Microsoft word - 12-7-09hsmins.doc

December 7, 2009
Present: Doug Paddock, Dan Banach, Donna Alexander, Tim Dennis, Don House, Bob
Multer, Taylor Fitch, Sarah Purdy, Connie Hayes, Nancy Gates, Earle Gleason, Amy
Miller, Mark Morris, Leslie Church, Katie Smeenk, Pam Larnard, Deb Minor.
Doug and Tim will do the audit.
Minutes of the November meeting were approved as presented.
PUBLIC HEALTH: Deb reviewed the following resolutions, the Committee approved.
• Resolution to renew agreements with Denise Tyler and Marie Ritter • Resolution to renew agreements with St. John Fisher College • Resolution to extend agreements with Department of Veterans Affairs Deb reported there will be an H1N1 Clinic December 14th from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Dundee American Legion for eligible recipients. Deb reported there will be a Seasonal Flu Clinic on December 9th 1:00 to 2:00 will be open to county employees and people who were on a call back list that had to be turned away at a previous clinic and the clinic will be open to the public from 3:00 to 5:00. Deb reported the State Health Department is distributing anti-virals to some of the pharmacies that have signed a provider agreement with them. This is Tamaflu and Relenza that will be offered to the uninsured and underinsured at no cost for the medication. They are asking for a donation of $5, the two pharmacies that have signed on in our county are Walgreens and Rite aid. Deb reviewed the following resolutions that would be needed, the Committee approved. • Resolution to sign agreements with Rushville Health Center Transitional Case Management $2,638.80 per month, Immunization/Lead outreach $2,387.88 per month • Resolution to sign agreement with NYSDOH on behalf of S²AY Rural Health Network for Facilitated Enrollment ($508,100)
Deb reported the weekend home care position has been filled.
Deb reported that at the last Committee meeting she was asked to look at the agency and
how they are structured. Deb reviewed the agency structure report that she did. This was
asked because of the pending retirement of a supervisor. The recommendation from
Human Services was to fill the position.
OFFICE FOR THE AGING: Katie reported the Office for the Aging funds were not
cut in the deficit reduction. There will be no impact for the senior programs. The cuts to
the youth programs will have to be absorbed. Katie has not heard anything on the Social
Services programs.
Katie reported ProAction Yates Office for the Aging is hosting a presentation by David Cook from the Social Security Administration on Tuesday, December 8th from 12:00 until 1:00 in the Yates County Auditorium. All are invited to attend. Donna reported as the represented from the Legislature to the Pro-Action Board. They have had two reviews this past month. One was a State review and the other was for the Head Start Program and they both passed with no concerns. Donna expressed her appreciation of the Board of Directors from ProAction for the support that Yates County gave to our program including the increase for the ProAction programs. VETERANS: Earle reported there were 368 contacts, 502 services and 24 trips provided
for medical services last month.
Secretary Shinseki has announced that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is doing
a study of women veterans who served in the military during the Vietnam War to explore
the effects of their military service upon their mental and physical health.
Earle reviewed a letter from Governor Paterson to Secretary Shinseki calling upon him to
address the disbursement delays in the processing of the Post 9/11 GI benefits for New
York’s veterans and their families. Earle reported last month that he checked with Keuka
College and everything was fine there however, Finger Lakes Community College has
been having problems receiving their payments for the education supplements.
Earle reported President Obama and Governor Paterson have issued proclamations for
Pearl Harbor Day reiterating that Congress pass Public Law 103-308 designating
December 7th of each year as “National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.”
Earle reviewed a bulletin from American Legion that Secretary Shinseki has announced
that a national survey of Veterans, active duty service members, activated National Guard
and reserve members and family members and survivors to learn if they are aware of VA
The VA is mailing out survey “screeners” to more than 130,000 households to identify
potential survey participants.
The VA expects 10,000 Veterans to complete the survey and expects to have a final
report by 12/2010.
Earle reviewed a letter received from the Erie County Veterans Services agency that was
written by a Marine Corp Major in Iraq. It is a thank you to Vietnam Veterans from the
Marine in Iraq.

Pam reviewed the following resolution that would be
needed. The Committee approved.
• Resolution to amend the 2009 contract with S&S Memorial Hospital Pam reported that based on the information that she has received the reduction for 2009
will be approximately $3,000 to $4,000. This is because the funding has been spent. The
State is only looking at funds that have not been spent.
Pam reported for the 2010 budget it looks like a 10% reduction in the state fiscal year,
approximately $30,000. Of that only $3,000 to $4,000 would be the money that would
have to be matched by the county in terms of a reduction. The majority of the reduction
will come from the 100% state dollars in 2010. Pam is working on how the reduction
will affect programs. It depends on which funding codes will be identified.
Pam explained that on the Alcohol and substance preventive services side, which in this
county is the Council on Alcoholism programs. At most it would be a 1% reduction in the
Finger Lakes region.
Pam explained for the Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, the
local ARC has been notified the non-620 money they will be getting will be reduced by
Pam reported the Kids Adventure Time Program will be running this year for the first
time during Christmas break.
Pam reported the Yates Arc has a new residence that is going up on Cornwell Street. It’s
a 6 bed resident, and 4 of the 6 residents are from a program in Dundee on Hollister
Street which is closing.
Pam reported Lois Gindling the Administrative Assistant has retired. Her last day on the
payroll is January 22nd. Pam will be meeting with Sarah to discuss the position which is
funded 80% by state dollars.
Pam asked Bob to draft a letter to Charlotte Gillespie for hers of service to the county.
Charlotte was a member of the Community Service Board for 14 years. Pam will send
Connie the information.
SOCIAL SERVICES: Nancy reported in the 2009/2010 State Year Deficit Reduction
Plan it is expected that the only reduction will be a 12.5% reduction in the Medicaid per
diem rate for those children who are in residential foster care. For which the State
Department actually pays the residential facility a daily rate for any care that is given.
Nancy is in the process of doing an analysis now to determine the actual cost.
Nancy reviewed the following contract renewals that she would need, the Committee
• Family Counseling of the Finger Lakes, Inc. for residential and non-residential • Child and Family Resource Center, Inc. for parent support/family aide services • Kinship for Family and Home-based Intensive Services for • Freeman T Freeman, LCSW-R for counseling services • Keuka Counseling – A Healing Journey • Yates County Workforce Development for employment assessment and • Yates County Probation for youth probation officer • Yates County Sheriff’s Department for fraud investigations. Dr. Dennis asked to have a cost benefit ratio report on this.
Dr. Dennis stated that a couple of months ago we talked about a state evaluation that was
done of the Social Services Department. Those of us who were new to the legislature
never saw a copy of this and you were going to get us a copy. Nancy will get copies for
the new legislators.
Nancy reported she will be interviewing for the Deputy Commissioner position starting
WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT/YOUTH: Amy reviewed an appointment to the
Workforce Investment Board that would be needed. The Committee approved.
Discussion took place on Sarah’s appointment to Board. It was decided to wait until after
January 1st when the new committee assignments have been decided to see if a legislator
would like the appointment.
• Appoint Wayne Martin, title V Program • Resolution for budget transfer Amy reported with the closing of P&C, 77 union and 4 non-union employees will be affected. The Department of Labor is scheduling a rapid response on 12/17 in three separate sessions in the Village Hall to give information to participants about benefits. Amy reported on the Call Center recruitment that was done last month. There were 189 people who showed up at the Penn Yan recruitment. Steve Griffin has been in contact with the company on a regular basis but we have not heard any results as of yet. Amy reported Sutherland Builders will be closing after 87 years. Workforce has been in contract with the employees explaining services that are available. Tim stated that every month when the unemployment statistics come out Yates County looks like it is not hurting very much. But in reality there are people who may have given up on looking for a job, or their unemployment benefits have run out. Amy will obtain figures on how many people are unemployed in Yates County and report to the Legislature. Amy explained we are much better than surrounding counties. Amy reviewed resolutions that would be needed, the Committee approved. • Resolutions for Chairman to sign MOU’s • Resolution for Chairman to sign 2010 Resource Allocation Plan Amy reported on the budget cut for the Yates County Youth Bureau programs. Amy explained the cuts will affect the municipalities directly. If you are a municipality and you have not vouchered for you recreation money to New York State, it will be cut. Most of the Municipalities have already vouchered. For the agencies, most of our agencies have been vouchering in a timely fashion and the Youth Bureau has been reimbursed by New York State for that money. Amy estimates approximately a $2,000 difference, and it won’t be money from Yates County. The amounts on the contracts will be able to be adjusted so they can only voucher for as much money as allocated. Tim moved to enter executive session to discuss a personnel performance, seconded by Don. Meeting adjourned at 7:35.


Afteroffice Server API (version 2.0a) RFC draft 2 This paper provides information for developer to write add-on solution on top or within of Afteroffice Server (AOS) environment. The API is currently implemented on HTTP method, via TCP/IP. The Developer Add-on (DA) may query AOS with simple HTTP get/post query, thru a pre-defined commands set to the AOS host. In version 1.0 of AOS API, the


Educar en la sobriedad en nuestra sociedad consumista. Jutta Burggraf. Universidad de Navarra. 28 de diciembre de 2007. ace poco, un niño –llamado Björn– celebró sericordioso. No se trata de despreciar los bienes de H su decimosegundo cumpleaños. Para esta esta tierra. Se trata más bien de utilizarlos rectamen-ocasión, los padres habían organizado una te, con verdadero señor

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