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Microsoft word - active, deep & total fx pre- & post-treatement instructions
Active/Max/Total/Deep FX Pre -Treatment Instructions
Just as you brush your teeth twice daily with an effective toothpaste –
your face needs that same attention. Think Skin Fitness.
To achieve optimal treatment results, you should be on an effective skin regimen. The following are descriptions and recommendations of beneficial products. You may use products in your existing skin regimen as long as they contain similar ingredients and concentrations. Review your products with your physician to ensure they’re adequate for this pre-treatment period.
Glycolic-acid based cleanser to dry skin for 30 seconds twice daily Gentle facial brush dipped in water Prescriptive medications:
• Hydroquinone: suppresses pigmentation • RetinA: refines fine lines and improves skin turnover • Tri-Luma®: a combination product that suppresses pigmentation
and reduces fine lines without the redness that may occur with either product alone
• Metrogel®: reduces redness and broken vessels (rosacea)
Vitamin C and E anti-oxidant serum/cream Combination of glycolic acid – azeleic acid – salicylic acid Broad spectrum sun block, the following products range from heavy to light consistency:
• SkinCeuticals Physical UV Defense SPF 30® • Neutrogena Age Shield Sunblock SPF 30/45 with Helioplex® • Jan Marini Antioxidant Daily Face Protectant SPF 30® • Colorescience Sunforgettable SPF 30®
The following treatments can be beneficial prior to your ActiveFX Treatment:
• Botox to suppress dynamic lines, especially around the eyes and on upper lips so that you will be still During the healing phase • IPL Photofacial two weeks prior to treatment to pull up hyperpigmentation and/or suppress redness • Exfoliate one week prior to treatment with a facial peel or microdermabrasion
• Use Accutane® for one year prior to treatment • Have dermal filler injections just before treatment; the laser will reduce filler longevity • Proceed with treatment if you have a cold sore present • Fail to provide your physician with your complete medical history • Proceed with laser or fillers if you: — are pregnant, breast feeding or on fertility medications — have implants or permanent make-up without informing your physician; special technique modifications are critical
Your physician will provide you with prescriptions for the following medications in advance of your procedure: • Anti-viral (Valtrex®): Even if you have never had a cold sore or herpetic outbreak, 99% of us harbor the virus in our spinal cord, ready to emerge and scar the face. Because lasers can stimulate a breakout on your lips, face or elsewhere, start Valtrex two days prior to procedure and continue for five days. • Antibiotic (Augmentin®): To avoid any possible infection, start Augmentin the day prior to procedure and continue for five days. An alternative can be prescribed if allergic to penicillin. • Antifungal (Diflucan®): Fungal elements and yeast are common in our everyday environment. To Prevent fungal or yeast infections, start Diflucan the day before treatment, take the day of treatment and then stop. • Relaxation and discomfort relief: Valium® and Vicodin® will be prescribed to make you as Comfortable as possible during the procedure. Bring them with you on the day of treatment and your physician will instruct you when to take them.
If you are having your eyelids treated with the laser, you will be injected with local anesthetic, which requires avoiding the following for 2 weeks prior to your treatment: • Aspirin and any medicines that contain aspirin • All pain killers or anti-inflammatories except Tylenol® • All nutritional supplements, including vitamin C and E, flaxseed, fish oil and herbal teas
Downtime: Clear your social schedule for about 6–8 days. The higher the thermal settings, the more long-term effect, but also the longer the social downtime. Expect mild redness and puffiness for at least one month post-op.
Before Your Procedure: • Shop for above-mentioned products if not purchasing ActiveFX Laser Kit • Wash your sheets, pillow cases and towels in hot water with mild detergent • Wash two or three white cotton t-shirts and your sleepwear • Clean a small cooler (for your post-op ice and frozen veggies) • Wipe quart size zip-lock storage bags (to enclose ice/frozen veggies) with alcohol Transportation: Arrange to have someone drive you to and from the treatment, which should take at least three hours from arrival. Plan to either sit in the middle of the car’s back seat or tape a paper bag to the window as you will not be able to wear sunblock at this point. Also plan on returning for evaluation on the day after your procedure as well as Day 4 or 5.
Day of Procedure: Arrive at APHRODITE Skin Rejuvenation Clinic with the following: • Make-up free face • Small cooler with ice and two 16-oz. packages of corn or peas • Quart size plastic zip-lock storage bags wiped with alcohol, one for each bag of corn or peas • Appropriate loose cotton clothing that you won’t mind if stained by topical anesthetic cream • UVA/UVB-rated hat and sunglasses Procedure Prep: Once at APHRODITE Skin Rejuvenation Clinic, photographs will be taken, and consent forms should be read and signed. A surgical cap will keep your hair away from your face and other areas to be treated. Areas will be cleansed and numbed with a topical Betacaine-Lidocaine-Tetracaine product for 45 to 60 minutes. The ActiveFX Procedure: The topical anesthetic will be removed and laser protection goggles will be placed. If you are having the eyelid surface treated, eye drops will be administered and metal protectors will be placed under your eyelids, like a contact lens. You will then be given local anesthesia injections just under the eyelid skin. The ActiveFX treatment will take approximately 20-90 minutes, depending on the number of areas treated. Post-Procedure: Immediately after the treatment, you’ll experience redness like a bad sunburn. Apply ice packs for at least 30 minutes of every waking hour for the first 24-48 hours to minimize swelling. The redness will be followed by a spotty brown appearance from the scab formation. It is important to let the healing process take its course over the next several days and allow the scabs to flake off when they’re ready. If you are having your eyelids treated, you will experience swelling, redness and some bruising for up to 5-14 days, depending on the effect desired. Remember, more effect = more downtime. Please refer to ActiveFX Post-Treatment handout for specific care instructions. Follow up Visit: Your physician will want to see you the day after the treatment to check on your progress, cleanse the treated area, take photographs and schedule your next visit.
Active/Max/Total/Deep FX Post-Treatment Instructions
Plan on returning to Dr. ………………………………… office the day after your treatment, Day 3, 7 and the weekly until healed. This may vary depending on treatment depth and your response to the treatment.
• Do not wash the treated area or take a shower. • Apply ice packs for at least 30 minutes of every waking hour for the first 24-48 hours to minimize swelling. • Use either sandwich-size zip-lock bags of ice or frozen packages of veggies encased in a zip-lock bag. Wipe the zip-lock bag with alcohol before applying to treated areas. • Take SinEcch™ or similar nonprescription Drugs (Active Ingredients: Homeopathic Arnica Montana 1M HPUS, Homeopathic Arnica Montana 12C HPUS / Indications: Reduces pain, bruising, and swelling caused by trauma or caused by plastic surgery or general surgery) as directed on package. • Before going to bed, take Augmentin® and Valtrex® (FDA-approved prescription-strength antiviral pills used in the treatment of herpes simplex virus) or any topical anesthetic that contain benzocaine (5% to 20%), lidocaine (0.5% to 4%), tetracaine (2%) or dibucaine (0.25% to 1%) that will help relieve burning, itching, and pain. You should already have taken your Diflucan® (Antifungal used to treat fungal infections called candidiasis) or similar Antifungal prior to treatment. • Take Vicodin® (combines a narcotic analgesic painkiller and cough reliever with a non-narcotic analgesic for the relief of moderate to moderately severe pain) or similar drugs as needed for discomfort (one pill every four to six hours). • Do not touch the treated area unless you have washed your hands with antibacterial soap or waterless hand rub sanitizer.
• Take Augmentin and Valtrex morning and night. Continue with SinEcch. • You will return to the office for evaluation and to review instructions, answer questions, etc. • You may take a shower, but do not get the treated area wet with regular water. • Wash your hands with antibacterial soap or waterless hand rub sanitizer. • Gently cleanse treated areas: • Mix one tablespoon of white vinegar with 8 oz. of sterile or distilled water • Blot treated areas with this mix using sterile gauze • Apply Aquaphor ® ointment or similar topical corticosteroids (anti-inflammatory and anti-pruritic agents) • Put a dime-sized amount in your palm, and rub hands together quickly to warm the Aquaphor, evenly coating your palms. Gently press palms onto treated areas. This is all the coverage your skin needs at this stage.
• You may shower, but don’t let the water spray directly onto the treated areas. • Take Augmentin and Valtrex morning and night. Continue with SinEcch. • Even if you do not feel itchy, take 50 mg of Benadryl® or similar antihistamine drugs at bedtime. This will prevent you from accidentally scratching yourself at night from the itching caused by the mast cell release of histamine. • Continue to cleanse with vinegar and distilled water solution. Apply Auaphor as above.
Once you are more brown than red, you will be transitioned to an alternative routine. The face heals the fastest; other areas, such as neck and chest, are often days behind. If you are having your eyelids treated, they will remain significantly swollen for at least one week and red and slightly swollen for 30–60 days. • Cleanse gently with Cetaphil® or similar cleansers twice daily. Apply to dry face and splash off with water. No rubbing. Apply Cetaphil lotion. • Transition to Jan Marini Transformation Serum® or cream in the morning and evening once the products do not cause stinging. • If you feel dry or too tight, use a small amount of Aquaphor as earlier directed. • Apply Colorescience® Sunforgettable or similar micronized mineral sunblocks at least every two hours when driving or outside. Remember car and house windows have no UV block.
The following regimen may continue for two weeks on face and treated areas. • Continue daily regimen of Augmentin and Valtrex until finished. • Continue cleansing and moisturizing regimen as noted above. • Flaking of brown spots begins. • To ensure an optimal healing process, allow spots to flake naturally; do not hasten their removal by excessive rubbing. • Take 50 mg of Benadryl at bedtime to relieve itching sensation. • Once you are mostly brown, add Neutrogena Helioplex® sunblock, Jan Marini sun block, or SkinCeutical sunblock or similar sunblocks each morning. • Continue the Colorescience sunblock whenever going outdoors for at least the first six months to maximize your outcome.
To maximize your outcome: • Resume your twice-daily regimen with effective skin products. • Add Jan Marini Skin Booster after washing in the evening.
Protect your skin! Avoid the following, unless specifically instructed by your Physician: • Direct sunlight as much as possible • Granules, microdermabrasion, facials • Glycolic products • RetinA, Hydroquinone, Tri-Luma • Clarisonic brush • Waxing • Massage with your head in face cradle
If you experience any of the following, please contact your Physician immediately. An untreated infection can result in permanent scarring of the treated area. • A scab that looks different than the brown treated areas, especially if tender • Excessive swelling and redness • Pain • Vesicle formation (small fluid-filled cysts) • Crusting or seeping • Odd smell to face • Fever, chills, malaise If you have red areas, it may be the formation of hives, which sometimes form at the edge of the treated area. • Continue to cleanse with vinegar/distilled water solution. • Take 25 mg of Benadryl and apply cold compresses. • Do not apply Aquaphor in the affected areas.
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