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UTEC® – Chemical Resistance
The Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) – UTEC® is extremely resistant to a wide variety of Substances. The material is almost totally inert, therefore it is used in the most corrosive or aggressive environments at moderate temperatures. Even at high temperatures, it is resistant to several solvents, except aromatic, halogenated hydrocarbons and strong oxidizing materials, such as nitric acid. The results of innumerous laboratorial tests and the references of international literature are summarized in the following table. The classifications are attributed for continuous and extended expositions at 23 and 60°C, and they do not have to be considered for cyclical or eventual contact. It has been observed that is very hard to reproduce the real conditions which a product is submitted, either in laboratory or by analogy to similar situations. Thus, the classification table must be used as a parameter to predict the probable behavior of UTEC® with each Substance. Compatibility tests between a product sample and the chemical environment are strongly recommended to verify satisfactory part performance, at the same conditions, for a period of time equal to the life time expected, at each new application. Even the substances classified with X (high attack or absorption) frequently show good practical results. Classification: A – No effect: Can be used with the product without problems. B – Moderate effect: Can be used, but a compatibility test should be carried through. X - High attack or absorption. The material may show swelling or degradation. In general, it can still be used, but with a limited life time. Compatibility test must be carried through. Note: The information contained herewith is merely informative, expressed in good faith, and represent the truth regarding current knowledge. They do not imply in any result or performance warrant or guarantee. The data herewith shall not be used as specification parameters.

A-No effect, B-Moderate effect, X- High attack or absorption
Technical Bulletin 4.04
UTEC® – Chemical Resistance


23°C 60°C Substance 23°C 60°C
A-No effect, B-Moderate effect, X- High attack or absorption Technical Bulletin 4.04 TECHNICAL BULLETIN
UTEC® – Chemical Resistance

Substance 23°C 60°C Substance 23°C 60°C
Carbonic acid
A-No effect, B-Moderate effect, X- High attack or absorption Technical Bulletin 4.04 TECHNICAL BULLETIN
UTEC® – Chemical Resistance

Substance 23°C 60°C Substance 23°C 60°C
Glycol A
A-No effect, B-Moderate effect, X- High attack or absorption Technical Bulletin 4.04 TECHNICAL BULLETIN
UTEC® – Chemical Resistance

Substance 23°C 60°C Substance 23°C 60°C

A-No effect, B-Moderate effect, X- High attack or absorption Technical Bulletin 4.04


Microsoft word - sentencia-ceregumil

T R I B U N A L S U P R E M O Sala de lo Contencioso-Administrativo Sección: CUARTA S E N T E N C I A Fecha de Sentencia: 27/03/2012 RECURSO CASACION Recurso Núm.: 6418 / 2009 Fallo/Acuerdo: Sentencia Desestimatoria Votación: 28/02/2012 Procedencia: T.S.J.MADRID CON/AD SEC.9 Ponente: Excmo. Sr. D. Segundo Menéndez Pérez Secre


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