7 july 2009

Dear Parent/Guardian
Swine Flu

We are writing to let you know that a number of students in the school
have been dealt with as treated cases of Swine Flu. This does not mean they have been confirmed and the students that are being treated are recovering well. They are not in school. It is however highly likely that there will be a confirmed case eventually. The vast majority of swine flu cases in the UK have been mild and self-limiting and the infection is now widespread in many parts of the UK. The school has taken advice from the Dorset and Somerset Health Protection Unit and NHS Dorset. As swine flu is now circulating in the community, closing a school down would not necessarily prevent infection as people could still be exposed to the virus outside of the school setting. The school will therefore stay open as usual. If your child shows any signs of flu like symptoms with a high fever, aches and pains and a cough, cold or runny nose, please keep your child at home and contact NHS Direct on 0845 4647 or the Swine Flu information line on 0800 1 513 513. If you are still concerned, please phone your GP surgery for advice. If your child has a long term medical condition such as asthma or diabetes please mention this when ringing for advice as these conditions may make your child more vulnerable to the effects of flu. An information sheet is attached about swine flu. Further information is Questions & Answers about Swine Flu
What is swine flu?

Swine flu is a respiratory infection caused by the Influenza AH1N1 virus. The infection usually affects
pigs but has recently caused human infections right around the world.

What are the symptoms of swine flu in people and how long do they last?
The symptoms of swine flu in people are similar to those of normal winter flu. Most reported cases
outside of Mexico have been mild with those affected starting to recover within a week. However people
with underlying illnesses such as heart disease maybe more severely affected, just as they are by winter ‘flu viruses. The symptoms include a fever or feeling very hot, having no energy, aching, not feeling hungry, coughing and headache. Some people with swine flu also have had a runny nose, sore throat, nausea, sickness or diarrhoea.
How can you try to prevent the spread of flu?

You can try not to get spread it by practising good hygiene:
• Covering your nose and mouth when you are coughing or sneezing, using a tissue when • Put the dirty tissue in the bin as soon as you have used it; • Make sure you wash your hands often with soap and water to make sure germs don’t spread from your hands to face or to other people; • Clean hard surfaces like work surfaces, computer keyboards and door handles regularly using
Can Swine Flu be treated?
There are medicines available that will help recovery from swine flu. The common names for these are
Tamiflu and Relenza. These antiviral drugs are not a cure but they help recovery by:
• Relieving some of the symptoms; • Reducing the length of time that you are ill by about one day; • Reducing the potential for serious complications such as pneumonia.
Using antiviral drugs to prevent swine influenza
Close household contacts in high risk groups (see list below) may be offered a preventive course of
antiviral medicine to take by mouth over a ten day period. There are a number of common side effects
associated with this medication and it is important that it is only given to people who really need it. The
most common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach cramps and headache. The
frequency of these side effects can be reduced if the medicine is taken with food.
The groups of people at greatest risk from swine flu

immunosuppression (including splenectomy) • Patients who have had drug treatment for asthma within the past three years • Pregnant women • People aged 65 years and older • Young children under five years old

Source: http://www.thomas-hardye.net/documents/swine_flu_guidance.pdf

Reykjavík 2

Ég afhenti landlækni skjalið á fundi okkar 22. janúar. SJE Til : Matthíasar Halldórssonar, landlæknis Frá : Steindóri J. Erlingssyni, líf- og vísindasagnfræðingi Efni : Kvörtun vegna þunglyndisbæklings GSK Miðað við höfðatölu er neysla Íslendinga á þunglyndislyfjum með því mesta sem þekkist í heiminum. Í ljósi þessa eru ummæli formanns geðlæknafélagsins


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