Good Decisions Begin with Accurate InformationNews from the Front is the biweekly newsletter published by The Network:
Addressing collegiate alcohol and other drug issues.
Brain changes that occur during adolescence may temporarily shield teens from certain effects of alcohol. To read more visit Caffeine Soaked Energy Drinks Worry DocsMore than 500 new energy drinks launched worldwide this year, and coffee fans are probably too old to understand why. To read more visit: Is there anything about the labeling of this particular brand of energy drink that
of concern to you? SUNY Chancellor Promotes Alcohol AwarenessAdequately addressing the issue of alcohol abuse among college students is a challenge facing higher education systems across the country. It is perhaps one of our greatest challenges, because it puts our students physically and mentally at risk. Thus starts an address by the Chancellor of the State University of New at Alfred University. To read the rest of his address, visit NM06 Workshop on Pros & Cons of Student Blogs Available Online
A workshop on Facebook, Myspace and other student blogs that explored their pros and cons was presented at the 20th Annual Meeting on Alcohol, Other Drug Use and Violence Prevention sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education. To view an electronic copy of the PowerPoint for this presentation, visit A ‘Strategic’ Approach to Drinking Pre-game, pre-party, pre-funk . how to pre-vent? -
The National Beer Wholesalers Association (NBWA), an industry
lobbying group, has succeeded in amending an underage-drinking bill now
being considered in Congress. To read the USAToday report dated Oct. 29,
NFTF GuestEditorial: College, Drugs, Your Freshman
By Bessie Oster, carried in the Philadelphia Inquirer - ents and reactions will be published in the Letters to the Editor Letters to the Editor Brian A. McMillen, Ph.D.’s, East Carolina University, response to The Power of Positive Drinking Interesting/Useful Resources Online
o AUDIT - Online alcohol screening test -
o Coping with Cravings - (NOTE: There are Ads on this page)
o A Primo NIDA Chart of commonly abused drugs -
Quotes Suggesting an Answer to, “Why the Love Affair with Alcohol?”A hangover is the wrath of grapes. ~Author Unknown NM06 Program Evaluations Available OnlineIf you attended the recent U.S. Department of Education’s 20th Annual National Meeting on Alcohol, Other Drug Use and Violence Prevention and has not received an email with a link to the online evaluation form being hosted by The Network, please send an email to Kathie Gorham at Dates to Remember
If you would like to have an event posted here, send details, including linkls to online information, registration ma
To stay abreast of health-related events for the coming year visit al Health Observance calendar at
News from the Front is edited by Robert J. Chapman, PhD. Suggestions for articles, news items, and online resources are always welcomed. To submit to NFTF, send email to ore information on The Network, visit
UNLOCKING BARRIERS TO CARE Oral Health Care for People with Mental Health Problems Guidelines and Recommendations Report of BSDH Working Group J. Griffiths I. Leeman K. Wilson R. Blankenstein Revised January, 2000 BRITISH SOCIETY FOR DISABILITY AND ORAL HEALTH Registered Charity No: 1044867 BRITISH SOCIETY FOR DISABILITY AND ORAL HEALTH CONTENTS Guidelines:
184 – São Paulo, 122 (43) Diário Ofi cial Poder Executivo - Seção I Lote: 9 - Frs Assoc. De xinafoato de salmeterol e proprionato PREÇO REGISTRADO a ser contratado e empenhado: R$ 0,0260 do prazo dos serviços referente ao contrato n.º 050/08, pelo ARTUR NOGUEIRA de fluticasona spray 25/125 mcg - Associação de xinafoato de - MARCA: SOBRAL - CX C/ 500 CPR TOTAL DO LOTE: R$