Biotechnol. Appl. Biochem. (2001) 33, 65–69 (Printed in Great Britain) Synthesis and analysis of ethylated tetracycline, an antibiotic derivative that inhibits the growth of tetracycline-resistant XL1-Blue bacteria Ronald Bartzatt1, Kelly Koziol, Theresa Benish and Jason Stoddard Chemistry Department, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Nebraska, Omaha, NE 68182, U.S.A. Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a significant prob-
multi-faceted problem for medical research [4]. The threat
lem in medical care facilities, causing increased fatalities
to quality medical care may be underestimated [3]. due to infection. The present study demonstrates that
In the present study the antibiotic tetracycline has had
antibiotic structures can be selectively altered in a
its molecular structure altered and the new form was placed
manner that revives their ability to inhibit bacterial
in tissue culture with a bacterial strain that is resistant to
growth. The antibiotic tetracycline was ethylated at the
tetracycline (the bacterial strain is designated XL1-Blue). By
position of the phenolic hydroxy group with the use of
utilizing this approach and observing the effects, some
diazoethane, forming an ethyl ether functional group.
important information is obtained, such as : (1) greater
This derivative was dissolved in Luria–Bertani (LB) agar
understanding of the mechanism of bacterial resistance, and
medium, then placed in tissue culture for screening
(2) the means to produce new antibiotics, which can be used
against a tetracycline-resistant bacterial strain. The
to control the spread of resistant bacterial strains. growth of this bacterial strain, designated XL1-Blue,
The antibiotic tetracycline is in wide use, and its
was inhibited by the ethylated form of tetracycline. The
medicinal application and action on bacteria is known. procedure for synthesizing ethylated tetracycline
Tetracycline inhibits bacterial propagation by blocking the
utilizes diazoethane and is presented with the mole-
binding of aminoacyl-tRNA to the aminoacyl site of ribo-
cular structures and IR spectra. The ethylated form of
somes. The study of a tetracycline altered at the molecular
tetracycline was stable at k20 mC for many weeks, and
level will aid in the understanding of the mechanism by which
was soluble in LB agar plate medium. Ethylated tetra-
this antibiotic functions, and the action of the resistant
cycline induced growth inhibition of XL1-Blue bacteria within the first 24 h of incubation. The level of bacterial growth inhibition was greater than 30 %. Calculation of Materials and methods the partition coefficient, log P, was accomplished and indicates that ethylated tetracycline has an increased Materials lipophilic tendency relative to unmodified tetracycline,
Chemicals and reagents were obtained from Sigma Chemical
and therefore has greater solubility in lipid bilayers. Introduction
A Wheaton double-chamber device was used to generatediazoethane for derivatization (Wheaton, Millville, NJ,
The wide-scale use of antibiotics has improved the quality of
U.S.A.). Tetracycline was dissolved in an organic solvent
many lives and provided potent tools for the treatment of
(ethyl acetate\diethyl ether, 6 : 4, v\v), and was then allowed
diseases. In response to the presence of antibiotics, bacteria
to react with diazoethane. The tetracycline (0.1 g) was
have gone through natural selection and developed mech-
allowed to react with generated diazoethane by placing
anisms to resist the action of antibiotics. Consequently,
0.15 g of 1-ethyl-3-nitro-1-nitrosoguanidine into 0.15 ml of
antibiotic-resistant bacteria can pose dangerous infection
5 M NaOH and allowing gas evolution into the solvent. After
threats in hospitals and daycare centres [1].
15 min of reaction the solvent was removed under nitrogen
An increase in patient fatalities has resulted from the
gas flow. This process was repeated up to three times in
proliferation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria [1]. Formal
order to optimize the yield of product. The product was
studies have shown that the wide-scale and indiscriminate
use of antibiotics will generate resistant strains of bacteria[2]. The cost financially, to the United States alone, is greater
Key words : antibiotics, diazoalkane, microbes, pathogens.
than 100 million US$ per year [3]. The various mechanisms
Abbreviation used : LB, Luria–Bertani. 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed (e-mail
by which bacteria can form resistance to antibiotics poses a
Tetracycline-resistant bacterial strain XL1-Blue The tetracycline-resistant bacterium was provided by the Biology Department, University of Nebraska, Omaha, NE, U.S.A. This resistant bacterium is a strain of Escherichia coli and is designated XL1-Blue. A spiral loop of the bacteria (that had been stored as a liquid nitrogen glycerol stock) was streaked on to prepared LB medium plates and incubated at 37 mC.
Molecular structure of tetracycline with carbon atoms numbered
Medium plates for inhibition screening
Each plate contained 25 ml of medium. For 25 ml of medium
The carbon atoms of tetracycline have been numbered and their chemical-shift
0.25 g of tryptone, 0.125 g of NaCl, 0.25 g of yeast extract
(p.p.m.) values are as follows : 1, 120.8 ; 2, 134.1 ; 3, 112.8 ; 4, 157.2 ; 5, 124.4 ; 6,
and 0.375 g of bacto-agar were added to 25 ml of water.
140.9 ; 7, 27.9 ; 8, 78.5 ; 9, 187.0 ; 10, 110.7 ; 11, 40.3 ; 12, 17.1 ; 13, 164.1 ; 14,96.4 ; 15, 27.4 ; 16, 40.0 ; 17, 40.0 ; 18, 60.7 ; 19, 200.7 ; 20, 100.9 ; 21, 178.8 ; 22,
Tetracycline and its derivative were dissolved into warm
medium and poured on to plates for solidification, giving aworking concentration of 12 µg\ml medium. Calculation of partition coefficient log P The algorithm developed by Moriguchi et al. [5] was utilized :
log P l1.244(CX)0.6k1.017(NO)0.9+0.406PRX
where CX l total number of carbon and halogen atoms,NO l total number of N and O atoms, PRX l proximityeffect of N\O, UB l total number of unsaturated bonds, HB
Molecular structure of ethylated tetracycline with carbon atoms
l intramolecular hydrogen bond, POL l number of aro-
matic polar substituents, AMP l amphoteric property, ALK
The carbon atoms of ethylated tetracycline have been numbered and their
l variable for alkane, alkene, cycloalkane or cycloalkene,
chemical-shift (p.p.m.) values are as follows : 1, 119.8 ; 2, 133.3 ; 3, 111.3 ; 4,
RNG l ring structures, QN l quaternary nitrogen, NO2
158.7 ; 5, 122.9 ; 6, 140.1 ; 7, 27.9 ; 8, 78.5 ; 9, 187.0 ; 10, 110.7 ; 11, 39.9 ; 12, 15.9 ;
13, 164.1 ; 14, 96.4 ; 15, 32.8 ; 16, 40.0 ; 17, 40.0 ; 18, 60.7 ; 19, 200.7 ; 20, 100.9 ;
number of nitro groups, NCS l isothiocyanato or
21, 178.8 ; 22, 167.6 ; 23, 65.1 ; 24, 14.3.
thiocyanato, and BLM l B-lactam. Results and discussion
resistant to the unaltered tetracycline. Growth inhibition ofXL1-Blue, induced by the ethylated tetracycline, was greater
Antibiotics have become widely used since their discovery.
As a consequence bacteria have adapted, by natural selec-
The ethylation of tetracycline was accomplished by the
tion, a response to the antibiotics’ mechanism of action,
reaction of diazoethane with tetracycline in an organic
which induces growth inhibition. The various responses of
solvent composed of ethyl acetate and diethyl ether (see the
bacteria towards antibiotic action include chemical in-
Materials and methods section). This mixture was suitable
activation of antibiotics, alteration of biological targets and
for the solubility of the initial reactant tetracycline and the
alteration to cellular permeability [4].
resultant derivative product. Diazoethane is generated as a
In the present study, the antibiotic tetracycline has had
gas (see the Materials and methods section), which when
its molecular structure modified in order to evaluate the
dissolved in a suitable organic solvent is highly reactive
effect against a tetracycline-resistant strain of bacteria.
towards, and specifically reacts with, acidic hydrogen atoms
Results of tissue-culture screening showed that modifying
[6]. The subsequent product will have sites of ethylation. The
the molecular structure of this antibiotic resulted in a form
reaction is fast and selective for sites of highest hydrogen
that inhibited the growth of the bacteria, which were
acidity. In the case of tetracycline, the site of highest acidity
Ethylated tetracycline inhibits resistant bacteria
Tissue-culture plate showing the growth of tetracycline-resistant
Tissue-culture plate showing that ethylated tetracycline inhibits
bacteria, designated XL1-Blue, in the presence of tetracycline
the growth of tetracycline-resistant bacteria XL1-Blue
Bacteria growth is uninhibited and extensive. Tetracycline was at a concen-
A reduced number of bacteria colonies is evident, and bacterial proliferation is
tration of 12 µg/ml of agarose medium.
inhibited by greater than 30 %, compared with Figure 3. Ethylated tetracyclinewas at a concentration of 12 µg/ml of agarose medium.
is the hydrogen of the phenolic hydroxy group ; see the
tetracycline inhibits the growth and proliferation of the same
structure shown in Figure 1, with 13C NMR assignments
strain of bacteria, with growth inhibition greater than 30 %.
given as p.p.m. values. The derivative form that results from
The IR spectra of normal unmodified tetracycline is
the reaction with diazoethane is the ethylated tetracycline
shown in Figure 5 and that of ethylated tetracycline is shown
(Figure 2). The chemical reaction of diazoethane is fast and
in Figure 6. All IR spectra were obtained in dried DMSO. The
efficient [6]. 13C NMR assignments for carbon atoms of the
phenolic hydrogen peaks appearing in normal tetracycline
derivative form are shown in Figure 2. (p.p.m. values are
(Figure 5) at wavelengths of 1100 cm−1 to 1300 cm−1 are
removed in the ethylated form of tetracycline (Figure 6).
The result of the reaction of diazoethane with tetra-
Converting the phenolic hydroxy group of tetracycline
cycline is the ethylated tetracycline (formation of an ether
into an ethyl ether group of the ethylated tetracycline re-
group) and nitrogen gas [6]. The remaining diazoalkane is
duces the level of molecular hydrogen bonding (by removing
driven off by flushing with nitrogen gas or argon gas. This can
the hydrogen of the phenolic hydroxy group) and reduces
also be accomplished by evaporation of the solvent. Con-
overall molecular polarity (by addition of the aliphatic ethyl
sequently, by using diazoethane, no undesired products
chain). Various methods for estimating the value of this
remain. Repeating the reaction of diazoethane with tetra-
alteration exist, and one approach is to measure the
cycline for as many as four passes resulted in an essentially
partitioning of the compound between octanol and water
100 % yield of the desired ethylated form of tetracycline. The
[7]. Computational methods to estimate this parameter are
structure and yield of the alkylated tetracycline were
widely utilized and the method described by Moriguchi et al.
confirmed by IR spectroscopy. The general reaction of
[5] (see the Materials and methods section) was applied to
diazoethane with tetracycline is represented by :
these two compounds. For unmodified tetracycline log P l
k2.706, and for the ethylated tetracycline log P lk2.28.
The positive increase in the log P value for ethylated
tetracycline, relative to the parent compound, indicates thatthe level of lipophilicity is increased. This also indicates that
To test for possible growth inhibition of tetracycline-
ethylated tetracycline will have greater solubility in lipid
resistant bacteria strain XL1-Blue, ethylated tetracycline was
solubilized in LB agar medium, plated under sterile con-
The results of the present study demonstrate the
ditions, and bacteria strain XL1-Blue was streaked on to the
ability of the ethylated tetracycline form to significantly
plate. As a control, the same amount of normal unmodified
inhibit the growth and proliferation of a tetracycline-
tetracycline was plated on to LB medium and streaked with
resistant bacteria strain. The ethylation of tetracycline may
XL1-Blue. Figure 3 shows bacteria growing extensively on
occur at the phenolic hydroxy functional group. The
the control plate, with normal unmodified tetracycline.
alkylation at the phenolic site reduces the overall polarity of
However, Figure 4 clearly shows that the ethylated form of
the tetracycline molecule and the level of hydrogen bonding. Ethylated tetracycline inhibits resistant bacteria
It is known that, in general, a higher polarity will reduce the
ability of a molecule to cross a lipid bilayer. Also, reducingthe overall polarity of tetracycline by alkylation of the
This work was funded by the Chemistry Department,
phenolic site increases its permeability across lipid bilayers.
University of Nebraska, Omaha, NE, U.S.A.
In addition, the alkylation of the phenolic site eliminates thecapacity of hydrogen bonding at that site. This result alsoincreases the permeability of the molecule across a lipidbilayer. This observation suggests that a site-specific alter-
ation of the molecular structure of an antibiotic may reviveits ability to inhibit the growth of an otherwise resistant
Watson, D. A. and Bogaert, D. (1997) Lab. Med. 28, 392–395
Watson, D. A. and Bogaert, D. (1997) Lab. Med. 28, 324–328
The alkylation of phenolic hydroxy groups by use of
Haberberger, R. L., Kallen, A. J., Driscoll, T. J. and Wallace, M. R.
diazoalkanes is a well characterized reaction. In the present
study, the products include the ethylated tetracycline and
Brock, T. D. and Madigan, M. T. (1991) in Biology of Micro-
nitrogen gas. Any remaining diazoethane is easily removed by
organisms (Aloisi, T. and Bracewell, C., eds.), p. 343, Prentice
solvent evaporation, nitrogen degassing, or is destroyed
by use of ethanol (the product of this approach is diethyl
Moriguchi, I., Hirono, S., Liu, Q., Nakagome, I. and Natsushita, Y.
ether, which is easily evaporated away). This manufacturing
approach is attractive, owing to the minimal generation of
Knapp, D. R. (1978) in Analytical Derivatization Reactions, pp.
by-products and the ease of their removal. The ethylated
tetracycline product is stable for long periods of time at
Lipinski, C. A., Lombardo, F., Dominy, B. W. and Feeney, P.
room temperature and 4 mC, when kept dry. Consequently,
(1997) in Adv. Drug Delivery Rev. 23, 3–25
the product could be easily transported. The use oftetracycline has been well studied.
Received 13 October 2000\15 December 2000 ; accepted 18 December 2000
Experimental Neurology 192 (2005) 73 – 78Continuous dopaminergic stimulation reduces risk of motor complicationsFrancesco Bibbiania, Lauren C. Costantinib, Raj Patelb, Thomas N. Chasea,*aExperimental Therapeutic Branch, Building 10, Room 5C103, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH, Bethesda, MD 20892-1406, USAbTitan Pharmaceuticals, Inc., South San Francisco, CA
1161 Route 130, P.O. Box 487, Robbinsville, NJ 08691 609-259-2776 609-259-3047-Fax NJSIAA STEROID TESTING POLICY CONSENT TO RANDOM TESTING In Executive Order 72, issued December 20, 2005, Governor Richard Codey directed the New Jersey Department of Education to work in conjunction with the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association (NJSIAA) to develop and imp