may be significantly al-tered by the feeding status of subjects and possible alte-rations in CNS 5-HT levels [13]. However, a role fornon-5-HT systems in this hypophagic-like effect can notbe discounted, particularly given evidence that doses offluoxetine required to produce hypophagia are greaterthan those that produce inhibition of 5-HT reuptake[23]. These data may suggest the interaction of fluoxeti-ne with other transmitter receptor systems in producinghypophagia. However, this greater resistance of food-deprived rats to the hypophagic effects of a 5-HT ago-nist is consistent with similar results reported using the
Figure 4. Effect of FLX (5 mg/kg) alone and in combination with AMA
5-HT precursor, 5-HTP [24], leading to the suggestion
(5–20 mg/kg) on sucrose solution consumption. FLX was
that use of free-fed animals may represent a more sensi-
administered 4 hrs prior testing. All doses of AMA were
tive means of detecting the acute anorectic properties of
administered 30 min prior to testing. Data represent mean %
drugs. Further, several reports indicate that 24 hrs or
body weight consumed ± s.e.m. *p<0.05 vs controls
longer of food deprivation in rat results in decreased le-vels of tryptophan, 5-HT, and 5-hydroxyindoleaceticacid in whole brain homogenate [3,25], diencephalon
binations of FLX/Vehicle; FLX/AMA (5 mg/kg),
[21], and raphe homogenate [26]. These latter two re-
FLX/AMA (8 mg/kg); or FLX/AMA (20 mg/kg) (p<0.05).
gions, and certainly many other regions, are widely tho-
Animals which received FLX/vehicle administrations 30
ught to mediate the effects of 5-HT agents on feeding
min prior to testing consumed approximately 40% less of
[27,28]. The relative lack of effectiveness of FLX in sup-
the sucrose solution than did vehicle-treated controls. In
pressing consumption in deprived rats seen in the pre-
contrast, FLX-induced reductions in consumption were
sent study, may well result from deprivation-induced
reversed by administration of the 10 mg/kg dose of AMA
depletion of 5-HT presynaptic stores and the attenuated
30 min prior to testing. These rats consumed an average
amount of the solution nearly identical to that consumedby controls (4.70±0.90 vs. 4.94±1.10% body weight, re-
When administered 4 hrs prior to testing, FLX dose-de-
spectively). Administration of 5, 8, or 20 mg/kg of AMA
pendently suppressed consumption in free-fed rats, as
did not effect FLX-induced hypophagia. Interestingly,
when administered 30 min prior to testing. A dissimilar
when administered 30 min prior to testing in conjunction
pattern of FLX’s time-dependent effect on consumption
with a vehicle administration, this dose of AMA (10
was observed in food-deprived rat, however. A dose of
mg/kg) did not increase consumption of the solution rela-
FLX (5 mg/kg), which when administered 30 min prior
tive to controls(data not shown), suggesting the lack of an
to testing significantly suppressed consumption depri-
inherent ability of this dose to alter intake of the solution.
ved rats, had no apparent effect on such consumptionwhen administered 4 hrs prior to testing. A minimal do-
The dose-dependent effects of AMA, administered 30
se of 10 mg/kg was necessary to suppress the consump-
min prior to testing, on hypophagia in sated rats indu-
tion in food-deprived rats. Evidence suggesting that
ced by FLX (5 mg/kg) administered 4 hrs prior to te-
FLX, at 5 mg/kg and higher doses, is effective in sup-
sting are illustrated in Figure 4. A significant effect of
pressing the reuptake of 5-HT for several hours follo-
drug treatment (vehicle vs FLX vs AMA) was observed
wing administration indicates that the increased resi-
[F(5, 23) = 4.66, p<0.01]. Post hoc analysis indicated
stance of food-deprived rats to the hypophagic effects of
that rats which received vehicle both 4 hrs and 30 min
FLX administered 4 hrs prior to testing is not associated
prior to testing consumed significantly more solution
with decreased pharmacologic activity of FLX [29]. The-
than did those which received the combinations of
se data may suggest that the effects of FLX on feeding
FLX/vehicle; FLX/AMA 5 mg/kg; FLX/AMA 10 mg/kg;
may be qualitatively distinct when administered 30 min
or FLX/AMA 20 mg/kg (p<0.05). However, FLX-indu-
ced hypophagia was significantly attenuated by admini-stration of 8 mg/kg of AMA. This dose of AMA, when
The results of Experiment 2 demonstrate the ability of
administered concurrently with only a vehicle injection,
the DA releaser and reuptake inhibitor AMA to attenu-
did not exhibit any inherent ability to increase con-
ate or reverse hypophagia induced by FLX. At each ti-
me point, the reversal of hypophagia produced byamantadine treatment was produced by only one dose
of the drug (8 or 10 mg/kg). Higher doses of the AMAdid not similarly reverse FLX-induced hypophagia.
The results of the present study are consistent with pre-
While it is unclear as to why dose-dependence was not
vious evidence indicating that FLX, when administered
observed in this effect, it may reflect actions of AMA at
Prendergast MA et al – Fluoxetine differentially suppresses sucrose solution…
other receptor sites not affected by the 8 or 10 mg/kg
ver, this conclusion remains speculative without detailed
doses. It is of particular significance to note that when
examination of the immediate and protracted effects of
administered alone, those doses of AMA that reversed
FLX on central and peripheral 5-HT activity. In addi-
consumption deficits induced by FLX, did not increase
tion, the lesser sensitivity of acute hypophagia to AMA
consumption of the sucrose solution. Increased con-
may also be the associated with uncharacterized drug
sumption, relative to FLX-treated controls, in rats tre-
ated with the combination of FLX and AMA may not beascribed, therefore, to an inherent hyperphagic/hyper-
dipsic effect of AMA. These data suggest, then, thatFLX-induced hypophagia is associated, at least in part,
In sum, these data suggest that when examining the ef-
with a reversible attenuation of DA activity, though
fects of FLX and other 5-HT agonists on feeding, the
other pharmacologic effects of AMA on NE, cholinergic,
treatment-test interval is a critical methodological varia-
and/or glutamatergic (ie. N-methyl-D-aspartate recep-
ble which can interact with feeding status to mediate the
tors) systems, can not be discounted in this regard. The
effects of 5-HT activity on feeding. Careful considera-
selectivity of AMA in reversing FLX-induced hypopha-
tion of such temporal variables and of feeding status is
gia via DA agonism is, however, suggested by evidence
essential in attempting to examine the effects of FLX,
that DA release and reuptake inhibition is the primary
and other 5-HT agonists, on feeding. The present study
pharmacologic action of AMA [18]. This is also sugge-
also demonstrated the ability of AMA to attenuate, and
sted by evidence that FLX suppresses DA release in fo-
in some cases completely reverse, hypophagia induced
rebrain regions (eg. accumbens and striatum) involved
by FLX administration. This finding suggests that AMA,
in the mediation of feeding [30]. In addition, nucleus
and possibly other DA agonists, may possess clinical effi-
accumbens administration of a DA antagonist has been
cacy in attenuating severe appetite suppression or re-
shown to block feeding induced by the pharmacologic
striction, such as that induced by 5-HT agonists or obse-
attenuation of 5-HT release [31]. As a whole, these data
rved in clinical syndromes thought to reflect CNS 5-HT
suggest an antagonism between 5-HT and DA systems
Reversal or attenuation of FLX-induced hypophagia byAMA was evident when FLX was administered to free-
The authors wish to thank Eli Lilly Laboratories for the-
fed rats either 4 hrs or 30 min prior to testing. Howe-
ir donation of fluoxetine HCl. In addition, the authors
ver, animals appeared to be more sensitive to reversibili-
thank the members of the Psychopharmacology Rese-
ty by AMA when FLX was administered 4 hrs prior to
arch Center and the Department of Psychiatry at the
testing. At this time interval, hypophagia induced by
University of Nebraska Medical Center for their aid in
FLX was attenuated by the 8 mg/kg dose of AMA. Ho-
the preparation of this manuscript. Portions of this
wever, when FLX was administered 30 min prior to te-
work were supported by a grant (NSF # OSR92-55225)
sting, as was AMA, this dose of AMA did not effect FLX-
awarded to the Nebraska Behavioral Biology Group of
induced hypophagia. A higher dose of AMA (10 mg/kg)
The University of Nebraska and Creighton University.
was necessary to reverse hypophagia. This increased re-sistance to AMA suggests that the acute effects of FLX
on consumption may have been more profound thanthe protracted effects. Data from Experiment 1 also sup-
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Chapter 8 Lipids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter Outline v Lipids: Compounds composed largely of reduced carbons and exhibiting low water solubility. Lipids may be completely hydrophobic or, if they contain polar groups, amphipathic v Fatty acids: Carboxyl head group and hydrocarbon tail å Typically even number of carbons (14 to 24) å Saturated f
An antibacterial hydroxy fusidic acid analogue fromLiam Evans a, John N. Hedger b, David Brayford b, Michael Stavri c, Eileen Smith c,Gemma O’Donnell c, Alexander I. Gray d, Gareth W. Griffith e, Simon Gibbons c,*a Hypha Discovery Ltd., School of Biosciences, University of Westminster, 115 New Cavendish Street, London W1W 6UW, UKb School of Biosciences, University of Westminster, 115 New