
Revised Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (RHRSD)
Self-Report Problem Inventory
A WPS TEST REPORT by W. L. Warren, Ph.D.
Copyright 1997 by Western Psychological Services 12031 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, California 90025-1251 ID Number: Sample-S
Administration Date: 12/23/96
Age: Not Entered
Processing Date: 12/23/96
Gender: Male
Examiner ID Number: Not Entered
Name: Self-Report
The RHRSD Self-Report Problem Inventory is a brief scale for assessing depressive symptom type andseverity. Users should be familiar with the RHRSD Manual (WPS Product No. W-290C). Cliniciansassessing depressed patients should be trained in assessing suicide risk.
Raw Score
Validity Score
Inconsistency Score
Total Score
<=10: Nonclinical Range 11-16: Minor Depression 17-25: Major Depression >=26: Severe Depression 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17+
Major Depressive Episode (DSM-III-R or DSM-IV)
This individual’s RHRSD responses result in an MDE score of 8, which is consistent with the presence of a moderate Major Depressive Episode.
Melancholic Features
There were 5 MEL items endorsed, which is consistent with the presence of melancholic features.
General Screening Items
The General Screening items at the beginning of the RHRSD ask about ways in which everyday functioning can be disrupted by depressive symptoms. An affirmative response to any of these itemsshould be discussed with the client. This client gave affirmative responses to 5 of these 8 items.
The Validity score of 2 indicates that there was no contradiction in this client’s report of the presence or absence of depressive symptoms. This client’s responses indicate that feelings of guilt,suicidal thoughts, and his level of work and activities may contribute to any current difficulties.
Self-ratings in these areas are often more severe than ratings given by a clinician. Further inquiry with theclient in these areas is recommended.
There were no obvious inconsistencies in this client’s responses.
ID: Sample-S
This client’s RHRSD Total Score of 27 suggests that he is suffering severe depression. His ratings are also consistent with the diagnosis of at least a moderate Major Depressive Episode. Melancholicfeatures are indicated. Most RHRSD symptoms may occur as medication side effects, particularly for older patients. Be sure to check the client’s medication regime and the possible adverse effects and interactions for thedrugs he is taking.
The client has reported some self-destructive thoughts or behaviors. He should be evaluated for suicide risk. It may be helpful to administer the Suicide Probability Scale (WPS Product No. W-172).
Symptoms Responsive to Commonly Prescribed Medications
Tricyclic Antidepressants. The client’s TCAR score for symptoms that may be expected to respond
to the administration of tricyclic antidepressants is 12, which is in the average range. For this client, thesymptoms are Depressed Mood, Feelings of Guilt, Early Morning Waking, and Work and Activities.
Hypnotics. This client reports insomnia and nocturnal waking, which may respond to hypnotic
Symptoms of Other Psychiatric Disorders
Obsessions/Compulsions. This client’s symptoms include some obsessive or compulsive difficulties.
These often accompany low levels of depression. This area should be evaluated further. Depressedindividuals with these symptoms often respond to clomipramine or to behavior therapy.
Item Responses
Response Key
This report was generated based on WPS TEST REPORT Microcomputer Data Entry.

Source: http://www.acer.edu.au/documents/sample_reports/rhrsd-self-report-inventory.pdf


MÃSURI CE SE EXECUTÃ ÎN CAZ DE UTILIZARE A ARMEI BIOLOGICE 1. GENERALITÃÞI Prin arma biologicã se înþeleg agenþi patogeni utilizaþi în scopuri agresive, care în urma rãspândiri prin diferite mijloace tehnice ºi procedee, pot determina îmbolnãviri în masã ale populaþiei sau animalelor. Declanºarea efectelor vãtãmãtoare ale armei biologice se bazeazã pe acti

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HIVQUAL-U Manual Data Collection Form (version 4) Adult/Adolescent Start Date: XX/ XX/ XXXX End Date: XX/XX/XXXX Patient Profile Patient Data Entry Screen 1: “Monitoring HIV Status and Continuity of Care” 1.1 Did the patient have any CD4 counts during the review period? … Yes … No … Not stated • If no, go to 1.1.2 1.1.1 ( If yes in 1.1 ) Record

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