WorldLink Medical
Setting the Record Straight on
Hormones and Cancer
No Study Shows that Testosterone Causes Cancer
With all due respect, the doctor that suggests that HRT causes cancer is perhaps unaware of the medical literature. Testosterone does not cause cancer. It may cause it to grow once prostate cancer is established, but no study shows that testosterone causes the cancer. On the contrary, our studies show that higher levels of testosterone are associated with a decreased risk of prostate cancer and less severe types of cancer if one develops a cancer. In fact low levels of testosterone are associated with a greater risk of prostate cancer and a more severe and aggressive type of prostate cancer. We used to think, and many of us were taught, that testosterone causes cancer whereas the overwhelming evidence shows the opposite. Several recent studies showed that testosterone treatment decreased morbidity and mortality from al causes, including heart disease and all cancer. The theory is that testosterone decreases insulin resistance and diabetes which greatly enhances the formation of many cancers. There are several recent studies where researchers (Morganthaler) are treating men with active prostate cancer and are seeing no increase in growth of these cancers. A meta-analysis study reviewed the world’s literature and the conclusion from a multidisciplinary team of specialists concluded that there is no evidence from all the studies that testosterone administration causes cancer. Articles from all specialty journals from endocrinology, urology, cancer, and epidemiology, all published that testosterone does not cause cancer, and in most circumstances, protects against cancer. The fact that a famous Japanese doctor claims that testosterone causes cancer is very incorrect and not supported by any clinical or scientific evidence. What is more disconcerting is that this physician is misinforming, and perhaps scaring, many Japanese doctors into not prescribing or recommending testosterone which is doing just the opposite of what he has intended. It may increase the morbidity and mortality of many doctors who now resist taking testosterone. I never suggest, teach, lecture, or make any claim unless what I state can be very well supported by scientific evidence. May I make the same suggestion to your fellow physician before he makes reference to hormones causing cancer. 1 Setting the Record Straight
Fear Stemmed from the WHI Trials: Though it is very true that a synthetic female hormone
(medroxyprogesterone acetate or Provera in this country) was demonstrated to cause breast
cancer in women, we should not extrapolate this to include all hormones. Most physicians in
this country also think that hormones cause cancer, so your famous physician is not too far off
base from them. The medical and lay media in this country have scared all women into thinking
that hormones cause cancer and this is very unfortunate. It is very true that our synthetic
hormones have increased the risk of breast cancer and this has been demonstrated in many
studies. As a result of this, there is an inherent fear that hormones cause cancer and there is a
human tendency to extrapolate this to include all hormones. The medical literature supports
that this is entirely not true.
There are two Japanese Physicians that have recently attended Part II of the hormone courses that we offer here in the U.S. They both have the syllabus and 2 hour lecture material that I presented that demonstrates that the hormones in our body do not cause cancer in spite of the inherent fear instilled in us by the media and extrapolation from the WHI trial. Please contact them so that they may present to you all of the literature so that you may come to understand that the hormones in our body do not cause cancer, when in fact they are protective against cancer. A Brief Summary of the WHI Studies: Without going into detail, I will summarize these studies.
A meta-analysis of estrogen demonstrated that estrogen (alone and not with MPA mentioned
above) administration decreases morbidity and mortality from all cause, both coronary artery
disease, cancer, and osteoporosis. The WHI trial demonstrated that estrogen alone (that was
the CEE arm that did not include MPA with the estrogen) was not associated with breast
cancer. A most recent analysis just published demonstrated a statistically significant decrease
(yes decrease) incidence of breast cancer in those that took estrogen alone in comparison with
placebo. In addition, let us not forget that the estrogen only arm demonstrated a significant
27% decrease in colon cancer also. The theory is again the decrease in visceral fat and
protection against diabetes that may play a major role in cancer protective effects of estrogen,
similar to that of testosterone mentioned above.
The Protective Effects of Estrogen: Except in certain circumstances, which is beyond the scope
of this letter, estrogen protects against heart disease, strokes, Alzheimer’s, dementia,
osteoporotic fractures, and cancer as proved in the meta-analysis along with a decrease in
morbidity and mortality from all cause including cancers. Based on this, would you like your
wife, mother, sister to be on estrogen or not? It is very unfortunate that your doctors and the
world misinterpret the hormones and cancer issue.
2 Setting the Record Straight
The Difference; Bioidentical vs. Synthetic: There is a plethora of data and studies that
demonstrate increased longevity and decreased morbidity and mortality when levels of our
hormones are maintained at optimal. This benefit applies to estrogen, testosterone,
progesterone, DHEA, and growth hormone. As our hormone levels fall with age, so does the
protection against cancer. Replacement of hormones reverses this harm. Replacement with
chemically altered hormones (medroxyprogesterone and norethindrone) has always increased
the risk of cancers. As per the medical literature, we must not equate them to be the same nor
should your doctor. I certainly hope that this lengthy explanation reverses your
misunderstanding and that you can pass this along to your fellow physicians.

3 Setting the Record Straight



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