Microsoft word - wattscvforweb.doc

Watts Scientific Consulting
Sydney, Australia
ABN 16 091 051 856
BSc Hons (First Class), University of Otago, New Zealand
PhD, University of Sydney, Australia


Molecular and cellular biology of cancer; molecular pharmacology; gene cloning and protein biochemistry, gene expression and silencing including RNAi and knockout mice, cancer (breast, ovarian, prostate, etc), oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes, DNA damage, nuclear receptors, steroid antagonists eg tamoxifen. Intellectual property- review and editing of patents and experience as an Expert Witness (cancer genetics, RNA interference). Writing, critical review and editing of scientific documentation eg manuscripts, grant applications, patents, reports, postgraduate theses. Publication of approximately 60 journal articles and book chapters Research project management and funding. Extensive familiarity with medical sciences and literature, particularly in cancer-related fields, plus strong interest in nutrition and the uses and abuses of alternative medicine. Collaborations and contacts (national and international) with professionals in medical research institutes, hospitals, universities and pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.
Following a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund,
London (now Cancer Research (UK)) I joined the Garvan Institute of Medical
Research, Sydney, and established an independent research group within the
Cancer Research Program focusing on the molecular biology of steroid
hormone action in breast cancer and the identification and characterisation of
novel cancer-related genes. I have published over 60 research papers and
book chapters in these fields.
I have also been a Project Leader in the CRC for Biopharmaceutical
Research and the scientific communications editor for a start-up
biotechnology company.
Currently, I am an independent scientific consultant. I also hold an
appointment as a Conjoint Senior Lecturer, Department of Medicine,
University of New South Wales.

Apollo Life Sciences Ltd, Scientific Communications Editor

1996-2004 Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Sydney, Australia.
Senior Research Fellow, Cancer Research Program.
1996-2004 Conjoint Senior Lecturer, Department of Medicine, University of

1993-96 Cooperative Research Centre for Biopharmaceutical Research.
Project Leader, Receptor-Based Anti-Cancer Drugs Program Senior Research Officer, Cancer Research Program, Garvan Institute of Medical Research.
1986-89 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Hormone Biochemistry Dept,
Imperial Cancer Research Fund, London, UK. 1985-86 Research Officer, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, St.
1980-85 Senior Research Assistant, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research,
University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia. 1978-79 Scientific Officer, Dept. of Human Nutrition, University of Otago,

1991-94 NHMRC R. Douglas Wright Fellow
1986-89 Imperial Cancer Research Fund Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Muriel Bell Memorial Prize in Human Nutrition
Available on request


Microsoft word - litigation as the great equalizer.doc

Litigation as the Great Equalizer: New Fulbright & Jaworski Survey Finds Nearly 90% of U.S. Corporations Engaged in Lawsuits; Average $1 Billion Company in U.S. Faces 147 Cases at a Time Unrelenting/unpredictable costs make litigation budgeting the bane of corporate counsel – 40% don’t quantify dispute spending; for businesses keeping track, litigation costs an average of $8

Collaborazione scientifica e tecnologica tra Cipro e Italia: bando per la raccolta di progetti di mobilità e per la segnalazione preliminare di iniziative rilevanti. stato pubblicato il "Bando per la raccolta di progetti di mobilità nell'ambito del Programma Esecutivo dicollaborazione scientifica e tecnologica tra ITALIA e CIPRO (2007-2009)". Beneficiari

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