TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARY NEWS AND VIEWS VOLUME 2 • NUMBER 8 • SEPTEMBER 2002 To ro n t o R e f e re n c e L i b r a r y th Knowing is Better
S I XT Y C O M M U N I T Y- M I N D E Dcitizens were on hand September 19 fora public consultation meeting about theupcoming renovations to RunnymedeBranch. Knowing is better
Librarian Josephine Bryant. “The reno-vation will allow us to revitalize and
Library’s 98-branch system, holds a spe-
cial place in the lives of Toronto’s many
residents. It houses the largest publicly
renovated in 1978. It is currently listed
tunities for Toronto students, as well as
to authors, performers and historians.
Librarian Josephine Bryant points out.
promise to “regain the original excite-
Sundays to enjoy the library’s extensive
in celebrating the 25th anniversary of the
Toronto Reference Library. The Knowingis Better celebration features literary read-
ings, cultural evenings and savvy talks on
school, a daycare and recreation facilities,
Image based on Hooping Crane (plate 261) from John J
Knowing is better Toronto Reference Library celebrates 25 years
The Toronto Reference Library is located oneblock north of Bloor on Yonge.
Toronto Reference Library has existed, in
one form or another, for nearly 100 years.
Programs and Events on the library’s website at
Initially located at St. George and College
streets, it opened in its current incarnation onYonge Street north of Bloor on November 2,
Did you know…
1977, realizing architect Raymond Moriyama’sdream of a space open to all, both literally and figuratively. Winner of the 1982 Governor
• The original Toronto Reference Library at 214
General’s Medal for Architecture, the building
College near St. George, first opened in 1909 and
features five public floors looking out over an
was one of three libraries built with a $350,000
The Knowing is Better celebration will help
• Telephone reference started in 1910; patrons were
establish the important place of the library in
invited to call ‘College 5620’ – these days you can call
society. As Toronto Star Editorial Page Editor
• There are 82 kilometres of shelving in TRL.
launching the newly refurbished Newspaper
• More than 34 million visitors have passed through
Centre: “Any public library system that can
the doors of TRL since it opened at Yonge and Bloor.
satisfy so many varied customers is a very
civilized system, in a very civil society, in the
Related Clicks
middle of a unique cultural renaissance.” (Moriyama & Teshima Architects)
Mon-Thur 10-8, Fri & Sat 10-5, Sun 1:30-5.
about a block north of thelibrary. Local resident GaryBrowne spied the rock andcontacted the library. Best bets
by glacial movement) fromthe Precambrian age. It wasformed more than a billionyears ago as part of the
bedrock a few hundred kilo-meters north of Leaside. This
I F YO U T H I N K your chances of finding
current, popular books on the shelves at the
lists for bestselling books at the library will
library are slim, it’s time to think again. Best
immediately understand the benefits of this
Bets, a new collection of bestsellers and
award-winners, is now available at several
Along with current bestsellers, award-win-
“Best Bets can be borrowed for one week
only and cannot be renewed,” says library
classics, a large mystery collection and
gives more people a chance to read them.
And they have to be returned to the branch
public are invited to speak to their local
exciting new titles, once a Best Bet is
librarian, or email from the library website
returned, it goes straight onto the special
Toronto Public Library Shelf Life • September 2002
TPL gets LibraryNet award Industry Minister Allan Rock
has named Toronto PublicLibrary the recipient of a 2002
branch or at the RunnymedeHours and Locations link on
Novelist Govier thanks library A 70-year-old heritage property featured in the 1989 Canada Post architectural series of stamps, Runnymede Branch will be revitalized in 2003.
fictional account of bird artistJohn James Audubon,
the library’s copy of The Birds of
who does, call Answerline, 416-393-7131, to ask about Canadian Theatre Record debuts UNESCO librarians
(, the visit Alderwood
page, Hudak slams Web scams Ken Dryden supports children’s literacy Sign Language Interpretation service
September 2002 • Toronto Public Library Shelf Life
Library Board Highlights September 23, 2002
provide information and resources target-
Calendar of Events October/November 2002 Circulation and Collection Use Saturday, October 5 (including Fees and Fines) Policy Swansea Memorial Branch – Report on Service Changes
Circulation and Collection Use Policy, to
TD Gallery, Toronto Reference Library,789 Yonge Street
will be increases in fine rates to encour-
Wednesday, October 9, 12-2 p.m.
collections, and small increases for copy
Policy Governing Land Transactions among City Agencies, Board, Commissions and
presented by Catherine BushBeeton Auditorium, Toronto Reference
Departments and Proceeds from Sale of
collection agency to collect unpaid fines
Surplus City-Owned Real Property Friday, October 18, 6 p.m.
ments of the City of Toronto’s policy on
the handling of proceeds from the sale of
Care SystemWith speakers Dr. Carolyn Bennett, Dr. Operating Budget Monitoring Report – August 31, 2002 Tuesday, October 22, 7:30 p.m. General Agreements on Trade in Services (GATS) and Public Libraries
Michael Redhill reads from Martin Sloane
Library Association’s (CLA) resolutions
Thursday, October 24, 8 p.m. Update on the Allocations of Ontario Works Targets Incentive Funds received by Toronto Public Library – Kids@Computers and TeenZone Internet Services at Toronto Public Library
Lillian H. Smith Branch, 239 College Street
Friday, November 1, 6 p.m.
Internet Use Policy and received for infor-
mation details on new initiatives in public
Architects Phillip Carter, Jack Diamond,Michael Kirkland, Eberhard Zeidler, Globe
Services, will provide computer skills and
Saturday, November 2
Library also received funding to develop a
Children's Design-a-Bookmark contest begins
S. Walter Stewart District Branch – Possible Relocation
local branch for information and entryforms. Shelf Life is published 10 times a year by the Sunday, November 3, 12:30 p.m. Toronto Public Library Board, 789 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4W 2G8.
In support of Toronto Public Library chil-
Marketing & Communications Office:
the East York Civic Centre, contingent on
dren's literacy. For information and tobuy tickets, call 416-393-7123. 416-393-7117.
no rent being paid at the East York Civic
The Toronto Public Library Board meets monthly
from September through June. Meetings are open
to the public. The Library Board includes eight
Visit for more
citizen members and seven City Councillors.
Toronto Public Library Shelf Life • September 2002
Client Testimonials Power Tools in Your Marketing Toolbox By Lisa A. Rozycki When I think of testimonial advertising, a few good ad campaigns come to mind. One of the more memorable, recent campaigns features Academy award-winning actress Sally Field pitching Boniva, a drug that works to slow bone loss, so the body's natural bone production can pull ahead. The drug’s makers, Ro
ACUERDO MUNICIPAL Nro. 255 “POR MEDIO DEL CUAL SE ADOPTA EL PRESUPUESTO GENERAL DE INGRESOS, GASTOS Y DISPOSICIONES GENERALES DEL MUNICIPIO DE SAN JOSÉ CALDAS, PARA LA VIGENCIA FISCAL DEL AÑO 2011” EXPOSICION DE MOTIVOS Honorables Concejales Respetuosamente permito someter a consideración del Honorable Concejo Municipal, el proyecto de acuerdo para la aprobación del