Vegfr1 single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with outcome in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated with sunitinib – a multicentric retrospective analysis
Acta Oncologica, 2013; Early Online: 1–10
ORIGINAL ARTICLE VEGFR1 single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with outcome in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated with sunitinib – a multicentric retrospective analysis
1 Department of General Medical Oncology and Laboratory for Experimental Oncology, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven Cancer Institute, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 2 Inserm U674 G é nomique fonctionnelle des tumeurs solides, Universit é Paris-5 Ren é Descartes, Paris, France, 3 Laboratory for Translational Genetics, Department of Oncology, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 4 Vesalius Research Center, VIB, Leuven, Belgium, 5 Department of Urology, University Hospitals Leuven, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 6 Department of Urology, Georges Pompidou European Hospital, Universit é Paris-5 Ren é Descartes, Paris, France, 7 Department of Pathology, H ô pital Necker-Enfants malades, Universit é Paris-5 Ren é Descartes, Paris, France, 8 Department of Pathology, University Hospitals Leuven, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 9 Department of Medical Oncology, Centre Fran ç ois Baclesse, Caen, France, 10 Department of Urology, H ô pital Foch, Suresnes, France, 11 Department of Medical Oncology, Institut Paoli-Calmettes, Marseille, France, 12 Department of Medical Oncology, Clinique St-Joseph, Paris, France, 13 Department of Urology, H ô pital Dupuytren, Limoges, France, 14 Department of Pathology, CHU Rennes, Rennes, France, 15 Department of Pathology, Clinique St-Joseph, Paris, France, 16 Department of Urology, H ô pital Bic ê tre, Le Kremlin-Bic ê tre, France, and 17 Department of Medical Oncology, Georges Pompidou European Hospital, Universit é Paris-5 Ren é Descartes, Paris, France
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Abstract Background. There are no validated markers that predict outcome in metastatic renal cell cancer (mRCC) patients treated with sunitinib. Recently, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs9582036 in VEGFR1 has been proposed as a predictor of progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) to bevacizumab in patients with pancreatic cancer and rs7993418 in VEGFR1 as predictor for PFS in mRCC-patients treated with bevacizumab. Here, we aim to study the impact of these SNPs in mRCC patients treated with sunitinib. Methods. We included patients with mRCC treated in 15 institutions in France and Belgium. Patients received sunitinib as fi rst-line targeted therapy. We assessed response, time- to-tumor progression (TTP), OS, and clinical and biochemical parameters associated with outcome. We genotyped rs9582036 and rs7993418 as well as three other surrounding SNPs in VEGFR1: rs9554320, rs9554316 and rs9513070. Association between SNPs and treatment outcome were studied by univariate analysis and by multivariate Cox regression using relevant clinical factors associated with TTP and OS as covariates. Findings . Ninety-one patients were included. We found that mRCC patients with the CC-variant in rs9582036 in VEGFR1 have a poorer response rate (RR) (0% vs. 46%, p ϭ 0.028), a poorer PFS (10 vs. 18 months, p ϭ 0.033 on univariate and 0.06 on multivariate analysis) and a poorer OS (14 vs. 31 months, p ϭ 0.019 on univariate and 0.008 on multivariate analysis) compared to patients with the AC- and AA-genotypes. mRCC patients with the AA-variant in rs9554320 in VEGFR1 have a poorer PFS (12 vs. 21 months, p ϭ 0.0066 on univariate and 0.005 on multivariate analysis) and a poorer OS (22 vs. 34 months, p ϭ 0.019 on univariate
Correspondence: Benoit Beuselinck, Leuven Cancer Institute, Herestraat 49, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium. Tel: ϩ 32 16 346900. Fax: ϩ 32 16 346901. E-mail:
(Received 22 October 2012 ; accepted 19 January 2013 )
ISSN 0284-186X print/ISSN 1651-226X online 2013 Informa HealthcareDOI: 10.3109/0284186X.2013.770600
and 0.067 on multivariate analysis) compared to patients with the AC- and CC-genotypes. Interpretation. mRCC patients with the CC-genotype in VEGFR1 SNP rs9582036 have a poorer response rate, PFS and OS when treated with sunitinib. These fi ndings are in agreement with the association of rs9582036 and outcome observed in bevacizumab treated pan-creatic cancer patients. Prospective validation of this SNP is warranted.
Clear cell RCC is characterized by an inactivated
fi ve criteria are part of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center (MSKCC) score, which categorize
Inactivation of the VHL- gene leads to elevated protein
patients into a favorable, intermediate, and poor
levels of hypoxia-induced factor- α which upregulates
prognosis group [6]. These established clinical and
vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and
biochemical markers are indicators of the general
platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) expression.
condition of the patient and the extension or stage
Targeted therapies directed against some of these pro-
teins have signifi cantly improved progression-free sur-
Recently, a number of studies have proposed that
vival (PFS) of patients with metastatic RCC (mRCC)
genetic variability in genes involved in sunitinib phar-
as compared to historical treatment options. Sunitinib
macokinetics and pharmacodynamics alter the effi -
malate is an orally administered tyrosine kinase recep-
cacy of sunitinib [7 – 9] or pazopanib [10] in mRCC
tor inhibitor (TKI) that targets VEGF-receptor
(VEGFR) -1, -2 and -3, PDGF-receptor (PDGFR)- α
and - β , KIT, FLT-3, colony stimulating factor-1 recep-
IL8 to sunitinib effi cacy . Other studies have shown
tor, and RET. In a randomized controlled trial suni-
links between polymorphisms in genes involved in
tinib signifi cantly prolonged the PFS (11 vs. 5 months,
VEGF-dependent-angiogenesis and outcome in
p Ͻ 0.001) as compared to interferon- α [1,2]. Median
patients treated with bevacizumab [11]. Bevacizumab,
a humanized monoclonal antibody that binds to
tively. Sunitinib is currently a standard treatment in
VEGF, was the fi rst anti-VEGF-specifi c drug to be
RCC, but other anti-VEGFR and anti-PDGFR-
approved for clinical use. When used together with
targeted TKIs like sorafenib, pazopanib and axitinib
standard therapies, bevacizumab is effective in several
are also used in different stages of the disease.
cancers such as metastatic colorectal [12], non-small
Although roughly 50% of RCC patients receiving
cell lung [13], breast cancer [14], RCC [15], and in
sunitinib experience an objective response and 43%
achieve disease stabilization, 7% will experience pro-
Lambrechts et al. recently showed the predictive
gressive disease (PD) at fi rst evaluation due to intrin-
impact of two polymorphisms in VEGFR1 , a receptor
sic resistance or due to other factors [1]. Moreover,
involved in VEGF-dependent tumoral angiogenesis,
all patients with clinical benefi t will ultimately relapse
on outcome in pancreatic cancer and RCC treated
due to acquired resistance or for other reasons. The
with bevacizumab. In 77 patients with pancreatic car-
identifi cation of biomarkers able to predict intrinsic
cinoma included in the AVITA trial (randomizing
resistance could avoid unnecessary costs and side
patients in arm A with gemcitabine, erlotinib, and
effects, guiding alternative treatment decisions for
bevacizumab and arm B with gemcitabine, erlotinib,
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these patients. On the other hand, the identifi cation
and placebo) and treated with bevacizumab, patients
of biomarkers for acquired resistance could provide
with the CC-variant of rs9582036 319A Ͼ C had a
novel directions to develop therapies that block resis-
worse PFS (3.4 months) compared to patients with
tance pathways. Although different mechanisms of
resistance have been proposed [3], reliable biomark-
ers predictive of sunitinib sensitivity or primary/sec-
OS (4.7 months) compared to AA-carriers (10.2
Several clinical and biochemical markers linked
(p ϭ 0.0015). As no effects were seen in placebo-
to PFS and OS are available for sunitinib treated
treated patients, the authors concluded that this SNP
patients [4,5]. For PFS, these are baseline serum lac-
has a predictive value [17]. Fine-mapping experi-
tate dehydrogenase (LDH) level, the presence of two
ments of the VEGFR1 locus identifi ed rs7993418, a
or more metastatic sites, no prior nephrectomy, East-
synonymous SNP affecting tyrosine 1213 in the
ern Cooperative Oncology Group Performance Sta-
VEGFR1 tyrosine-kinase domain, as the functional
tus (ECOG PS), and baseline platelet count. For OS,
variant underlying the association. This SNP causes
factors include the presence of bone metastases, time
a shift in codon usage, leading to increased VEGFR1
between nephrectomy and start of systemic therapy,
expression and downstream VEGFR1 signaling. In 59
baseline serum LDH level, baseline hemoglobin,
patients with mRCC treated with bevacizumab in the
baseline calcium and baseline ECOG PS. The last
AVOREN trial (randomizing patients in arm A with
VEGFR1 polymorphisms and outcome in RCC treated with sunitinib
bevacizumab plus interferon versus arm B with
had to reach at least the fi rst response evaluation,
which was usually foreseen after two treatment cycles
rs7993418 correlated signifi cantly with PFS, which
was 17.5 months in the TT-variants, 10.9 months in
DNA was isolated from fresh frozen normal kid-
the TC-variants and 14.5 months in the CC-variants
ney tissue sampled during nephrectomy using the
(p ϭ 0.033). Again, no effect was observed in placebo
Qiaquick extraction kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA, USA)
and quantifi ed by fl uorometry (Fluoroskan Thermo
Labsystems, Cergy-Pontoise, France). DNA was iso-
lated from peripheral blood with the Qiagen DNA
colorectal cancer patients treated with bevacizumab
kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA, USA) and fi nal DNA con-
plus chemotherapy: patients with the CC-genotype
centration quantifi ed with Nanodrop (Nanodrop,
had 36% of objective response, meanwhile those with
Wilmington, USA). High-throughput SNP genotyp-
CA- and CC-genotype had respectively, 40% and
ing was performed using the Sequenom MassArray
56% of objective response (p ϭ 0.048) [18].
platform (Sequenom, San Diego, CA, USA) [19].
The aim of the present study is to replicate the
Genotyping analysis was performed by investigators
association of these SNPs observed with bevaci-
zumab therapy in pancreatic carcinoma, RCC and
We genotyped rs9582036 and four surrounding
colorectal carcinoma in a retrospective cohort of
tagging SNPs: rs9554316, rs9513070, rs9554320 and
rs7993418, the latter the underlying variant causing a higher expression of
selected in the study of Lambrechts et al. [17].
Patients and methods
We defi ned TTP as the time between the fi rst day
For this retrospective study, germ-line DNA samples
of sunitinib treatment and the date of radiological
were selected from the ‘ CIT-rein ’ RCC tumor bank.
disease progression. In most cases, RECIST was
This French-Belgian multicentric RCC tumor bank
used. Patients who had not progressed at database
contains more than 250 frozen primary kidney tumor
closure were censored at last follow-up. OS was
samples. We selected the samples of patients treated
defi ned as the time between the fi rst day of sunitinib
with sunitinib as fi rst-line anti-VEGF-targeted ther-
treatment and the date of death or last date of
apy and of whom frozen normal kidney tissue was
follow-up. TTP was chosen above PFS because one
available. For 11 additional patients, of whom no
patient died from a surgical intervention after eight
frozen normal kidney tissue was available, peripheral
months of sunitinib. Objective response was assessed
blood was used. The protocol was approved by the
medical ethics review boards of all participating insti-
response, partial response (PR), stable disease (SD),
tutions, and signed consent was obtained from all
or PD. Patients with bone metastases only (two
patients. In some cases, we used frozen biological
patients) were excluded for the TTP analysis, as
material originating from patients who had already
bone lesions are not target lesions for RECIST.
died and for whom approval for the utilization of
Timing for assessments was dictated by individual
remaining tissues was foreseen by the institutional
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All patient characteristics were tested in an uni-
Eligible patients could have received cytokines as
variate analysis against TTP and OS using Kaplan-
systemic treatment for kidney tumors before starting
Meier statistics and in the multivariate model with
sunitinib as a monotherapy, but they could not have
Cox-regression analysis. Fisher exact test was used
received any other TKI or mammalian target of
to correlate SNPs with RR. Variables with a p Յ 0.2
rapamycine (mTOR) inhibitor before starting suni-
on univariate analysis were selected as covariates for
tinib. Most of the patients were treated in routine
multivariate Cox-regression analysis. The MSKCC
clinical practice, some were included in clinical trials.
score was not used in the multivariate model, as the
All patients had progressive disease when sunitinib
individual factors of the score were used if signifi -
was started. Drug schedules, dose-reduction policy,
cant on univariate analysis. Results with a p-value
and the timing of radiological assessments were left
of Ͻ 0.05 were considered as signifi cant in the mul-
to the discretion of the attending doctors in accor-
tivariate analysis. As our approach was the validation
dance with current local practice guidelines. Patient
of previously published results, although with
characteristics considered relevant for TTP and OS
another class of anti-angiogenics, no correction for
analysis were the fi ve risk factors according to
multiple testing was made. Statistical analyses were
MSKCC prognostic criteria and additional factors
conducted using GraphPad Prism 5 (GraphPad
such as baseline neutrophil and platelet count, and
Software, La Jolla, UCLA) and XLSTAT software
the presence of liver or bone metastases. All patients
(response assessment was poorly defi ned in the medical records of six patients, but they had a clini-
We included 91 patients who started sunitinib
cal benefi t of at least fi ve months, although it was
between November 2005 and January 2012 and
unclear whether the best response was either PR or
closed the follow-up database in December 2012.
SD). Six of 84 (7%) patients had a complete response,
Table I shows the clinical characteristics of included
36/84 (37%) patients a PR, 38/84 (45%) a SD and
patients. The majority of patients were of Caucasian
origin . According to MSKCC prognostic criteria,
Table II reports the allele frequencies of the
18% of patients were categorized into the favorable,
genotyped polymorphisms in our series. Overall, the
55% in the intermediate and 27% into the poor-risk
SNPs were successfully genotyped with success
Ն 91% for each SNP and an overall average
At the time of analysis, 62 (68%) patients had
reached progression and 58 (64%) had died. The
We detected a minor allele frequency of 31.3% for
median follow-up was 50 months (range 1 – 75) after
the C-allele in rs9582036, corresponding to the minor
the start of sunitinib. Median TTP was 15.0 months
allele frequency reported in the dbSNP (dbSNP build
and median OS 30.0 months in the total group. The
136) database or 1000 Genomes Project (31.7%).
difference with outcome on sunitinib in the pivotal
Table II also reports the linkage disequilibrium (r
trial (PFS 11.0 and OS 26.0 months) is likely due
test) between the different SNPs showing a complete
to the patient selection in our series: all the patients
correlation between rs7993418 and rs9554316, but
had to reach at least the fi rst evaluation by CT scan
after approximately 10 weeks of treatment. More-
Table III shows the clinical and biochemical
over, all but one patient underwent nephrectomy.
parameters associated with TTP and OS. In the mul-
Best response assessment was available in 85 patients
tivariate analysis for TTP, four parameters exhibited a p Յ 0.2 (baseline ECOG PS, baseline LDH activity,
Table I. Patient characteristics at diagnosis and at the start of
baseline neutrophil count, and the presence of bone
metastases [20]) and were considered as covariates in the multivariate analysis for TTP. For OS, baseline
ECOG PS, the laps of time between nephrectomy
and start of systemic therapy and the presence of
bone metastases were taken into account.
univariate and multivariate Cox regression analysis
for the SNPs in VEGFR1 for TTP and OS. Patients
homozygous for the rs9582036 C-allele in VEGFR1
on univariate and 0.06 on multivariate analysis)
and OS (14 vs. 31 months) (p ϭ 0.019 on univariate
and 0.008 on multivariate analysis) compared to
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patients with the AC- and AA-genotypes, while the
curves for AC- and AA-genotypes were overlapping
both for PFS and OS. In the CC-carriers, there were
no PRs, meanwhile in the AC- and AA-carriers, there
Patients homozygous for the rs7993418 C-allele
had a poorer PFS and OS compared to TC- and
TT-carriers, but this difference was not statistically
signifi cant. As rs7993418 was in perfect linkage dis-
equilibrium with rs9554316 (see Table II), the same
was observed for rs9554316 TT-carriers vs. GT- and
GG-carriers. Patients with the AA-variant in
rs9554320 had a poorer PFS (12 vs. 21 months)
ϭ 0.0066 on univariate and 0.005 on multivariate
analysis) and OS (22 vs. 34 months) (p ϭ 0.019 on univariate and 0.067 on multivariate analysis) com-
ECOG PS, Eastern cooperative oncology group performance
pared to CA-and CC-carriers. Finally, no impact of
status; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; MSKCC, Memorial Sloan-
rs9513070 on PFS or OS could be observed.
VEGFR1 polymorphisms and outcome in RCC treated with sunitinib
Table II. Genotype and allele distribution of the genotyped SNPS in VEGFR1 and corelation of polymorphisms (r ² ).
mRCC patients treated with sunitinib. As sunitinib
We observed a signifi cant association between SNP
was used as single agent in our series, our results
rs9582036 in VEGFR1, one of the molecular targets
were not confounded by concomitant chemotherapy
of sunitinib involved in tumoral VEGF-dependent
and we could obtain signifi cant links in a series
angiogenesis, and outcome (PFS, OS and RR) in
involving only a limited number of patients.
Table III. Baseline clinical and biochemical parameters associated with TTP and OS.
Hb low [ Ͻ 11.5 g/dl (women) or Ͻ 13 g/dl (men)] (n ϭ 38)
Time from nephrectomy (or initial diagnosis) to systemic
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Time from nephrectomy (or initial diagnosis) to systemic
ECOG PS, Eastern cooperative oncology group performance status; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; MSKCC, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; NA, not applicable; NR, not reached; OS, overall survival; TTP, time-to-tumor progression; ULN, upper limit of normal. * The p-value was calculated by log-rank test. Note: The parameters that were considered for the multivariate analysis for TTP were baseline neutrophil count, baseline LDH and baseline ECOG PS as well as the presence of bone metastasis. The parameters that were considered for the multivariate analysis for OS were baseline ECOG PS, the laps of time between nephrectomy to systemic treatment as well as the presence of bone metastasis.
Table IV. Univariate and multivariate analysis: association between SNPS and outcome.
(months) (multivariate) * * (95% CI of HR)
CI, confi dence interval; HR, hazard ratio; OS, overall survival; NA, not applicable; NR, not reached; ND, not done; TTP, time-to-tumor progression. * The p-value for the univariate analysis was calculated by log-rank test; * * The p-value for the multivariate analysis was the result of a Cox proportional hazards model. Note: VEGFR1 rs9582036: when analyzing AA versus AC versus CC, the TTP and OS curves for AA and AC are completely overlapping, allowing us to analyze AA
ϩ AC against CC. rs7993418: all the CC-variants were also rs9582036 CC-variants. rs9554316: all the
TT-variants were also rs9582036 CC-variants. rs9554320: all the rs9582036 CC-variants were rs9554320 AA-variants. For rs9513070 it was not possible to group variants, because the three curves were overlapping.
Concerning rs9582036, two reports in literature,
As no effects were seen in placebo-treated patients
in patients with pancreatic cancer or colorectal can-
and a signifi cant genotype by treatment interaction
cer, treated with bevacizumab and chemotherapy, are
(p ϭ 0.041) was recorded, the authors concluded that
the VEGFR1 locus containing this SNP serves as a
In AVITA [21], a multicenter, randomized phase
predictive marker for bevacizumab treatment out-
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III trial, patients with metastatic pancreatic adeno-
carcinoma were randomly assigned to receive gem-
Hansen observed in 218 metastatic colorectal
citabine and erlotinib plus either bevacizumab or
cancer patients treated with bevacizumab plus che-
placebo. Lambrechts et al. investigated DNA of 154
motherapy a statistically signifi cant difference in RR:
AVITA-patients, of whom 77 received bevacizumab
36% of patients with the CC-genotype had objective
responses, while those with CA- and AA-genotype
VEGFR1 was signifi cantly associated with OS in the
had 40% and 56% of objective responses, respec-
bevacizumab group: median OS was 4.7 months in
CC-carriers, 5.9 months in AC-carriers, and 10.2
The rs7993418 SNP was identifi ed by Lambrechts
months in AA-carriers. After adjustment for neutro-
et al. as the functional variant underlying the associa-
phil count, C-reactive protein level, and tumor loca-
tion between rs9582036 and outcome. In particular,
tion, association of rs9582036 with OS showed a
this SNP causes a shift in codon usage, leading to
p-value of 0.002. SNP rs9582036 was also associated
VEGFR1 signaling. In 59 patients with mRCC treated
with PFS in bevacizumab-treated patients: AC- and
with bevacizumab in the AVOREN trial [15] (ran-
CC-carriers of this SNP exhibited HRs for PFS of
domizing patients in arm A bevacizumab plus inter-
2.0 (95% CI 1.19 – 3.36; p ϭ 0.0091) and 4.72 (95%
feron vs. arm B interferon alone), Lambrechts et al.
CI 2.08 – 10.68; p ϭ 0.0002) relative to AA-carriers.
found that rs7993418 correlated signifi cantly with
VEGFR1 polymorphisms and outcome in RCC treated with sunitinib TTP (%): VEGFR1 rs9582036 CA + AA: 18 months CC: 10 months Time (months) Subjects at risk (AA + AC genotypes) Subjects at risk (CC genotypes) OS (%) VEGFR1 rs9582036 CA + AA: 31 months CC: 14 months Time (months) 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 Subjects at risk (AA+AC genotypes) 84 80 69 56 43 34 28 25 17 13 Subjects at risk (CC genotypes)
Figures 1 and 2. Kaplan-Meier curves of the signifi cant associations between SNP rs9582036 and time-to-tumor progression (TTP) and
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overall survival (OS) in our series. P-values are the p-values from the univariate analysis.
PFS, which was 17.5 months in the TT-variants, 10.9
Concerning the other surrounding polymor-
months in the TC-variants and 14.5 months in the CC-
VEGFR1 (rs9554316, rs9513070, and
variants (p ϭ 0.033), while no effect was observed in 51
placebo treated patients. No correlation with OS was
correlated with OS in the bevacizumab group of
noted, but the authors explained this by the low num-
AVITA, but they did not pass the p-value threshold
ber of death events in their patient series and frequent
post-protocol treatments with the anti-angiogenic TKIs
rs9554316 favoring the GG- and GT-genotypes,
sorafenib and sunitinib, which might affect association
p ϭ 0.0081 for rs9513070 favoring the AA- and AG-
of VEGFR1 SNPs with bevacizumab treatment out-
genotypes, and p ϭ 0.0097 for rs9554320 favoring the
come. Although in our series, we did notice a shorter
CC- and CA-genotypes). In AVOREN, due to high
PFS and OS in patients with the CC-variant, these
linkage disequilibrium with rs7993418 in this
results were not signifi cant. This can probably been
patient series, variants rs9554316 (favoring the
explained by the fact that the minor allele variant in
GG- and GT-genotypes) and rs9513070 (favoring
rs7993418 is less frequent than the minor allele vari-
the AA- and AG-genotypes) also correlated signifi -
ant in rs9582036. As a consequence, we only had four
cantly with PFS in the bevacizumab group. The
patients with the CC-genotype in our series.
other two SNPs in the VEGFR1 locus, rs9582036
TTP (%): VEGFR1 rs9554320 AA: 12 months CC + CA: 21 months Time (months) Subjects at risk (CC + CA genotypes) Subjects at risk(AA genotypes) OS (%) VEGFR1 rs9554320 AA: 22 months CC + CA: 34 months Time (months) 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 Subjects at risk (CC + CA genotypes) 65 63 54 45 36 30 25 23 15 12 Subjects at risk(AA genotypes) 21 18 16 11 9
Figures 3 and 4. Kaplan-Meier curves of the signifi cant associations between SNP rs9554320 and time-to-tumor progression (TTP) and overall survival (OS) in our series. P-values are the p-values from the univariate analysis.
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and rs9554320, were in lower linkage disequili-
placebo, we cannot affi rm that rs9582036 has a predic-
brium with rs7993418 and were not signifi cantly
tive value. Nevertheless, given the impact both on PFS
associated with PFS. In our series, the only signifi -
and OS and given the fact that in bevacizumab treated
cant fi ndings were the association between rs9554320
patients this SNP is a predictive marker, it is probable
and PFS and OS, favoring patients with the AC-
that SNP rs9582036 is also of predictive value in RCC
and CC-genotype, the latter confi rming the data of
The emerging evidence of the impact of SNPs in
Our study has several potential limitations. First of
pathways linked to pharmacokinetics and pharmaco-
all, it was a retrospective analysis of patients treated in
dynamics of sunitinib shows that besides acquired
several centers without a central protocol dictating the
genetic characteristics of tumor cells, patient’s germline
treatment schedule, dose modifi cations or timing of
genetic variation may also affect the effectiveness of
radiological assessments. Secondly, because our patients
anticancer therapy. Germline DNA has signifi cant
were mainly white, the relevance of these polymor-
phisms needs to be assessed in other ethnic groups, in
markers in that it is inherited, fi xed, and relatively
whom the described polymorphisms may be less
insensitive to time and environmental factors.
frequent. Finally, the major handicap of this study is
If the impact of these and other SNPs on out-
that due to the lack of a control group treated with
come on sunitinib could be confi rmed prospectively
VEGFR1 polymorphisms and outcome in RCC treated with sunitinib
in independent series, scoring systems based on the
Benoit Beuselinck, Alexandra Karadimou, Gabrielle
combination of several unfavorable or favorable
Couchy, and Joost Berkers were responsible for
SNPs could be elaborated. When combining these
DNA-extraction. Bart Claes and Diether Lambrechts
SNPs with clinical and biochemical parameters
were responsible for SNP-genotyping. Virginie
linked to outcome, we will probably be able to pre-
Verkarre, Vincent Molini é , Nathalie Rioux-Leclercq,
dict more precisely the chance of response on suni-
and Evelyne Lerut were involved in pathology review.
tinib and identify primary resistant patients in order
to orient them towards other therapies avoiding
Thierry Lebret, Gw é naelle Gravis, Ga ë l Deplanque,
unnecessary side effects and costs. We will probably
also be capable of predicting more accurately PFS
and thus the moment of secondary resistance.
data collection and provided study materials or
recruited patients. All authors critically reviewed the
This project is a common project of two kidney tumor
manuscript and approved the fi nal version.
banks: the CIT-rein tumor bank (Paris, France) and the University Hospitals Leuven kidney tumor bank (Leuven, Belgium). The CIT-rein project is headed
Declaration of interest: The authors report no
confl icts of interest. The authors alone are respon-
Jacques Patard and was part of the PNES 2007
sible for the content and writing of the paper.
( Programme National d ’ Excellence Sp é cialis é e) from
Benoit Beuselinck received a grant from Fondation
the INCa (Institut du Cancer). We want to thank sin-
Martine Midy (Paris, France) and Fonds voor
cerely for their collaboration the urologists, medical
Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Vlaanderen (Belgium).
oncologists and pathologists of the next centers, whose
Alexandra Karadimou received a grant from the
biological material was used in the analysis: Angers:
Hellenic Society of Medical Oncology (Athens,
Centre Oncologique Paul Papin: Abdel Azzouzi, R é my
Greece). Bart Claes is supported by the Institute
é phane Triau, Pierre Bigot; Caen: Centre
for the Promotion of Innovation by Science and
Fran ç ois Baclesse: Henri Bensadoun, Emmanuel
Technology in Flanders (IWT) and by an Emmanuel
Sevin, Fran ç ois Comoz; Cr é teil: H ô pital Henri Mon-
van der Schueren grant of the Vlaamse Liga tegen
dor: Alexandre de la Taille, Bernard Paule, Yves
Kanker. Diether Lambrechts is supported by the
Stichting Tegen Kanker. Evelyne Lerut received fund-
Christine Th é odore, Yves Denoux; Leuven: Univer-
ing from Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
sity Hospitals Leuven: Hendrik Van Poppel, Evelyne
Vlaanderen (Belgium) and Stichting tegen Kanker.
Lerut, Joost Berkers, Pascal Wolter, Patrick Sch ö ffski,
St é phane Oudard received honorarium from Novartis,
Pfi zer, Roche, Sanofi -Aventis, Keocyt, Amgen, and
Aur é lien Descazeaud, Julien Berger; Lyon: Centre
Bayer. Patrick Sch ö ffski received honoraria from Pfi zer
L é on B é rard: Marc Colombel, Sylvie N é grier, Florence
and GSK for participation in educational activities in
Mege-Lechevallier; Marseille: Institut Paoli-Calmettes:
the context or renal cell carcinoma. Pierre Bigot
Acta Oncol Downloaded from by K U Leuven on 02/20/13
received honorarium from Novartis. Jean Jacques
Nantes: ICO Gauducheau: Olivier Bouchot, Fr é d é ric
Patard is a consultant and principal investigator in
Pfi zer trials. Gwenaelle Gravis received funds from
é jean, Virginie Verkarre; Poitiers: Jacques
Novartis. Benoit Beuselinck received honoraria from
Irani, Jean Marc Tourani, Pierre Marie Le Villain;
Amgen, Janssen and Bayer. Diether Lambrechts
Rennes: Brigitte Laguerre, Jean-Jacques Patard,
received research support from Hoffman-La-Roche
Nathalie Rioux-Leclercq; Paris: Clinique St-Joseph:
and Sanofi -Aventis to conduct research projects related
Herv é Baumert, Gael Deplanque, Vincent Molini
to the discovery of biomarkers for bevacizumab therapy.
Strasbourg: CHRU Strasbourg: Didier Jacqmin,
Diether Lambrechts is named as co-inventor on a patent
Brigitte Duclos, V é ronique Lindler; Tours: CHU Tours:
application which value may be affected by publication.
Olivier Haillot, Claude Linassier, Franck Fetissof. The tissue collection was coordinated by the Plateforme de
Ressources Biologiques de l ’ H ô pital Europ é en Georges Pompidou in Paris. We are grateful to Claudia De Toma
for the coordination of the tissue collection.
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Acta Oncol Downloaded from by K U Leuven on 02/20/13
Standard Operating Procedure for Supplying Oral Methotrexate Purpose: To fol ow the NPSA's guidance to ensure the safe and efficient supply pf methotrexate. Scope: This SOP covers the supply (from receipt to dispensing) of oral methotrexate (MTX). This SOP does not cover the dispensing of injectable MTX. Responsibility: It is the responsibility of al staff who are certified
8130 "Oil-Cake & Oth Solid Residues(From Nuts,Fruit,Cereals)"Seed cake, with more than 1.5% oil"8130 "Oil-Cake & Oth Solid Residues(From Nuts,Fruit,Cereals)"Seed cake, with not more than 1.5% oil"25150 Chemical Wood Pulp/Soda/Sulfate/Bleached/Semibleached25150 Chemical Wood Pulp/Soda/Sulfate/Bleached/Semibleached"Other regulated substances, liquid, n.o.s.&