Microsoft word - korte cv_august 2012.doc



Florida State University
Degree: Ph.D in Clinical Psychology, May 2014 (anticipated)
Boston University, Boston, MA
Degree: M.A. in General Psychology, May, 2007
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Degree: B.A. with Honors in Psychology (Clinical Track), December 2003
Minor: Spanish

University Studies Abroad Consortium
Universidad de Juan Rey Carlos, Fall 2003
Madrid, Spain

6. Korte, K.J., & Schmidt, N.B. (in press). High-risk feedback: A brief intervention
enhancing motivation to change anxiety. Cognitive Therapy and Research.

5. Oglesby, M. E., Medley, A.N., Norr, A.M., Capron, D. W., Korte, K.J., & Schmidt, N.B.
(in press). Exploration of intolerance of uncertainty as a vulnerability factor for hoarding
behaviors. Journal of Affective Disorders.

4. Korte, K. J., & Schmidt, N. B. (2012). Differential prediction of CO2 challenge
response as a function of the taxon and complement classes of anxiety sensitivity.
Depression and Anxiety.

3. Miller, M. W., McKinney, A. E., Kanter, F. S., Korte, K. J., & Lovallo, W. R. (2011).
Hydrocortisone Suppression of the Fear-potentiated Startle Response and Posttraumatic
Stress Disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 36, 970-980.
2. Hofmann, S.G., Korte, K.J., & Suvak, M. K. (2009). The upside of being socially
anxious: Antisocial attitudes and social anxiety are negatively associated. Journal of
Social and Clinical Psychology, 28,
1. Hofmann, S.G., Sawyer, A. T., Korte, K.J., & Smits, J.A.J. (2009). Is it beneficial to
add pharmacotherapy to cognitive-behavioral therapy when treating anxiety disorders? A
meta-analytical review. International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 2, 162-178.

2. Schmidt, N.B., Korte, K.J., Norr, A.M., & Keough, M.E. (in press). Cognitive behavioral
therapy for panic disorder. In J. Smits (Ed.) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Complete
Reference Guide
(Vol. 2). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
1. Schmidt, N.B, Korte, K.J., Norr, A.M., Keough, M. E., & Timpano, K.R. (in press).
Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia. In T. Erling & P. Emmelkamp (Eds). International
Handbook of Anxiety Disorders: Theory, Research, and Practice.


2. Korte, K.J., Capron, D.W., Zvolensky, M.J., & Schmidt, N.B. (under revisions). The
Fagerström scales: Does altering scoring enhance the psychometric properties?
Manuscript under review.
1. Medley, A.N., Capron, D.W., Korte, K.J., & Schmidt, N.B. (under review). Risk factors
for compulsive hoarding: The role of anxiety sensitivity subfactors. Manuscript under
19. Korte, K.J., Brown, M.S., Schmidt, N. B. (2012). Anxiety sensitivity as a predictor of
impairment in daily life. To be presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies (ABCT) annual conference, Maryland, November 2012.
18. Korte, K.J. Unruh, A. & Schmidt, N.B. High-risk feedback: A brief intervention to
enhance motivation to change anxiety. Abstract accepted to be presented at the
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) annual conference, Maryland,
November 2012.
17. Brown, M.S., Korte, K.J., & Schmidt, N. B. (2012). Anxiety sensitivity subfactors as
predictors of daily interference. To be presented at the Association for Behavioral and
Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) annual conference, Maryland, November 2012.

16. Medley, A., Riccardi, C., Korte, K.J., & Schmidt, N.B. (2012). Examination of the
Relationship between OCD Subtypes and Smoking Severity. To be presented at the
Anxiety Disorder Association of America (ADAA) annual conference, Arlington, Virginia,
April 2012.
15. Oglesby, M. E., Medley, A.N., Norr, A.M., Capron, D. W., Korte, K.J., & Schmidt,
N.B. (2012). Examination of intolerance of uncertainty as a vulnerability factor in hoarding
behaviors. Poster accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the Association of
Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, National Harbor, MD.

14. Korte, K.J., Unruh, A.S., & Schmidt, N.B. (2012). Increasing Motivation for
Intervention Utilization in Those at High Risk for Developing Anxiety Disorders. To be
presented at the Anxiety Disorder Association of America (ADAA) annual conference,
Arlington, Virginia, April 2012.

13. Medley, A.N., Capron, D.W., Korte, K.J., Unruh, A.S., & Schmidt, N.B. (2012). Risk
factors for compulsive hoarding. To be presented at the Anxiety Disorder Association of
America (ADAA) annual conference, Arlington, Virginia, April 2012.

12. Oglesby, M.E., Norr, A.M., Medley, A.N., Capron, D.W., Korte, K.J., & Schmidt, N.B.
(2012). The association between social anxiety and intolerance of uncertainty. To be
presented at the Anxiety Disorder Association of America (ADAA) annual conference,
Arlington, Virginia, April 2012.
11. Korte, K.J., Capron, D.W., Zvolensky, M.J., & Schmidt, N.B. (2011). The Fagerström
Test for Nicotine Dependence: Do revisions in the item scoring enhance the
psychometric properties? Presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive
Therapies (ABCT) annual conference, Toronto, Canada, November 2011.
10. Korte, K. J., & Schmidt, N. B. (2010). Factor structure of the Social Interaction
Anxiety Scale (SIAS): Two-factor structure or method effect? Abstract accepted for
presentation at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) annual
conference, San Francisco, CA, November 2010.
9. Korte, K. J., & Schmidt, N. B. (2010). Differential prediction of CO2 challenge
response as a function of the taxon and complement classes of anxiety sensitivity. To be
presented at the World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (WCBCT),
Boston, MA, June 2010.
8. Sawyer, A. T., Hofmann, S. G., Smits, J.A.J., & Korte, K.J. (2009). Is it beneficial to
add pharmacotherapy to cognitive-behavioral therapy when treating anxiety disorders? A
meta-analytical review. Paper to be presented at the Association for Behavioral and
Cognitive Therapies annual convention in New York, NY, November 2009.
7. Korte, K.J., Fabricant. L.E., Reardon, A.F., Vanderhoef, K.A., Gillis, J.K., Paysnick, A.,
& Miller, M.W., (2009). The relationship between trauma exposure, PTSD severity, and
Axis II psychopathology. Presented at the Veteran’s Association annual research day,
June, 2009.

6. Korte, K.J., Richey, J.A., & Hofmann, S.G. (2008). Factor structure of the Social
Interaction Anxiety Scale (SIAS): Replication and extension of Rodebaugh et al. 2007.
Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies annual
convention in Orlando, FL, November 14, 2008.
5. Korte, K.J. & Brown, T. A. (2008). Obsessive and compulsive symptom dimensions
and the differential relationship to the five-factor model of personality. Poster presented
at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies annual convention in Orlando,
FL, November 16, 2008.
4. Diamate, R., Richey, J. A., Zaremba, M., Korte, K.J, Schmidt, N.B., & Hofmann, S.G.
(2008) Anxiety sensitivity, test anxiety, and academic achievement: Evidence for a
mediational relationship. Poster to be presented at the Association for Behavioral and
Cognitive Therapies annual convention in Orlando, FL, November 15, 2008.

3. Enck, S.E., Korte, K. J., & Brady, S. (2008). Perceived HIV risk vs. actual risk: An
investigation of HIV risk behaviors in a sample of individuals with severe and persistent
mental illnesses. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association annual
convention in Boston, MA, August 16, 2008.

2. Smits, J., Hofmann, S., Berry, A., & Korte, K. (2008). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for
adult anxiety disorders: A meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials. Poster
presented at the Anxiety Disorders Association of America annual convention in Savanna,
Georgia, March, 2008.
1. Korte, K. J., Suvak, M., Tuchinskaya, K., Price K., & Hofmann, S. G. (2007). The
relationship between social anxiety, psychopathy, and personality traits. Poster
presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies annual convention
in Philadelphia, PA, November 16, 2007.

Behavior Therapy (Ad hoc reviewer)
Assessment (Ad hoc reviewer)


2012 – Clinical Graduate Research Development Award, FSU, Psychology Department –
2011 – Owenby Fund to Promote Excellence, Graduate College of Arts and Sciences,
Florida State University Student Travel Award 2011 – Clinical Graduate Research Development Award, FSU, Psychology Department -
2011 – Florida State University Congress of Graduate Students Conference Presentation
2010 – Clinical Graduate Research Development Award, FSU, Psychology Department –
2010 – Florida State University Congress of Graduate Students Conference Presentation
2009 – Florida State University Congress of Graduate Students Conference Presentation
2010 Clinical Graduate Research Development Award, FSU, Psychology Department –

Research Assistant—GAD Attention Retraining Study
Anxiety and Behavioral Health Clinic (ABHC), Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
Assist with a variety of projects examining the nature and treatment of anxiety disorders. Duties: administer pre-treatment and post-treatment assessment batteries for GAD attention retraining study, data analysis, assist undergraduates research assistant with maintaining study protocol. Principal Investigator: Dr. Norman B. Schmidt
Project Coordinator/Diagnostician

National Center for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Boston VA Healthcare System, Boston, MA (12/01/2008 – 8/01/09) Work as a project coordinator for research studies investigating the structure of comorbidity in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and the effect of PTSD, genetics, and internalizing and externalizing psychopathology on intimate relationships (NIMH grant # 5R01MH079806-02). Duties: administer structured diagnostic interviews (Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID-I; SCID-II) Clinician Administered Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Scale (CAPS). Assist with preparation of manuscripts.
Research Assistant

Boston University, Department of Psychology, Boston, MA (12/01/06—08/01/09) Work as independent evaluator for study examining the use of d.-cycloserine in the enhancement of exposure in social anxiety disorder (NIMH grant #1R01MH078308-01A1). Duties: Administer pre-, mid-, and post-treatment assessment batteries (LSAS, MADRS, LIFE-RIFT, CSI) to patients diagnosed with generalized social anxiety disorder. Administer LSAS before each therapy session and assess for clinical severity. Principal Investigator: Stefan Hofmann, Ph. D
Research Assistant—Assessment Administrator
Boston University, Boston University Medical Center, 12/01/06-5/31/08
Work as a research assistant for a clinical research study investigating the effects of motivational interviewing and skills building in the prevention of HIV in patients with severe and persistent mental illnesses (NIMH grant #5R34MH075644-03). Duties: Administer baseline, 3-month, and 6-month follow-up assessment batteries including SCID-I (modules A-F), SCID-II (Borderline module), and numerous assessments specific to the study to determine eligibility for study participation to approximately 100 individuals; participant recruitment; attend weekly lab and clinical supervision meetings. Principal Investigator: Stephen Brady, Ph.D. Supervisor: Mark Richardson, Ph.D.
Masters Research Project
Boston University, Department of Psychology, Boston, MA (01/2007-10/2007) Title: Obsessive and Compulsive Symptom Dimensions and the Differential Relationship to the Five-Factor Model of Personality. Duties: Proposed an original research project investigating the heterogeneity of obsessive and compulsive symptoms and the relationship to personality differences; data analysis of a large sample of anxiety disordered outpatients, including the use of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis; and manuscript preparation. Project Advisor: Timothy A. Brown, Psy.D.
Honors Thesis Research
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, 09/2001-07/2002
Title: Anxiety Sensitivity: Multidimensionalism and Relationship to the Anxiety Disorders. Duties: Proposed and conducted sessions for an original research project on the factors of anxiety sensitivity and the creation of an anxiety sensitivity scale, including development of an item pool for the scale, data entry, analysis of data, preparation of manuscript, and oral defense. Honors Advisor: David Watson Ph.D.

Research Assistant
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, 01/2001-05/2003
Worked as a research assistant for a personality and clinical psychology lab. Duties: conducted sessions for participation in ongoing studies; data entry; psychological literature reviews for the Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS) and attended weekly lab meetings. Principal Investigator: David Watson Ph.D. Research Assistant
Iowa Depression and Clinical Research Lab, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA,
Duties: coding of various paradigms for an ongoing postpartum depression study, data entry, attended weekly lab meetings, gave presentation during a lab meeting. Supervisors: Michael O’Hara Ph.D., Lori Gorman Ph.D., and David Forman Ph.D.
Anxiety Specialist
Anxiety and Behavioral Health Clinic (ABHC), Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
(08/2009 – current).
Provide individual and group therapy for individuals with anxiety disorders using empirically supported cognitive-behavioral therapeutic approaches. Clinical Supervisor: Dr. Norman B. Schmidt
Individual Therapist – Anxiety Sensitivity Smoking Cessation Study
Anxiety and Behavioral Health Clinic (ABHC), Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
(08/2009 – current).
Provide four individual smoking cessation treatment sessions for individuals high in anxiety sensitivity. Sessions included cognitive-behavioral techniques, exposure, and psychoeducation focused on the relationship between smoking, anxiety sensitivity, and distress tolerance. Clinical Supervisor: Dr. Norman B. Schmidt
Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) Co-therapist
Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders (CARD), Boston University, Boston, MA (4/01/08-8/01/08) Work as a co-therapist on a randomized controlled trial on the augmentation of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) with D-cycloserine (DCS) for social anxiety disorder. Duties: Provide 12-sessions of CBT with video-feedback for clients diagnosed with SAD, completed client progress notes and treatment summaries, attend weekly clinical supervision meetings. Supervisor: Stefan G. Hofmann, Ph.D.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Co-therapist
Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders (CARD), Boston University, Boston, MA
Work as a co-therapist on a small randomized controlled trial on the use of CBT with progressive muscle relaxation vs. biofeedback for clients with GAD. Duties: Provide 12-sessions of CBT for a group of individuals diagnosed with GAD, based on the Mastery of Your Anxiety and Worry clinician manual. Supervisor: Stefan G. Hofmann, Ph.D.
Community Resource Development Specialist: Utilization Management
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, Omaha, NE 9/01/05-9/01/06
Work as a liaison between sub-acute and acute treatment providers, Medicaid Managed care, and case managers within the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services to identify appropriate placement providers for state wards requiring sub-acute levels of placement (e.g., residential treatment centers, enhanced treatment group homes, sex offender programs, treatment foster care).
Protection and Safety Worker
Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, Omaha, NE, 06/24/2004-8/31/05
Work as a case manager for an ongoing caseload of thirty families adjudicated with abuse and neglect charges. This caseload primarily consisted of those with chemical dependency or mental health issues.
Duties: Develop case plans, conduct family assessments, create court reports, testify as an expert witness, implement and evaluate treatment plans, assess safety, perform conflict resolution, determine level of placement, work with law enforcement and mental health providers.
Psychiatric Nursing Assistant
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, IA, 09/2002-08/2003
Worked on three locked, adult psychiatric units and one child psychiatric unit. Assisted severely mentally ill patients with daily care needs and encouraged interaction with peers. Provided education to patients to help them understand their mental illnesses and maladaptive behaviors. Routinely assisted with placing patients in seclusion rooms when they became a danger to themselves or others on the unit. Supervisor: Don Swanson, R.N

Instructor, Research Methods in Psychology, Lab Course
Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL (8/2011 to current)
Instruct undergraduate psychology students in research methods in psychology, including the use of SPSS. Prepare course curriculum and class presentations for a required undergraduate course for psychology majors. Grade class assignments and exams. Provide feedback on student class performance. Directed Independent Study (DIS) Supervisor
Anxiety and Behavioral Health Laboratory, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
(7/2010 to current)
Supervise and train 15-25 undergraduate research assistants each academic semester in lab procedures, duties for ongoing laboratory studies (e.g., running participants, data entry procedures, study protocols), and lead weekly DIS meetings.
Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
University of Iowa, Iowa City IA, Spring, 2002
Duties: Helped with the preparation of class materials and speaker presentations. Assisted students with questions about class topics and class projects. Gave a presentation on a class topic to 160 students. Supervisor: John Harvey Ph.D.
Guest Lecturer

University of Iowa, Iowa City IA, 02/03/2002
Class: Loss and Trauma Topic: Losing Dad to Cancer
Peer Advisor
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, 01/2001-12/2001
Duties: Advised psychology students towards career paths in psychology and related fields, maintained weekly office hours, and attended weekly advising meetings. Supervisor: Debra Johnson Ph.D.

Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT), 2007-current.
Psi Chi, National Honor Society in Psychology, 1999-2003.
Iowa State Psychological Association (ISPA), 1999-2003.


Available upon request.


Resolution 05-01-05

RESOLUTION 05-01-05 DIGEST Conservators: Psychotropic Medications Amends Probate Code section 2356.5 to clarify the need for specific authority to administer psychotropic medications for conservatees with dementia. RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE DISAPPROVE History: No similar resolutions found. Reasons: This resolution amends Probate Code section 2356.5 to clarify the need for specific

Peripheral artery disease Peripheral artery disease occurs when fat deposits accumulate (atherosclerosis) on the inner lining of the artery walls. These blockages reduce the circulation of blood through the arteries that take blood to the arms, legs and other organs and tissues of the body. This is the same disease that makes plaque form in the coronary arteries, which can cause a heart attack.

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