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Overcoming Addictions Overcoming Addictions
Understanding Addiction in Laymen’s Terms
(Relationships, Drugs, Alcohol, Gambling, Internet)
Support Groups, Organizations & Programs
Overcoming Addiction Rewards & Resources
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Overcoming Addictions
In this guide, the Addictive Disorders discussed refer to health matters
dealing with both physical and psychological intense desires or cravings for
substances or behaviors that grow into dependency. For example, not only will
alcohol and drug dependency be addressed, but addictions dealing with issues
like emotional, “things” or “people” attachments. The general concept is that
these cravings or yearnings are ongoing in spite of the fact that they cause the
addicted person, and at times others, harm at various levels; social,
psychological and physical. And on the whole, the addictive disorders that are
discussed are considered progressive or advancing in nature, and chronic or
lasting for a long period of time, with distinct periods of recurrence.
There are some alarming facts to consider regarding addictive disorders.
For instance, a recent report in the National Drug Addiction Recovery Month Kit
showed the cost of alcohol and illicit drug use in the workplace, including lost
productivity, accidents and medical claims to be an estimated $140 billion per
Another fact: every eight seconds, a person dies due to a tobacco-related
illness, according to the World Health Organization.
Also, an estimated 28 percent to 30 percent of people in the U.S.A. alone
have an addictive substance abuse disorder, a mental health disorder or both,
according to a 2002 report by the National Mental Health Association.
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And alcohol abuse and dependence occurs four times as much among
men over the age of 65 than women in the same age group, according to the
Surgeon General's Report on Mental Health, 1999.
With Addictive Disorders being such a large important part of everyday
life, this ebook strives to help clear up myths from facts and present an overview
of the issues surrounding the disorders. It includes information about some of the
top addictions in society today, along with a variety of solutions available to help
with treatment and coping, based upon the most recent studies, research,
reports, articles, findings, products and services available, so that you can learn
For example, consider the following and decide if it is myth or truth:
addicts cannot be medically treated. This is a myth. Some substance addicts can
be medically treated via a detoxifying program, followed up by treatment with
new medicines like Bupropion (Zyban) and Naltrexone (ReVia). These medicines
help people who are refraining from addictive substances to keep their desires
Note that the contents here are not presented from a medical
practitioner, and that any and all health care planning should be made under the
guidance of your own medical and health practitioners. The content within only
presents an overview of Overcoming Addictions research for educational
purposes and does not replace medical advice from a professional physician.
Understanding Addiction in Laymen’s Terms
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Many researchers believe that addiction is a behavior that can be
controlled to some extent and also a brain disease. And since some testing with
functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) found that all addictions tend to
cause nearly the same reactions inside the brain, there could be one type of
control model for addiction health-related issues. In other words, just as there is
one disorder or disease labeled asthma, there would be one for addiction,
covering all addictions; gambling, smoking, overeating, drugs, etc. Then one
main treatment strategy or plan could be used to treat all addictions.
How addiction works in a nutshell is like this. The brain, the center of the
body’s nervous system, handles addiction by increasing dopamine levels in
response to increased reactions from behaviors, also referred to as compulsions,
like gambling or over eating, and / or in response to increased repeated
substance abuse, like from cocaine or alcohol. And this addiction affects the
three functioning processes of the nervous system; sensing, perceiving and
reacting. How? Let’s take a quick peak…
Dopamine, the chemical transmitter to the “pleasure center,” the place
where survival instincts like eating and reproduction focus in the brain, activates
cells individually or energizes them. Each energized cell in turn energizes
another cell, and so on down the line, resulting in a spontaneous or systematic
The problem is the brain doesn’t realize what it is that is causing the
ecstasy reaction. So when this flutter of activity increases the creation of
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Overcoming Addictions
dopamine for the negative behaviors and substances like drugs, alcohol,
gambling, etc., it neglects the natural survival instinct reaction mechanisms,
replacing them with the ecstasy instead.
Note that also, depending upon the addiction, nervous system functions
are altered. So sensing, perceiving and reacting functions of individuals are
impeded. For example, alcohol is a depressant and slows down all of these
functions. So a drunk driver facing an immediate collision will in all likelihood
react slower than a healthy, alert driver. And whether or not the addictive
substances are inhaled, going into the lung system; or injected, traveling via the
blood system; or swallowed, entering the digestive system, also affects different
bodily reactions, responses and overall health.
One long-term effect is an increased tolerance level with dopamine
reaching out into other brain areas that cloud judgment and behavioral
considerations and choices. And ultimately depression results, even amidst
opposing or negative stimuli, like the negative effects of narcotics on behaviors
and on the body / mind and like trying to withdrawal or discontinue use.
Note: other long-term effects can include changing of the brain’s shape
and possible permanent brain damage, depending upon the addiction and length
of compulsive activity. And other health problems like cancer from cigarette
Addiction summed up is: compulsive behavior despite negative
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Of course no two people are 100 percent the same. So since internal
genetic and external environmental and behavioral factors and influences vary,
so can addiction issues with each person. In other words, a child born of an
alcoholic parent may have an altered or different brain chemistry or make up than
a child not born of an alcoholic. However, other factors need to be taken into
account with regards to whether or not and to what extent the child is susceptible
to addictive behaviors or substances. For instance, genetics, mental state and
the environmental setting of the child, especially during early developmental
years could all play key roles as to how the child or growing adult will react when
confronted with certain behaviors or instances.
So take for example a soldier. Surviving temporarily on the only remedy
available in hostile territory, he becomes addicted to morphine while outside his
element or home environment. Later he returns to his home environment. Will he
stay addicted to the morphine? Will it be difficult to stop using it?
The answers vary, depending upon the soldier’s predisposition or
susceptibility to addiction; his home environment, his mental state, his genetics
with family history, and other factors. In other words, if he came from a
background of living long-term with a family of addicts, socialized with addicts in
his neighborhood and school environments, and already battled with smoking
cigarettes, marijuana and other substances routinely, this soldier may have a
difficult time withdrawing from morphine. Whereas, a soldier who had never seen
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addiction up close before, either in his family, neighbors, school friends, etc., and
who otherwise came back with a fairly healthy mental state, may be able to stop
using morphine with little or no problems and get back to his “normal” routine.
Which leads to, “How can you tell if someone is addicted or not?
Dominating Dependencies: (Relationship, Drugs, Alcohol, Gambling, Internet)
Addictions present some common and some unique characteristics and
behaviors across the board, depending upon the behaviors and / or substances
associated with the addiction. Let’s take a look at some common symptoms or
traits and a little about how to begin getting help for the more common addictions
Odors associated with the substances like cigarette or marijuana smoke
are fairly noticeable traits. Here are some maybe not so obvious:
Wearing long sleeves (to cover needle marks) during hot weather
Thoughts, actions – nearly everything- - focused on addiction
Nasal congestion (sniffing, nose bleeds…), eye changes (redness, glassy,
wears sunglasses when not needed, etc…)
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Behavioral changes (moodiness, mood swings with hyperactive, lethargy,
violence, paranoia, secretive, confused thoughts and actions)
Stealing or excessive / unusual borrowing of funds
Unkempt appearance, truant / absenteeism from work, school, home…
Sudden changes in school work and grades, job performance, regular
Withdrawal from normal activities, friends, family
Withdrawal symptoms: nausea, sweating, chills, convulsions, anxiety,
nervousness, depression, headaches, hallucinations, diarrhea,
restlessness / sleep disturbances, shaking (uncontrolled), sensitivity.
Now for a look at how to begin getting help for the more dominating
One major addiction facing many people because of the nature of its
definition is relationship addiction or co-dependency. It is a learned dependent
behavioral condition, generally with the existence of emotional, physical and / or
sexual abuse, that affects people with or related (not necessarily “blood related”
but environmentally or socially) to those having alcohol or drug, gambling, sex,
food, work or other dependencies, or the mentally ill. This unhealthy condition is
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learned from the abusers’ relationships and affects a person’s ability to have a
healthy relationship. Co-dependent is associated with “dysfunctional family”
members or those feeling anger, shame, fear or pain mainly because of the
addiction that is “unspoken” or discussed. The person or persons addicted are in
denial and don’t admit their dependencies or problems surrounding them. And
those in relationships with them adapt this type behavior as well, keeping the
“status quo” at an even keel to avoid confrontational issues and rock the boat.
Co-dependent people repress their emotions and ignore their own needs
while being compulsive caretakers for the addicts. And as a result they become
“survivors.” To help keep addictions hidden, they distance themselves from the
addict as well as the problems associated with the addiction, and certain
Co-Dependent Behaviors / Traits
Inhibited Emotions – Detachment occurs. Don’t touch, don’t feel, don’t talk, don’t
trust, don’t confront. Keeping the addiction hidden becomes then entire focus of
the addict’s family and / or others in co-dependent relationships, shifting all main
focus of safety, health, and basically life to the sick person or addict. With the
focus off themselves, the co-dependent people neglect their own safety,
Self – Esteem – Low self-esteem is common among co-dependent people. To
substitute something in the “real world” that would make them feel better, since
their fantasy of the hidden addiction becomes their real world, they often become
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addicts themselves, diving into gambling, illicit sex, cigarette or marijuana
smoking, work (becoming workaholics), or drugs and alcohol as well.
Martyr – These caretakers take on a martyr role while trying to “help” the addict.
But their exaggerated, compulsive behaviors that they think actually “help”
others, in reality negate their supposed “help.” For example; a co-dependent
person may think nothing of lying for his or her spouse or adult (or teen) children
to cover up for theft to fund a drug addiction. Since this behavior does indeed
“help” the addict – stay addicted, that is, the co-dependent person feels “needed”
and a cycle of dependency develops around the addict – additive behavior /
substance – caretaker – caretakers compulsive actions / behaviors.
Victim - Co-dependent people feel caught up in the cycle of dependency and feel
helpless to break free. They see themselves as victims and are magnetically
drawn to others in similar circumstances in their relationships.
Confused – Because of the nature of the disorder, co-dependent people often
confuse love with pity and rescuing. They hold on to unhealthy relationships at all
costs to avoid feeling abandoned. They feel guilty when trying to be in control,
yet they feel driven to control people around them. They desperately seek
approval or to be recognized, in part because of their identity loss while trying to
hide the addict and addiction problems. And in part because they don’t trust
themselves or others with all of the lying going on, and can’t identify reality very
well or trust their own feelings. (Outward shows of appreciation like rewards and
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Unhealthy emotions – Intimacy and personal boundaries become problematic, as
escaping reality unfortunately comes with the need to find escape outlets. So
dealing with intimate emotional issues like feeling loved can mean reaching out
to the wrong person. Anger and how to deal with it also becomes a problem and
can be misdirected – both internally, causing health problems like ulcers, and
externally, like in violent behaviors, because the person doesn’t know hope to
cope or where to turn for help. And adjusting to change is burdensome, with lack
of effective communication skills and healthy decision-making tossed aside. So
depression and anxiety-related emotions surface and fester.
The key to getting help for co-dependency is acknowledging the problem.
Then seek help. Check out library books on co-dependency and to find helpful
resources. Search the Yellow Pages (under recovery programs, addiction
recovery, etc.) and ask your healthcare provider or local hospitals and healthcare
centers for more information and places to start.
Also visit sites like the one for Co-Dependents Anonymous at
www.coda.org (in Spanish and English) for contacts in your state, Frequently
Asked Questions, meetings, list groups, helpful literature and other tools like the
12-Steps used as a base or foundation in many recovery programs.
For more website, simply conduct a quick search of words or phrases
associated with co-dependency. They will yield many sites, chat rooms, list
groups, ezines and other helpful resources to aid in recovery. For example, using
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your favorite search engine, type in words like; co-dependency, co-dependent
relationships, and codependent recovery.
Also target groups and other resources associated with the
addiction(s)directly. Each addiction pretty much has its own network of healing
and recovery resources. For instance, there is Gamblers Anonymous, Alcoholics
Anonymous, Nar-Anon (for narcotics), etc. Online, simply key in the addiction
and “anon” after it or “recovery” to get you started.
Some people, both professionals and non-professionals or lay people,
believe that there are three types of people who drink and use drugs; Social
Users, Substance Abusers and Addicts. They consider Social Users those
people who are supposedly trying to make something more out of otherwise
positive, upbeat social situation – be it an interview, sporting event, date, family
gathering or other activity where people are together. The user may be
uncomfortable and try drugs to feel more at ease, to fit in, to feel less inhibited or
any other number of mood-alterations, instead of simply not going or facing
reality and participating in healthier situations for himself or herself. And
supposedly, as a result of this social drug or alcohol use, these Social Users do
not report negative consequences like being out of control or exhibiting any bad
Substance abusers, on the other hand, who supposedly use alcohol or
drugs in light of negative experiences or episodes, as well as positive ones, Copyright @ 2007 HealthyPages.info. All Rights Reserved.
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report some negative effects. In general, though, instances seem relatively minor
to them, like lampshades on heads or broken promises and after-party
complaints. Sometimes only one negative issue will surface afterwards;
sometimes a combination of issues will surface. Not much concrete to go on is
Now for the heavier hitters, known as Abusers, a number of negative
consequences result, regardless of whether or not the alcohol or drugs are taken
for positive, negative, any and all reasons. From one to any combination of the
following negatives are often reported; negative reoccurrence of the same bad
behaviors (maybe broken lamps from tripping instead of lampshades on heads),
broken promises and broken limits set beforehand, mental mania or diving into
deep subjects (almost in a psychological way), denial (of being drunk or high),
crying jag or emotional outbursts, memory loss or confusion, and many
(repeated) complaints are brought to light after the events by others.
Drugs and Alcohol Addiction Behaviors / Traits
Regardless of the type of alcohol or drug dependent person, addiction or
dependence is characterized by professional standards according to the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) (1994). To sum
up, the DSM-IV identifies an addict as having three or more of the following
“symptoms” within a year’s time period:
Mental thoughts focused on the substance (alcohol or drugs) even when
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Withdrawal from society, friends, loved ones, normal activities – to focus
Substance abuse even though negative consequences directly result from
the abuse (at any level: physical, emotional, social, work-related, etc.)
Attempts to stop or “control” use and withdrawal symptoms develop
(shakes, hallucinations, cravings, etc.)
Tolerance levels can change; i.e. it takes more and more to get and
Drugs and Alcohol Addiction Help
Similar to the key to getting help for co-dependency, the key to getting help
for drug and alcohol addiction is first in acknowledging the problem, then in
getting help. Check out library books on co-dependency and to find helpful
resources. Search the Yellow Pages, online search engines, 12-Step Groups
listed in community calendars, Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics (or the specific
drug name like “Cocaine”) Anonymous, etc.
Another top addiction is gambling. In fact, studies including research by
the National Gambling Impact Commission show that gambling nationwide
affects a minimum of 2.5 million people, over 1 percent of the population. In
targeted gambling areas like Las Vegas, over 5 percent of the people are
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expected to end up having some sort of gambling problems. To help put those
figures into perspective, gambling problems occur twice as often as cancer and
twice as often as cocaine addiction. That’s a LOT of impact.
And young people battle gambling addiction more than adults. Here are the
latest prevalence rates as reported by the National Coalition Against Legalized
Gambling, the following are the prevalence rates:
How can you tell if someone is addicted to gambling? Similar to the
characteristics noted for other top addictions, the main ones to look out for with
Has unrealistic view of what “life” and “the world” owes you
Preoccupation with gambling, lying about it and denying addiction
Help is unfortunately often not sought until people hit “rock bottom” or pretty
much lose about all they own, owe nearly anyone and about everyone they know
(and many don’t). Once reality sets in and denial isn’t an issue any longer (and
even in some cases where it’s borderline) a nationwide 12-Step program is
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available, Gamblers Anonymous. Other help can come from a combination of
psychotherapist and / or counselor who helps focus on internal emotional issues,
group therapy to interact with fellow addicts in recovery, and inpatient, residential
or outpatient care, for short-term and long-term recovery options. You can seek
recommendations from your healthcare providers or local hospitals.
Even the Internet can be addicting! Although Internet Addiction is not yet an
official disorder, obsessive Internet use is a real problem for some today.
Using the Internet more and more, while going out into the real world less
Checking email too frequently during the day – every day.
Going online every day, rarely taking a day off.
Sneaking online to sites that you shouldn’t visit.
Others say that you are indeed online too much.
Sneaking online and checking email when you should be doing other
things like working. Arriving before work, staying after work, skipping
lunch, avoiding meetings, avoiding co-workers – to use the Internet.
But there are ways to overcome the trouble spots. Similar to other addiction
recovery, realizing there is a problem is the starting point. Facing “why” the
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escape from the real world is necessary is next. Then decreasing online activity
and replacing it with healthier activities can help the person get back to normal.
Ways to help deal with Internet over-use are to monitor and log use, then
set goals for daily activity in its place and follow up with more monitoring and
strategic planning. Being logging “when” you go online and “why” and “where.”
Then over time, cut back usage by replacing alternative resources for your
For example, instead of emailing people all day long, grab the phone and
call others. Instead of playing games on Yahoo all night, allow yourself one hour
and play solitaire or visit with a neighbor or friend and play a board game like
chess. And instead of reading ebooks and forum posts for hours on end, grab
some nonfiction self-improvement books, daily newspapers or popular
magazines and learn more about the industries in your work environment or
about nonprofits of interest and how you can join in their causes. Take charge
and keep your mind stimulated and yourself active in the real world.
A counselor recommended by a healthcare provider may be about to help
with this process, too. In this type of addiction, getting online help is probably not
a good idea, since the goal is to spend LESS time online. So seek help from
those referred by your local healthcare providers for starters. Monitoring online
activity, what triggers jumping online each time, and replacing it with more
appropriate, healthier activity is the key to recovery.
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Overcoming Addictions
Regardless of the addiction, be it drugs, alcohol, gambling, relationships,
etc., a 12-step program is the fundamental tool of many recovery programs. The
basic 12 steps that groups’ members actively stress are as follows, varying in
some degree per addiction recovery program. Note that no particular religion or
spiritual affiliation is required. All are welcome and invited.
1. We admit we are powerless over our addiction - that our lives have become
2. We believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity
3. We made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as
4. We made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves
5. We admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact
6. We are entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character
7. We humbly asked God to remove our shortcomings
8. We made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make
9. We made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do
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10. We continue to take personal inventory and when we are wrong promptly
11. We seek through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact
with God as we understand God, praying only for knowledge of God's will for us
12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we try to carry
this message to other addicts, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
Basically members recite the steps at their meetings. And there may be a
presentation or group discussion based upon one particular step that day, with
the rest of the event focused on individual needs or issues that are brought up by
members, so that each member gets to address his or her top or immediate
concerns, seek help and help others to get through, “One day at a time.”
Here are more tools to aid with healing from addictions, listed in no
Internal Motivators– Many decide to kick their addictions based upon interior
motives like love, a sense of achievement, competition, responsibility and a
number of other reasons. A love for a child can make some stop the denial
process dead in its tracks, allowing recovery to step in. Watching a close friend
or relative who is farther along the addictive path of destruction can also be an
eye-opener, resulting in some addicts adopting the “I can do it” attitude to kick
the habit. Some simply want their own self-respect back and respect from others.
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While other addicts prefer better health and a sharper mental state, and decide to
overcome their addictions and recover. Regardless of the reasons, internal
motivators can be welcome stepping-stones in the path of recovery.
External Motivators - Other motivators along the way are external, like money,
work, housing, etc. For example, an addict is generally well aware of the money
needed for the continued purchasing of the addictive substances. Someone not
used to living in less desirable conditions because income is lacking, may not
need much of a jolt of reality other than the first eviction notice, to spur him or her
to quit spending hard-earned money on drugs, gambling, porn or cigarettes, etc.
And some who may really value their jobs and are striving to maintain good work
standards and ethics, may see reality when they are passed over for a promotion
or annual raise because of tardiness, sloppiness, mishandling of money, etc.,
and may seek help to get their work act together promptly.
To help with internal and motivators, addicts and their support people can
turn to recovery tools like books, videos, movies, healing music, speakers and
events focused on addiction and recovery. A good place to begin is at your own
local library or favorite bookstore. Online you can search Amazon.com, Barnes
and Noble (BN.com) or even your favorite search engine. Type in terms like
“addiction recovery” and / or add the addictive substance or behavior (“gambling
recovery” “overcoming cigarette addiction”).
Recovery Books
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Overcoming Addictions
Addiction & Recovery for Dummies, by Brian F. Shaw, Paul Ritvo, Jane Irvine, M.
David Lewis; For Dummies; (December 13, 2004).
7 Tools to Beat Addiction, by Stanton PHD Peele; Three Rivers Press; (July 27, 2004).
The Addictive Personality: Understanding the Addictive Process and Compulsive
Behavior, by Craig Nakken; Hazelden Publishing & Educational Services; 2nd
The Addiction Workbook: A Step-By-Step Guide to Quitting Alcohol and Drugs
(New Harbinger Workbooks), by Patrick Fanning, John T. O'Neill, John O'Neill;
New Harbinger Publications; (June 1, 1996).
Bridges to Recovery : Addiction, Family Therapy, and Multicultural Treatment, by
Jo-ann Krestan; Free Press; (March 15, 2000).
For online chat rooms and message boards where recovering addicts
seek fellowship, simply type “recovery message board” or “recovery chat room”
in your favorite search engine. Include specific addictions like gambling and
Another popular recovery tool is called an intervention. An intervention
generally refers to a planned gathering of people who know the addict and want
to offer support and intervene to stop the addiction. Friends, family, co-workers,
church members or in short close contacts meet and gently confront the person
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with the addiction to drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex or other behavior or substance
It is believed that by close contacts sharing their personal feelings and
thoughts for the addict’s well being, the addict will feel safer and confront denial
issues, opening up a pathway for recovery and healing. By actually being with so
many caring people, the addict may also become motivated to seek help and
change, and realize that he or she hasn’t faked everyone out with lies about the
addiction. Many want to seek help so that they are not alone in their struggle any
longer, preferring recovery and health instead.
The intervention team becomes part of their support network. Each
member shares his or her own experiences with the addict and the problems
arising from the addiction. And in turn, each shares their love, support and
encouragement for recovery as well as any healing resources or tools they may
have. For example, maybe one member who faced similar addiction issues found
help from a local 12-step program and therapist, and brought the meeting
information (location and times) plus the therapist’s phone number alone to
Trained people are also available to help groups with interventions. Some
go through a 3-stage intervention program.
Stage I - This focuses on telephone coaching over the phone. A trained
professional helps you build a foundation with hope and figure out whom to ask
to join in an intervention plan. They also help strategize – gather the intervention
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team together, educate about goals and overall plan, and help with getting the
addict to the intervention meeting the first time.
Stage II – This stage generally begins if no treatment has yet kicked into place
after Stage I. Generally, the main person in charge of gathering the intervention
team together meets with the professionally trained counselor get together for
strategy planning about a half-dozen times. Note that the addict is not present at
these. Goals are to educate, support and develop a plan of action that includes
healing treatment with the one seeking help for the addict first.
Stage III – At this point, other intervention team members are brought in and
counseled. And the addict is invited to the meetings where intervention members
share their new boundaries and coping skills with the addict (if he or she comes
along). The intervention members’ love and support are demonstrated more than
once, and by now the addict has had multiple opportunities to enter recovery and
treatment but has not yet taken the plunge to seek help.
Results with this 3-stage program are long-term help for not only the
addict, but the support people as well. The addict is generally removed or placed
outside the dysfunctional family environment. And both family and addict learn
healthier behaviors, communication and coping skills. For more information about
Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery Outpatient Center 5409 N. Knoxville Ave. Peoria, IL 61614 1-800-522-3784 Copyright @ 2007 HealthyPages.info. All Rights Reserved.
Overcoming Addictions
Check with your libraries and bookstores for helpful intervention books. Here are
- Crisis Intervention Strategies (with InfoTrac) (Counseling Series)
by Richard K. James, Burl E. Gilliland Richard K. James, Burl E. Gilliland;
Wadsworth Publishing; 4 edition (August 10, 2000).
- A Guide to Crisis Intervention, by Kristi Kanel; Wadsworth Publishing; 2 edition
And check out what resources National Intervention Referral has available in
your area by contacting them at (800) 399- 3612 (24 hours / 7 days), or by
visiting them at and filling out their online form
For treatment alternatives in your area, some places to contact include
counselors (educational, school, professional / medical like psychologists),
doctors and hospitals. They may offer treatment solutions that include self-help,
smoking patches, online treatment and housing alternatives. Some other options
Treatment Centers (mental health, crisis centers, substance abuse programs) –
For help locating treatment facilities in an area near you, contact:
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Copyright @ 2007 HealthyPages.info. All Rights Reserved.
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200 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20201 Telephone: 202-619-0257 Toll Free: 1-877-696-6775 National Toll-Free Help Lines – For organizations that offer mental health
information, referrals some crisis counseling, dial these toll-free numbers (from
- 800- 375- 4577 www.nationalhotline.org
800-969-NMHA (6642) National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
800-273-TALK (8255) Obsessive-Compulsive Foundation
SAMHSA's Center for Substance Abuse Treatment 800-662-HELP (4357), 800-487-4889 (TDD)
SAMHSA's National Clearinghouse for Alcohol & Drug Info
Detoxification – Immediately halting an addict’s alcohol or drugs, can result in not
only emotional but physical withdrawal, as the body has become dependent. So
medical detoxification, or “de-tox” for short, is sometimes a treatment option. De-
tox is the process by which an addict is actively withdrawn with the help of his
physician while the negative substances are gradually removed from his body’s
system, in a step-by-step process. Depending upon the addiction, some
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medications have been found to help with controlling mild to extreme withdrawal
symptoms like seizures, delirium and shaking, with inpatient care. For example,
with alcohol addiction, benzodiazepines, carbamazepine and clonidine are
sometimes used. And tranquilizers can be used for outpatient care. While with
cocaine, Antidepressant drugs may be used to help treat depression and anxiety
during withdrawal. De-tox combined with a recovery program can produce a
greater positive response in improving the patient’s healthcare.
Inpatient / Outpatient Services – Inpatient services like de-tox may be available
at hospitals and residential treatment centers, and are considered to be quicker if
careful monitoring of the patient is done so that no addition addictive substances
are used during the time of treatment. However, outpatient services performed in
private, addiction treatment or mental health offices or centers, while less
expensive and intrusive on day-to-day lifestyles (especially with those continuing
in their daily jobs), can be equally effective if a careful support treatment strategy
is in place and used by the patient so that he or she does not return to using
addictive substances while on the outside.
Nutrition - Unfortunately, nutrition is often not a focus when a person is addicted,
regardless of whether the substance is alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, etc. So in order
to help get the brain back to a healthier state and improve “thinking” and overall
health, good nutrition is taught and supplements are often encouraged. For
starters, many suggest lowering or limiting dietary intake of simple starches and
sugars, upping the intake of protein. A good multivitamin / multi-mineral
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supplement recommended by a family or healthcare provider can be a helpful
tool in a well-rounded recovery plan, too.
Retreats / Rehabs - Today there is a wide variety of rehabilitation or rehab centers to aid recovery and healing programs in targeted environments. Choose from rehabs focused mainly for Teens, Christian-based Programs, Executives, Gay & Lesbian Programs, Prescription Addiction, Residential Treatment Programs, Intervention Partners, Coast-specific (East or West), or 12-Step Rehab, for starters. A good place to begin is with a call to the National Treatment Referral Hotline at 800- 375- 4577 or fill out a brief info request online at www.nationalhotline.org about your case.
Support Groups, Organizations & Recovery
Following are a variety of groups, organizations and programs to aid in addiction
recovery. They are listed in no particular order of importance.
Alcoholics Anonymous www.alcoholics-anonymous.org - This is a group
whose primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics achieve
sobriety. Their site has lots of helpful information and a section with local links for
more targeted help in each state of the USA and in Canada.
Alcoholics Anonymous 475 Riverside Drive
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11th Floor New York, N.Y. 10115 Mailing Address:
Alcoholics Anonymous Grand Central Station P.O. Box 459 New York, N.Y. 10163Al-Anon & Alateen www.al-anon.alateen.org - This is the
support group for friends and family of alcoholics. Their site, in English and
Spanish, offers support meetings, surveys, literature and more.
Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. 1600 Corporate Landing Parkway Virginia Beach, VA 23454-5617 Tel: (757) 563-1600 Fax: (757) 563-1655 wso@al-anon.org Gamblers Anonymous www.gamblersanonymous.org International Service Office P.O. Box 17173, Los Angeles, CA 90017 (213) 386-8789 - Fax (213) 386-0030 Cocaine Anonymous www.ca.org Narcotics Anonymous www.na.org World Service Office in Los Angeles PO Box 9999 Van Nuys, California 91409 USA Telephone (818) 773-9999 Fax (818) 700-0700
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National Drug and Alcohol Treatment Referral Service (800) 729-4357. The
National Institute on Drug Abuse www.nida.nih.gov - The National Institute on
Drug Abuse (NIDA) is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), a component
of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Their site contains
prevention, treatment, and other information on drugs and abuse for researchers,
educators, parents and other interested parties. Subscribe free to their email
Healthy Living, Healthy Choices Tips
Healthier living is a choice. And here are some choice tips towards a
For help 24 / 7, reach out via the World Wide Web. A variety of chat
boards, list groups, email pals, message boards and other means of cyber-
communications can help link people up for fellowship during their recovery. And
some programs, like 12-steps, offer online meetings for those unable to attend in
person. Used in a safe and sensible manner, these online communication
systems can offer healing interaction among fellow addiction fighters.
Here are some general guidelines to follow for safe, healthy and effective
communications. First, depending upon the means of communication, most
generally offer the user to key or type in comments, questions, share ideas, ask
for help, cry on cyber-shoulders, etc. pretty much instantly. And those places with
archived posts allow for browsing and in-depth reading for those wanting to learn
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more on their own. Take time to look around and learn the system and setup.
Ask the moderator or person in charge of the site (usually listed on the Contact
Second, when typing responses, do not use all capital letters. That means
shouting to some people and they may take offense.
And third, be leery of sharing images. They can be altered and re-used by
anyone. Scenic shots might be fine to share, like of recovery places to visit
(public parks, scenic drives, etc.) However, think twice before sharing family
photos online with strangers. Ask permission if others are in the shots, too,
before sharing. If you don’t have their permission, don’t share - - general rule of
Online Safety Tips
Don’t disclose personal information or anything that makes you
uncomfortable. Many people feel they have the right to ask anything and plunge
right on in. Ignore them, use your delete button or simply say that you are not
comfortable discussing “that” right now.
Try not to be rude, even if the other inquiring person is, and try to keep out
of cyber-fights. If you need help, seek out the moderator or webmaster (usually
linked on the bottom of the website pages.) If all else fails, move on to another
forum, message board or other cyber-location, and leave that one alone for
awhile. If and when things calm down, you can always revisit, see how things are
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Don’t lie. Part of recovery is facing denial and no more lies. So if you are
not comfortable telling the truth, stop. Don’t lie, just stop. Return to healing and
recovery resources that you ARE comfortable with and don’t harm yourself.
Realize that all kinds of people of all ages jump on the Internet, many healthy,
but many unhealthy. So not every place is a healthy environment for you at all
times. Nothing personal, it’s just life. Period. And it’s not your fault; there’s
nothing you can do. Instead, seek healthier recovery activities and keep healing!
Avoid topics that can trigger bad episodes, especially those that could
possibly mean returning to past addiction –related issues. Here’s a visual way to
explain this, as shared at some recovery 12-step meetings:
A man walks down the sidewalk and falls into a hole. He picks himself up,
dusts himself off, climbs out of the hole and moves on.
Next time this same man walks down that same sidewalk, he sees the
hole up ahead and decides to go around it. However, just as he skirts the edge of
the hole, he accidentally falls in again. As before, he picks himself up, dusts
himself off, climbs out of the hole and moves on.
A third time going down the same sidewalk, this same man walks a little
farther away from the hole, trying to by-pass it. However, he trips over a rock in
the path and falls in again anyway. And as before, he picks himself up, dusts
himself off, climbs out of the hole and moves on. Copyright @ 2007 HealthyPages.info. All Rights Reserved.
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The forth time - - the same man chooses a DIFFERENT sidewalk and
enjoys his walk. The hole isn’t there; he doesn’t fall; there’s no need to climb out.
Moral of the story: choose your paths wisely!
Good Habits – Bad habits took time to develop; so do good ones. Take it a day at
a time and focus on replacing the bad ones with good ones. Jot your progress
down in a private journal. Reward your good days and good times with stickers,
colored marker smiles, silly color-pencil sketches, etc. And stick with it!
Remember “slow and steady wins the race,” not racing through things like the
Be Your Best Friend - Forgive yourself and be a friend to yourself. No one is
perfect. Be aware of your inner feelings and take care to find healthy outlets for
yourself. For example, find healthy ways to express anger (yes, it’s OK to be
angry sometimes!) and healthy outlets for fun (around healthy people and
places). Parent yourself by adopting better grooming habits, eating healthier and
getting plenty of rest. And have your support network and healthcare
professionals on your team help you learn how to handle stress and anything that
triggers old addictive behaviors and ways to pop up. Jot down notes for
reference, if necessary, but bring them out as soon as you can and face them so
that you can overcome them with healthier alternatives. Messed up in the
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meantime? Forgive yourself and move on. Don’t dwell on the negative. Instead,
embrace the positive and your new network, support team and resources.
Stop and Smell the Roses – Life does have a lot to offer. And much is forgotten
during stages of addiction. Keep an ongoing list or fun, neat things you’d like to
do and USE it. For some ideas refer to the five senses; sight, taste, touch, smell,
sound. For example your list can include a walk in the park, collecting leaves, a
swim at a local hotel or YMCA, sitting on a porch swing with a friend, singing your
favorite songs, whistling your favorite tunes, enjoying a warm bubble bath, buying
some fresh flowers, lighting a scented candle, eating your favorite healthy foods,
preparing a fun snack and sharing it with a friend, playing a board game and
walking the dog. When you’re bored, anxious, or just need a break, grab your list
Self-Improvement – Often addiction problems get started and continue because
of lack of self-esteem. So reach out and continue your education, either formally
or informally. Read motivational materials, listen to self-help tapes, watch
inspiring movies, videos and DVDs. Learn goal setting, money handling,
business skills, time management skills and more through library books, local
workshops and online opportunities. Take charge of your life and be responsible.
With learning opportunities available from free to all variety of budget ranges, the
Time-Out – This does not refer to the “time out” punishment, like sending a child
to stand in the corner at a daycare facility. This is a time-out for yourself and
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allowing “bad” stress to take its course. In reality not everything is perfect. And
that’s OK. There is no need to get high, drunk or escape in any other unhealthy
way every time things aren’t perfect. Acceptance is OK. In other words, it’s OK to
feel angry, sad, unhappy or other not so positive feelings sometimes. That’s
However, instead of turning to negative addictive behaviors, get with your
support team ahead of time and plan pro-active strategies for handling these
sometimes-difficult issues. For example with anger, punch a pillow. Shed some
tears when you’re sad. Take a time-out break and rest during heavier issues.
Relax with some herbal tea. Tell yourself everything will be OK. And enjoy some
Then before you know it, the sun will come back up, and everything will be OK
again. As they say, there is a season for everything. Life is a process and each of
us has to take the good with the bad and make that proverbial lemonade out of
lemons. “Bad” times may get you down for a while, but turn them around as
quickly as you can and reach out for healthier “good” behaviors.
Overcoming Addiction: Rewards & Resources
There is an interesting relationship between addictive behavior and reward
systems. Many people focus on addictions as a way to escape reality, rewarding
themselves with false happiness like highs or drunken binges and gambling
sprees that pull them way down over time.
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However when these unhealthy rewards are replaced with healthier ones
during recovery and healing, things can turn around. For example, saving a little
money for a special trip can be rewarding. No need to gamble or get high; just
enjoy swimming, shopping, skiing, and other fun activities instead.
But problems arise, like learning how much to save and where to go, how
to get there, etc. And thus planning can be overwhelming and stressful.
To help addicts and those with tendencies toward addictive behaviors
learn how to make and put a positive reward system into place, the first step is
grabbing hold of reality and figuring out what WOULD be rewarding.
Reward yourself - with healthy rewards - along the way to success. That’s
1. Begin by keeping a notebook or journal listing rewards you would like to
have. Start with something you think is totally unobtainable if you like. But start
somewhere. And write down your thoughts so that you’ll be accountable and take
responsibility for yourself and your actions and behaviors.
No one has to see this rewards notebook or journal but you. So feel free to
use misspellings, bad grammar, doodles, magic markers, highlighters, clipped
magazine pictures of what you want, etc. Be creative; make it colorful. It’s for
For example, your notebook could contain a list with some items like these
that you think might be great: traveling, having lots of friends, being a part of a
group, wearing designer clothes, having a new car, running your own business.
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Maybe you’d like to work part time, yet earn full time pay. Maybe you’d like to
adopt children, join the Peace Corps, build your own boat or house. Dare to
2. Then as time allows, research your ideas and find out what it would
take to put them into action and make them reality. Do you need more money?
More education? A scheduled time for a trip? A sewing machine to design
clothes? Whatever it is that you’ll need, write it down.
Don’t know what you’ll need? Can’t figure out quite how to plan it all or get
3. Seek help – ask trusted friends, write your congressman, check with
your neighbor, move on to your net item and skip an unknown for now. Ask
others at our 12-step meeting, research current trends in magazines and
newspapers, ask the librarian for help and check via your favorite search
engines. The goal is to reach out with your resources. No need to go it alone!
4. Then make it so, as they say on the television show Star Trek. Reach
for the stars, your stars. Make time and plan your rewards one at a time. Have
fun and enjoy life while you’re living it in a healthier, real way, with real friends
and real vacations. Show off your one new suit of clothes that you worked for and
saved for while paying all your other regular bills in the meantime.
5. Give back and help others plan their own rewards, too. That’s a reward
in itself! Encourage your support team, your family, your friends, your co-workers,
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your neighbors and your healthcare team. Helping each other in life can be very
rewarding. Don’t miss out on non-monetary rewards!
Rewards and Resources
Here are some places to turn to for overcoming addiction with rewards
and resources. Enjoy fellowship with others whoa re also looking for rewards to
help motivate them through the recovery and healing process. Be a friend; make
Addiction Treatment Forum www.atforum.com - this offers more than a forum for
communicating with others. There is a FAQs section for learning more about
addiction issues, news with updates section and archives, a resource section
with pdf reports on a variety of addiction-related topics, a calendar of industry
events and a guide to other online resource links.
National Mental Health Association www.nmha.org - This is one of the oldest and
largest nonprofit organizations that addresses all aspects of mental health and
mental illness, issues surrounding addictive disorders. They have over 340
affiliates nationwide and focus on improving mental health via education,
advocacy, service and research. For additional help, contact them at 2001 N.
Beauregard Street, 12th Floor, Alexandria, VA 22311. Phone (703) 684-7722, fax
(703) 684-5968. Mental Health Resource Center (800)969-NMHA. TTY Line
In summary, since Addictive Disorders are such an important part of
everyday life, and with a variety of solutions and services available to help with
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treatment and coping, hopefully you can learn more about Overcoming
Addictions and share this with others. Knowledge is a key to success.
Please visit http://healthypages.info for any updates and heath resources.
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PUBLIC HEALTH FACT SHEET Repellents Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH), 305 South Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 What is a tick repellent? A tick repellent is a substance put on skin, clothing, or other surfaces which discourages ticks from crawling on that surface. Why should I use a tick repellent? Ticks can spread germs that cause disease. Using a tick repell
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