Genotype and antiretroviral drug resistance of human immunodeficiency virus-1 in Saudi Arabia Ghazi A. Jamjoom, PhD, FRCPath, Esam I. Azhar, MSc, PhD, Tariq A. Madani, MBBS, FRCP (C), Salwa I. Hindawi, MBBS, FRCPath, Hanaa A. Bakhsh, MBBS, Arab Board (Pediatrics), Ghazi A. Damanhouri, MBBS, FRCPath. ABSTRACT
monitoring. Samples were analyzed at the Special
Infectious Agent Unit, King Fahd Medical Research
)HIV-1( بستكلما ةعانلما صقن سوريف ةمواقم ليلتح :فادهلأا
Center of King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom
ىضرلما ىدل سوريفلل ينيلجا عونتلا ديدتحو ةيرقهقلا تاسوريفلا تاداضلم
of Saudi Arabia from August 2004 to June 2009. The
لوب ينج نم ةمخضم ةقطنلم ينيلجا لسلستلا ةنياعبم كلذو ينيدوعسلا
Viroseq2.5® kit (Celera/Abbott) was used with ABI
Prism 3100 sequencer. All patients were Saudi nationals
and were on antiretroviral therapy, some experiencing
ةيدعلما تانئاكلا ةدحو يف ةيعاجرتسلاا ةساردلا هذه تيرجُأ :ةقيرطلا
،ةدج ،زيزعلا دبع كللما ةعماج يف ةيبطلا ثوحبلل دهف كللما زكربم ةصالخا
Results: Based on protease region (PR), genotypes of 63
2004 سطسغأ نم ةرتفلا للاخ كلذو ةيدوعسلا ةيبرعلا ةكلملما
samples were as follows: C:22, G:21, B:9, CRF02_AG:5,
فيرعتلا ماظن مادختساب ةذوخألما امزلابلا تانيع ليلتح تم دقل .م2009
D:3, A:1, F:1, and J:1. Based on reverse transcriptase
ىلإ ةفاضلإاب ،)Celera/Abbott( ةكرش نم )Viroseq 2.5( ينيلجا
region (RT), genotypes were as follows: C:23, G:24,
.ينيلجا لسلستلا ديدحتل )ABI Prism 3100( ينيلجا لللمحا مادختسا
B:9, CRF02_AG: 2, D:2, A:1, and F:1. Antiretroviral
تاداضبم جلاعلا اوقلت دق نيذلا ةيدوعسلا ةيسنلجا نم ىضرلما لك ناك دقل
susceptibility testing results were as follows: 52% of
.جلاعلا مهعم حجني مل مهضعب نأ ريغ ،ةيرقهقلا تاسوريفلا
the isolates were susceptible to all 3 major classes of
antiretroviral drugs used, 41% had mutations known
ةقطنم ىلع ًادامتعا ةينيلجا عاونلأا ميسقت تم ةنيع 63 ينب نم :جئاتنلا
to confer high level resistance to one or more of the
C:22، G:21، B:9، CRF02_ :ةيلاتلا عاونلأا ىلإ )PR( زيتوربلا
nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitors, 16%
ًادامتعا ةينيلجا عاونلأا ميسقت تم اميف ،AG:5، D:3، A:1، F:1، J:1
had mutations known to confer high level resistance
C:23، G:24، B:9، :يلاتلاك )RT( يسكعلا خسانلا ةقطنم ىلع
to non-nucleoside analogues reverse transcriptase
تانيعلا ةباجتسا رابتخا رهظأو .CRF02_AG:2 D:2، A:1، F:1
inhibitors, 13% had mutations known to confer high
نم )52%( تباجتسا :ةيلاتلا جئاتنلا ةيرقهقلا تاسوريفلا تاداضلم
level resistance to one or more of the protease inhibitors
(PI). Most isolates were susceptible to 2 or at least one
41%( توتحاو ،تاداضلما نم ةيسيئرلا ةثلاثلا تاعومجملل تلازعلا
class of antiretroviral, and only 3% of the isolates had
دحاول ةمواقلما نم ةيلاع ةجرد ببست يتلا تارفطلا ضعب ىلع تلازعلا نم
resistance to several members of all 3 classes.
توتحا اميف ،دياسولكوينلاب ةهيبشلا يسكعلا خسانلا تاطبثم نم رثكأ وأ
ةمواقلما نم ةيلاع ةجرد ببست يتلا تارفطلا ىلع تلازعلا نم )16%(
Conclusion: Antiretroviral resistance is not uncommon
)13%( توتحاو ،دياسويلكوينلاب ةهيبشلا ريغ يسكعلا خسانلا تاطبثلم
in Saudi patients on antiretroviral therapy.
وأ دحاول ةمواقلما نم ةيلاع ةجرد ببست يتلا تارفطلا ىلع تلازعلا نم
وأ ينتعومجلم تلازعلا رثكأ تباجتسا دقل .زييتوربلا تاطبثم نم رثكأ
Saudi Med J 2010; Vol. 31 (9): 987-992
3% نأ ريغ ،ةيرقهقلا تاسوريفلا تاداضم نم لقلأا ىلع ةدحاو ةعومجم
.ثلاثلا تاعومجلما ءاضعأ نم ديدعلا ةمواقبم تماق طقف تلازعلا نم
From the Special Infectious Agent Unit (Jamjoom, Azhar), King Fahd Medical Research Center and Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, and Departments of
ةعئاش دعت ةيرقهقلا تاسوريفلا تاداضم ةمواقم نأب ةساردلا ريشت :ةتماخ Internal Medicine (Madani), Hematology (Hindawi, Damanhouri),
.تاداضلما هذهب جلاعلا نوقلتي نيذلا ينيدوعسلا ىضرلما ينب
Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, and Department of Pediatrics (Bakhsh), Maternity & Children Hospital, Ministry of Health, Objectives: To analyze antiretroviral drug resistance and
determine the genotype of human immunodeficiency
Received 18th April 2010. Accepted 2nd August 2010.
virus (HIV)-1 in Saudi patients by sequencing an
Address correspondence and reprint request to: Prof. Ghazi A. Jamjoom, Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, King Fahd Medical Research Center, PO Box 80216, Jeddah 21589, Kingdom Methods: This retrospective study analyzed data from of Saudi Arabia. Tel. +966 505351850. Fax. +966 (2) 6952059.
plasma samples submitted for genotypic drug sensitivity
Genotype and drug resistance of HIV-1 . Jamjoom et al
Development of resistance to antiretroviral drugs Jeddah, and HIV/acquire immune deficiency syndrome
constitutes a threat to patients undergoing (AIDS) outpatient clinic (no samples were received
treatment and a continuous concern to their doctors. from expatriate patients). Patients had chronic HIV
The transmission of resistant viruses is also a concern infection and were on antiretroviral therapy. Regimens
to the community in general.1 Drug resistance assays of antiretroviral drugs used for all categories (adults,
have become an important tool for the management pregnant women, children, and neonates) were
of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected according to the current updates of the Guidelines of
subjects.2-5 Many studies6-11 have been carried on the Panels on Antiretroviral Therapy, Department of
antiretroviral resistance in various countries. Reports on Health and Human Services (USA).13-15 The backbone of
drug resistance from newly infected patients in Europe therapy was 2 nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase
revealed resistance rates of 9-21%,6-9 while a study from inhibitors (NRTIs) such as zidovudine, stavudine, or
the USA10 on newly infected patients indicated a rate didanosine plus lamivudine, combined with a protease
of 12.4% phenotypic resistance, and a rate of resistance inhibitor (PI) usually lopinavir/ritonavir, atazanvir, or
mutations (genotypic resistance) of 8-22.7%, while nelfinavir, or a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase
multi-drug resistance increased up to 10.2%. Another inhibitor (NNRTIs), such as efavirenz or nevirapine.
USA study11 indicated that as many as 76% of viremic Routine investigations for all patients before initiation of
patients receiving antiretroviral therapy are infected with antiretroviral therapy (ART) include quantitative HIV
viruses that express resistance to at least one of the available polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (viral load). Patients
antiretroviral drugs. Resistance to a drug was found to receiving antiretroviral therapy for at least 6 months,
be associated with reduced responsiveness to the drug and failing to achieve undetectable viral load were
in vivo.4,5 Two types of assays are used for antiretroviral suspected to have antiretroviral resistance. Suboptimal
susceptibility testing: phenotypic assays, which measure response to treatment as judged clinically, and/or high
the susceptibility of the virus to various drugs in tissue- or increased viral load were the main reasons for ordering
culture systems; and genotypic assays, which detect the drug resistance testing. Inclusion criteria for analyzed
presence of resistance mutations by sequence analysis samples were Saudi nationals, and viral load >1000
of selected regions of the viral genome.2,12 Both are copies of HIV ribonucleic acid (RNA)/ml. Samples
used, each having certain advantages and disadvantages. with low copy number, as judged by electrophoretic
Phenotypic assays provide quantitative resistance band intensity upon amplification, and viral load were
information and information on new drugs for which excluded from further analysis. Plasma samples from 63
genetic correlates have not been established. However, patients were analyzed at the Special Infectious Agent
they are more complex to perform, costly, and time Unit, King Fahd Medical Research Center (KFMRC)
consuming, which limits their availability. Genotypic of King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah from August
assays are relatively easier to perform, have a quicker 2004 to June 2009. Ethical approval for the study was
turnaround time, and are more widely available.2 These obtained from the Medical Ethics Committee at the
assays usually involve amplification and sequencing of Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University. The
the reverse transcriptase (RT) and protease (PR) genes, Viroseq2.5® kit (Celera/Abbott, Alameda, CA, USA)
and their analysis for known resistance mutations from was used with the ABI Prism 3100 sequencer (Applied
widely used data banks. We aimed to shed light on the Biosystems, Carlsbad, CA, USA) for sequencing all
extent of HIV drug resistance in Saudi patients. Such isolates. Processing was according to the manufacturers
information will be useful for guiding antiretroviral instructions. Viral RNA was purified and reverse-
therapy. In addition, defining the most prevalent transcribed into cDNA. A 1.8 kb fragment of the pol
genotypes in Saudi Arabia would give us better insight gene of the HIV-1 genome spanning the entire PR
on the source and transmission of HIV in this country. region, and approximately two-thirds of the RT region
was amplified by the PCR. Within this fragment, a l.3
Methods. All patients were Saudi nationals treated kb region was sequenced. This regions comprises the
as inpatients or outpatients at the King Saud Hospital, entire PR (codons 1-99), and a fragment (codons 1-335)
of the RT. An ABI Prism 3100 (Applied Biosystems,
Carlsbad, CA, USA) is a capillary-based automated
Disclosure. This study was supported by the Chair of
fluorescent sequencer that relies on Sanger’s method
Abdullah and Saeed Binzagr for AIDS Research and
incorporating dye-labelled ddNTP terminators during
Control, and the Ministry of Health, Kingdom of Saudi
DNA extension. The obtained sequence was compared
on-line for resistance interpretation using the Stanford
HIV Drug Resistance Report (http://hivdb.stanford.
Saudi Med J 2010; Vol. 31 (9)
Genotype and drug resistance of HIV-1 . Jamjoom et al
edu). Susceptibility results were reported for the 3 major such as M184V confer resistance to several drugs
classes of antiretroviral drugs, such as NRTI, NNRTI, particularly of the same class (such as, NRTI). For the
4 drugs, efavirenz, atazanavir, ritonavir, and saquinavir,
The Excel Program (Microsoft, Redmond, high level resistance was due to the combination of
Washington, USA) was used for data handling and mutations each recognized when present alone only to
cause intermediate, or low level resistance. Table 4 shows
the frequency of high-level drug resistance mutations
Results. The procedure used in this study for both among the 63 samples analyzed. Thirty-three samples
genotyping and antiretroviral resistance determination (52%) had no such mutations detected. Table 5 lists
is based on the amplification and sequencing of the high-level mutations encountered in individual patients
whole PR gene, and two-thirds of the RT gene of on different antiretroviral regime. Most mutations
HIV-1. These genes code for the 2 main enzymes encountered are well recognized for their occurrence
that are targeted by most current antiretroviral drugs. during long-term antiretroviral therapy.
Moreover, they each contain sufficient variability so as
to be used for genotyping of various HIV-1 isolates. Discussion. Antiretroviral drug resistance testing Table 1 shows the genotypes among the 63 Saudi is recommended in acute and early infection before
patients. As can be seen, genotypes C and G were initiation of therapy, in treatment initiation of chronic
most common constituting 33-38% each. Genotype HIV infection, in all cases of treatment failure in patients
B was less frequent (14%). Circulating recombinant on antiretroviral therapy, and in pregnancy.1,2 Resistance
form CRF02_AG was also detected at low frequency. testing may also be considered in other situations, such
These results indicate that Saudi patients were infected as for post-exposure prophylaxis where testing is carried
by several HIV-1 genotypes. Agreement between the
PR-based and RT-based genotypes, which was observed Table 1 - Number of HIV-1 PR-and RT-genotypes among 63 patients.*
in 57 (90.5%) isolates serves as a double-check of the
genotyping results for both of these genes. However,
Genotype PR-based* RT-based*
there was mismatching in 6 (9.5%) isolates. Table 2 genotype genotype
shows the results of antiretroviral susceptibility testing.
Susceptibility to all 3 categories of antiretrovirals was
52% for all isolates. Resistance to NRTI (41%) was most
common perhaps reflecting the longer experience with
the use of these drugs. Resistance to NNRTI (usually
considered for the whole class of these drugs) was 16%,
and resistance to PI was 13%. Resistance to 2 classes
or even the 3 classes of antiretroviral drugs was also
observed. Resistance to NRTI plus NNRTI amounted
to 8%, while resistance to NRTI plus PI amounted to
*Total mismatches between PR and RT genotypes: 6, PR - protease
14%. Thus, dual class resistance amounted to 22%. No
gene, RT - reverse transcriptase (polymerase) gene,
simultaneous resistance to NNRTI and PI was observed
Three percent of the isolates were simultaneously
resistant to all 3 categories of antiretrovirals. Table 3 lists Table 2 - Pattern of antiretroviral resistance.
antiretroviral drugs and well-known mutations that were
detected in this study, which confer high-level resistance
to each drug. Additional mutations, or combinations
thereof are recognized to give intermediate, or low level
High-level resistance to at least one NRTI
resistance to particular drugs. Only mutations causing
high level resistance are listed in this table. Those causing
intermediate or low level resistance are too numerous
to list. Table 3 indicates the frequency (percentage) of
high, intermediate, or low level resistance among our
isolates based on mutations that they contain. Common
mutations conferring high level resistance include:
NRTI - nucleoside analogue reverse transcriptase inhibitors, NNRTI-
M184V, T215F/Y, M41L, K65R, T69D, K103N,
non-nucleoside analogues reverse transcriptase inhibitors, PI - protease
V106A, Y181I, L90M, and I54V. Certain mutations, Saudi Med J 2010; Vol. 31 (9)
Genotype and drug resistance of HIV-1 . Jamjoom et alTable 3 - Resistance to individual antiretroviral drugs. Anti-HIV Mutations high-level intermediate- low-level resistance level resistance resistance
3TC - Lamivudine, ddC - Zalcitabine, AZT - Zodovudine, ddI - Didanosine, d4T - Stavudine, ABC - Abacavir,
TDF - Tenofovir, FTC - Emtricitabine, DLV - Delavirdine, EFV - Efavirenz, ETR - Etravirine, NVP - Nevirapine,
ATV/r - Atazanavir+ritonavir, DRV/r - Darunavir+ritonavir, FPV/r - Fosamprenavir+ritonavir, IDV - Indinavir,
LPV/r - Lopinavir+ritonavir, RTV - Ritonavir, NFV - Nelfinavir, SQV - Saquinavir, TPV/r - Tipranavir+ritonavir
out on the source of infection.1,2 Resistance testing detected, further complicating therapy. As our study was
should help the clinician to avoid unnecessary switching conducted on chronically infected patients already on
of drugs, rule out adherence problems, perform well-
antiretroviral therapy, further studies on treatment naive
directed switches rather than empirical changes of drugs, patients are indicated. Some of the frequent mutations
use active drugs for longer periods of time, save costs revealed in this study, which are associated with NRTI
associated with switching drugs, and avoid unnecessary resistance are: M184V, which confers high-level
toxicities from inactive drugs.2 Antiretroviral therapies resistance to lamivudine, it is the main mutation that is
with major RT and PI, as well as combination drugs observed in most viruses resistant to treatment with this
have been available for a number of years in Saudi drug.1,3 The M41L, T215Y, T215F, K70R confer high
Arabia.16 These drugs are given free of charge to Saudi level resistance to zidovudine, and low level resistance
nationals. It is expected under these circumstances that to stavudine, didanosine, and abacavir.1,3 The K65R
antiretroviral resistance will develop.11
mutation confers resistance to zalcitabine, abacavir, and
The current study indicates that HIV resistance to any tenofovir, but not by zidovudine. Several mutations
of the 3 major classes of drugs used in Saudi Arabia is observed are associated with NNRTI resistance. The
significant, and must be taken into consideration in the K103N mutation is associated with resistance to
treatment of chronic HIV infected patients. Furthermore, efavirenz, delavirdine, and occasionally nevirapine; this
simultaneous resistance to 2 or all 3 classes of drugs is mutation may confer high level in vitro resistance to
Saudi Med J 2010; Vol. 31 (9)
Genotype and drug resistance of HIV-1 . Jamjoom et alTable 4 - Frequency of high-level drug-resistance mutations. Table 5 - Antiretroviral regimens in patients with high level resistance Mutation Frequency Treatment regimen Mutations associated with resistance to AZT/ 3TC) + (LPV/r NRTI Mutations AZT / 3TC) + NFV Mutations Mutations associated with resistance to NNRTI AZT / 3TC) + EFV Mutations Mutations associated with resistance to PI AZT / DDI + NFV Mutations AZT / 3TC) + NVP
*total number of patients - 63, NRTI - nucleoside analogue reverse
transcriptase inhibitors, NNRTI - non-nucleoside analogues reverse
transcriptase inhibitors, PI - protease inhibitors
these drugs.2 This explains the simultaneous resistance
to NNRTIs observed. The Y181I and Y181C mutations
are often associated with resistance to nevirapine. The
V106A mutations accumulate during ineffective therapy
with most NNRTI. The following observed mutations
have been associated with resistance to PR inhibitors:
L90M is observed during failure of therapy with most
protease inhibitors; D30N is associated with nelfinavir
n - number out of the total 26 patients, AZT - Zidovudine, 3TC
- Lamivudine, NFV - Nelfinavir,; EFV - Efavirenz, TDF - Tenofovir,
resistance; I54V is frequently found after prolonged
NVP - Nevirapine, FTC - Emtricitabine, IDV - Indinavir, RTV -
Ritonavir, LPV/r - Lopinavir +Ritonavir. Brackets indicate combined
This study indicates that the most frequent HIV-1
genotypes are types C and G (35-38%), while type B
only constituted 14%. Non-B subtypes are dominant in
Africa and Asia. This favors an African or Asian source circulating in South East Asia.18 The high percentage of
for most infections in Saudi patients. Genotype C of genotype G in our findings was unexpected. In addition,
HIV-1 is the most frequent genotype in Africa and no CRF-01_AE genotype was detected, while several
India, while genotype B is more prevalent in North CRF-02_AG isolates were found. It should be pointed
America and Western Europe.12,17,18 However, non-B out that genotyping based on pol gene sequences
genotypes have become increasingly more prevalent may differ from that based on env gene sequences as
in some European countries making it more difficult determined in the above-sited studies. The large African
to exclude these countries as a source of our isolates. and Asian communities in Jeddah, and the possibility
The most prevalent HIV-1 genotypes globally in 1999 of transmission to nationals can explain the genotypic
were genotypes C (56%), A (23%), B (8%), D (5%) distribution observed in this study. Another factor in
and CRF01_AE (5%).17 The CRF-01_AE is widely the transmission of non-genotype B is that, while B Saudi Med J 2010; Vol. 31 (9)
Genotype and drug resistance of HIV-1 . Jamjoom et al
genotype is dominant among homosexuals,15 HIV is 5. Haubrich R, Demeter L. International perspectives on
predominantly transmitted heterosexually in Saudi
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that resistance data be regularly updated. Unfortunately,
this is restricted by the relatively high cost and technical 13. Panel on Antiretroviral Guidelines for Adults and Adolescents.
requirements of the test. However, this may soon change
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adults and adolescents. Department of Health and Human
with newer sequencing techniques that are becoming
Services. December 1, 2009; 1-161. Available at http://www.
more widely available, giving substantial savings in cost
and time.20 Updating of resistance data in treatment-
14. Working Group on Antiretroviral Therapy and Medical
experienced patients, and the inclusion of treatment of
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of antiretroviral agents in Pediatric HIV Infection February 23,
native Saudi patients and expatriates must be considered
2009; pp1-139. Available from URL: http://www.aidsinfo.nih.
15. Panel on Treatment of HIV-Infected Pregnant Women and
Acknowledgment.The authors gratefully acknowledge Mr.
Prevention of Perinatal Transmission. Recommendations
Raed Badera, Mr. Badr Masri, and Mr. Azad Qudus, and Ms. Lina
for Use of Antiretroviral Drugs in Pregnant HIV-1-Infected
Bajri for excellent technical help and for Dr. Sanaa Flimban, Director of
Women for Maternal Health and Interventions to Reduce
the National AIDS Program in Saudi Arabia for the useful discussions.
Perinatal HIV Transmission in the United States. May 24,
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Saudi Med J 2010; Vol. 31 (9)
Coordination or Opposition in the Human SoulBetween body/flesh [soma/sarx], mind [nous, etc.], soul/life [psyche], spirit/Ghost [pneuma]Acts 2:26 Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was Mt 6:25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope:what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on
LAUSUNTO YH-ANTURA OY:N HAKEMUKSESTA ARAVARAJOITUSASIASSA ASUMISEN RAHOITUS- JA KEHITTÄMISKESKUKSELLE KH § 325Yhteyspäällikkö Martti Sipponen 14.8.2012YH-Antura Oy / toimitusjohtaja Mikko Laurila on lähettänyt Naan ta lin kau-pungille seuraavan kirjeen:" Hakemus aravarajoitusasiassa, Alppilankatu 4, Naantali YH-Antura Oy on YH-Yhtymä Länsi Oy:n omistama yleis-hyödyllinen ty t