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Microsoft word - spray tan advice.doc

Tel: 0161 476 3301 Mobile: 07903 162 041 How to Prepare for your Spray Tan:
*Please wax or shave at least 24hrs prior to your Spray Tan - this allows enough time for your
pores to close again.
*Exfoliate your body 24hrs pior your Spray Tan using an exfoliating mitt or brush, paying
particular attention to any very dry areas such as elbows, knees, feet etc. This will remove
dead skin cells and help make your tan apply more evenly and last longer. Avoid
any products containing oil including shower gels, exfoliating products etc. If you wish to
moisturise your skin afterwards, use an OIL FREE body lotion or cream.
*Lash Tints - must be carried out at least 12 hrs prior to your spray tan On the Day of your Tan
*Avoid using any products e.g shower gels, facial/baby wipes, creams, lotions etc which contain
OIL including paraffinum liquidim (mineral oil). Don't wear jewellery, make up, deodorant, body
spray or perfume. These all act as a barrier to the spray tan.
*If you wear Acrylic or Gel Nails please paint them with clear nail varnish or cover them with a
little vaseline. This will help prevent them from being stained by the Spray Tan
*Wear old dark (to avoid the tan rubbing off and staining) coloured underwear, bikini, swimsuit
or whatever else you feel comfortable in. Wear Flip Flops and dark loose fitting clothes so
that they don't cling to your skin or rub against your Spray Tan whilst it is developing. If it is
raining, bring an umbrella and protective shoesIf you drive and your car has light seats, place
an old towel on your seat to avoid staining.
After your Tan - whilst your tan is developing - 6 to 8 hrs after your Spraytan

*Don't exercise, swim, use a sauna, jacuzzi or cause excessive perspiration during the time that your tan is developing *Continue to wear dark, loose fitting clothes *Avoid touching your body with your palms. If you do stain your palms mix a little Bicarb of Soda with lemon and rub it on your palms to help remove. *Don't use any products on your skin and avoid water. If it is sunny outside, remember that you can’t wear any SPF Cream/Lotion whilst your tan is developing so avoid sunbathing as you may burn. *Whilst your tan is developing pat a little baby powder under your armpits so that any perspiration does not affect your developing tan. If you develop darker patches under your armpits, wipe with a moissturing baby wipe to remove taking care to avoid the areas of your tan which you are happy with. * Wait at least 8hrs for your tan to develop BEFORE washing your skin. If you can wait
12hrs, then that is even better
. Once you are ready to shower, do so with a mild shower gel,
DON'T exfoliate and gently pat the skin dry. THIS TIMEFRAME EXCLUDES THE RAPID TAN
which develops in 2hrs for a light-medium tan and 3-4hrs for a darker tan, so you may
shower after these timescales. Some colour will wash off in the shower. This is normal and just
the excess "colour guide" coming off your skin.
Tips to maintain your tan

*Moisturise your skin every morning and evening using an OIL FREE moisturiser - avoid
exfoliating your skin.

*Take Showers, use a soft poof or cloth and use a mild shower gel. Avoid Long Baths, Saunas, Jacuzzis and Swimming - they will fade your tan faster *Avoid shaving with a blunt razor, rubbing your skin too hard when showering or when drying yourself with a towel, just gently pat dry. *Avoid the following products as they will fade your tan faster - bar soaps, alcohol based
products such as toners, or products containing ingredients which cause exfoliation such as
AHA's, BHA's, Retin A etc please see below for the full list.
*Your tan will start to fade on your hands, feet and face before the rest of your body as these areas are washed more often. Once this starts to happen, gently exfoliate your skin. *To remove your old spray tan, apply baby oil to your body and leave for 10 mins. Wash of with an exfoliating mitt and shower gel. Products or Ingredients in Products to Avoid This is a list of commonly used body and facial care products that CAN have a detrimental effect on a spray tan. This is not all-inclusive and not everyone will have a problem with these products. This is a Guide only. The following products or ingredients can lighten, fade a Spray Tan or make it blotchy AHA’s – Alpha Hydroxy Acids – Glycolic, Lactic, malic, Citric and Tartaric Anti Acne products that exfoliate or dry the skin – Accutane and Salicylic Acid can cause tan fading. Anti aging products that “renew” or “refresh” or otherwise exfoliate the skin Band Aid or adhesive tape including the block pore tape applied to the skin will “pull” the tan off Bar Soaps especially deodorant or antibacterial types, Imperial Leather Soaps and Shower Gel Dove Soap and Dove Shower Gel, Curel Lotions will fade a tan faster on some people. BHA Products (Beta Hydroxy Acids) Body Hair Bleach Products will bleach the skin Bug Spray, Perfumes, Body Sprays when sprayed directly onto the skin can remove or fade the tan. Instead spray clothing or spray a “cloud” of spray you can walk through instead of spraying directly onto the skin Facial masks and exfoliating scrubs Hair Inhibiting Lotions e.g Jergens tend to make a spraytan turn yellow If you exercise and sweat heavily your tan can fade faster, especially in body fold areas In Winter skin is often dry and your tan will fade faster. Switch to twice daily moisturizer use. Use a lotion after showering on damp skin. Try a heavier body cream or butter just before bed. Make Up Remover or Wipes, Baby Oil can all strip your tan Retin A type products (Retin A, Renova, Tanzorac, Tretinoin) all will cause faster fading Shaving exfoliates the skin so fades a tan. Use a sharp clean razor as a blunt razor scrapes of more skin and tan. An electric razor or epilator will fade tan less. Bathing in a Jacuzzi or Swimming pool, Chlorine can fade your tan. Even a long hot bath can affect your tan Sweating feet inside shoes or behind knees and arm bends can fade a tan or make the colour guide look greenish or yellow Toners containing Alcohols or Witch Hazel in the top 3 ingredients can fade a tan Wax or Hair Removal Products such as Nair, Veet, Neet etc will fade your tan


Chemical peel before & after treatment instructions

chemical peel before & after treatment instructions Please follow the instructions below to prepare for your treatment. Your compliance with your pre- and post-peel instructions will greatly affect the outcome of your treatment. Before treatment: 1. Refrain from these activities for 7 days prior to your treatment: Do not have another treatment, unless recommended. Avoid


Conseil Municipal : Séance du 11 octobre 2012 Sous la Présidence de Monsieur Philippe CANOT, Maire. Présents : Mmes Copinne, Peltier et Roynette Mrs Arnould, Ducoudray, Hugueville, Peltier et Valsesia . Absents : Mr Robin procuration à Mr Valsesia. Mme Lesage procuration à Mr Peltier. Secrétaire de séance : Mme Copinne Jeannine. Approbation du procès-ver

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