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Study participants
Summary Report for Dripping Springs ISD, Wimberley ISD, and UT Elementary
Purpose: To assist children and their parents in managing children’s asthma. Background for the Project Because school-age children spend much of their time away from home, the children need to be able to recognize early asthma warning signs to begin asthma prevention, get help from other adults like teachers and coaches when they are having asthma symptoms, and becoming more aware of asthma triggers and ways to avoid triggers. We recognize that parents are their children’s first and most important teachers. So in the ACT Project the focus for the parents was to provide them with tools and information they can use as they help their child learn to manage their asthma. Participants Dripping Springs ISD, Wimberley ISD, and UT Elementary School participated in the first year of this project. A total of 28 children in grades 2-5 took part in the first year. There were 15 girls and 13 boys who were an average age of 9.2 years. We had 14 children who are White, 5 who are African American, and 9 who are Hispanic. A small majority of the children (64%) came from a 2-parent home, and 36% came from a single parent home. Over half of the children (57%) were diagnosed with asthma by the age of 2, another fourth were diagnosed by the age of 5, and the rest were diagnosed after 5- years of age. Asthma Self-Care Medications: Six of the children (21%) only had their medication at home, while 22 (79%) had their medication both at home and school. Sixteen children (57%) had a quick-relief medication such as Albuterol or Proventil prescribed by their physicians. Nine children (32%) had an inhaled steroid medicine such as Flovent or Asmacort for controlling asthma and inflammation. Medical Care: In the previous year, 3 of children (11%) were seen in the Emergency Department for asthma care and no children were hospitalized for asthma. Twenty-two of the children (79%) had group insurance, 3 had Medicaid, and 3 had CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program). Home Care: Four of the children (14%) had peak flow meter to use before the project began. All of the children were given a peak flow meter when they received their asthma education. Asthma Knowledge and Management: Children’s knowledge and management of asthma improved from the beginning to the end of the study. Asthma Symptoms As seen in the box below, children have more problems with asthma during the school year- when pollens and molds are high, and when more children in school have colds. Children had asthma symptoms an average of 4 months a year, but the range was 1 to 7 months a year.
Allergens. Sixteen of the children (57%) had allergies. The allergens included indoor allergens such as smoke, house dust mites, cotton, cats, dogs, feathers, wool, and some foods. Outdoor allergens included grass, mold, weeds, cow and horse hair or dander, and tree pollens. The most common indoor allergens were cat and dog hair that affected 8 of the children (29%), followed by 5 children (18%) who were allergic to house dust mites. The most common outdoor allergens were weed and tree pollen that bothered 9 of children (32%), followed by grass that affected 8 of children (29%). Home Environment Six of the families (21%) had smokers in the home. Seventeen families (61%) reported having a furry pet in the home. Of these families, 5 of the pets (18%) stayed outside, six (21%) stayed inside, and 7 (25%) stayed in and outside of the home. One hundred percent of the families reported having stuffed animals in the child’s room. Twenty of the families (71%) have carpet in the child’s bedroom. Of these families, three (11%) clean the carpet at least every two months and seventeen (61%) clean the carpet at least once a year. Fifteen families (54%) have a dust mite cover on the child’s mattress and pillow. Future Plans As we continue to increase the total number of participants, we will be able to answer more complex questions. But the early findings are encouraging. Thank you for participating in the study. We will send a report of the cumulative findings to you as the study progresses.
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