1 0 2 2 3 S a w m i l l P k w y P o w e l l O H 4 3 0 6 5
We have reached October, our tenth month of our 12 month program of fitness. Our goal this month
is to buy a new pair of shoes. A tennis shoe lasts 300-500 miles or at least twice a year get them re-
placed. We have had many patients be more fit and reports of 18-32 lbs. lost, by participating in one
of the many forms of lifestyle changes and/or diets in our clinic since New Years Day.
Do you know someone with back pain? It is stated that 80% of the population of the U.S., at some
point in their life, is going to have back pain. Could you fall into this percentage? The human back and spinal structure is a highly complex part of the body. It consists of bones, discs, muscles, and
ligaments that all play a critical role for movement of all extremities. The back is a strong and funda-mental part of the body, but it does have its weaknesses.
The lower back is the most common area for pain and can limit everyday activity. In order to help
prevent it, it is important to know the causes.
Acute low back pain is considered to be any discomfort in the lower back region that begins suddenly and is most cases treatment is resolved in less than three months. In order to prevent this from hap-pening again, it is important to have an active, healthy lifestyle to reduce symptoms and to follow the treatment protocol for a faster and stronger recovery.
Chronic low back pain is if it lasts longer than three months or you know that it is something you have on a regular basis. There are many causes, a few include degenerative disorders, scoliosis, bone disease, work or personal injuries, lack of exercise, fatigue, mineral deficiencies, poor posture or daily habits, digestive disorder and stress to just name a few.
We have the full length article for you to read at the office, so on your next appointment please pick up
a copy for your review. On page two, I will give you a list of things to do to lessen your odds of back pain and suffering.
Instead of just masking your symptoms, utilize Chiropractic, orthotics, nutrition, and colon hydrother-apy(for detoxing the causes of many problems). Please call to schedule an appointment to put your
structure, diet, and immune system in the best optimum position, movement, and function.
Cert. Applied Kinesiologist and Microscopist
A l t e r n a t i v e H e a l t h O a s i s &
N u t r i t i o n S t o r e N e w s l e t t e r
How can I prevent becoming part of the 80% of Americans with back pain?
Start a wellness goal for yourself. Making a few changes in the way you live can help reduce the
chances of establishing persistent back pain. Here are a few choices that can be implemented in everyday life.
1. Exercise daily to help increase blood and oxygen flow in the body, at least 30-60 minutes.
2. Eat foods that are rich in vitamins and nutrients, primarily organic
3. Don’t excessive amounts of junk/fast foods, best would be to eliminate them all. Go for at least
There are many habits that occur throughout the day that can induce back pain. Some things have become so routine in our lives that we do not realize they could be harmful. Here are a few of the daily occurrences that can cause low back pain:
1. Sitting on a wallet all day at work, it is best to put it in your shirt pocket and carry less in it.
2. Sleeping on your stomach, it is better to sleep on your back or side.
3. Wearing uncomfortable and unsupportive shoes. Check your shoes for wear, you may need
5. Smoking tobacco and other bad habits.
A chiropractor’s expertise in spinal manipulation and extremity adjustments can be beneficial for low back pain. Chiropractors can also provide techniques for at-home recovery, starting with exer-cises and nutrition.
I n - O f f i c e S e m i n a r s o r C l a s s e s
ment and Olivia’s testimonial. More can be read in the Nov. 2010
group are interested. It is an educational experience
H a v e y o u r e f e r r e d a l l y o u r f a m i l y t o u s ?
Boniva admits misleading the public about its product, “An important correction from Boniva for women with post-menopausal osteoporosis. Our ads stated that after one year on Boniva, 9 out of 10 women stopped and reversed their bone loss. The FDA has found that there is not enough evidence to support this statement and wants us to clear up any misunderstanding. Boniva has been shown to help increase bone mass and help reduce the chance of having a spinal fracture.
In the article, there are numerous side effects of back pain, heartburn, stomach area pain, pain in the arms and legs, diarrhea, headache, muscle pand and flu-like symptoms. To us that indicates low calcium and minerals, and to deal with these side effects may be worse than the solution.
Our answer is Cal Apatite with Boron, or Cal Apatite with Magnesium. Both have magnesium and other minerals which will help supply the bones and muscles with the minerals one needs
If you wear out your body, where are you
Certificates for any service or products in our office,
Fluoride free toothpaste with essential oils and zinc!
Chemical free shampoo (does not contain Sodium Lau-
rel Sulfate which is used as an engine degreaser)
Face and Body wash , Crystal Stick Deodorant, Mouth-
less chemical exposure in your lifetime.
Did you know? That chiropractors do perform miracles
Family Chiropractic Care & Sports Care, Applied Kinesiology &
Cranial/TMJ, Naturopathy & Nutritional Consulting
Neurological Integration Technique: For help with memory, ADD,
ADHD, focusing, internal and external complaints, pain, and much
more. 1. See youtube.com “ applied kinesiology demonstration 1,
Austin: Dr. Kuykendall” for one of the many screens and correc-
*This is an extended office visit fee at $90, expect 2-3 treatments
Ion Cleanse & Far Infrared Sauna Detox
Phone: 614-717-9144 E-mail: docmikecanhelp@gmail.com
Foot Orthotics: the first level of support, soft and comfortable
(Warranted for two years from the original pair purchase date)
Raindrop Technique & Colon Hydrotherapy
Animal adjusting (cats, dogs, horses) www.vomtech.com
The office will now charge a $50 missed CHT appt. fee if not given a 48 hour notice(May 2010).
Coming Soon: Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Treatment
“Standing in the middle of the road is
“Statistics are no substitute for judg-
and your body in balance to fight stress, disease, illness, and aging.
Analysis of patient data from the Global Health Partnership mobile clinic at Kipsongo, Kitale, Kenya on 27 July 2011 Myer Glickman MFPH FHRIM FBMIS Consultant Statistician Development and Health Informatics Ltd Introduction This report is a brief analysis of patient data collected at the Global Health Partnership mobile clinic held in Kipsongo, Kitale, Kenya on 27 July 2011.