Percutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation – Electroacupuncture by Another Name? A Comparative Review. Summary
Percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (PENS)
investigation to determine whether there was any
is a technique that has been described as a ‘novel
difference between PENS and EA, and to bring
analgesic therapy’. A review was performed of the
the matter to the attention of the readership of
published literature in order to compare PENS
with the author’s knowledge and experience of the
use of EA, specifically with regard to the
stimulation parameters, the selection of points,
A computerized text word search of PubMed and
and the reported efficacy. The conclusion of the
the Cochrane database was performed in February
review is that PENS is neither different in
2001 using the search term ‘pens’. No other
principle nor in practice from EA, and whilst the
restrictions were applied to the search. A further
term accurately reflects the nature of the
text word search of PubMed was performed using
treatment, there is no substantial justification for
the complete term ‘percutaneous electrical nerve
referring to PENS as a novel therapy.
stimulation’. Reading the titles and abstracts
identified the references of relevance, and these
papers were obtained. An analysis of the technique
Percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation,
of PENS described in the papers was compared
with the author’s knowledge and experience of the
use of EA, specifically with regard to the
During a casual search for recent reviews of TENS
electrical, the selection of points, and the reported
(transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) in the
Cochrane database, the author happened upon the
electrical nerve stimulation) for the first time. At a
The PubMed search using the text word ‘pens’
first glance over several abstracts of RCTs of
produced 1268 references. The subsequent search
using the complete term ‘percutaneous electrical
similarity between this ‘novel technique’ and the
nerve stimulation’ revealed only 13 references,1-13
more familiar EA (electroacupuncture). The
and a search of the Cochrane database did not
author was concerned that these papers had been
produce any additional ones. Of the 13 references,
missed from his routine literature searches for
there were seven relevant RCTs,1-7 and one case
acupuncture papers, because the abstracts of the
series.8 The other references were to letters,10-13 and
PENS papers did not include any text beginning
one reference was to a systematic review of
with the stem ‘acup’ – the search term he had
treatments for herpes zoster9 that mentioned one
of the PENS trials already identified.5 The
Table 1 Papers on Percutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (PENS) Score – this is the Jadad score, a measure of internal validity, with a maximum possible value of 5. N – number of subjects in the study.
(100ms);2 pulse widths of over 0.5ms are avoided
in EA because they are excessively painful, so
this is likely to be a reporting error. Biphasic
waves tend to be the norm in modern EA, and the
pulse widths most frequently used are around
All the PENS trials use ‘acupuncture-like
0.2ms; however, these differences are unlikely to
needle probes’ inserted to a depth of between 1cm
have a significant effect on nerve depolarisation
and 4cm. These probes were obtained from a
in comparison with the current utilised and the
Japanese company that produces acupuncture
proximity of the needle electrodes to nerve
needles. The needles used were 32G (0.25mm
diameter). This is a very commonly used gauge of
Frequency – PENS was applied at either 4Hz,
needle for EA. Whilst the PENS papers do not
100Hz or at an alternating frequency of 15 and
mention manipulation of the needles, other than
30Hz; 4Hz alone was used in two papers,1;2
careful insertion, the stimulation is likely to be
15/30Hz was used exclusively in three papers,4;6;7
indistinguishable from that when performing EA.
and in two papers all three frequencies were
applied.3;8 These frequencies are all within the
Waveform – In four of the PENS papers a
standard range used in EA. One paper claimed a
unipolar square wave of 0.5ms duration is
benefit of 15/30Hz over either 4 or 100Hz;3
reported to have been used.1;3;4;6 In one paper a
biphasic wave is reported to have been used.7 The
alternation of frequency, it cannot be said that
sciatica trial reportedly used a pulse width of 0.1s
these frequencies are superior – any difference
may have been due to the alternation rather than
there was no significant change in outcome
measures for any group in these trials. Sham
Amplitude – Where details were given, the
PENS papers describe a low output electrical
needles at the same sites, and to the same depths
generator that produces a current of less than
(1cm to 4cm), as used in the PENS procedure, but
25mA. In the application of PENS the authors
there was no electrical stimulation of the needles.
state that the intensity of the electrical stimulation
These are the only reports of a sham procedure
was adjusted to produce the maximum tolerable
involving skin penetration, to the author’s
sensation without muscle contraction.1 This is
knowledge, in which there was no significant
likely to correlate with relatively mild EA
change in any outcome measure following the
stimulation, since muscle contraction is actively
sought in the latter, although the intensity
perceived by the patient, rather than muscle
contraction, generally determines the maximum
In terms of the sensory stimulus applied to the
patient, PENS is certainly a form of EA. The name
‘percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation’ may be
novel, and is an accurate description of the
The PENS papers describe point selection based
technique, but this reviewer feels that describing
on dermatomes, though this is used to imply
PENS as a ‘novel analgesic therapy’ is not
segmental principles, since deeper tissues are
supported by the information in the published
invariably stimulated. Some of the diagrams in the
literature. Whilst traditional Chinese acupuncture
papers are not consistent with stimulating the
does not use terminology such as dermatomes,
intended segments, but these probably represent
myotomes, sclerotomes and viscerotomes, it is
reporting errors rather than errors in point
likely that the majority of traditional acupuncture
selection. In the reply to a letter published in
treatments involve segmental stimulation, both in
Anesthesia and Analgesia,13 White and Craig
the approach to pain and to visceral disease.14
(whose names appear on the author list of all the
Therefore, whatever the name given to the
PENS papers) justify calling PENS a novel
treatment, the stimulus to the patient’s nervous
therapy, different from EA, because the principles
system is likely to be indistinguishable.
of point selection are based on segmental ideas
Two of the authors of the PENS papers formed
rather than on classical Chinese teachings. Of
course, EA is not a classical Chinese technique, as
developing an electrical generator for PENS
it was invented in the 1950s as an alternative to
therapy.15 If such a device gains FDA approval,
surgical anaesthesia, and whilst classical points
they expect to receive direct financial benefits.15
are used, local segmental needling is also
This reviewer was able to mimic the stimulation
commonly applied. Moreover, segmental EA has
parameters described in the PENS papers with a
commercially available EA device (Cefar Acus
Acupuncture Society courses for at least the last
II), with the exception of the pulse width – a
maximum pulse width of 0.45ms can be produced
with the Acus II, rather than the 0.5ms described
in the PENS papers. With two needles inserted
The active intervention proved significantly
bilaterally in tibialis anterior, an alternating
superior to the control in all seven RCTs of
frequency of 15/30Hz was applied with a bipolar
PENS.1-7 Sham PENS was used as a control in six
square wave and a pulse width of 0.45ms. Robust
of these trials.1-4;6;7 When treated with sham PENS
muscle contractions were produced without
discomfort at an amplitude of 3.5mA. This
2. Ghoname EA, White PF, Ahmed HE, Hamza MA, Craig
reviewer contends that commercially available EA
WF, Noe CE. Percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation: an
alternative to TENS in the management of sciatica. Pain
devices are likely to offer a sufficient variety of
stimulation characteristics for optimal peripheral
3. Ghoname ES, Craig WF, White PF, Ahmed HE, Hamza
nerve stimulation, and there is unlikely to be a
MA, Gajraj NM et al. The effect of stimulus frequency on
the analgesic response to percutaneous electrical nerve
The matter of the consistent lack of efficacy of
stimulation in patients with chronic low back pain. Anesth
sham PENS, a stimulus that equates to standard
4. Hamza MA, Ghoname EA, White PF, Craig WF, Ahmed
segmental dry needling, is puzzling. In blinded
HE, Gajraj NM et al. Effect of the duration of electrical
trials of acupuncture for chronic low back pain,
stimulation on the analgesic response in patients with low
penetrating controls have been associated with a
back pain. Anesthesiology 1999;91(6):1622-7.
50% response rate.16 Sham PENS has not been
5. Ahmed HE, Craig WF, White PF, Ghoname ES, Hamza
reported to produce any significant change over
MA, Gajraj NM et al. Percutaneous electrical nerve
stimulation: an alternative to antiviral drugs for acute
time in the published trials to date.
herpes zoster. Anesth Analg 1998;87(4):911-4.
6. Ahmed HE, White PF, Craig WF, Hamza MA, Ghoname
consistently positive results for PENS, there is
ES, Gajraj NM. Use of percutaneous electrical nerve
clearly a need for independent research to confirm
stimulation (PENS) in the short- term management of
the findings of this group. It is suggested that
headache. Headache 2000;40(4):311-5.
7. Hamza MA, White PF, Craig WF, Ghoname ES, Ahmed
future trials address the issue of adequate masking,
HE, Proctor TJ et al. Percutaneous electrical nerve
which appears to have been lacking in the papers
stimulation: a novel analgesic therapy for diabetic
to date. The term ‘percutaneous electrical nerve
neuropathic pain. Diabetes Care 2000;23(3):365-70.
stimulation’ is acceptable for reporting purposes,
8. Ahmed HE, Craig WF, White PF, Huber P. Percutaneous
electrical nerve stimulation (PENS): a complementary
‘acupuncture’ is included in the keywords or
therapy for the management of pain secondary to bony
metastasis. Clin J Pain 1998;14(4):320-3.
abstract of future papers so that they are revealed
9. Alper BS, Lewis PR. Does treatment of acute herpes zoster
in the electronic literature searches of relevant
prevent or shorten postherpetic neuralgia? J Fam Pract
In conclusion, this review finds that PENS is
10. Berkman R. Percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for
neither different in principle nor in practice from
treatment of low back pain. JAMA 1999;282(10):941-2.
11. Hyman MH. Percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for
EA, and whilst the term accurately reflects the
treatment of low back pain. JAMA 1999;282(10):941-2.
nature of the treatment, there is no substantial
12. Kaplan EA. Percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for
justification for referring to PENS as a ‘novel
treatment of low back pain. JAMA 1999;282(10):941-2.
13. Pinsker MC. Percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation or
acupuncture. Anesth Analg 1999;89(4):1065. Acknowledgement
14. Bekkering R, Bussel Rv. Segmental acupuncture. In
The author would like to thank Dr Adrian White for his helpful
Filshie J, White AR, eds. Medical Acupuncture, A Westernscientific approach, pp 225-94. Edinburgh: Churchill
Reference List
15. White PF, Craig WF. Percutaneous electrical nerve
1. Ghoname EA, Craig WF, White PF, Ahmed HE, Hamza
stimulation for treatment of low back pain (authors’ reply
MA, Henderson BN et al. Percutaneous electrical nerve
to letters from Berkman, Hyman and Kaplan). JAMA
stimulation for low back pain: a randomized crossover
study. JAMA 1999;281(9):818-23.
16. Moore RA, McQuay HJ. Bias. Bandolier 2000;7(10):1-5.
Percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation electroacupuncture by another name? A comparative review Acupunct Meddoi: 10.1136/aim.19.1.32
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Shared Online Media Archive SOMA Metadata Element Set Version Author Based on meeting held at CMA office in Sheffield Based on comments on version 0.2, and the Finalise vocabularies, deal with open issues, Table of Contents Table of Contents . 2 Introduction. 4 Purpose of this document. 4 Brief Glossary. 4 Summary . 4 Comments and Open Issues. 5 Different Formats of