Microsoft word - infinite campus parent portal aup

The Adair County School District utilizes Infinite Campus, a web-based student demographic and information system for the management of student data. The Infinite Campus Parent Portal allows parents/guardians of our currently enrolled students to monitor their child(ren)’s school information and progress, by viewing attendance, grades, assignments, class schedules, disciplinary issues, and other student demographics online in a confidential and secure setting. Report cards may be viewed and printed. E-mail hyperlinks within the Infinite Campus Parent Portal provides you with the means to easily contact the appropriate staff (teachers and administrators) at your child’s school to gather additional information or address specific issues that might arise. Important announcements, events, and notices will be posted within the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Student information is available in real time for parents to view as soon as it is posted by school staff. The Adair County School District reserves the right to add to or remove any of the above-mentioned features from the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. This powerful database and communication tool provides a means for school staff and parents to keep students on track for success in school. The Adair County School District will provide all parents/guardians of currently enrolled students the opportunity to free access to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Only parents of students enrolled in the Adair County School District with legal rights to their child(ren)’s student records may receive an Infinite Campus Parent Portal account. The Adair County School District reserves the right to deny or cease access to the Parent Portal due to violation of the Infinite Campus Parent Portal Acceptable Use Policy, court orders, or any other legal proceedings that limit the availability of private educational data. The Adair County School District provides access to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal to increase and further enhance communication between the school district and parents/guardians. More immediate access to your child(ren)’s student records will provide us with the means to work together to better address the instructional needs of our students and your child(ren). Use of the Infinite Campus Parent Portal Access to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal on the Adair County School District’s network is a privilege, not a right. Users of the Infinite Campus Parent Portal must adhere to the following guidelines: 1. To gain access to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal, all parents/guardians must complete the Adair County School District’s Infinite Campus Parent Portal Access Request Form and bring the form to their child(ren)’s school office with a photo ID. This will prevent unauthorized person’s from gaining access to student information. 2. All request forms must include a valid e-mail, which is required for communications between home and school regarding the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. 3. Users will be notified via e-mail when their accounts are set up and ready for use. Instructions 4. Users will not share his/her username and/or password with anyone, not even their own child(ren). If at any time you believe that another person has gained access to your account, please change your password immediately. 5. Users will not attempt to access data or another account for which they have no legal right to 6. Users will act in a responsible, legal, and ethical manner. 7. Users will not attempt to harm or destroy data that is stored in Infinite Campus or other school 8. Users will not utilize the Infinite Campus Parent Portal for any illegal activity, including the violation of data privacy laws. Anyone found to be in violation of these laws may be subject to 9. Users who identify a security problem with the Infinite Campus Parent Portal must notify the district’s technology department immediately without demonstrating the problem to anyone else. All technical issues must be submitted online via the link that is provided on the Adair County School District’s website at 10. Users who identify a potential problem with the accuracy of the data contained within the Infinite Campus Parent Portal must report this to the school by contacting the school via the link contained on the Adair County School District’s website at 11. Users must not set their computer to automatically log in to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal because this will allow anyone who uses your computer to gain access to your child(ren)’s 12. Users identified as a security risk to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal or the Adair County School District’s network will be denied access to the parent portal. 13. Only parents/guardians of currently enrolled students are eligible to receive an Infinite Campus Infinite Campus Parent Portal Security Features 1. Three unsuccessful login attempts will disable the user’s Infinite Campus Parent Portal account. Users may click on a link within the Infinite Campus Parent Portal to reset their passwords. If that does not work, users may contact the Adair County School District’s technology department online via the link found on the school district’s website, 2. Users will automatically be logged off, if the Infinite Campus Parent Portal remains open and 3. All attempts at logging into the Infinite Campus Parent Portal are logged and monitored for Maintenance of the Infinite Campus Parent Portal system will require the system to be shut down at various times. When possible, notification regarding the unavailability of the Infinite Campus Parent Portal will be posted well in advance as an announcement on the Infinite Campus Parent Portal system. The Adair County School District is not responsible or liable for any technical issues related to your personal computer. Technical issues related to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal should be submitted directly to the Adair County School District’s Technology Department online via the link found on the school district’s website, The Adair County School District is not responsible for providing personal computers to parents/guardians for accessing the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to provide and maintain his/her personal computer for accessing this resource. The minimum and recommended system requirements are listed below. The Internet connection speed should be a minimum of 56K dial-up modem and a faster connection, such as DSL, Satellite, or Cable Modem is recommended. The recommended monitor resolution for the Infinite Campus Parent Portal is 800 X 600 or greater. The required Java plug-in is a FREE download from Adobe Reader is a FREE download from An up-to-date anti-virus software program installed on the personal computer that is utilized for accessing the Infinite Campus Parent Portal is highly recommended. Infinite Campus Parent Portal Data Availability and Interpretation The data posted on the Infinite Campus Parent Portal may vary based upon the school your child(ren) attends. All student data is available for viewing in real-time—immediately after it is posted by school staff. A general timeline for posting of student information is as follows: 1. Grades are posted within two weeks from the date of the assignment. Some larger assignments take longer to grade and other unforeseen circumstances may require additional time for posting grades. Questions regarding your child(ren)’s grades should be submitted to the classroom teacher. 2. Attendance data, including absences and tardies are posted daily. Questions regarding your child(ren)’s attendance or tardies should be submitted to the school attendance clerk. 3. Personal data, such as contact information is typically updated within one week of student registration, with the exception of peak times, such as the beginning of the school year. The high volume of changes to be made during student registration may delay updates up to three weeks. Questions regarding your child(ren)’s personal data should be addressed with the school’s office staff. Requests for Infinite Campus Parent Portal Access Infinite Campus Parent Portal access requests are accepted at the beginning of the school year or anytime throughout the year when changes are made to parent/guardian information or at the time that new students enroll in the Adair County School District. Parents/guardians of currently enrolled students must complete the Adair County School District’s Infinite Campus Parent Portal Access Request Form and return it in person to your child(ren)’s school office, along with a photo ID. Only one form is required per parent/guardian for all child(ren) that are enrolled in the Adair County School District. These forms are available at your child’s school office or may be downloaded from the Adair County School District’s website at Parents/guardians will be notified via e-mail when their accounts are set up and ready for use. Account information and instructions for accessing the Infinite Campus Parent Portal will be posted on the Adair County School District’s website (, available for pick-up at your child(ren)’s school, and e-mailed with


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