Prostaglandins and Cancer. Eds. T.J. Powles, R.S. Bockman, K.V. Honn, P. Ramwell. Publishers, Alan Liss Inc., New York, l982.
Breast Cancer Management. Eds. R.C. Coombes, T.J. Powles, H.T. Ford, J.C. Gazet. Publishers, Academic Press Inc. (London) Ltd. l98l.
Bone Metastases: new perspectives in the management of advanced breast cancer. Ed T J Powles. Publishers Mediq Ltd, London. 1991.
Medical management of breast cancer. Eds TJ Powles, IE Smith. Publishers Martin Dunitz, London 1991.
Breast cancer: Sharing the decision. Eds. AM Maslin, TJ Powles. Publishers Oxford UniversityPress, England 1999.
Papers, Chapters, Letters

Powles TJ, Easty GC, Easty DM, Bondy, PK, Neville A.M. Powles TJ, Dowsett M, Easty DM, Easty GC, Neville AM Aspirin inhibition of in vitro osteolysis stimulated by Parathyroid Breast cancer osteolysis, bone metastases and anti-osteolytic effect of aspirin Lancet l, 6O8-6lO (l976).
Powles TJ, Clarke M, Easty DM, Easty GC, and Neville AM Dowsett M, Easty GC, Powles TJ, Easty DM, and Neville AM Inhibition by aspirin and indomethacin of osteolytic tumour Human breast tumour induced osteolysis and prostaglandins. deposits and hypercalcaemia in rats with Walker tumour and its possible application to human breast cancer. Br J Cancer 28: Dowsett M, Eastman AR, Easty DM, Easty GC, Powles TJ and Neville AM. Prostaglandin mediation of collagenase-induced Powles TJ, Easty GC, Easty DM, Neville AM (letter) bone resorption Nature 263, 72-74 (l976).
Antimetastatic effect of aspirin Lancet l, lOO (l973).
Dowsett M, Gazet J-C, Powles TJ, Easty GC, and Neville AM Powles TJ, Easty DM, Easty GC, Neville AM (letter) Benign breast lesions and osteolysisLancet l, 97O-97l (l976).
Tumour induced osteolysis Lancet ll, 5O4 (l973).
Powles TJ, Rosset G, Leese CL, and Bondy PK Powles TJ, Easty DM, Easty GC, Neville AM (letter) Early morning hydroxyproline excretion in patients with breast Tumour induced osteolysis New Eng J Med 29l, lO5 (l974).
Easty GC, Powles TJ, Easty DM, Dowsett M, and Neville AM Antiemetics, prolactin and breast cancer (letter) The detection of osteolytic substances produced by human breast tumours IN Organ Culture in Biomedical Research. Ed. Balls and Monnickendam., Pubs. Cambridge University Press p.367-377 Powles TJ, Leese CL, and Bondy PK Hydroxyproline excretion in patients with breast cancer and response to treatment Br Med J l, l64-l66 (l975).
Smith IE, Taylor KJW, McCready VR, Powles, TJ, and Bondy PK A comparison of grey-scale ultrasound with other methods for the detection of liver metastases from breast carcinoma Clinical Mithramycin for hypercalcaemia associated with myeloma and other malignancies Br Med J l: 268 (l975).
Coombes RC, Neville AM, Bondy PK, and Powles TJ
Failure of Indomethacin to reduce hydroxyproline excretion of Powles TJ, Easty GC, Easty DM, Dowsett M and Neville AM hypercalcemia in patients with breast cancer Prostaglandins l2, Some Studies on the Anti-Metastatic Effect of Aspirin. IN Proceedings of Aspirin Symposium (l975) pp 31-33. Pub. Rayleigh Printers, Essex Ed Dale TLC.
Powles TJ, Easty GC, Easty DM, Dowsett M, and Neville AM Factors influencing metastasis in bone IN Secondary Spread in Factors influencing development of bone metastases. IN Cancer Breast Cancer p8l-93. Heinemann Publishers, Ed. Basil A. Stoll Invasion and Metastases: Biologic Mechanisms and Therapy Ed. S.B. Davy, Raven Press, N.Y. pp.425-429 (l977).
Coombes RC, Powles TJ, Gazet JC, Ford HT, Sloane JP, Laurence Mechanisms for the development of bone metastases and hypercalcaemia in patients with breast cancer Proc Roy Soc Med Biochemical Markers in Human Breast Cancer Lancet l, l32-l34 Fatal irreversible hypercalcaemia in breast cancer Br Med J l, l45 Evaluation of biochemical markers in breast cancer Proc Roy Soc Dady PJ, Gazet J-C, Ford HT, and Powles TJ Combination chemotherapy for thrombocytopenia with bone Chemotherapy in breast cancer South West Regional Cancer marrow metastases from breast cancer Br Med J l, 554-555 Coombes RC, Powles TJ, Gazet J-C, Ford HT, Nash AG, Sloane JP, Surgical management of breast cancer IN Carcinoma of the Thomas P, Keyser JW, Marcus D, Stimson W, Neville AM Breast, Ed. Joslin CA MCS Publications, p.7-l3 (l978).
A biochemical approach to the staging of human breast cancer Multimodal therapy for Stage II breast cancer (letter) Lancet, l, Easty GC, Dowsett M, Powles TJ, Easty GC, Gazet J-C, Neville AM Hypercalcaemia in malignant disease. Proc Roy Soc Med, Endocrine therapy IN Oncology for Nurses and Health Care Professionals. Ed. R. Tiffany, Publishers, George Allan & Unwin, Calcium metabolism in breast cancer. Proc Roy Soc Med 7O, Smith IE, McKinna JA, Nash AG, Neville AM, Gazet J-C, Ford HT, Powles TJ, Coombes RC, Neville AM, Ford HT, Gazet J-C, Levine L l5-keto-l3, l4-dihydroprostaglandin E2 concentrations in serum of Aminoglutethimide in treatment of metastatic breast carcinoma.
patients with breast cancer Lancet ll, l38, (l977).
Russell JA, Baker JW, Dady PJ, Ford HT, Gazet J-C, McKinna JA, Russell JA, Baker JW, Dady PJ, Ford HT, Gazet J-C, McKinna JA, Response of metastatic breast cancer to combination Combination chemotherapy of metastatic breast cancer with chemotherapy according to site Br Med J ll: l39O-l39l (l977).
Vincristine, Adriamycin and Prednisolone Cancer 4l, 396-399 Prostaglandins and Breast Cancer IN Tumour Markers, ed. K Meirion Thomas J, Fitzharris BM, Redding WH, Williams JE, Trott Griffiths, AM Neville and CG Pierrepoint, p.29l-297 (l977) Pub Alphas Omega Publishing Company Limited, Cardiff.
Clinical examination, xeromammography and fine needle aspiration cytology in diagnosis of breast tumours Br Med J 2, Coombes RC, Neville AM, and Powles TJ The effects of calcitonin, mithramycin and indomethacin in breast cancer. IN Bone Disease and Calcitonin. Ed. John A. Kains, Pub. Meirion Thomas J, Redding WH, Coombes RC, Sloane JP, Ford HT, Armour Company Limited, p.lO3-llO (l977).
Gazet J-C, Powles TJ Failure to detect intra-abdominal metastases from breast cancer: a case for staging laparotomy Br Med J ll, l57-l59 (l978).
Smith IE, Hedley DW, Powles TJ, McElwain TJ Vindesine A phase II study in the treatment of breast cancer, malignant Prostaglandins and Human Breast Cancer Prostaglandins and melanoma and other tumours Cancer Treatment Reports 62, Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and cytotoxics Cancer Chemotherapy in advanced disease IN Carcinoma of the Breast. Treatment Reviews (Suppl) 6, 63- 67 (l979).
Ed. CA Joslin MCS Publications, p.4l-46, (l978).
Interactions des substances antimitotiques et anti-inflammatoires Enhancement of anti-cancer activity of cytotoxic chemotherapy dans les tissus normaux et neoplasiques IN Colloque Europeen with protection of normal tissues by inhibition of PG synthesis.
sur le mode d’action des anti-inflammatoires non-steroidiens Journal of Biochem Pharmacol 27, l389-l392 (l978).
p.lO9-llO (l979). Pubs. Lab. Boot Dacour. Ed. S.S. Adams et al.
Aminoglutethimide in breast cancer Lancet (Letter) 2, ll49 (l978).
Prostaglandines et Osteolyse IN Colloque Europeen sur le mode d’action des anti-inflammatoires non steroidiens p95-96 (l979) Pubs. Lab Boot Dacour. Ed. S.S. Adams et al.
Redding WH, Thomas JM, Powles TJ, Ford HT, Gazet J-C Age and prognosis in breast cancer Br Med J, l, l465 (l979).
Smith IE, Hedley DW, Powles TJ, McElwain TJ Clinical experience with Vindesine in 6O patients with solid Van Oosterom AT, Powles TJ, Hamersma E, Smith IE and tumours IN Vindesine Ed RN Wild, Publishers Creative Packaging, Eli Lilly & Co Ltd Basingstoke ppll-l6 (l979).
A Phase ll study of Mitomycin C in refractory advanced breast cancer. A multi centre pilot sTudy IN Breast Cancer - Experimental and Clinical Aspects. Proc. 2nd EORTC Breast Cancer Conference, Coombes RC, Dady PJ, Parsons C, Powles TJ Copenhagen, l979. Ed ET Mouridsen & T Palshof, Copenhagen, Mithramycin Therapy: An adjunct to conventional treatment of Pubs. Pergamon Press pp 275-277 (l979).
hypercalcaemia and bone metastases in breast cancer. Metab. Bone Dis and Rel Res. 2, l99-2O2 (l98O).
Coombes RC, Neville AM, Gazet J-C, Ford HT, Nash AG, Baker Smith IE, Hedley DW, Coombes RC, Powles TJ Agents affecting osteolysis in patients with breast cancer Cancer A comparison of combination chemotherapy using vindesine or Chemo & Pharmacol lll, 4l-44, (l979).
vincristine with adriamycin in the treatment of advanced breast carcinoma Cancer Treatment Reviews 7 7l-73 (l98O).
Premarin in the management of metastatic breast carcinoma in Powles TJ, Coombes RC, Smith IE, Jones JM, Ford HT, post menopausal patients Clinical Oncology 5, l59-l62 (l979).
Failure of chemotherapy to prolong survival in a group of patients with metastatic breast cancer Lancet l,58O-582 (l98O).
Smith IE, and Powles TJ Vindesine in the treatment of breast cancer Cancer Chemotherapy Bailey MJ, Royce C, Sloane JP, Ford HT, Powles TJ, Gazet J-C Bilateral carcinoma of the breast. Br J Surg 67, 5l4-5l6 (l98O).
Coombes RC, Powles TJ, Gehrke CW, Waalkes TP, Neville AM Nucleoside excretion in breast cancer: Comparison with other Dady PJ, Coombes RC, Smith IE, Parsons CA, Ford HT, Gazet J-C, biochemical tumour-indexe substances Investigative and Cell Use of an anti-osteolytic agent in treatment of patients with bone metastases from breast cancer. IN Breast Cancer - Experimental and Clinical Aspects. Eds HT Mouridsen and T Palshof Pergamon Prostaglandins and Cancer Cancer Topics ll,6-7 (l979).
Powles TJ
Anti-inflammatory drugs and tumour growth Lancet (l979);
i: 420-21.
Smith IE, Coombes RC, Ford HT, Gazet J-C, Harmer C, Jones M, Coombes RC, Powles TJ, Gazet JC, Ford HT, McKinna A, Nash AG, Aminoglutethimide in the management of advanced breast cancer Assessment of biochemical tests to screen for metastases in IN Breast Cancer - Experimental and Clinical Aspects Eds HT patients with breast cancer Lancet l, 296-298 (l98O).
Mouridsen and T.Palshof Pergamon Press, pp.99-lOl (l98O).
Coombes RC, Powles TJ, Abbott M, De Rivas L, Ford HT, Smith IE, Coombes RC, Evans BD, Ford HT, Gazet J-C, Gordon C, McCready VR, Neville AM, Gazet J-C Physical tests for distant metastases in patients with breast cancer Proc Roy Soc Med. Vindesine as a single agent and in combination with adriamycin in the treatment of metastatic breast carcinoma. IN Breast Cancer - Experimental and Clinical Aspects. Eds. Mouridsen and Palshof. Grudzinskas JG, Coombes RC, Ratcliffe JG, Gordon YB, Powles TJ, Circulating levels of pregnancy specific B1 glycoprotein in patients Coombes RC, Powles TJ, Ford HT, Gazet J-C, Gherke CW, Keyser with testicular, bronchogenic and breast carcinomas Cancer 45, JW, Mitchell PEG, Patel S, Stimson WH, Tsou KC, Worwood M, The value of sequential marker estimations following mastectomy for breast cancer. IN Breast Cancer - Experimental and clinical Chemotherapy and Survival in Breast Cancer (Letter) Lancet l, aspects. Eds. Mouridsen and Palshof. Pergamon Press Ltd., Oxford de Rivas L, Coombes RC, McCready VR, Gazet JC, Ford HT, Neville Powles TJ, Dady PJ, Williams J, Easty GC, Coombes RC Use of inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis in patients with breast Tests for liver metastases in breast cancer: evaluation of liver scan cancer Advances in Prostaglandin and Thromboxane Research, and liver ultrasound. Clinical Oncology 6, 225-230 (1980).
Coombes RC, Abbott M, Dearnaley DP, Moshakis V, Powles TJ, Interactions of cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory agents on Carcinoembryonic antigen estimations as an aid to the normal and neoplastic tissue. Advances in Prostaglandin and management of breast cancer. IN Proceedings CEA Und Andere Thromboxane Research, 6, 587-589 (l98O).
Tumormarker, Ein Symposiumsband, 1980 - Tumor Diagnostic, Coombes RC, Dearnaley D, Humphreys J, Gazet J-C, Ford HT, Nash Coombes RC, Jarman M, Harland S, Ratcliffe WA, Powles Danazol treatment of advanced breast cancer Cancer Treatment TJ, Taylor GN, O’Hare M, Nice E, Foster AB and Neville AM Aminoglutethimide: metabolism and effects on steroid synthesis in vivo. J Endocrinol 87, 3l (l98O).
Prostaglandins and metastases IN Metastatic Tumour Growth Ed E Dearnaley DP, Patel S, Powles T and Coombes RC Grundmann Publishers Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, New York Carcinoembryonic antigen estimation in cerebrospinal fluid in patients with metastatic breast cancer Oncodevelopmental Biology PG Synthetase Inhibitors in patients with cancer IN Prostaglandin Synthetase Inhibitors: New Clinical Applications Publishers Alan R Adjuvant Therapy in Breast Cancer IN Breast Cancer Management. Liss, Inc, New York pp l83-l86 (l98O).
Ed RC Coombes, TJ Powles, HT Ford, JC Gazet Pubs. Academic Press Inc. London Ltd (l98l) pp 137-152.
Powles TJ, Gazet JC, Ford HT, Milan J, Dady PJ and Coombes RC Early detection and monitoring of secondary bone tumours Dady PJ, Powles TJ, Dowsett M, Easty G, Williams J, Neville AM IN Bone and Tumours Symposium CEMO lll, Basel, November In vitro osteolytic activity of human breast carcinoma tissue and l979 Eds A Donath and B Courvoisier Publishers L’Imprimerie prognosis Br J Cancer 43, 222-225 (l98l).
Medecine et Hygiene, Geneve, pplO5-lO8 (l98O).
Moon T, Jones S, Davis S, Bonadonna G, Valagussa P, Veronesi U, Tumour Markers in the management of human cancer IN Topical Reviews in Radiotherapy and Oncology Ed TJ Deeley, Pubs. John Development of a natural history data base for breast cancer. In Wright & Son Ltd, Bristol (l98l) pp 39 - 65.
Adjuvant Therapy of Cancer III Eds Jones & Salmon Pub: Grune & Endocrine therapy and cancer. IN Cancer Treatment. Ed KE Halnan, Publishers Chapman and Hall, London pplO3-ll8 (l98l).
Flurbiprofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, protects cells against hypoxic cell radiosensitizers in vitro. Br J Cancer, 44 Harris AL, Smith IE, Dowsett M, Jeffcote SJ, Coombes RC, Powles TJ, Neville AM Sex hormone binding globulin levels and prognosis in early breast Dearnaley DP, Sloane JP, Ormerod MG, Steele K, Coombes RC, cancer Letter Lancet l, 82l4: 279 (l98l).
Clink H, Powles TJ, Ford HT, Gazet J-C, Neville AM Increased detection of mammary carcinoma cells in marrow smears using anti-sera to epithelial membrane antigen. Br J Coombes RC, Powles TJ, Gazet J-C, Ford HT, McKinna A, Abbott M, Gehrke CW, Keyser JW, Mitchell PEG, Patel S, Stimson WH, Worwood M, Jones J, Neville AM Screening for metastases in breast cancer: An assessment of biochemical and physical methods Cancer 48, 3lO-3l5 (l98l).
Mechanisms of action of DanazolCancer Chemotherapy & Endocrine therapy of breast cancer IN Breast Cancer Management Smith IE, Powles TJ, Coombes RC, Ford HT, Gazet J-C, Harmer CL Ed RC Coombes TJ Powles, HT Ford, J-C Gazet Pubs Academic A control randomised trial comparing vindesine and adriamycin with vincristine and adriamycin in the treatment of advanced breast carcinoma. IN Contributions to Oncology. Eds. W. Brade, Jones S, Moon T, Davis S, Valagussa P, Bonadonna G, Powles T, G.A. Nagel, S. Seeber 6, l85-l87 (l98l).
Rivkin S Comparative analysis of selected breast cancer adjuvant trials in relation to the natural history data base (NHDB) IN Adjuvant Taylor RE, Powles TJ, Humphreys J, Bettelheim R, Dowsett M, Therapy of Cancer lll Eds Jones & Salmon, Pubs Grune & Stratton Effects of Endocrine Therapy on Steroid-Receptor Content of Breast Cancer Br J Cancer 45,8O (l982).
Survival of patients with metastatic breast cancer treated with Rowland-Payne, C, Abbott M, Jones JM, Powles TJ, Coombes RC aminoglutethimide compared to patients treated with cytotoxic Weight loss during therapy for advanced breast cancer. Clinical chemotherapy. IN Aminoglutethimide. Mechanism of action and clinical results in breast cancer. Ed. FJA Paesi, pp.95-98 (l98l).
Powles TJ, Coombes RC, Depledge M, Muindi J, Powles RL Prostaglandin Administration to patients with cancer IN Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy. IN Adjuvant Therapy of Cancer III. Prostaglandins and Cancer Eds Powles TJ, Buckman RS, Honn Eds. Jones & Salmon. Pubs. Grune & Stratton. p.305-311(l98l).
KV, Ramwell P Pubs Liss, New York pp 825-830 (1982) pp Adjuvant therapy for primary breast cancer. Editorial Clinical Heckford Susan E, Eccles Suzanne A, Powles TJ and Alexander P. Failure of Flurbiprofen to enhance the therapeutic effect of cyclophosphamide Br J Cancer 46(l): 5l-57 (l982).
Adjuvant therapy of breast cancer IN Breast Cancer Ed M Baum. Publishers: Update Publications Limited p 20-23 (l98l).
Mechanisms for development of bone metastases and effects of anti-inflammatory drugs. IN Prostaglandins and Cancer: Ed Powles TJ, Buckman RS, Honn KV, Ramwell P Pubs Alan R Liss Inc, NY pp 54l-553 (l982).
Coombes RC, Dearnaley DP, Buckman R, Jones JM, Ormerod MG, Clinical trial of multiple endocrine therapy for metastatic and Sloane JP, Powles TJ, Gazet JC, Ford HT, Neville AM locally advanced breast cancer with Tamoxifen-Aminoglutethimide- Detection of bone metastases in patients with breast cancer. Danazol compared to Tamoxifen used alone Cancer Research Invasion Metastasis, 2, 177-184, (1982).
Powles TJ, Coombes RC, Gordon C, Smith IE Administration of prostaglandins A and anti-inflammatory drugs Vindesine in combination with adriamycin for treatment of to patients with cancer. IN Advances in Prostaglandin and metastatic breast cancer. Drugs Exptl Clin Res (5) 57l-575 Coombes RC, Dady P, Parsons C, Ford HT, Gazet J-C, Powles TJ Coombes RC, Powles TJ, Rees LH, Ratcliffe WA, Nash AG, Henk Assessment of response of bone metastases to systemic treatment in patients with breast cancer. Cancer 52: 610-614 Tamoxifen, aminoglutethimide and danazol: Effect of therapy on hormones in post menopausal patients with breast cancer. Br J Coombes RC, Perez D, Gazet JC, Ford HT and Powles TJ Danazol treatment for advanced breast cancer. Cancer Chemother & Coombes RC, Chilvers Clair, Dowsett M, Gazet J-C, Ford HT, Bettelheim R, Gordon C, Smith IE, Zava D, Powles TJ Adjuvant aminoglutethimide therapy for postmenopausal patients Harris AL, Mitchell M, Smith IE, Powles IE with primary breast cancer: Progress Report Cancer Research Suppression of plasma 6-Keto-Prostaglandin F and 13, 14-dihydro-15-keto- prostaglandin F by aminoglutethimide in advanced breast cancer Br J Cancer (l983) 48, 595-598.
Heckford Susan E, Eccles SA, Powles TJ and Alexander P Flurbiprofen does not appear to enhance the therapeutic effect of Muindi J, Coombes RC, Golding S, Powles TJ, Khan O and Husband J cyclophosphamide. IN Prostaglandins and Cancer: Eds Powles TJ, The role of computed tomography in the detection of bone Buckman RS, Honn KV and Ramwell P Pubs Alan R Liss Inc, NY metastases in breast cancer Br J Radiol 56 233-236 (l983).
Powles TJ, Coombes RC, Harris AL and Smith IE Aminoglutethimide with hydrocortisone for treatment of Protection against misonidazole-induced toxicity in vitro disseminated breast cancer IN Aminoglutethimide Eds RW Elsdon- by flurbiprofen, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent. IN Dew, IM Jackson, GFB Birdwood Pubs Roy Soc of Med Academic Prostaglandins and Cancer: Eds Powles TJ, Bockman RS, Honn KV Press Inc (London) Limited, Grune & Stratton Inc, NY pp 4l-42 and Ramwell P Pubs Alan R Liss, Inc, NY pp 793-797 (l982).
Coombes RC, Chilvers C, Dowsett M, Bettelheim R, Gordon C, Present role of hormonal therapy. IN Breast Cancer: Recent Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment. Ed G Bonadonna, Pubs Aminoglutethimide as an adjuvant to surgery in poor risk John Wiley & Sons Ltd pp 229-246 (1982).
postmenopausal patients with breast cancer. IN Aminoglutethimide Eds. R.W. Elsdon-Dew, I.M. Jackson, G.F.B. Birdwood, Pubs. Roy. Soc. of Med. Academic Press Inc. (London) Limited, Grune & Aminoglutethimide in the Treatment of Advanced Postmenopausal Stratton, Inc., N.Y. pp 37-39 (l983).
Breast Cancer Cancer Research (Suppl) 42 34O5-34O8 (l982).
Harris AL, Powles TJ, Smith IE, Coombes RC, Ford HT, Gazet J-C, Powles TJ, Coombes RC, Gordon C and Smith IE Harmer CL, Morgan M, White H, Parsons CA and McKinna JA A comparison of vindesine vs. vincristine with adriamycin for Aminoglutethimide for the treatment of advanced postmenopausal treatment of patients with metastatic or locally recurrent breast breast cancer. Eur J Cancer Clin Oncol l9(l) pp ll-l7 (l983).
cancer. Eighth Vinca Alkaloid Symposium - Vindesine. ED Marie T Bakowski. Publishers Ely Lilly pp 65-79 (1982).
Perez DJ, Powles TJ, Milan J, Gazet J-C, Ford HT, McCready VR, Detection of Breast Carcinoma Metastases in Bone: The Relative Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy. Reviews on Endocrine - Related Merits of X rays and Skeletal Scintigraphy. Lancet II 613-616 Coombes RC, Powles TJ, Buckman R, Skilton R, McClelland R, Breast conservation and its integration with adjuvant Medical Management of Breast Cancer. IN Symposium on Medical chemotheray and adjuvant hormone therapy. IN Breast Management of Malignant Disease Proc. Symposium, Royal Conservation in the Management of Breast Cancer. Eds Peckham College of Physicians of Edinburgh, 37-47, (1983).
M and Tobias J Pubs Ed Arnold pp 165-178 (l985).
Perez DJ, Powles TJ, Smith IE, Vincent M, Ashley Susan, Gordon C, Latissimus dorsi reconstruction of the breast (Letter) BMJ 287, The Modulating Effects of Flurbiprofen on Adriamycin plus Vincristine, or Vindesine in the Treatment of Advanced Breast Cancer. Cancer Chemother & Pharmacol, 15, 278-282, (1985).
Powles TJ The Role of Aromatase Inhibitors in Breast Cancer Seminars in Gazet J-C, Rainsbury RM, Ford HT, Powles TJ and Coombes RC Survey of Treatment of Primary Breast Cancer in Great Britain. British Medical Journal 29O, l793-l795 (l985).
Redding WH, Coombes RC, Monaghan P, Clink HMcD, Imrie SF, Dearnaley DP, Ormerod MG, Sloane JP, Gazet J-C, Powles TJ and Coombes RC, Powles TJ, Muindi J, Hunt J, Ward M, Perez D and Detection of micrometastases in patients with primary breast Trilostane therapy for advanced breast cancer Cancer Treatment Morris AJR, O’Sullivan JP, Millard FJC, Humberstone AM, Hunt J, Gazet J-C, Powles TJ, Ford HT and Coombes RC Vincent MD, Clink H, Coombes RC, Smith IE, Kandler R and Fibreoptic bronchoscopy as an aid to diagnosis of respiratory symptoms in breast cancer patients. Br J Cancer 48 731-734 Aminoglutethimide (with hydrocortisone) induced agranulocytosis in patients with primary breast cancer. British Medical Journal 29l, Perez DJ, Powles TJ, Gazet J-C, Ford HT and Coombes RC Mitomycin C, melphalan and methotrexate combination Powles TJ, Ashley S, Adcock H, Thomas L and Coombes RC chemotherapy for palliation of disseminated breast cancer. Therapy of disseminated breast cancer with antioestrogens, Cancer Chemother and Pharmacol l3 36-38 (l984).
sequentially or in combination with other hormones Excerpta Clinical trials with Endocrine therapy in Advanced Disease. IN Waxman JH, Harland SJ, Coombes RC, Wrigley PFM, Malpas JS, Clinical Trials in Cancer Medicine. Pub. Academic Press. Eds G Bonnadonna and U Veronesi (1984) 335-342.
The treatment of postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer with Buserelin. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, Powles TJ, Ashley S, Ford HT, Gazet J-C, Nash AG, Neville AM and Coombes RC Treatment of Disseminated Breast Cancer with Tamoxifen, Aminoglutethimide, Hydrocortisone and Danazol, used in Criteria for Assessment of Response of Bone Metastases Combination or Sequentially. Lancet II, 1369-1373 (1984).
to Systemic Therapy. IN Bone Resorption Metastases and Diphosphonates. Pub. Raven Press, NY Eds. Garrotini, S 93-108 Heusinkveld, R., Valagussa, P., Bonnadonna, G., Powles,T.J. Is T3NoMo Breast Cancer with Pathologically Negative Nodes Truly Stage III? JCO 242-243 (1984).
Patterns and Mechanisms of bone metastases Proc Roy Soc Coombes RC, Powles TJ, Easton D, Chilvers CED, Ford HT, Smith IE, McKinnaA, White H, Bradbeer J, Yarnold J, Nash A, Bettleheim McClelland RA, Berger U, Miller LS, Powles TJ, Jensen EV, Adjuvant Aminoglutethimide therapy for postmenopausal patients with primary breast cancer. Breast Cancer: Therapeutic Modalities Immunocytochemical Assay for Oestrogen Receptor: Current and Future. Eds Harvey HA, Lipton A, Michaels MA, Relationship to outcome of therapy in patients with advanced Pubs MES Medical Education Services (Canada) Toronto, 61-66 breast cancer. Cancer Research (Suppl) 46, 4241-4243 (1986).
Powles TJ, Coombes RC, Smith IE, Chilvers C, Easton D, Thomas L, Adcock H, Gazet J-C, Nash AG, Bradbeer J, McKinna JA A Randomised Clinical Trial to compare Tamoxifen with Danazol A double blind randomised clinical trial of adjuvant amino- for treatment of benign mammary dysplasia Breast Diseases - glutethimide versus placebo given to post menopausal patients with histologically confirmed stage II breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 7, 37-40 (1986).
Powles TJ, Ashley S, Forgeson GV, O`Keefe A, Richards L, Coombes RC, Buckman R, Forrester JA, Shepherd V O`Hare MJ, Treatment of Advanced Breast Cancer with Mitocycin C, Mitozantrone and Methotrexate (MMM) compared to vincristine, In Vitro and in vivo effects of a monoclonal antibody-toxin anthracycline and cyclophosphamide (VAC). IN Clinical Progress conjugate for use in autologous bone marrow transplantation for with Mitozantrone. Eds. G. Bonadonna. Pubs Royal Soc Med patients with breast cancer. Cancer Research 46, 4217-4220, Services London, New York. Series No 110, 1-7, (1987).
Goss PE, Ashley S, Powles TJ, Coombes RC The Detection and Evaluation of Bone Marrow Micrometastases in High Dose Oral Medroxyprogesterone Acetate in Heavily Primary Breast Cancer. In Fundamental Problems in Breast Cancer. Pretreated Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer. Cancer Eds. Patterson, AGH Pubs Martinus Nijhoff, 299-301(1987).
Treatment Reports, 70, 777-779 (1986).
Coombes RC, Berger U, Mansi J, Redding H, Powles TJ, Neville AM, Treatment of Metastatic Breast Cancer as a guide to design McKinna A, Gazet J-C, Ford HT, Omerod M, McDonnell T of Adjuvant Therapy Trials. In Fundamental Problems in Breast Prognostic Significance of Monographs Adjuvant Chemotherapy Cancer. Eds. Patterson, AGH Pubs Martinus Nijhoff, 369-372 and Endocrine Therapy for Breast Cancer, 1, 51-53, (1986).
Goss PE, Powles TJ, Dowsett M, Hutchison GB, Angela MH, Endocrine Prevention of Breast Cancer by Tamoxifen IN Treatment of advanced postmenopausal breast cancer with an Fundamental Problems in Breast Cancer. Eds Patterson AGH aromatase inhibitor, 4 - hydroxyandrostenedione - Phase II report.
Pubs Martinus Nijhoff, 139-143, (1987).
Cancer Research 46, 4823-4826 (1986).
Vincent MD, Powles TJ, Skeet R, Ashley S, Coombes RC, Gibb J, The role of hormonal manipulation in the management of breast cancer. In Current Management of breast cancer, Toronto: MES An analysis of possible prognostic features of long term and Medical Education Services Eds Margolese R Pubs Citation, 8-9 short term survivors of metastatic breast cancer. Eur J Cancer 22, Powles TJ, Gallagher CJ, Ashley SE, Fenlon D, O`Keeffe AP Dowsett M, Goss PE, Powles TJ, Hutchinson G, Brodie AMH, Mitomycin C used in combination with Mitozantrone and Methotrexate as first line cytotoxic treatment of disseminated Use of the Aromatase inhibitor, 4 hydroxyandrostenedione in breast cancer. IN New Trends in Cancer Chemotherapy with postmenopausal breast cancer: Optimisation of therapeutic dose Mitomycin C Eds Taguchi T, Andrysek O. Pubs Excerpta Medica, and route. Cancer Research, 47, 1957-1961 (1987).
Bellamy EA, Nicholas D, Ward M, Coombes RC, Powles TJ, Prostaglandins and Cancer: Clinical Approaches. IN Prostaglandins in Cancer Research Eds Garaci E, Paoletti R, Santoro MG, Pubs Comparison of Computed Tomography and Conventional Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 184-189 (1987).
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Do we have a clinically useful breast cancer risk reduction agent for healthy women? Nature Clinical Practice Oncology 2006; 3 Powles TJ. Global issues of chemoprevention in breast cancer. In Rayter Z, editor. Current Innovations in the treatment and prevention of breast cancer. London: Royal Society of Medicine S Martino, J Costantino, M McNabb, J Mershon, K Bryant, T Powles, R Secrest. The role of selective estrogen receptor modulators in the prevention of breast cancer: comparison of theclinical trials. The Andrea Z. LaCroix*, Trevor Powles, C. Kent Osborne, Kevin Wolter, John R. Thompson, David D. Thompson, Craig Allred, Roisín Armstrong, Steve R. Cummings, Richard Eastell, Kristine E. Ensrud, Paul Goss, Andy Lee, Patrick Neven, David M. Reid, Madelyn Trevor J Powles, Sue Ashley, Alwynne Tidy, Ian E Smith, Mitch Curto, Slobodan Vukicevic, on behalf of the PEARL Investigators. Breast Cancer Incidence in the PEARL Trial of Lasofoxifene in Twenty-year Follow-up of the Royal Marsden Randomized, Postmenopausal Osteoporotic Women. JNCI, 2010; 102: 1706- Double-Blinded Tamoxifen Breast Cancer Prevention Trial. J Natl 358
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Trevor Powles1, Susan Diem2, Larry Wickerham3, David Cox4, Messan Amewou-Atisso4, Donato Agnusdei4, David Muram4, Bruce Mitlak4, Steven Cummings5 Effects of Arzoxifene on Breast Cancer incidence in Postmenopausal Women with Osteoporosis or with Low Bone Mass (Abs) St Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, 2009.
Steven R. Cummings, Michael McClung, Jean-Yves Reginster, David Cox, Bruce Mitlak, John Stock, Messan Amewou-Atisso, Trevor Powles, Paul Miller, J Zanchetta, Claus Christiansen. Arzoxifene for prevention of fractures and invasive breast cancer in postmenopausal women. J Bone Mineral Research 2010, July 23, epub.
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Trevor Powles. Prevention of breast cancer by newer SERMs and the future (Abs). 6th International Conference on Clinical Cancer Prevention, St Gallen 2010. Eur J Cancer 2010; 8 (2): 6 (S19). Trevor J. Powles, Susan J. Diem, Carol J Fabian, Patrick Neven, D Lawrence Wickerham, David A Cox, David Muram, Donato Agnusdei, Sherie A. Dowsett, Messan Amewou-Atisso, Steven R. Cummings. Breast cancer incidence in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis or low bone mass using arzoxifene. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2012 Apr 8.


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