AVI-CARBO DP Reg. No. L1703 & G0402 (Wet/Act 36 / 1947) STUIFPOEIER DUSTING POWDER ‘n Nawerkende kontak- en maaggif vir die beheer van A residual contact and stomach poison for the insekte op verskillende gewasse soos aangedui. control of insects on various crops as listed. Also Ook ‘n kontakmiddel vir die beheer van rooimyte, contact remedy for the control of red mites, tampans tampans en luise op hoenders en hokvoëls en in and lice on poultry, and cage birds and in poultry hoenderhuise. Beheer ook bosluise en vlooie op houses. Will also control ticks and fleas on dogs and honde en katte.
Berging: Stoor in ‘n koel droë plek weg van voedsel en voer,
Storage: Store in a cool dry place away from food and
Karbaril 50 g/kg Carbaryl (Karbamaat) (Carbamate) GIFTIG / POISONOUS CONTENTS Registrasiehouer / Registration Holder AVIMA (PTY) LTD / (EDMS) BPK Posbus / P.O. BOX 3131, KENMARE, 1745 RSA Tel: (011) 769 1300 • Fax (011) 762 5712 UN No:.2757
WARNINGS: Allow the following days between the last application and harvest: Cotton 7 days; Lucern 1 day; Tobacco 14 days; Vines 14 days. Poisonous when absorbed through the skin or swallowed or inhaled. Toxic to fish, bees and wild life. Keep out of reach of children, uninformed persons and animals. Although this remedy has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions the registration holder does not warrant that it will be efficacious under all conditions because the action and effect thereof may be affected by factors such as abnormal soil, climatic and storage conditions; compatibility with other substances not indicated on the label and the occurrence of resistance of the pest against the remedy concerned as well as by the method, time and accuracy of application. The registration holder furthermore does not accept responsibility for damage to crops, vegetation, the environment or harm to man or animal or for the lack of performance of the remedy concerned due to the failure of the user to follow the label instructions or to the occurrence of conditions which could not have been foreseen in terms of the registration. Consult the supplier in the event of any uncertainty. PRECAUTIONS: Do not inhale dust. Wash contaminated clothing daily. Wash with soap and water after use. Avoid drift of dust onto other crops, grazing, rivers, dams and areas not under treatment. Clean applicator before using with other remedies and dispose of water where it will not contaminate crops, grazing, rivers and dams. Destroy empty container and never use for any other purpose. Prevent contamination of food, feedstuffs, drinking water and eating utensils. SYMPTOMS OF HUMAN POISONING:
Diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pains, sweating, salivation and blurred vision, tremors, muscle twitching, headache.
Avoid direct contact with heavily contaminated clothing and vomitus of patient.
Wear rubber gloves while washing contaminated skin and hair. Bath and shampoo victim with soap and water if hair and skin are contaminated. If pesticide has been ingested in quantities sufficient to cause poisoning, empty stomach and intestine. If victim is alert and respiration is not depressed, give Syrup of Ipecac, followed by 1 – 2 glasses of water to induce vomiting:
Adults (incl. Children over 12 years): 30 ml
Establish clear airway and tissue oxygenation.
Administer Atropine Sulphate intravenously, or intramuscularly if iv. injection is not possible. –Moderately severe poisoning:
1) Adult dosage incl. Children over 12 years: 0.4 – 2.0 mg repeate every 15 minutes until atropinization is achieved (tachycardia, flushing, dry mouth). Maintain atropinizationby repeated dose for 2 – 12 hours, depending on severity of poisoning. 2) Dosage for children under 12 years: 0.05 mg /kg body weight repeated every 15 minutes until atropinization is achieved. Maintain atropinization with repeated dosage of 0.02 – 0.05 mg /kg. Do not give Morphine, Aminophylline, Phenothiazines, Reserpine, Furosemide or Ethacrymic acid.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Use only as directed. Red mites and tampans in buildings: Dust all poultry houses thoroughly and pay particular attention to the floor, new litter, perches, nests, nest hay, cracks in wood and walls. Lice on birds: Dust under each wing and around vent. Ticks and fleas on dogs and cats: Sprinkle powder lightly on the hair and rub in well. In the case of cats the powder must be brushed out afterwards. Repeat weekly or as often as necessary. CROP PEST
damp sack left on the lawn during the night will reveal infestation of lawn caterpillar when removed in the morning. Light full cover application. Water in.
Full cover application when pest is noticed.
Apply when pest is noticed. Direct application to flower head in the case of American Bollworm.
Full cover application only to prevent builup of Mealy Bug population.
611 3rd & North Street Seaford, Delaware 19973 Office: (302) 629-2559 Fax: (302) 629-8824 STUDENT APPLICATION FORM Disqualifying Factors for Admission: 1) Persons who have records of sex offenses which presents a risk to the community. 2) Individuals with legal restraints which would preclude them from participating in the program and which cannot be sort
Wie wird die Basedow-Krankheit behandelt? Was sollen Sie mit dieser Information tun? Die Basedow-Krankheit ist eine gut behandelbare Um Komplikationen zu vermeiden, ist es sehr wichtig, Krankheit. Folgende Behandlungen sind möglich:dass die Basedow-Krankheit frühzeitig diagnostiziert und • Medikamente , die die Hormonproduktion der behandelt wird. Gerne unterstützen wir Sie und