Wauzeka-steuben public schools

As we enter the new school year nd the traditional influenza season, we expect Wisconsin to continue seeing cases of the new pandemic flu. School and public health officials are working closely to keep our children safe and healthy. We need your help! ant thing you can do is to keep your child home if he/she is ill. If your child is so sick that you would normally seek medical care, please do so. The new pandemic flu is very similar to ordinary seasonal flu. Flu symptoms include fever with a cough or sore throat and severe muscle aches. A few cases of pandemic influenza have begun with nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea symptoms. Notify the
school of all flu-like absences and symptoms or confirmed cases of pandemic flu. When calling the school to report your ch
please list his/her symptoms in your message to help the school track illnesses.
ll students shoul
d stay out of school for at le
ast 24 hours after fever is gone without the use of Tylenol or Ibuprofen (Motrin,
Advil). Students will likely be home 3-4 days. Ill students should not attend alternative childcare either. If a child or adult is ill with other
symptoms, they should stay home at least one day to see how the illness develops and until completely well for 24 hours. Children who are
ill upon arrival at school or become ill during the school day will be sent home.

At this time, health and school officials are not recommending school closures for individual cases of H1N1 flu. However, as with regular seasonal flu, we might recommend closing school if larger numbers of students or faculty become ill. We will be guided by Crawford County Public Health Department officials for any closure. In addition to staying home when sick, here are some important things you and your family can do to help stay healthy and keep others safe 1. Practice good hand hygiene by washing your hands often with soap and water, especially after coughing or sneezing. Alcohol-
2. Cover your mouth and nose wi
you cough or sneeze. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your elbow 3. Stay home if you or your child sick
for at least 24 hours after there is no longer a fever or signs of a fever (without the use of fever-reducing medicine). Keeping sick students at home means that they keep their viruses to themselves rather than sharing them with others. 4. Get your family ccinated
for seasonal flu and 2009 H1N1 flu when vaccines are available. ays the school is working to prevent
the spread of illnesses are:
Education through televised announcements, h
es, class and sta
ealth class
ff meetings re: hand washing hygiene,
respiratory etiquette, and cleaning procedures  Enforcement of fever protocol: if your child has a fever and sent home they may not return until 24 hours without a fever without
Absentee Surveillance: remember to give the symptoms of the illness causing you to keep your child at home when calling your
Scheduled hand washing with bathroom breaks and before meals. Hand cleaners will be available in the main offices and by
Collaboration a
ultation with county, state, and federal health officials
Flu clinic availability through the Crawford County Public Health department
More and accurate information about the new H1N1 flu is available on the followin g web sites: http://pandemic.wi.gov http://www.cdc.gov You may also call the Public Health Flu information line at 211 or Crawford County Pubic Health 326-0229. Don’t be scared, be prepared. Thank you, in advance, for your patience and cooperation during this time. With your help, we can keep everyone safe and healthy.

Source: http://wauzeka.k12.wi.us/RESOURCES%20TAB/FORMS/Flu%20letter%202_2.pdf

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