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FEBRUARY 19, 2013
The regular bi-monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Warwick was held on
Tuesday, February 19, 2013, at 7:30 p.m. in Village Hall, 77 Main Street, Warwick, NY. Present
were: Mayor Michael Newhard, Trustees: Barry Cheney, George McManus and Eileen
Patterson. Trustee William Lindberg and DPW Supervisor, Kirk Williams were absent.
Also present were: Village Clerk, Jo-Ann Rome and Village Attorney, Michael Meth. Others
present: Claude Prevots, Katie Bisaro and others.
The Mayor led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Clerk held the roll call.
Acceptance of the Minutes:

A MOTION was made by Trustee Patterson, seconded by Trustee McManus and carried to
accept the Minutes of January 22nd and February 4th, 2013. Four Ayes
Acceptance of Reports:

A MOTION was made by Trustee McManus, seconded by Trustee Cheney and carried to accept
the Building, Justice and Public Works reports. Four Ayes
Authorization to Pay all Approved and Audited Bills:

A MOTION was made by Trustee Patterson, seconded by Trustee McManus and carried to pay
all approved and audited bills in the amount of $194,074.69. Four Ayes
Trustee Patterson: I just want to point out that we do not have a police report. Do we get reports
from them?
Mayor Newhard: Sometimes.

Mayor Newhard: We have a letter from Eileen Moon regarding the Warwick Music Series.
That will go into the budget package. Eileen is a lead violinist of the New York Philharmonic
and she wants to create a chamber music series in Warwick. The second piece of
correspondence is a letter from the New York Department of Transportation regarding a letter
from Daniel Kelly, Code Enforcement Officer and subsequent January 5th, 2012 Village
resolution requesting a northbound left-turn arrow on Route 94 at West Street.
Village of Warwick February 19, 2013 Page Two Trustee Cheney: What they failed to mention is I believe they did install a delay so that that traffic maneuver can be made. In other words, people on Main Street heading south at West Street are held with a red light while the light remains green for the left turn. Trustee Patterson: When you’re making that left people assume that there is a lane to go around you and it’s actually not safe at all. Is there a way to identify that there is not a second lane there? Trustee Cheney: I think we have it marked out with the yellow paint. Trustee Patterson: I was thinking about maybe putting some little tidbits on our Facebook. For example, a picture of the “No Parking” spot in front of Chase Bank and just say this is not a parking spot and maybe a picture of someone in the crosswalk that says, “You have to stop for this”. Just as a reminder. There is nothing wrong with that right? Mayor Newhard: No. Mayor Newhard: The third letter is from Jeanine Garritano Wadeson, Village Justice, regarding the need of adding a third bailiff for the Court. We will put this under motions. We also have a letter from Orange County Department of Health regarding their inspection of the Village’s water supply facilities. I want to compliment Trustee Cheney for really guiding the Department of Health and giving them a great rundown on all the things that we have accomplished this year. I think it helped our case very much and I appreciate that. Trustee Cheney: They are very good to work with. They are a helpful agency and they are here to cooperate with us and to give us support and they are very ready to answer our questions and collaborate with us. Mayor Newhard: Also they realize some of the pressures that we are under with the storms and economic pressures. They are definitely empathetic at least. We also have a letter from Claire Gabelmann, member of Warwick in Bloom, regarding the use of vinegar on the cracks in the sidewalks and along the curbs to help cut down on weeds and that letter was given to our DPW Supervisor, Kirk Williams. Trustee Patterson: It’s usually a pretty big undertaking for Warwick in Bloom to go out because of the amount of weeds that come up not only around the trees but through the sidewalks and each summer we have a couple of sessions of crawling around on the sidewalks and pulling the weeds and that was the motivation to try and come up with a solution that is environmentally appropriate and cost efficient. It will not help around the trees along Main Street because the vinegar can do damage to the tree, but we can handle that with the volunteers and of course Village of Warwick
February 19, 2013
Page Three
anyone in the community can offer to volunteer to do that too. Also, the Warwick in Bloom
meetings are the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. We’re just getting our plans underway
for the pots for this year that are a tremendous benefit to the Village and we get great feedback
from the merchants and from a tourism standpoint (inaudible).
Mayor Newhard: It’s a very helpful group as well as the Warwick Gardeners in keeping our
community beautiful.
Privilege of the Floor:

There were no comments from the floor.

Payment Application No. 3 – Cal Mart Enterprises – Upper Warwick Reservoir Dam
Embankment Repair:

A MOTION was made by Trustee Patterson, seconded by Trustee Cheney and carried to
approve Payment Application No. 3 to Cal Mart Enterprises in the amount of $4,444.40 for the
Upper Warwick Reservoir Dam Embankment Repair as per Tectonic’s recommendation. Four
Winslow Therapeutic Riding Center:

A MOTION was made by Trustee Patterson, seconded by Trustee Cheney and carried to grant
permission to Winslow Therapeutic Riding Center to hold the 22nd Annual Duck Derby on
Sunday, May 19th, 2013 at 1:30 p.m. The proper insurance has been received. Four Ayes
Antonio Rivera – Vacation Carryover:

A MOTION was made by Trustee McManus, seconded by Trustee Patterson to grant permission
to Antonio Rivera to carry over eleven vacation days. Amended
Trustee Cheney: We talked about this last month and didn’t we ask that it be reduced?
Mayor Newhard: Well, it’s up to the Board.
Trustee Patterson: I think the consensus was that we reduce it to a week.
Jo-Ann Rome: Five days?
Village of Warwick
February 19, 2013
Page Four
Trustee McManus: Five days.
A MOTION was made by Trustee McManus, seconded by Trustee Cheney and carried to grant
permission to Antonio Rivera to carry over five vacation days. Four Ayes
Thom Woglom Construction - Removal of the Walkway Bridge and Willow Tree in
Stanley Deming Park that was Damaged by Hurricane Sandy: TABLED
to accept the proposal from Thom Woglom Construction in the amount of $4,250.00
for the removal of the Walkway Bridge and Willow tree in Stanley Deming Park that was
damaged by Hurricane Sandy as per the DPW Supervisor’s recommendation.
Mayor Newhard: I did receive a note from Kirk to hold off on this motion.
Trustee Cheney: I had a question and I didn’t get a chance to ask it, but the Woglom quote the
terms were that the Village would pay $2,125 up front basically when they moved equipment
onto the site and then the balance on completion. I can understand that if there is a big
investment in construction materials that would have to be procured prior to them getting on site,
but in this case it’s a demolition project basically so I would ask the DPW Supervisor to look
into that and see if different terms can be agreed with payment upon completion or…….
Trustee Patterson: I don’t think we can as a municipality pay for it until it’s complete.
Michael Meth: It’s supposed to be submitted as a bill unless you pay it in progress.
Trustee Patterson: But work has to be done along the way.
Trustee Cheney: But one progress point could be mobilization to site.
Mayor Newhard: Correct and purchase of materials.
Michael Meth: You don’t have to pay 100% along the way. You can pay in progress.
Mayor Newhard: Right, as we do with many projects.
Hudson Valley Mitigation & Restoration d/b/a DKI – Additional Structural Repair Work –
Village Hall:

A MOTION was made by Trustee McManus, seconded by Trustee Cheney and carried to
approve a change order in the amount of $925 to Hudson Valley Mitigation & Restoration d/b/a
Village of Warwick
February 19, 2013
Page Five
DKI for additional structural work to repair the southeast corner of Village Hall damaged by fire
as per the Village engineer’s recommendation. Four Ayes
Jeffrey B. Doolittle, Professional Land Surveyor, Survey Portion of West Street – Safe
Routes to Schools Project:

A MOTION was made by Trustee McManus, seconded by Trustee Cheney and carried to accept
the proposal from Jeffrey B. Doolittle, Professional Land Surveyor, to prepare an existing
conditions survey of the portion of West Street that is located within the Safe Routes to Schools
project in the amount of $4,000 as per the Village engineer’s recommendation. Four Ayes
Additional Bailiff – Village Court:

A MOTION was made by Trustee Cheney, seconded by Trustee Patterson and carried to hire a
third Bailiff to the scheduled rotation for the Village Court on the nights that Court is in session.
Four Ayes
Trustee Patterson’s Report:
My only report would be to get those things on Facebook. I will do it. If anyone has
suggestions, that would be great. I’m just talking about parking for now.

Mayor Newhard’s Report:

I would like to extend our condolences to the families of Wilbur Green and William Bryant.
Wilbur was a DPW Laborer here for I believe at least 15 years and Bill Bryant was the Fire
Chief for our Fire Department. Our thoughts and our prayers go to these families.
Executive Session:

A MOTION was made by Trustee Patterson, seconded by Trustee McManus and carried to
move into Executive Session for the medical, financial, credit or employment history of a
particular person or corporation or matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion,
demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person or corporation.
Four Ayes
A MOTION was made by Trustee Cheney, seconded by Trustee Patterson and carried to move
back into the regular meeting. Four Ayes
Village of Warwick
February 19, 2013
Page Six
A MOTION was made by Trustee Patterson, seconded by Trustee McManus and carried to
adjourn the meeting. Four Ayes
Jo-Ann Rome
Village Clerk

Source: http://www.villageofwarwick.org/calendar_vill/Minutes/20130219minutes.pdf


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